Activity No. 1 LIT 11

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LIT 11

Name: Kaileen Dale L. Alpuerto

Program & Year Level: BSED – II Social Studies

Directions: Written below are questions related to the last meeting’s discussion. Please provide
your original answers.

1. As a student, what are the benefits that you will gain from studying literature? 
 As a student studying literature for me help me gain life lessons relying upon
what I had perused. It likewise helps me improved my vocabulary and my
compositions. Studying literature keeps my imaginative and creative mind process
in which I gain entertainment through it.

2. Give the recap of last Tuesday’s discussion. Explain it in 5-8 sentences. 

 Last Tuesday’s discussion is the introduction to literature. Where is defined
according to its source ‘Webster’ as a body of work, either written, oral, or visual,
containing imaginative language that realistically portrays a thought, emotions,
and experiences of the human condition. It also discussed the reasons for learning
literature and were explained by three (3) models The Cultural Model, The
Language Model, and The Personal Growth Model. The ideas of
teaching/learning literature were tackled. And lastly, the process of studying
literature is also present in Tuesday’s discussion.

3. Mention a book title or any literary text and elaborate it using the three models. Say
something about its cultural aspects, language usage and its impact that contributes to
your personal growth. 
 City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments Series) by Cassandra Clare
 The book City of Bones entails an ordinary teenage girl Clary Fray living
an ordinary life then, later on, learns that she's descended from a line of
Shadowhunters -- half-angel warriors who protect humanity from evil
forces. In the book, the races were specific, like Shadowhunters,
Vampires, Werewolves, Warlocks, Nephilims, and Mundanes (Humans).
This race shows their different beliefs, behaviors, norms, language, and
many more just like the warlock they believe that they can’t love other
races or groups. Nephilims have a behavior of being secretive, in the sense
that they know something but they won’t tell. While vampires have norms,
a ritual is precise shows, the process of how to be one of them. And these
races use their different languages such as werewolves howling is their
language used, Warlocks have also their usage of language same as other
races. So the book City of Bones is Sci-fi despite, there is still an impact
for me that contributes to my personal growth. In the book, before Clary’s
mother disappear they argued, and that is where she found out everything
about her mother’s secrets. Then Clary joins forces with a group of
Shadowhunters and enters Downworld. Clary and her companions must
find and protect an ancient cup that holds the key to her mother's future for
her to find her mother. I have realized in this book that no matter how hard
you try to hide the truth it will always come out in the end because lies are
just a temporary delay to the inevitable. And also, no matter how
rebellious you are, you will always do everything just to be reunited with
your mother. As they always say, mother knows best.

4. Why is it important to allow vulnerability in learning literature? 

 In learning, vulnerability is important to allow oneself in understanding different
perspectives especially in studying literature since literature is a kind of works
that has depth artistic merits, and valuable moments in each work. By being
vulnerable we absorb, apply, and share the life lessons in it with other people.

5. Explain this statement. “That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your
longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone.  You
belong.” ~F. Scott Fitzgerald
 Literature has many powerful and superb things to offer. By reading literature, we
have discovered that our feelings or sentiments are the same as the others in
which literature brings and connects people through emotions. Once we realized
that we have universal emotions, we don’t feel forlorn and isolated from anyone,
and we sense that we belong in society.

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