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Name: Mhel Kathleen M.

Tampos ReEd 3 (12:20-2:00pm) M-T-W-Th-F

Course & Year: BSMA-3 Date: June 28, 2021


1. What is the main idea of the topic?

The Main idea of this topic is that the Freedom, Conscience and Grace would help the
Christian Community to achieve the Catholic Morality. It has been said that the Catholic faith
commitment is not about being forced into servitude or obedience to a Monarchical God, but
using one’s freedom to respond to and commit to the relationship being offered by a gracious,
loving and just God. These three aspects of Catholic Moral Theology would serve as our
guidance and our rights as a Son of God. We have freedom in everything that we do, but to
morally good, our conscience was there to enlightened us and would warn us to not to do
unethical and immoral act towards other people. By doing such thing, we can follow the path of
our saviour Jesus Christ and we can receive His biggest blessings, the grace of Christ is not
something that we can achieve easily, for the Grace of the Lord is only given to those who
believed in God, and to those who follow the Catholic Moral Theology.

2. What is the implication/importance of the topic as a Josenian Student?

As a Josenian Student, it is very much important to give importance to our Freedom,
Conscience and Grace. By studying this topic, it would enlighten our mind to be morally good
towards other people. We have freedom in everything that we do, but we are a Josenian student
so we limit ourselves to do such things that could harm other people. Since the Josenian
community surrounds us, our conscience would remind our purpose in school, that we should
study instead of partying and that we should follow the rules and regulations in school to avoid
any sanctions from SAO. To be in this Catholic School also help us to easily achieve the Grace
of the Lord.
Therefore, we should give importance to this topic because this is one way to have a peace
and harmonious relationship with Josenian Community, and to achieve the Catholic Morality

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