Written Assignment On Unit 2

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Written Assignment Unit 2: role peer assesment

University of the People


Roberta Walker, Instructor

Jun 30, 2021

By mintesnot biniyam

According to University of Strathclyde Glasgow. (2007). Research on peer review. ‘’Peer

review develops important skills in students that help enhance learning and understanding.

Peer review also prepares students for life beyond university as it helps develop their

capacity to evaluate the quality and impact of their own work and the work produced by

others. ‘peer assessment is one of the main learning mearhods of university of the people

which is applied in discussion forum as well as on written assignment students must give

feedbacks for at list three of classmates and also they receive feedbacks from other three peers

based on assessment criteria which given from instructor.

What is peer assessment and why do we use it at University of the people?

Peer assessment is one of the methods of assessment, which used in universities .peer

assessment is assessing peers work by giving points and by giving supportive feedbacks. It is

very beneficial process for both feedback giver and feedback accepter. When someone is give

feedback for one of peer assignment, additionally he will gain more new information. as well as

when someone is receive feedback from peers it will help him to gather others perspective

which may he not seen previously then it reconstruct himself for next journey.

Peer assessment is also used at university of the people because university of the people have

strong position on collaborative working (collaborative working is the main learning method at

uopeople) then peer assessment too is one of the application of collaborative learning then

university of people use pear assessment in order to attain collaborative working .

What are the benefits of peer assessment?

As I try to mention above peer assessment have many advantage in both feedback giving and

feedback accepting side .peer assessment also used to checking one’s personal performance in

term of giving and accepting feedback ,exercising life after class like of life in work area, life on

social life and personal life in term of accepting and giving feedback and suggestions in order to

solve some problems.

What are the challenges of giving peer feedback in peer assessment?

Even if giving feedback in peer assessment is more useful, it is not easy to assess such peer

assessment. first it is same what difficult to understand the main idea which writers try to

transfer through writing , sometimes it is difficult to give points based on criteria which

instructor give instead of assessing, It may be in intermediate of two criteria’s and sometimes

the writing may not qualify listed criteria but when you read it may be rationale at that time it is

difficult to assess.

What are challenges of receiving peer feedback in peer assessment?

In order to receiving feedbacks in peer assessment peer may be misunderstand your writing so

it is difficult to accept such like feedback and also because of different persons have different

personality someone may be aggressive on your writing at that time he may don’t give you

good feedback, that is challenged to receive such like feedbacks.

What strategies will you use to peer assess written assignments? How will you assess

discussion assignments?

When I assess peer assignment first I will try to focus only on current states of writing Ruther

than previous performance next to that primarily will focus on referring criteria’s with writings

then next other rational points which writing mention and also checking plagiarism is my
another task in order to asses peer assessment then finally I will try to recognize other things

and try to be more rational and give point as well as give feedback. As well as in assessing

discussion assignments first I read deeply in order to understand writing and give rare and

supportive feedbacks.


Generally, peer assessment is very beneficial method of assessment, which used for both

feedback giver and feedback accepter however giving and accepting peer assessment may be

challenging but at all, it is useful aspect.


Rosa, S. S., Coutinho, C. P., & Flores, M. A. (2016). Online peer assessment: Method and digital

technologies. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 228, 418–423. Retrieved

University of Strathclyde Glasgow. (2007). Research on peer review. Peer Evaluation in Education


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