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Reo Lynn April O.

Manansala Teacher 1


Assignment 2

Part 1:

21st Century Classroom Facilitation Skills Questionnaire

Aspects Observations Strengths Areas to Improve Action Points

Facilitation Style Retained the Created an Give more time to let Provided intrinsic
interest of the interactive and the students think and extrinsic
learners through creative and evaluate their motivation.
active instructional answers.
questioning and video lesson. Encourage students
by giving learners to be more
intrinsic and Delivered the engaging in the
extrinsic lesson clearly virtual lesson.
motivation. It has and with
been also conviction.
observed that my
facilitation style is Well-modulated
a collaboration of voice
and facilitator
Accommodation of Students’ Integrated Integrated Give group activities It is evident in the
Learning Styles students’ learning differentiated to allow collaboration evaluation of
through varied activities where among students. learning at the end
instructional students will be of the lesson.
strategies and able to
teaching. experience
different ways of
expressing what
they learn.

Provision of Learning environment that is conductive for:

Active learning I use the question I exhibited Avoid asking I elicit the critical
and answer stimulated repeated or same thinking and active
strategy to elicit activity where thought questions. learning
active learning. students are able throughout the
to engage their video lesson.
Higher order thinking I asked questions Students are able Give more time to let The strategy itself
where students to express their the students think let the students
are able to own ideas and and construct their think critically.
expound their experiences in answers.
answers and answering the
share their own questions I asked
experience. them.
Contextual learning The examples My students are Give example that is Contextualized
given in the able to answer happening inside the learning made the
lesson are the questions classroom and make students
contextualized. actively since the learners name as understand better
they are familiar characters. and clearly the
with the lesson.
situations and
Questioning and reacting skills I manifested I asked questions Must encourage the Teacher must
making profound to the students students to expound acknowledge more
questions that that make them more their answers. and appreciate the
make the think critically. students who
students to think answered correctly.

Part 2:

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