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SPHM Hospitality

SPHM Hospitality



Jl. Mela No. 65 Blok G,

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Mobile: +62 878 6162 3599

Email: VP_Marke
Jl. Mela No. 65 Blok G, DRS. A. AGUS PURWANTO, SE MM
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia President Director


Mobile: +62 878 6162 3599 26 April 2020
Email: VP_Marke 8:00 PM
Chapter 1 Chapter 2



• Company Prospec ve

• Scope of Services







• Our Company

• Progress Report

• Recommenda on OVERVIEW
SPHM Hospitality was a former Sun Paradise Hotels
• Overview Management opera ng in Vietnam, Laos and Cam-
CASE STUDY bodia and in 2012 we withdrew our intellectual
rights and we brought them back to Indonesia.

• Overview At the moment we are looking for clients to be man-

aged professionally.
• Project Cost

• Cost Breakdown At the moment we are looking for clients to be man-


Our Company
Drs. A. Agus Purwanto, SE MM
SPHH Hospitality—Hotel Management Division. SPHM Hospitality—Hotel Development Division
39 Years experience in hospitality business, hotels, golf
We provide hotel management services from the prepa- We are provide a Feasibility Study, Business Plan, assis-
course and country club, water park and theme park, res-
ra on of feasibility studies, ten years compila on of tance to proceed bank loan, preparing hotel develop-
taurant. He is a President Director of this company and
Business Plans, Hotel Pre-Opening, Hotel Management, ment modeling, procurement service and development
before Vice President Opera on, Corporate Finance
Hotel Internal Audit and helping get working capital technical assistant.
Officer, 4 mes General Manager, Director of Finance.
These experience in overseas and in Indonesia.
SPHH Hospitality—Golf Management Division. SPHH Hospitality—Water Management Division.
We provide golf management services from the prepara- We provide water park management services from the
on of feasibility studies, ten years compila on of Busi- prepara on of feasibility studies, ten years compila on
ness Plans, Golf Pre-Opening, Golf Management, Golf of Business Plans, Water Park Pre-Opening, Water Park
Internal Audit and helping get working capital Management, Water Park Internal Audit and helping get
working capital
Freddy Pantouw, CMTA, CHT, CHA
Over than 30 years experience in hospitality business pro-
fessional hotelier. He is a Vice President of this company
and before as Chief Hospitality Professional Assessor and
before Hotel Owner Representa ve, Execu ve Assistant
Company Prospec ve Scope of Service Manager, Director of Finance

Companies assume social responsibility (Corporate Social

Responsibility) in different manners depending on the
size of the opera on and the industry. Responsible busi-
ness prac ces, however, always include:

1. Compliance with laws, industry standards and inter-

na onal agreements (within the scope of good Cor-
Connec on Growth Michael Cousins
porate Governance and Compliance). Over than 25 years experience in hospitality business es-

2. Assuming social, ecological and economic responsi- pecially in cruises business opera on and building inspec-

bility in the core business opera on (Sustainable tor. He is a Vice President Development of this company

Management). and before as Product Director for Hotels and Cruises

3. Social commitment that goes beyond the core busi-
ness (Corporate Ci zenship)
Target List Engagement

Connec ng Monitoring Employement

Businesses Growth Evalua on

Involves a rela on between Management will also use business An employee evalua on is
a business carried on by a non- reports for tracking growth and the the assessment and review of a work-
resident which yields profits or gains company’s progress, iden fying er's job performance. Most companies
and some ac vity in the taxable terri- trends and any anomalies which may have an employee evalua on system
tories which contributes directly or need inves ga ng. Having a thorough wherein employees are evaluated on a
indirectly to the earning of those and reliable set of data about your regular basis (o en once a year). Typi-
profits or gains. business means it can be regularly cally these assessments are done at year
consulted and shown to poten al -end or on the employee's service anni- Business Plan Business Partnership with SPHM Hospitality

Business plans are important to allow a company to lay If your business will be owned and operated by several
out its goals and a ract investment. They are also a way individuals, you'll want to take a look at structuring your
for companies to keep themselves on track going for- business as a partnership. Partnerships come in two
ward. varie es: general partnerships and limited partnerships.
In a general partnership, the partners manage the com-
Although they're especially useful for new companies,
pany and assume responsibility for the partnership's
every company should have a business plan. Ideally, a
debts and other obliga ons. A limited partnership has
company would revisit the plan periodically to see if
both general and limited partners. The general partners
goals have been met or have changed and evolved.
own and operate the business and assume liability for
Providing Business Some mes, a new business plan is prepared for an es-
Business the partnership, while the limited partners serve as in-
Checklist Nego a on Partnership tablished business that is moving in a new direc on.
vestors only; they have no control over the company

A checklist is a list of all the things Nego a ons can be called as a way of A legal form of business opera on be- and are not subject to the same liabili es as the general
that you need to do, informa on that resolving disputes. It is considered as tween two or more individuals who partners.
you want to find out, or things that being synonymous to se lement, share management and profits. The fed-
you need to take somewhere, which agreement, collabora on and bar- eral government recognizes several
you make in order to ensure that you
do not forget anything.

Our Company Overview

Taking over a hotel is an art if orchestrated properly A er choosing the best management company and signing the contract, the single most important phase of a management
or a disaster that can have a long-term effect on reve- change is the actual takeover process. When trying to merge new management processes with old management habits, all
nues, expenses, and overall pro tability. SPHM Hos- transi ons present unique challenges and almost always a new twist. HVS Hotel management has developed a comphren-

pitality a Hotel Management has experienced many sive takeover checklist that assures a smooth and uncomplicated transi on. Some of the cri cal areas of a takeover are re-
viewed in this ar cle.
successful management takeovers, due mainly to the
extensive preparation and detailed checklists we have
designed and implemented.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Inspec ons

We take over your hotel opera ons Deliver and Imple-

ment new System

Progress Report

An assessment that takes place during a project or pro- Running Opera on

cess, that conveys details such as what sub-goals have
been accomplished, what resources have been expend-
ed, what problems have been encountered, and wheth-
er the project or process is expected to be completed on
Evalua on New System
me and within budget. Progress reports are used by
management to determine whether changes are neces-
sary to an ongoing effort.

Recommenda on
Analysis & Final
We will come up with recommenda on that neces- Trial Run
sary to fix and to change and with sugges on for im-
provement process

Implementa on Stage Model Prototyping Overview

One of the most widely u lized benchmarks in the hotel Cogni ve categoriza on is defined as “the cogni ve Hotel pricing strategy is a must-have for today’s hoteliers to increase their overall profitability. Hotel revenue manag-
industry is Revenue Per Available Room, also commonly process of iden fying a par cular. How leader- ers should understand various aspects including distribu on mix, demand forecast, compe on pricing and consum-
known as RevPAR. Hotels rely heavily on this data to ship prototypes have evolved in the par cular context ers’ buying trends, etc. to manage pricing more effec vely and to increase hotel profit. .
understand how their property is performing compared of the hotel industry in Indonesia and the possible im-
to others in the marketplace. pacts that na onal culture

Hotel Performance Benchmark above is not thinking In the hospitality industry, the most com- Hotel Room Price
from owner interest, when a hotel had build with mon leadership style is the autocra c style because of
totally above with compe tor an owner want the unpredictable demands in the hospitality industry. This Pricing strategies in the hotel industry is one topic that will forever be discussed by hoteliers the world over. A erall, there
RevPar higher than compe tor creates some difficul es to adopt the par cipa- is no magic mantra that is universally approved for hotels to achieve their goals! The room rent you charge for your hotel
ve leadership style, since there are deep roots of auto- rooms plays a very important role in your business, especially when you are trying to sell more rooms. A misguided room
SPHM Hospitality will contract the price based on cra c leadership style in hospitality industry pricing strategy will not help, as it can’t a ract guests to book with you. Pricing your rooms at the right price at the right
level of hotel cost to build. me will help you sell more rooms and boost your occupancy, which ul mately leads to increased profitability.
SPHM Hospitality must fix this situa on

Integrate web booking engine, get

more direct bookings

Study Change Market Analysis and Final Study

Since, your hotel website is up and running, it’s now

For short term, we will to accelerate on occupancy SPHM Hospitality as en ty of Sun Paradise Hotel & me to get more direct bookings through it. Sta s cs

with exis ng market and we implement to switching Resorts has been prepared a tools to monitoring our show that you are likely to face less booking cancella-
new market with good prices by introducing our ho- effec veness in implement of any efforts. So, an ob- on on reserva ons coming directly, and this means
tel to new market through sales mission or trade jec ve measurement can be reported to hotel own- increased occupancy, and even increased booking
show. er. revenue. For this, your website should be integrated
with a hotel web booking engine. You can also imple- Hotel Solu on only can handle by Hotel Operator who
Keeping Exis ng Market: Monitoring old Loyal Customer: understand the technology, Some government hotels has
ment the same strategy with your Facebook page
We don’t want loss loyal customers in exis ng mar- Measuring poten al market, to set target, to meas- older employees and they are resistance with any chang-
with a ‘book now’ bu on ing as well the private hotel. In other hand the technolo-
ket by developing Loyal Customer Database. So, we uring the result. By to provided managers report and
gy in hospitality business are fast change today.
can remain them for their special day to their to teach managers to analyze their datas.
handheld phone.
Monitoring New Market:
Develop New Market: By providing a virtual poten al market and in-
Don’t wai ng a schedule of Trade Show, we can struc ng to managers to implement and monitoring
open our channel manager to as many of OTA’s by daily basis.


In the hospitality industry, the most com- Introduc on:

mon leadership style is the autocra c style because of Improving hotels is more complicated than opening
unpredictable demands in the hospitality industry. This new hotels, so it takes the SPHM Hospitality Team who
creates some difficul es to adopt the par cipa- on average have the exper se to manage situa ons
ve leadership style, since there are deep roots of auto- like this.
cra c leadership style in hospitality industry
Scope of Se ling Up Hotel:
SPHM Hospitality have full source management and 1. Employee Habit and Moral
we believe all leader will loyal because not only 2. Hotel S.O.P
compensate with salary only, they will got compen- 3. Hotel Reserva on System
sate also with their development in their career. 4. Hotel Computerize System Protec on
5. Hotel Equipment's
We always develop the leader by involving them in
6. Assets Management
any aspect of management.

First Step:
SPHM Hospitality will conduct Audit of Employee Mor-
al and Habit

SPHM Hospitality will conduct computerize audit, in-

Workplace stress then is the harmful physical and emo- clude PMS, POS, Server, PABX and Reserva on System.

onal responses that can happen when there is a con-

flict between job demands on the employee and the Third:

amount of control an employee has over mee ng these SPHM Hospitality will conduct audit Sales Marke ng.


REDUCE THEM STRAIGHT AWAY SPHM Hospitality will conduct Energy Audit.

1. Encourage Open Communica on.

Fi h:
2. Offer Mental and Physical Health Benefits.
3. Bring in Medita on Classes. SPHM Hospitality will conduct Internal Audit for all hotel
4. Offer Paid Time Off. opera ons.
5. Encourage Employees to Take Breaks.
6. Take the Team Out on Company Offsites.
7. Bring Some Diversions into the Office.
8. Consider Flexible Work Schedules.

Chapter 2

From overall our research a lot property were old fashion. We have to keeping up with the latest technology trends
is essen al for those opera ng in the hospitality industry, because the industry itself is extremely compe ve. This
means that those who fail to adapt can quickly find that they are being le behind by hotel and travel companies
that have implemented new approaches and ideas. In this ar cle, you will find seven of the latest technology trends
that hospitality companies should be aware of.

Our hotel must be grasped by everyone, meaning that
our marke ng must be accessible to mobile phones

The reserva on system must be integrated with chan-

nel management so that it can be directly connected to
our booking engine.

SECOND CHANGE The hospitality industry includes the hotel and motel, or
A Revenue Manager is more func onal than a DOSM, to lodging, trade. As defined by the Council on Hotel, Restau-
run Revenue Management. rant and Ins tu onal Educa on, it also includes food ser-

SPHM Hospitality will direct a more intensive Revenue vices, recrea on services, and tourism. The hospitality in-

Manager to be able to accelerate hotel revenue in- dustry provides accommoda ons, meals, and personal ser-

creases. vices for both the traveling public and permanent resi-
dents. .


A business strategy is a set of compe ve moves and ac ons that a business uses to a ract customers, compete We have put together a complete hotel internet marke ng plan for independent hotels on how to drive direct sales.
successfully, strengthening performance, and achieve organisa onal goals. It outlines how business should be And take note, these marke ng techniques, ps, ideas and best prac ces can be implemented in any hotel! .
carried out to reach the desired ends.

Target Market
Business Growth Target Business Growth Sta s cs
A hotel target market refers to the specific type of people
Business Growth Strategy. Strategy used to increase Growth rates refer to the percentage change of a specific
or groups who you already to a lot of business with. Or
the size and scope of the business to a certain level that variable within a specific me period. For inves-
maybe they're a type of customer you'd like to a ract
is more desirable. Business growth strategies include tors, growth rates typically represent the compounded
more of. Either way, every hotel must align
product and customer diversifica on, integra on, and annualized rate of growth of a company's revenues,
their marke ng and sales efforts if they want to a ract
regional expansion. earnings, dividends or hotel opera on, such as gross op-
and book more of these ideal guests.
era ng profit (GOP) and revenue wise.

50% Strategy Plan
Target Engagement (Monthly)
Effec ve hotel marke ng means poten al guests and cus-
tomers alike will be impacted by your brand wherever and
however they choose to research, plan, and book their
10% trip.
Cost & Expenses Cost
By using Channel Management we can engage more guest
Gross Operating Profit within one monthly

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