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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Biden weighs order to check RBI tightens leash on coop the power of big biz uP1 lenders’ operations uP1
94 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2021

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Thursday, July 1, 2021

Thursday, July 1, 2021

mint primer QUICK EDIT

What is in store Marginal

for accredited impact
There’s little doubt that the role
investors in India? of independent directors on
company boards needs regula-
tory attention if corporate gov-
BY NEIL BORATE ernance in India is to improve.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has come up with a However, it’s not altogether
framework creating so-called accredited investors, with relaxations for clear if tightening existing
high-value investment vehicles. While details are awaited, a previous norms will achieve very much.
Sebi consultation paper provides an outline. Mint takes a look: This week, the Securities and
Exchange Board of India raised
New investor class the minimum proportion of
The concept of high net-worth investors accredited by Sebi is likely to independent directors that a
transform the financial services industry, with rules being relaxed for financial firm’s nomination and remu-
services providers serving such investors. neration panel must have from
Benefits of being an No. of US dollar millionaires (equivalent) half to two-thirds. Also, their
accredited investor in India by net worth appointment and removal will
Number of require a special resolution that
MINIMUM ticket size adults with
relaxation in PMS/AIF would take a three-fourths vote
764,000 698,000 above rather than a simple majority of
MORE flexibility in
PMS/AIF (2019) (2020) $50 million shareholders to be approved.
4,600 A few other measures have
advisory fees can be
also been announced to protect
set mutually, without the independence of such
(dollar millionaires have wealth around 7.5 crore, the limit set by
regulatory caps Sebi for accredited investors) directors from ownership-
Source: Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2021 aligned managements. Broadly,
the idea is to empower them to
Who is an accredited What relaxations has keep watch on a company’s
1 investor?
A Sebi consultation paper in
2 the regulator proposed?
Currently, those interested in
affairs on behalf of stakeholders
who are not promoters. But a
February 2021 defined an portfolio management schemes quantitative tilt in their favour
accredited individual investor as (PMS) and alternative investment and higher voting thresholds
someone who satisfies at least one funds (AIFs) must invest at least won’t do much to curb business
of three conditions. One, the ₹50 lakh and ₹1 crore, respectively; misgovernance if shareholder
investor has a net worth of these thresholds won’t apply to democracy remains weak in the
₹7.5 crore, with at least half of it in accredited investors. Second,
country. Non-aligned directors
financial assets. Two, the investor current rules mandate AIFs to
has an annual income greater than make diversified investments, with need to derive their voice from
₹2 crore. Three, the individual has strict conditions for launch of those they represent. Share-
an annual income greater than ₹1 schemes, and extension of tenure. holder apathy, though, lets
crore and net worth greater than Sebi has proposed to allow the C-suite executives hold sway.
₹5 crore with at least half this formation of AIFs where these
amount in financial assets. For rules are more relaxed, creating a
trusts and body corporates, the net potential high-return, high-risk
worth threshold is ₹50 crore. The investment avenue, but open only
primary residence of an individual
cannot be counted in the net
to accredited investors. They must
invest a minimum of ₹70 crore in
worth calculation. such AIFs. by Bibek Debroy

A lawyer has gift of the grab

3 How do such investors get
The Sebi paper says there will be
And argues against the jab.
accreditation agencies to conduct the
As vaccines start to heal,
process, likely to be stock exchanges, What does one do to anneal
depositories or subsidiaries of stock
exchanges/depositories. The accreditation
Those intent on forming a scab?
will be valid for one year from the date of
accreditation. It is not clear if Sebi will
prescribe any knowledge or expertise test
in the final accreditation framework. QUOTE OF THE DAY
One of the paradoxes of our era
4 What are the changes
for advisers? 5
Accredited investors will have the
Are there any concerns
about the framework?
The focus on net worth rather than
is that the real problems are all
flexibility to determine the limits financial knowledge or experience
global. Climate change is global,
and modes of fees payable to the in the consultation paper can be terrorism is global, pandemics
investment adviser through somewhat restrictive. There may
mutually negotiated contractual be wealthy individuals who are not
are global. But our response
terms. For other investors, Sebi has financially savvy or highly tends to be national.
fixed a ceiling of ₹1.25 lakh if a flat knowledgeable small investors who
fee is charged, and 2.5% of assets do not satisfy the net worth
under advice if a fee linked to assets requirements for accreditation.
is charged. Investment advisers can Basing income and net worth on a
only collect fees for a maximum of single year’s income tax return, as S. JAISHANKAR
two quarters in advance. This suggested in the paper, may not be FOREIGN MINISTER
structure may not be suitable for comprehensive enough. It may
high net-worth investors who may also create a new ‘class system’ in
be willing to pay a high flat fee. financial services with greater
Accreditation will solve this issue. flexibility for the privileged few.

The company has The firm is targeting
guided for 10-15% revenue of $5 billion
revenue growth, in FY26. Revenue
11-12% Ebitda margin growth will be
and ₹2,500 crore driven by underly-
₹450 ₹290
order inflow in FY22. ing industry growth,
₹411.75 We have raised our ₹225 and premiumiza-
FY22-FY23 esti- tion, among others.
mates to account for a pick-up in exe- We are factoring in revenue/earn-
cution of a strong order book. ings CAGR of 12%/14% over FY21-24.
HDFC Securities (on 29 June) Emkay Global Financial Services (on 28 June)


Tata Consumer The firm has shown SUBSCRIBE TO
Products Ltd (TCPL) strong recovery after OUR NEWSLETTER
has high growth cat- resolving supply TOP OF THE MORNING
egories like pulses issues, resulting in
and spices that are volume growth. It
₹812 ₹1,305
supported by a con- could benefit from
₹753.80 sumption shift from ₹982.80 strong tailwinds for
loose to packaged mass segment ciga-
food. Tailwinds of at-home consump- rette sales and entry into the south
tion would aid growth. with its Marlboro brand.
Anand Rathi Research (on 29 June) Centrum Broking (on 28 June)

Disclaimer: The views and recommendations made above are those of individual analysts or broking companies, and not of Mint.

Many religions coexist

in India, but uneasily

ndians profess respect for all religions but want to live their own lives among co-religionists, a new survey conducted by
the Pew Research Centre shows. A majority across religions believe that stopping inter-religious marriage should be a
high priority, the data shows.
Pew conducted a nationally representative face-to-face survey among 30,000 Indian adults across the country between
November 2019 and March 2020, a period that happened to coincide with the passage of the Citizenship Amendment Act
in Parliament in December 2019, and the mass protests that followed until the pandemic hit. The findings were released
on Tuesday evening.

Hindu antipathy to Muslim neighbours

is higher than caste-based antipathies
Building Ghettos
% respondents THE MAJORITY of people across all religions say the freedom
to practise all religions freely is important to their own religion,
and to their identity as Indians. But most Indians across religions
36% 29% feel they have little in common with those from other religions—
Hindus who don't Brahmins just 23% of Hindus feel they have a lot in common with Muslims,
want a Muslim who don't want and just 29% of Muslims feel the same way about Hindus. Most
neighbour an SC neighbour
Indians make friends within their own religious groups only—
even Sikhs and Jains who are numerically small groups.
The foundations of India’s segregated cities and villages are
OBCs/ MBCs clear: 45% of Hindus and 36% of Muslims would not be willing to
Muslims who
don't want a who don't accept a person of a certain other religious group as a neighbour.
Hindu want an SC Among all religious groups, the neighbourly antipathy is highest
neighbour neighbour
towards potential Muslim neighbours. This is especially true of
Source: Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation
Jains, Hindus, and Sikhs. Antipathy towards Dalit or scheduled
(Pew Research Centre, June 2021) caste (SC) neighbours is much lower in comparison.

No to Intermarriage All social groups are opposed to

inter-group marriage, Muslims most of all
EIGHTY FIVE years after B. R. Ambedkar wrote that the “real
remedy for breaking Caste is intermarriage. Nothing else will
serve as the solvent of Caste”, most Indians remain firmly Who say it is important
to stop women
opposed to interreligious and inter-caste marriage, saying that of the community from 66% 62%
stopping it is a high priority for them. Eighty percent of Muslims marrying outside
say it is very important to stop Muslim women from marrying the religion
outside their religion, and 67% of Hindus in turn want to prevent Brahmins Dalits
Hindu women from marrying outside their religion, the Pew Muslims Hindus
report shows. A marginally lower share feel the same way about Who say it is important
men from their communities. Unsurprisingly, fewer than 1% of to stop women
people say they are married to someone from a different religion. 80% 67% of the community from
Majorities of people across castes and most religious groups marrying outside
also consider stopping inter-caste marriage a high priority the caste
(although the opposition is lower than to interreligious
marriage). People opposed to inter-caste marriage are a minority Source: Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation
(Pew Research Centre, June 2021)
only in the south.

Discrimination Tales More Muslims in the north, Dalits in the

south report discrimination
HINDUS, MUSLIMS and Christians all believe that the % respondents experienced religious or
community that faces the most discrimination is their caste-based discrimination in the preceding year
own. The reported experience of discrimination, Muslims Scheduled Castes
however, is the highest among Muslims. Roughly one in 40
five Muslims said they had experienced religious 22
discrimination in the year preceding the survey. The Central
share of Hindus who claimed the same was similar. 16
Muslims in the north reported higher discrimination 17
than those in other parts of the country. More religious 14
Muslims were more likely to report discrimination. 36
Despite this, a majority feel they are free to practise their
faith in India and feel a sense of national belonging. 15
Around 19% of Dalits reported having experienced
caste-based discrimination in the year preceding the South
survey. A higher share of Dalits in the south said they
Source: Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation (Pew Research Centre, June 2021)
have experienced caste-based discrimination.

BJP supporters see their Hindu and Hindi, Hindu, Hindutva

national identities as overlapping
% Hindu respondents BJP supporters Not BJP supporters MOST INDIANS see ‘civic’ values as important to a national
Would be willing to accept 51 identity—standing for the national anthem, respecting the army
a Muslim neighbour 64 and laws. But nearly two-thirds of Hindus say it is very important
Stopping inter-religious 72 to be Hindu to be “truly” Indian. Most Hindus especially in north
marriage is a high priority 57 India also link Indian identity with being able to speak Hindi.
Would be willing to accept 71 Hindus who closely associate their religious identity and the
a Dalit neighbour 77 ability to speak Hindi with being “truly Indian” are much more
Stopping inter-caste 69 likely to vote for BJP, compared to Hindu voters who feel less
marriage is a high priority 54 strongly about both these aspects of national identity. The
Being Hindu is 65 centrality of Hindi is, as would be expected, less important to
important to being Indian 45 Hindus in the south. The BJP-leaning group also tends to be more
Speaking Hindi is 64
religiously observant and conservative: 95% say religion is very
important to being Indian 45 important in their lives, and roughly three-quarters say they pray
Source: Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation daily. In comparison, among other Hindu voters, a smaller
(Pew Research Centre, June 2021)
majority say religion is very important, and about half pray daily.

Religious Fundamentals South Indians appear to be more

liberal in their religious beliefs
THE DATA points to the success of “culture wars”in redefining % share of respondents, region wise
what religion means to believers. Respondents were asked what Person Person
Opposed Religion cannot be cannot be
behaviours would preclude a person from being accepted as part to very Hindu if Muslim if
of their group. For a majority of Hindus across castes, the greatest inter-caste important they eat they eat
marriage personally beef* pork**
transgression was eating beef, while for Muslims it was pork. Not
believing in God or praying irregularly mattered much less. A North 72 85 83 72
majority of people from both religions also view celebrating each Central 83 82 83 92
other’s festivals as incompatible with belonging to their religion.
East 64 88 79 76
People in the south are the least likely to say religion is important
in their lives or that they pray every day. They are also the most North-east 51 86 74 74
liberal in accepting people of other castes and religions, as well as West 67 87 68 71
of inter-caste and inter-religious marriage. The coexistence of
South 37 69 50 63
people of multiple faiths is often seen as one of India’s successes.
*Question asked to Hindus only, **Question asked to Muslims only
The report shows deep suspicion, even antipathy, underlies this Source: Religion in India: Tolerance and Segregation
coexistence and it stands in danger of fraying further. (Pew Research Centre, June 2021)
Rukmini S. is a Chennai-based journalist. AHMED RAZA KHAN/MINT

PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz


Thursday, July 1, 2021

The direct-to-consumer wave China’s economy flashes hints is sweeping India uP10 of weakness in June uP8

SENSEX 52,482.71 66.95 NIFTY 15,721.50 26.95 DOLLAR ₹74.33 ₹0.10 EURO ₹88.35 ₹0.03 OIL $75.23 $0.47 GOLD ₹46,504 ₹278

Govt charts course for Dressed with stress

Stress tests by the Reserve Bank of India have overstated the
extent of stress on banks' books in recent years.
Gross non-performing assets as a % of total loans
IPOs raise
₹27,417 cr in

usage of new-age fuel 15


Actual Stress test baseline projection 2021, highest
in 10 years
Refineries, fertilizer plants may have to start using green hydrogen 6
Nasrin Sultana
Utpal Bhaskar Output of India’s core sectors
I NA NA rises 16.8% in May over a low base
Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar Sep Mar 2022
ndian companies raised
NEW DELHI 2018 2019 2020 2021 ₹27,417 crore through initial India’s eight infrastructure sectors grew 16.8%
Source: RBI
Fertilizer plants and oil refineries may have to ramp up use of green hydrogen to public offerings (IPOs) this in May because of the low base of last year,

ndia is considering a proposal to a tenth of their hydrogen requirements by 2030, a Union cabinet draft note said. PARAS JAIN/MINT
year, the highest in at least a while statewide lockdowns because of the
make it mandatory for fertilizer
plants and oil refineries to use
green hydrogen as part of plans
Proposed green hydrogen
consumption obligation
Annual hydrogen
consumption in India
Current 2030*
Loan stress looms decade compared to six months
of previous years, driven by
abundance of liquidity and
second wave of the coronavirus pandemic
meant the output actually contracted 3.7%
from April. >P2
to cut the nation’s dependence
on fossil fuels.
A draft note prepared for the
(in %)
10 6.8
(in million metric tonnes)

but lenders have investor euphoria.

Private equity and venture
capital funds took advantage of Brazil suspends $320 mn deal
Union cabinet and seen by Mint said buoyant stock markets to exit with Bharat Biotech for Covaxin
more capital now
fertilizer plants and oil refineries their investments. Brazil has suspended the contract for 20
may have to use green hydrogen to 3.6 Data showed that amid the million doses of Bharat Biotech
meet 0.15% of their total hydrogen robust liquidity chasing pri- International’s Covaxin worth about $320
requirements, starting 2023-24, 4 Aparna Iyer lacking in capital to weather this mary markets, most of the million following a controversy over alleged
and ramping it up to a tenth of their stress. The capital risk- funds raised through IPOs were irregularities in pricing, which was set at $15-20
total requirements within six years. weighted assets ratio of banks used to offer an exit to existing for export markets. >P9
NA 0.3

Indian companies, including Reli- 0 ndia’s banks should brace for may fall marginally to 15.5% by PE or VC funds or existing
ance Industries Ltd, have been gear- FY24 FY30* Refineries Ammonia Other sectors another wave of stress as bad March 2022 as the base-case shareholders and promoters—
ing up to leverage opportunities pre- Source: Government *Projection for fertilizer loans may touch 9.8% of their scenario from 15.8% as of March rather than for growth capital Voda Idea narrows March
sented by the transition to cleaner
loan book by the end of the fiscal this year. In the worst-case sce- for companies. quarter loss to ₹7,023 crore
energy. RIL has announced plans to year from 7.5% in FY21, a draft nario where severe stress results Investors and promoters Vodafone Idea on Wednesday said fiscal
build an electrolyzer giga factory and 6.7 mmt. circulated by the ministry of new and version of the Reserve Bank of in bad loans rising to 11.2% of raised around 62.5% or ₹17,140 fourth-quarter loss narrowed to ₹7,022.8
a fuel cell giga factory as part of its India’s strategy will be to leverage renewable energy (MNRE) to the India’s (RBI) financial stability total loans, banks may find capi- crore through offer-for-sale crore from ₹11,643.5 crore in the year
pivot towards clean energy. scale for its ambitious green hydro- departments of fertilizer, economic report (FSR) said. The second tal adequacy ratios drop to (OFS) out of the total money earlier.Total income during the quarter ended
The government plans to imple- gen plan on the likes of its renewa- affairs, heavy industries, science and wave of the pandemic is expected 13.3%. All these outcomes on raised through IPOs, according 31 March declined by around 19% to ₹9,647.8
ment the Green Hydrogen Con- ble energy programme, leading the technology, revenue, promotion of to have had an adverse impact on capital are higher than the mini- to data from primary market crore from ₹11,920.4 crore last year. >P5
sumption Obligation (GHCO) in fer- country to run the world’s largest industry and internal trade, NITI the income prospects of both cor- mum regulatory requirement of tracker Prime Database. The
tilizer production and petroleum clean energy programme. Aayog and the ministries of petro- porate and individual borrowers. 11.5% that includes 2.5% of capi- remaining ₹10,278 crore, or
refining, similar to what was done According to the draft cabinet note, leum and natural gas, power, road “As the impact of the second tal conservation buffer. The 37.5%, went towards fresh capi- Government set to invite global
with renewable purchase obliga- GHCO is proposed to be raised from transport and highways. wave plays out and regulatory stress tests assume a 9.5% tal raising by companies. bids for rural broadband project
tions (RPO). RPOs require electricity 0.15% in 2023-24 to 0.25% in 2024-25 Around 54% or 3.6 mmt of India’s forbearances are withdrawn, growth in gross domestic prod- The dominant contribution
India will soon invite global bids to bring
distribution companies to buy a and 0.5% in 2025-26. Subsequently, it annual hydrogen consumption of banks face the risk of incipient uct (GDP), a 5.1% average retail of secondary share sales in the broadband to 361,000 villages across 16
fixed amount of renewable energy to may be raised to 1.5%, 3.5% and 6.5% in 6.7 mmt is utilized in petroleum challenges to asset quality mate- inflation and metrics for four overall fundraising in the first states in public-private partnership mode
cut reliance on fossil fuels. India’s 2026-27, 2027-28 and 2028-29, refining and the rest in fertilizer rializing,” the report said. Mint other macroeconomic data for six months of 2021 is a continu- with government aid, Union minister Ravi
total hydrogen demand is expected respectively, with the 10% mark tar- production. This is, however, ‘grey’ has seen a copy of the report. various scenarios. ation of a trend seen in the past Shankar Prasad said. The project will be
to touch 11.7 million metric tonnes geted for 2029-30. However, unlike in the past, bundled into nine packages. >P6
(mmt) by 2029-30 from the current The draft cabinet note has been TURN TO PAGE 6 lenders won’t find themselves TURN TO PAGE 6 TURN TO PAGE 6

SpiceJet posts₹257 cr quarterly Reserve Bank tightens leash

loss, plans to raise ₹2,500 crore on cooperative lenders’ ops
Rhik Kundu Shayan Ghosh The fines in 2021 range from ₹5,000 on Walchandnagar
NEW DELHI MUMBAI Sahakari Bank Ltd, Pune, to
₹1.12 crore on Andhra Pradesh

piceJet Ltd on Wednes- he Reserve Bank of India Mahesh Cooperative Urban
day approved raising up (RBI) has significantly Bank Ltd, Hyderabad.
to ₹2,500 crore as the tightened the screws on Experts said these efforts
loss-making airline seeks to cooperative banks, enforcing may allow professional manag-
bolster its financial health. powers granted by legislative ers to run these banks, wresting
The SC told the govt to frame rules within six weeks on payment The Gurugram-based car- changes last year to clean up a control away from political
of ex gratia to the families of those who have died of covid. MINT rier, which recorded a net loss system bogged down by cor- overlords. “There were instan-
for the fifth straight quarter, ruption. ces of mismanagement and

SC tells Centre to has also decided to hive off its

growing cargo operations into
a separate entity.
Lax corporate governance
standards have been at the cen-
tre of India’s cooperative banks,
Lax corporate governance
standards have been at the centre
lack of proper corporate gov-
ernance in some of these banks.
Before the amendment to the

pay ex gratia to
SpiceJet reported a consoli- The airline’s loss narrowed from ₹816.25 crore a year earlier, with political influence and of cooperative banks. MINT Banking Regulation Act last
dated loss of ₹257 crore in the mainly due to a 37% drop in expenses to ₹2,442.73 crore. MINT interference rampant. year, there was lack of clarity on
three months ended 31 March A striking recent example is and chief risk officers while the regulation and supervision
as the pandemic sapped quently, revenue fell 28% business has performed the financial scandal surround- imposing fines for shortcom- of cooperative banks despite

kin of covid dead demand for domestic air travel

while international passenger
flights remained restricted.
from a year earlier to ₹2,185.75
“To ensure our long term
“extremely well” and “in order
to provide greater focus to
cargo business and raise addi-
ing Punjab and Maharashtra
Cooperative (PMC) Bank, where
just one borrower, Housing
ings and mandating stricter
reporting norms. In the six
months to 30 June, RBI
failures and frauds at their
end,” said Girish Rawat, part-
ner, L&L Partners.
Utkarsh Anand & nataka and Delhi have been Net loss, however, narrowed growth and sustainable opera- tional capital, we will hive off Development and Infrastruc- imposed penalties on 51 coop- At the end of March 2020,
Abraham Thomas paying compensation for covid from ₹816.25 crore a year ear- tion we have decided to raise the cargo business to operate ture (HDIL), reportedly took erative banks compared with there were 1,539 urban cooper- deaths from individual chief lier, mainly due to a 37% drop funds of up to ₹2,500 crore. as a separate entity.” away over 70% of the bank’s 23 in 2020 and just seven in ative banks (UCB) and 97,006
ministers’ relief funds. in expenses to ₹2,442.73 crore. These funds will be used to sig- “The same will provide aggregate loans. The bank mis- 2019, according to data com- rural cooperative banks,
The bench held that it was SpiceJet carried nearly 2.96 nificantly strengthen our bal- greater opportunity and flexi- represented the violation of pru- piled by Mint. showed data from RBI. Con-

he Supreme Court on the duty of the NDMA to issue million domestic passengers ance sheet,” said Ajay Singh, bility in pursuing long term dential norms for a long time. These penalties are for a cerns around the financial
Wednesday directed the uniform guidelines on ex gratia in the March quarter, a 44% SpiceJet’s chairman and man- growth plan and strategies for RBI is now enforcing a series range of violations, from know- health of the two sectors are
government to frame payment to “avoid any heart- drop from 5.26 million passen- aging director. of guidelines on the appoint- your-customer (KYC) norms to
rules within six weeks on pay- burning and discriminatory gers a year earlier. Conse- Singh said SpiceJet’s cargo TURN TO PAGE 6 ment of managing directors frauds in inoperative accounts. TURN TO PAGE 6
ment of ex gratia to the families treatment” for victims residing
of those who have died of cov- in different states.
id-19, noting that the Prime “We direct NDMA to recom-
Minister-headed National Dis-
aster Management Authority
(NDMA) “failed to perform its
mend guidelines for ex gratia
assistance on account of loss of
life to family members of the
Biden weighs order to check the power of big businesses
statutory duty” by not envisag- persons who died due to cov-
ing a compensation scheme. id-19 as mandated under Sec- Jacob M. Schlesinger rights to challenge large pro- lenge the rules in court, as they Forum conservative think tank, nance over certain industries.
However, the bench of justi- tion 12(iii) of Disaster Manage- ducers. already have with administra- added that the potential execu- She added that the president
ces Ashok Bhushan and M.R. ment Act (DMA), 2005 for the The goal is to broaden the tion moves to limit oil and gas tive order is rooted in “their has in the past called for giving

Shah clarified that the amount minimum standards of relief to he Biden administration way policy makers approach drilling on federal lands and to philosophical presumption small farmers more protection
of ex gratia cannot be fixed by be provided to the persons is developing an execu- business concentration in the extend a pandemic-related that the private sector is wrong against concentration among
the court and that the Centre affected by disaster, over and tive order directing U.S., going beyond conven- moratorium on evicting rent- and that government is better.” farm distributors and makers of
and NDMA should determine above the guidelines already agencies to strengthen over- tional antitrust enforcement ers. Regulatory opponents are The approach to big business agricultural equipment, and he
the quantum after taking into recommended,” ordered the sight of industries that they focused on blocking big merg- hopeful that conservative would be similar to what Mr. has called for restricting the
account their policies, other bench. perceive to be dominated by a ers. For example, companies in judges appointed by former Biden has called a “whole of ability of employers to force
relief and mitigation measures The court rejected the Cen- small number of companies, a industries controlled by a small President Donald Trump will government” method for tack- workers to sign noncompete
already put in place. tre’s contention that it was not wide-ranging attempt to rein in number of make it eas- ling other priorities, such as agreements limiting their abil-
Currently, there is no bound to make ex gratia pay- big business power across the big firms ier to chal- addressing climate change and ity to go work for other compa-
scheme for ex gratia payment ments since covid was different economy, according to people might face lenge Biden racial inequality. The draft nies.
for covid deaths due to the from natural disasters such as familiar with the plans. new rules administra- Biden made clear he wanted govt executive order was first The executive order under
absence of any such provision floods and earthquakes, and The executive order, which for disclosing fees to consum- tion rules. to do more to limit biz dominance reported by Reuters. consideration would follow
under the ‘minimum stan- therefore, the Disaster Man- President Biden could sign as ers or for their relationships “I find the way this is being over certain industries. REUTERS No final decision has been one with similar goals issued by
dards of relief’ declared by agement Act will have to be soon as next week, would direct with suppliers, the people framed questionable,” said made on the order, White former President Barack
NDMA for the pandemic. The interpreted to mean that such a regulators of industries from familiar with the effort said. Douglas Holtz-Eakin, an econ- isn’t competitive, but when you House spokeswoman Emilie Obama in April 2016. Some
Centre has also asked states scheme on ex gratia was only airlines to agriculture to Big business groups and omist who worked in the look closer at the data, you just Simons said. She said that Mr. supporters of aggressive anti-
not to use disaster relief funds recommendatory and not man- rethink their rule-making some Republicans will likely George W. Bush administra- don’t see a radical increase in Biden made clear during his trust action say that order was
to pay compensation to the kin datory. The government’s affi- process to inject more competi- protest any new Biden meas- tion and who has advised GOP concentration.” presidential campaign that he vague and came too close to the
of those who died of covid. tion and to give consumers, ures. Businesses and conserva- lawmakers and candidates. Mr. Holtz-Eakin, who now wanted the government to do
Some states such as Bihar, Kar- TURN TO PAGE 6 workers and suppliers more tive legal groups could chal- “They’ve decided the economy runs the American Action more to limit business domi- TURN TO PAGE 8
02 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2021

India urges EU nations to exempt
Output of core sectors rises India’s current
account deficit
at 1% of GDP in
vaccinated travellers from curbs
New Delhi: India has requested countries in the European Union
(EU) to allow Indian travellers who produce a vaccination certifi-
cate issued by the India government’s CoWIN portal to be
16.8% due to low-base effect March quarter
Asit Ranjan Mishra
exempted from travel restrictions such as mandatory quarantine
or self isolation after arriving at their destination. “We have also NEW DELHI
conveyed to EU member states that India will institute a reciprocal
Data suggest the economy may have bottomed out in May with states unlocking in early June
policy for recognition of the EU digital covid certificate,” said a per- ndia’s current account defi-
son aware of the development. ELIZABETH ROCHE cit widened to 1% of gross
domestic product (GDP) in
Asit Ranjan Mishra place induced by the first wave of the the March quarter from 0.3% of
Swiggy chief operating officer Covid impact pandemic. Capital (11.4%) and revenue GDP in the December quarter
As states increased curbs due to (13.4%) expenditure both were lower as the trade deficit widened and
Vivek Sunder to leave in Oct NEW DELHI
the second wave, the core sector than their levels a year ago. net invisible receipts fell,

ndia’s eight infrastructure sectors expansion expectedly flattened Care Ratings chief economist Madan showed data released by the
in May.
grew 16.8% in May because of the Sabnavis said the fiscal performance Reserve Bank of India on
low base of last year, while state- Core sector output (in %) has been quite impressive because tax Wednesday. For FY21, the cur-
wide lockdowns because of the sec- 80 revenues have been better as was borne rent account balance recorded
ond wave of the coronavirus pan- Year-on-year out by GST collections in April, while a surplus of 0.9% of GDP as
demic meant the output actually con- non-tax revenue got a big boost from against a deficit of 0.9% in
tracted 3.7% from April. 40
the Reserve Bank of India’s dividend. FY20 on the back of a sharp
The core sector had registered “Expenditure was under control for contraction in the trade deficit
60.9% growth in April, as a nationwide 20 the usual subsidy payments for previ- to $102.2 billion from $157.5 bil-
lockdown was imposed by the govern- 8 ous year happening in April-May did lion in FY20.
ment last year to curb the spread of the 0 not take place this time as the amounts Private transfer receipts,
coronavirus pandemic. -3.7 were subsumed in the Budget. There- mainly representing remittan-
-20 -12.4
Data released by the industry depart- Jun 2020 May 2021
fore, outflow from the department of ces by Indians employed over-
Bengaluru: After completing three years at foodtech uni- ment on Wednesday showed that as food was lower. Also, compared with seas, increased to $20.9 billion
Month-on-month: Seasonally not adjusted and
corn Swiggy, Vivek Sunder, the company’s chief operating state-level restrictions increased, calculated by Mint; Year-on-year: as provided by DPIIT Core sectors such as steel reported a last year, NREGA expenditure was in the March quarter, a 1.7% rise
officer, will be leaving the company by October-end, accord- cement, electricity, refinery products sequential decline in growth in May. lower as seen in the outlay of the minis- from a year earlier. In the finan-
ing to an internal memo sent to employees by co-founder Sri- and steel reported a sequential decline try for rural development. Fertilizer cial account, net foreign direct
harsha Majety. With Sunder’s exit, Majety will take over and in growth, whereas fertilizer and crude omy may have bottomed out in May 8.3% from 10.1% earlier. subsidy was also lower. Therefore, on investment at $2.7 billion in the
directly oversee the marketplace business with immediate oil output contracted. with states beginning the unlocking Separately, data released by the Con- the whole, the Budget has been well- March quarter was lower than
effect. TARUSH BHALLA Aditi Nayar, chief economist at ICRA process in early June, as the second troller General of Accounts showed managed. The concerns going forward $12 billion a year earlier while
Ratings, said with the base becoming wave of the pandemic started ebbing. that the central government has will be higher outlay on free food and net foreign portfolio investment
less distorted and the widening of state- However, depressed consumer sen- exhausted just 8.2% of its full-year fiscal fertilizer subsidy as well as other out- (FPI) increased by $7.3 billion—
Bombay HC upholds Sebi’s power wise restrictions, the core deficit target in the first lays under the finance minister’s relief mainly on account of net pur-
to fix fees of investment advisers sector expansion expect- ECONOMIC GAUGE two months (April-May) programme,” he said. chases in the equity market—
edly flattened in May. of FY22, compared to The government released 23% of its against a decline of $13.7 billion
Mumbai: The Bombay high court has held that the Securities and “Based on the core sec- THE core sector had CGA data showed DEPRESSED market 59% during the same full-year food subsidy by May, while no in fourth quarter of FY20.
Exchange Board of India (Sebi) can regulate investment adviser tor data as well as the per- registered a 60.9%
growth in April, as
that the Centre has sentiment and weak
exhausted 8.2% of its rural demand are
period a year ago, as gov- petroleum subsidy was released during Aditi Nayar, chief economist
fees. “The power of Sebi to do so is said to be sourced from three formance of other high- economy was hit by full-year fiscal deficit expected to hamper ernment expenditure the first two months of the fiscal year. at Icra Ratings said normaliza-
different provisions of the Sebi Act,” said the high court. Purnartha frequency indicators lockdown in 2020 target in first 2 months any sharp recovery remained constrained by While the government has set a tar- tion in import demand as well
Investment Advisers Private Ltd had challenged Sebi’s authority such as auto production, regional lockdowns while get of reducing fiscal deficit to 6.8% of as a surge in gold imports con-
to decide on fees which investment advisers can charge clients. exports and generation of revenue receipts gross domestic product (GDP) in FY22 tributed to the widening of the
TINESH BHASIN GST e-way bills, we expect the index of timent and weak rural demand are improved significantly. from 9.2% of GDP a year ago, subse- current account deficit to $8.1
industrial production growth to mod- expected to hamper any sharp recovery In May, 13.7% of total expenditure quent announcements, including free billion in the March quarter
erate substantially to 20-25% in May in economic activity. Most economists was exhausted compared to 16.8% dur- foodgrains till November and greater from $1.7 billion in the previous
CDC Group sells 3.7% stake in from a high 134.4% in April,” she added. have slashed their growth forecasts, ing the corresponding period last year outlay for fertilizer subsidy, may quarter despite a massive
High-frequency data show the econ- with the World Bank paring it down to when a nationwide lockdown was in increase the full-year fiscal deficit. increase in exports in March.
IIFL Finance worth ₹337 crore

Sitharaman and Yellen share Government defends GST as the

thoughts on min tax proposal tax reform completes four years
Gireesh Chandra Prasad as a global consensus on taxing Gireesh Chandra Prasad it a milestone in India’s eco- burden, and has improved the digital corporations has been nomic landscape. competitiveness of domestic
NEW DELHI elusive. A consensus on a global NEW DELHI “GST has been a milestone in industries in the international
minimum tax could help the US the economic landscape of market by removing hidden

Mumbai: CDC Group Plc, the development finance institu- inance minister Nirmala raise taxes without risking he central government India. It has decreased the and embedded taxes, the
tion owned by the UK government, on Wednesday sold 14 Sitharaman and US trea- flight of capital to low-tax coun- on Wednesday defended number of taxes, compliance finance ministry said in a tweet.
million shares or 3.7% stake in IIFL Finance Ltd for around sury secretary Janet tries and give countries such as the goods and services burden and overall tax burden Over the years, GST rates
₹337 crore through an open market transaction. According Yellen have discussed Wash- India the right to tax tech giants tax (GST) regime on the eve of on common man, while signifi- were reduced on 400 goods
to the data from stock exchanges, CDC Group PLC sold 14 ington’s proposal for a global who serve Indian consumers the fourth anniversary of cantly increasing transparency, and 80 services, minister of
million shares of IIFL Finance at an average price of ₹240.64 minimum tax, which is without a place of business India’s biggest tax reform since compliance and overall collec- state for finance Anurag Tha-
per share, aggregating to ₹336.90 crore on the BSE. expected to be taken up at the here, a key concept in conven- Independence, flagging the tion,” Modi said in a tweet. kur said in a tweet.
ASHWIN RAMARATHINAM G20 meeting in July for a tional taxation. ease it brought to businesses GST brought in more trans- In the pre-GST regime, the
broader consensus. India will not have to raise and the relief on tax burden to parency in the tax system, combined tax by the central
The US treasury department corporate tax as part of the deal consumers. showed where it was burden- and state governments was
Court upholds constitutional said on 29 June that Yellen as the applicable rate here is The roll-out of GST to some on consumers and above 31% on most items.
spoke with Sitharaman on the either at par for new manufac- replace 17 central and state prompted central Under GST,
validity of Trai’s 2020 tariff order subject. “Secretary Yellen dis- Union finance minister turing companies or higher. taxes and remove border barri- and state govern- PM Modi, who essential goods
Mumbai: The Bombay high court on Wednesday upheld the con- cussed that the US and India Nirmala Sitharaman. PTI However, India may insist on ers across states completes four ments to correct described GST as are either not
stitutional validity of a tariff order passed by the Telecom Regula- have a shared interest in imple- the tax provisions covering off- years on Thursday, even as those anomalies, a ‘good and simple taxed or are sub-
tory Authority of India (Trai) last year. It has, however, struck down menting a robust global mini- going to press. shore digital corporations to be some of the interim measures leading to several tax’ in 2017, called ject to 5% tax,
two pricing conditions as unconstitutional—one, which said that mum tax,” it said. The Joe Biden administra- as broad as possible. such as a cess on automobiles rounds of tax cuts while mass use
it a milestone in
the sum of the a-la-carte rates of pay channels forming part of a Yellen stressed the impor- tion had proposed a 21% global India has been applying an and compensation to states on goods and ser- items are subject
bouquet shall not exceed one-and-a-half times the rate of the bou- tance of a partnership with minimum tax aimed at low-tax equalization levy on offshore look set to continue longer than vices. GST also India’s economic to either 12% or
quet. And two, the a-la-carte rates of the pay channels shall not India in the G20 and the Orga- countries such as Ireland, but digital economy firms, which originally envisaged. demonstrated landscape 18% tax. Only a
exceed three times the average rate of a pay channel of the same nisation for Economic Co-op- G7 nations agreed earlier this will have to be withdrawn once The Centre’s endorsement that tax adminis- few other items
bouquet. LATA JHA eration and Development month on a 15% global mini- a new global tax treaty comes of GST comes at a time states tration could lev- are kept on the
(OECD) “to seize a once-in-a- mum tax. into force. Such levies by India not ruled by the Bharatiya Jan- erage technology to a high highest slab of 28%. Though,
generation opportunity to The proposal will also allow and other countries have raised ata Party (BJP) have become degree, use data analytics and indirect taxes are considered
Tata Steel has advanced process of remake the international tax taxation rights to countries concerns in the US. vocal about their fiscal woes zero in on instances of tax eva- regressive as they affect the rich
system to help the global econ- such as India where some of the Washington recently gave and alleged loss of voice in deci- sion with accuracy. and the poor alike, the GST
merger with BSL: Chandrasekaran omy thrive”, it said. largest technology giants have six countries, including India, sion-making at the federal In these four years, GST has Council sought to address it by
Mumbai: The process to merge Tata Steel BSL with Tata Steel has India is yet to make a state- customers but conventional tax 180 days to complete multilat- body, the GST Council. achieved better tax compliance bringing progressivity in rates
been advanced, the steel major’s chairman N. Chandrasekaran said ment about the discussion. methods are inadequate to tax eral talks on the proposed Prime Minister Narendra through mitigation of tax cas- depending on mass use and
on Wednesday. Tata Steel had won the bid to acquire debt-laden An email sent to the Union them. Countries such as India global taxation framework. Modi, who had described GST cading (instances of tax amount goods of essential and luxury
Bhushan Steel Ltd (BSL) in insolvency proceedings. It was later finance ministry remained and France have resorted to These countries are on a US tar- as a ‘good and simple tax’ at the getting taxed), double (multi- nature, with luxury items being
renamed as Tata Steel BSL Ltd. PTI unanswered till the time of other tax methods unilaterally get list for retaliatory tariffs. time of its launch in 2017, called ple) taxation, and reduced tax kept in the highest tax bracket.

Employees wary of variable pay as firms cut costs amid covid, says survey CORRECTIONS AND
Mint welcomes comments,
Prashant K. Nanda 230 million Indians into pov- anywhere, life/medical insur- past year. The impact on component of the salary took a suggestions or complaints erty, according to a survey by ance, home office set-up and remuneration was more pro- major hit,” said Amit Jaiswal, about errors.
NEW DELHI the Azim Premji University. flexible hours are being sought nounced in mid-size compa- partner, human capital con-
Readers can alert the
Data from the Centre for Mon- as high-priority benefits. Over nies with less than 1,000 sulting at Grant Thornton
newsroom to any errors in the

round two-thirds of itoring Indian Economy 73% of the survey respondents employees in sectors such as Bharat. paper by emailing us, with your
employees either did showed that the second wave said that organizations must real estate, infrastructure and “There is an increased full name and address to
not get any variable pay led to almost 23 million job introduce long-term incen- hospitality. Larger companies expectation to change the cur-
or were given a reduced varia- losses in April and May alone. tives such as employee stock in sectors such as consumer, rent pay mix and reduce the
ble pay as part of their cost to As much as 31% employees options and retention bonus,” retail, e-commerce, pharma, pay-at-risk part of the com- It is our policy to promptly
respond to all complaints.
company (CTC) in the past one said there was no variable pay, the survey respondents said. healthcare and life sciences pensation, specifically in the Readers dissatisfied with the
year as India Inc. cut down while 33% said there was a Companies experienced showed higher resilience to younger workforce of mid-size response or concerned about
their cost in a pandemic year. “decrease in the percentage of higher attrition among young the adversities. organizations,” said Jaiswal. Mint’s journalistic integrity may
This comes against the variable pay” that they got, Employers should consider a WFH allowance to reduce the performers and lower or stable “While one-third of the The survey said two trends write directly to the editor by
backdrop of the coronavirus said a fresh survey by consult- office-related expenses of employees, the survey showed. HT attrition among mid- to sen- respondents experienced a are clearly emerging. First, an sending an email to
outbreak battering the job ing firm Grant Thornton. ior-level performers, the sur- reduction of more than 20% in increased appetite for long-
market with millions losing The loss of variable pay is means the overall CTC is a lit- expenses of employees as vey showed. their fixed pay, 40% did not see term incentives, especially Mint’s journalistic Code of
jobs and many more observing pushing a sizeable portion of tle less, showed the survey. working from home is the new Overall, 40% employees any change in fixed pay from the younger workforce. Conduct that governs our
a pay cut or income loss. employees to demand a Employers should consider normal, respondents said. witnessed a reduction in total despite an overall decrease in Second, the definition of bene- newsroom is available at
The first wave of the pan- restructuring of the salary with a work-from-home allowance “As the need to re-look at pay and 45% did not see any their earnings. This high- fits is no longer restricted to
demic in 2020 pushed about a higher fixed pay even if that to reduce the office-related strategy increases, work from change in overall pay over the lighted that the variable pay medical insurance.


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04 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2021

S&P BSE Sensex Nifty 50 Nifty 500 Nifty Next 50 Nifty 100 S&P BSE Mid-cap S&P BSE Small Cap

52,482.71 -0.13 15,721.50 -0.17 13,473.55 -0.06 38,513.25 -0.43 15,959.40 -0.20 22,535.95 -0.03 25,232.17 0.56

52,549.66 52,651.09 15,748.45 15,776.90 13,481.95 13,513.25 38,678.15 38,759.15 15,992.10 16,020.90 22,542.80 22,633.38 25,092.69 25,203.07

52,875.92 52,448.64 15,839.10 15,708.75 13,552.95 13,462.20 38,846.85 38,459.00 16,073.85 15,945.55 22,664.95 22,523.81 25,299.64 25,190.31

Oil set for best half since 2009
No lift-off in credit growth for FY22
as demand recovery picks up
Oil is heading for its best half since 2009 as the rebound
from the pandemic boosts fuel consumption and tightens
the market ahead of a key Opec+ meeting that’s expected
as bad loan firefighting to continue
to lead to an increase in supply. Futures in New York rose Aparna Iyer may weigh on credit growth in FY22
the uncertainties on demand condi-
towards $74 a barrel on Wednesday and are up more than despite the economic recovery. tions have only intensified. Ergo,
Credit not due
50% this year. The American Petroleum Institute reported The report sums up the challenges
India’s manufacturers don’t want to The pandemic has dragged credit offtake across all segments but the

that US crude stockpiles fell by 8.15 million barrels last he second wave of the pan- by saying, “The credit market contin-
commit fresh investment and the ser- deceleration in the industry segment has been stark.
week, according to people familiar with the matter, adding demic and the threat of a ues to see muted offtake in the face of
vices sector may not see restrictions Non-food Industry Personal loans Services Loan growth (in %)
to positive sentiment before Opec+ meets on Thursday. third one are expected to persisting risk aversion and weakfully lifted.
The alliance will be busy after delaying preliminary talks keep credit growth of the demand.” Further, historically low bond
on the oil market to allow members more time to resolve banking industry under Analysts at ICICI Securities Ltd
yields are making companies queue 15
differences. The hold-up comes as a covid-19 resurgence pressure in FY22. believe that credit growth would up, even as they seek to retire costlier
in some regions raises concerns over the demand outlook. Headline credit growth is expected remain muted in the first half of the
debt. Small businesses may see a sharp 10
The recovery in key energy consumers, including the US to be 8-10%, according to economists. current year. “Incremental credit is
loan growth, but mainly due to the
and China, has driven prices to the highest level since The growth would be boosted by a low seen towards agriculture, retail and
government’s credit guarantee
October 2018. BLOOMBERG base and policy support scheme. It should be
through the credit guar- STRESS FACTORS noted that this segment
antee schemes from the is the most vulnerable to 0
government. Growth DUE to persisting HISTORICALLY low BANKS, antsy on a the pandemic’s disrup- 2013-14 2020-21
Losing steam stood at 5.5% in FY21. In demand concerns, bond yields are possible surge in tions. Lenders, antsy
Investment-grade (IG) corporate bond sales in Europe manufacturers don’t making firms queue stress, are unlikely to -5
other words, this growth want to commit up, even as they seek lend beyond what the about a possible surge in Source: CMIE, RBI
are set to extend their downward trend. is more optical than fresh investment stress, may not be will-
to retire costlier debt govt schemes allow
(in € billion)
material. ing to lend beyond what SATISH KUMAR/MINT

Public sector Financials IG corporates Non-IG corporates India’s largest lender the government’s Bankers have been betting on a across banks and non-banking finan-
600 State Bank of India’s (SBI) research MSME segment to be followed by schemes allow. resurgence in consumer credit in cial companies (NBFCs) has damp-
wing in an 8 June report flagged off demand for working capital credit and That brings us to retail loans, the FY22, which now looks challenging. ened, with some deterioration in the
450 deleveraging by companies as another then capex. Expect overall industry main driver of loan growth in recent Similar to FY21, bankers would be risk rating of retail borrowers becom-
factor in keeping loan growth low. growth at 8-10% for FY22-23,” the years. Retail loan growth dropped to faced with the twin jobs of keeping ing evident,” the central bank’s draft
300 What’s more is that the Reserve brokerage said in a note. just 10% in FY21 from an average of stress from rising and pushing credit report said. While the financial stabil-
Bank of India (RBI) too believes that What are the signs that suggest a 16% in the previous four years because to strong borrowers. The focus will ity report predicts bad loans to rise to
150 growth won’t be easy to come by. modest credit growth revival in FY22? of the pandemic. The RBI’s report continue to remain on asset quality 9.5% by March, global rating agency
In a draft version of the financial The economic impact of the second shows that loan enquiries have fallen and that would leave bankers with lit- S&P has forecast as much as 11-12% of
0 stability report viewed by Mint, the wave and perhaps the third one may sharply in April in the wake of the sec- tle inclination to push lending. loans to turn delinquent. This is
H12018 H12019 H12020 H12021
central bank points to key factors that not be as severe as the first. However, ond wave. “The demand for consumer credit bound to keep banks risk-averse.
Source: Bloomberg

Europe’s high-grade bond sales

slow down as economy revives
JSW Energy stock powers For IRCTC investors, it has been a
Europe’s corporate-debt issuance market may go from
mildly hot to just lukewarm, with the recovery from the
pandemic curbing new sales. High-grade firms have raised
ahead on growth outlook good journey despite the pandemic
about €157 billion ($187 billion) of new bonds in the region
so far this year, about half the volume priced in the first six Ujjval Jauhari Pallavi Pengonda ticketing business increased by 70% each y-o-y. Catering, tour-
Favourable decline
months of 2020. That has slashed their share of first-half nearly 10% y-o-y and 48% versus ism and Rail Neer segments
Deleveraging has not only improved JSW Energy’s earnings
European debt sales to less than a sixth from more than a the December quarter. posted Ebit losses in the March
prospects, but also its ability to explore growth opportunities.

quarter last year. The slowing pace suggests the days of he recent uptick in n the land of the blind, the one- The segment’s quarter.
Net debt/equity Net debt/Ebitda (right-hand scale) (times)
hectic issuance seen during the height of the coronavirus power demand is eyed man is king. Among performance was During the March Overall, IRCTC’s
1.5 4.5 5
crisis may be over. As the economic rebound takes hold, it expected to drive the Indian public sector compa- also helped by the quarter, revenue earnings before
could get even harder to sustain bond sales in the second performance of JSW Energy 1.2 4
nies, that king is Indian Railway conversion of unre- from internet interest, tax, depre-
half. Already, cash-rich firms have switched out of survival Ltd. This is well-reflected in the 1.4 Catering and Tourism Corp. Ltd served seats to 2S ciation and amorti-
2.6 ticketing
mode, while resurgent inflation is threatening to push bor- company’s shares, which have 0.9 3 (IRCTC). The stock has appreci- class, said analysts. zation declined by
rowing costs higher. “It is unlikely this is going to be more than doubled compared ated as much as 535% from its ini- The internet ticket- around 23% y-o-y to
another blockbuster year,” said Helene Jolly, head of to their pre-covid highs. 0.6 2
tial public offering (IPO) issue ing business made a increased by ₹146 crore.
EMEA investment-grade corporate syndicate, Deutsche JSW Energy has continued 0.3
1 price of ₹320 in October 2019. profit of around nearly 10% y-o-y Meanwhile,
Bank AG, London. BLOOMBERG to see rising contributions from Indeed, some analysts reckon the ₹174 crore at the shares of IRCTC
long-term power purchase 0
FY17 FY21
0 stock was underpriced during Ebit level. trade at 32 times
agreements (PPAs), ensuring the IPO. But also note that IRCTC While revenue from IRCTC’s estimated earnings for financial
Bitcoin maintains gains with longer-term growth visibility.
Note: Ebitda is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization
Source: MOFSL
shares are now above its pre- catering and tourism segments year 2023, based on Bloomberg
Besides, continued deleverag- covid highs, although profits improved sequentially, it is down data.
chartists eyeing technicals ing has helped improve earn- SATISH KUMAR/MINT
have taken a sharp hit. “Its low fixed-cost model and
Bitcoin is hanging tough amid a slew of negative headlines, ings prospects further. Efforts plant load factor declined equity now stands at 0.43 Justifying the sharp rally in net-cash position ensure that the
extending its rally for the third day and lifting the spirit of to grow the renewables portfo- across the Ratnagiri plant and times, while net debt to Ebitda IRCTC’s shares, analysts said
On fast track company can navigate the next
battered bulls. The largest cryptocurrency has rallied lio have driven investor senti- hydro plants (given poor stands at 1.97x. Though the investors were looking beyond IRCTC shares have few quarters, when the activity
above its average price over the past 20 days, a positive ment. hydrology), the same improved Ratnagiri plant saw the impact the near-term concerns. “In fact, meaningfully outperformed would remain subdued relative
indication for advocates who were looking for the digital The firm reported decent across its Vijaynagar and on generation, the LT PPA at further upsides in the IRCTC broader markets since its to pre-covid levels,” said analysts
token to reclaim its upward momentum. Bitcoin gained as results for the March quarter. Barmer stations, said analysts at the plant increased by 179MW stock cannot be ruled out when listing in October 2019. from IIFL Securities Ltd in their
much as 5% to $36,422 on Tuesday in New York trading. Long-term (LT) net generation HDFC Securities Ltd. in May, further de-risking the the unlocking begins,” said Jin- IRCTC Nifty 200 initiating coverage report on 31
For many chartists, the next key level to watch is the increased 3% in both Q4 and While revenues saw some portfolio. The Ratnagiri LT esh Joshi, an analyst at Prab- 300 March. IRCTC’s net cash stands
50-day moving average, which currently sits around FY21. LT net ther- impact, profits PPA tie-up is now at 96%, said hudas Lilladher Pvt. Ltd. 279.47 at ₹1,460 crore.
$38,221. Should bitcoin meaningfully break out above it, mal generation Notably, net debt were helped by the company. This comes even as IRCTC has To be sure, while IRCTC may
it could rally towards $40,000 again. “Although we might was also higher by of the company lower operating “We highlight JSW Energy seen its revenue for fiscal 2021 250 be a good play on the covid recov-
be in for a few choppy months ahead, we remain long-term 5% in Q4 and 8% reduced by and fuel costs. has increased its capacity decline substantially by 66% on a ery theme, the outperformance
very bullish in the sector and have no doubt that the mar- in FY21. But lower ₹513 crore in the Ebitda margins under LT PPA to 86% (81% in year-on-year (y-o-y) basis as the in its shares captures the opti-
ket will recover quicker than most expect,” said Paul Bar- short-term sales improved to March 2020), contributing to pandemic weighed on business. 200 mism to a good extent, thereby
March quarter
roso, chief executive officer and co-founder of Atani, a and merchant 40.3% in Q4FY21 95% to Ebitda,” said analysts at Tourism and hospitality sectors limiting near-term upsides.
crypto trading platform. BLOOMBERG power realiza- and by ₹2,739 from 32.1% in the Kotak Institutional Equities. have suffered over the past year Moreover, it might be challeng-
tions meant reve- crore in FY21 year-ago quarter. JSW is pursuing a growth owing to the pandemic-led 150
ing for the company to reach pre-
nues fell 12.5% Lower interest strategy to expand its current restrictions and this has hurt pandemic levels in the financial
year-on-year. expenses due to capacity of 4.6GW to 10GW by IRCTC. year 2022.
Tourism slump The Ratnagiri facility saw deleveraging further supported FY25, and 20GW by FY30, The internet ticketing seg-
Going ahead, the pace of vacci-
The losses this year alone could amount to $1.7 trillion lower short-term power net profit at ₹107 crore compa- with the entire capacity addi- ment has done relatively well nations would be a key monitora-
to $2.4 trillion, the UNCTAD said in a report. demand and impacted plant rable to the year-ago quarter tion being in the renewable lately. Internet ticketing is the ble. “In the near term, uncer-
Worst-case scenario Best-case scenario (Estimated losses in % of GDP) load factor. Being a lean season despite a decline in revenues. segment. The Street will evi- largest Ebit (earnings before 14 Oct 2019 30 Jun 2021 tainty on reopening timelines is a
Central America
for hydropower generation, Notably, net debt reduced by dently be watchful on the interest and tax) contributor of Values rebased to 100
concern. This could adversely
Southeast Asia
overall power generation ₹513 crore in Q4 and by ₹2,739 aspect of timely execution as the company. During the March Source: Bloomberg impact ticketing and catering
declined 7.6%. Though the crore in FY21. Net debt to well as PPA tie-ups. quarter, revenue from internet segment revenues,” said Joshi.
Australia/New Zealand
Sebi’s relaxation for Reits is good, but WFH may impact demand
Mexico Harsha Jethmalani giving better returns than some taking exposure in listed Reits pre-covid highs. Mindspace and
Under pressure
-20 -15 -10 -5 0 Source: Bloomberg fixed-income products. despite Sebi’s relaxation, ana- Brookfield Reits are trading
Delayed lease renewals and early tenant exits have weighed on
SATISH KUMAR/MINT Now, a lower entry barrier lysts said. below their respective issue pri-
occupancy rates.

arkets regulator, the would give investors a chance to “Office sector vacancies have ces as well. Concerns are that
Embassy Mindspace Brookfield Occupancy rate (in %)
Securities and explore this product and boost moved up by 400-500 basis even when the situation normal-
Tourism crisis to cost the global Exchange Board of further awareness about it. points over the last six months izes, firms could opt for a hybrid
91.7 94.7 92.0 90.6 89.9 91.0 88.9 86.8 91.0
economy over $4 tn: UNCTAD India (Sebi), has made real estate Experts said it will also pave on lower renewals at the point of work structure including work
The slump in tourism caused by covid-19 will cost the investment trusts (Reits) more the way for more Reit listings by expiry and higher supply,” ana- from home (WFH), which could
global economy more than $4 trillion for 2020 and 2021, accessible to a larger pool of commercial real estate develop- lysts at JP Morgan India Pvt. Ltd weigh on the office leasing out-
much worse than expected, as an uneven vaccination roll- investors. It has reduced the ers. Sebi is yet to announce the said in a report on 29 June. One look, especially for Grade A
out crushes developing nations that are highly dependent minimum application value for implementation date for the new basis point is one-hundredth of a properties.
on international visitors. The losses this year alone could Reits from ₹50,000 to ₹10,000- rules. percentage point. An analysis of listed Reits by
amount to $1.7 trillion to $2.4 trillion, even as international 15,000, besides lowering the Reits invest in commercial Q2FY21 Q3FY21 Q4FY21
“This, in turn, is driven by ICICI Securities Ltd showed that
tourism rebounds in the second half in the US, UK and trading lot size to one unit for real estate and earn rental Source: Company reports and JP Morgan
lower visibility on return to the rental collections were
France, which have higher vaccination rates, the UN Con- publicly-listed Reits. income from their holdings, office, which is reflected in rising strong at around 99% in FY21.
ference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) said in a Since the Reit market in India which is passed on to investors. SATISH KUMAR/MINT
vacancy levels across listed Reits However, their overall portfolios
report. The study highlights the impact from an unequal is at a nascent stage, the move is They are also required to give Embassy Office Parks, Mind- for office leasing remains. Ana- and developer portfolios, and saw occupancy levels decline by
access to vaccines around the world. Developing nations a step in the right direction, ana- 90% of their cash flows to inves- space Business Parks and Brook- lysts warned of near-term pres- correspondingly stocks trading 4-6% on a like-to-like basis for
may account for as much as 60% of the estimated losses to lysts said. Reits are still perceived tors at least once in six months. field India are the three listed sure on office rentals and its at a discount to net asset value,” Embassy and Mindspace. This
global gross domestic product, said the UNCTAD. The as a complicated product and That apart, investors also benefit Reits in India. While the move is adverse impact on the earnings the analysts added. was due to the exits by tenants
world may not see a return to pre-pandemic arrivals of some investors have stayed from capital appreciation of the positive for commercial real of listed Reits. This could keep Reits issued by Embassy Parks for scheduled expiries and early
international tourists until 2023, it added. BLOOMBERG away, despite the instrument underlying assets. So far, estate companies, uncertainties potential investors away from are down around 23% from their exits.

Mark to Market writers do not have positions in the companies they have discussed here

Fourth Partner Tribunal decision

Energy raises PMC’s bad loans pose major on airport slots
$125 mn from
Norfund and
The Rise Fund
challenge for new promoters deals a blow to Jet
Rhik Kundu
Staff Writer NEW DELHI
NEW DELHI The bank is fighting several cases at various legal fora to recover the money it lent to HDIL
bankruptcy court has

orway government- ruled that the new
owned Norfund and Gopika Gopakumar owners of Jet Airways
TPG Capital’s The Rise (India) Ltd cannot claim his-
Fund have invested $100 mil- MUMBAI toricity to obtain airport slots
lion and $25 million, respec- that earlier belonged to the

tively, in Hyderabad-based he Centrum Group pro- grounded airline, in a blow to
Fourth Partner Energy, which moted by Jaspal Bindra, their plans to use these slots
focuses on the commercial and which has got the go-ahead that have already been distrib-
industrial (C&I) segment, and to take over the Punjab and uted among other domestic
has a portfolio of 550 mega- Maharashtra Cooperative carriers. The copy of the order Jet Airways’ revival will hinge
watts (MW) under operation. (PMC) Bank, is going to face an uphill that was passed last week was on the path adopted by the
On 29 September 2020, task to make recoveries to repay the released on Wednesday. civil aviation authorities. MINT
Mint reported that the com- depositors of the bank. The National Company Law
pany had appointed Investec to The bank is fighting several legal Tribunal (NCLT) in its order main airports of New Delhi
raise about $150 million cases against 25 companies associated said that Jet did not possess and Mumbai, were tempora-
through a stake sale. Fourth with Housing Development and Infra- any airport slot on the day of rily allocated to other airlines.
Partner Energy is building solar structure Ltd (HDIL) in various legal commencement of its insol- Lawyers representing the
parks in Uttar Pradesh, Maha- fora including the National Company vency process, which rules out civil aviation ministry and the
rashtra and Tamil Nadu. The Law Tribunal (NCLT) and the Coopera- the claim of historicity. Directorate General of Civil
capital will be used for business tive Arbitration Court to recover The NCLT had approved Aviation (DGCA) had earlier
expansion in domestic and money that PMC Bank’s former man- the resolution plan of a con- argued at NCLT that though
international markets. agement lent HDIL in a fraudulent sortium comprising UK’s Kal- the allocation of Jet’s slots to
“Fourth Partner Energy today manner. The outstanding dues from rock Capital and UAE-based others was temporary, they
announced that it had raised these companies were ₹6,212 crore as entrepreneur Murarilal Jalan. couldn’t be withdrawn with-
$125 million in equity funding on March 2020, which forms 73.3% of “The facts and circumstan- out any legitimate basis.
from Norfund and existing the credit portfolio of ₹8,477 crore of Nearly two years after RBI put curbs on the bank, it allowed Centrum Group and BharatPe to take over PMC Bank. REUTERS ces would indicate that pres- “Keeping in view the pur-
shareholder The Rise Fund. This PMC. ently the slots cannot be pose of insolvency resolution,
$100 million marks Norfund’s However, the security available is Sarang Wadhawan, the prime accused Services is a step-down subsidiary of troubled real estate firm which owes restored to the corporate we trust that the authorities
maiden investment in India’s only valued at ₹1,400 crore, which is in the scam at the cooperative bank. listed entity Centrum Capital, and pro- ₹6,840 crore to lenders is undergoing debtor on a historic basis. The concerned, including the gov-
leading solar energy company, mostly in the form of land, said a person In September 2019, RBI put severe vides credit to small and mid-sized insolvency proceedings. According to thumb rule being ‘use it or lose ernment, shall take a holistic
while The Rise Fund is investing aware of the matter. curbs on PMC Bank, including on cash companies ranging from ₹2 lakh to ₹2 a Financial Express report last year, it’,” according to the order by a approach and provide neces-
an additional $25 million into “The legal process is complicated. It withdrawals, amid a probe into crore. Resilient Innovations Pvt. Ltd, HDIL had received six expressions of two-judge bench of Justice sary assistance to the success-
Fourth Partner, following its $70 has been nine months and some of the accounting lapses. Cash withdrawals which operates BharatPe, will be an interest from suitors, including Adani Janab Mohammed Ajmal and ful resolution applicant/cor-
million investment in July 2018,” cases have not been admitted. The were initially capped at ₹1,000 per equal partner in the small finance bank. Properties Private Ltd (APPL), Surak- Justice V. Nallasenapathy porate debtor in terms of the
the companies said in a joint administrator appointed by the sha Asset Reconstruction and Sun- released on Wednesday. guidelines in allocation of slots
statement on Wednesday. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the RECOVERING DUES teck Realty. None of the three pro- A slot is a permission given as and when they are sought,”
This comes amid strong advisors cannot strike any private spective bidders have submitted for a planned operation to use the NCLT said.
investor interest in distributed deals to recover these loans. These PMC Bank’s THE bank’s ANY recovery from IT had also invited any resolution plan with the dead- the full range of airport infra- Ajay Shaw, partner, DSK
renewable energy generation as loans can also not be sold to an asset outstanding dues
from 25 companies
administrator and
advisers can’t strike
HDIL, which owes
₹6,840 cr to lenders,
bids for two French-
manufactured jet
line for doing so expiring on 7 Janu- structure necessary to arrive Legal, a Mumbai-based law
the market has only a few devel- reconstruction company as they associated with HDIL any private deals to will depend on the planes and a yacht ary. Instead, APPL has filed an or depart an airport at a spe- firm, said it will be crucial to
opers with large portfolios. C&I are classified as fraud accounts. are at ₹6,212 crore recover these loans proceedings at NCLT to recover the loans interlocutory application, seeking cific date and time. see the path adopted by the
projects are generally insulated The bank has fully provided for it so partial resolution of the company. The Mumbai bench of the DGCA and the aviation minis-
from risks such as power pro- the new promoters do not have to “Since banks have written off NCLT had in June 2019 admit- try in slot allocation as a revival
curement curtailment and tariff set aside fresh capital against it,” said account for six months, but gradually The promoters of the new bank have this account, whatever they recover ted an insolvency petition of Jet Airways will hinge on
shopping by state-owned distri- the person mentioned above. relaxed to ₹100,000 in June last year. committed to bring in ₹1,800 crore in will add to the income for the year in against the carrier filed by a these decisions.
bution companies. They supply The bank’s administrator had also Nearly two years after the curbs on phases. The small finance bank will which it is realised. Recovery of the lenders’ consortium led by SBI The consortium has pro-
electricity to third-party and invited bids for two French-manufac- the bank were first put, RBI allowed have an initial capital base of ₹500 assets will depend on HDIL’s resolution following the airline’s ground- posed to invest ₹600 crore in
captive consumers who buy tured jet planes and a yacht to recover Centrum Financial Services and the crore. plan under the Insolvency and Bank- ing in April 2019 amid an acute the first two years in the airline
power from them, instead of loans. These assets belong to HDIL payments platform BharatPe to take Any recovery from HDIL will depend ruptcy Code,” said Girish Rawat, part- fund crunch. At the time, Jet’s to repay creditors and acquire
depending on an expensive grid. owners Rakesh Wadhawan and his son over PMC Bank. Centrum Financial on the proceedings at NCLT. The ner at Luthra & Luthra. vacant slots, including at the an 89.79% stake in the carrier.

JSW Steel readies Voda Idea narrows March quarter consolidated loss to ₹7,023 cr
₹25,115 cr capex for Deborshi Chaki
Taking a call
Vodafone Idea shares
crore a year ago. Gross debt
(excluding lease liabilities)
nificant doubt on the com-
pany’s ability to make the pay-
tion of cash flow from its opera-
tions that it needs to settle its
company’s total revenue from
operations fell nearly 12% to
MUMBAI stood at ₹1.8 trillion as of 31 ments and continue as a going liabilities. ₹9,607.6 crore as against
next growth phase declined 1.4% on Wednesday,
ahead of Q4 results.
March. This includes deferred concern. “FY21 has been a transforma- ₹10,894 crore quarter-on-

odafone Idea on 10.4
(in ₹) spectrum payment obligations The company said that while tional year for Vodafone Idea quarter. The company posted a
Wednesday said fiscal of ₹96,270 crore, AGR it continues to remain engaged with several important mile- one-time loss of ₹974.3 crore
Vodafone Idea
fourth-quarter loss nar- (adjusted gross revenue) liabil- with potential investors, its sta- stones achieved,” said Ravinder during the fourth quarter. Its
Ashwin Ramarathinam rowed to ₹7,022.8 crore from ity of ₹60,960 crore and debt tus as a going concern is contin- Takkar, managing director and average revenue per user
10.2 ₹11,643.5 crore in the year ear- from banks and financial insti- gent on its ability to raise addi- chief executive of Vodafone (Arpu) for Q4FY21 declined to
MUMBAI lier. 10.09 tutions of ₹23,080 crore. tional funds and successful Idea. “We enter FY22 with a ₹107 from ₹121 in Q3FY21 on
Total income during the 10 In a filing to the exchanges, negotiations with lenders on renewed focus on executing account of the removal of inter-

teelmaker JSW Steel Ltd quarter ended 31 March the company’s auditor said that continued support, refinancing our strategy to keep our cus- connection usage charge (IUC),
will deploy ₹25,115 crore declined by around 19% to 9.95 its financial performance of debts, monetization of cer- tomers ahead, and our cost adjusting for which ARPU was
towards capital expendi- ₹9,647.8 crore from ₹11,920.4 9.8
9.15am 3.30pm
impacted its ability to generate tain assets, the outcome of the optimization plan remains on broadly flat this quarter, it said.
ture for the next phase of its crore in the year earlier, the Source: Bloomberg the cash flow that it needs to modification application filed track to deliver the targeted Vodafone Idea had more than
growth plans, the company company said. For the year settle/refinance its liabilities with the Supreme Court and savings. We are in active dis- 267.8 million subscribers as of
said in its annual report ended 31 March, the loss nar- and guarantees as they fall due, clarity on the next instalment cussion with potential inves- 31 March. Ahead of its earnings
released on Wednesday. rowed to ₹44,233.1 crore from Total annual income which along with its financial amount, acceptance of its tors for fundraising to achieve announcements, shares of
“We are now embarking on ₹73,878.1 crore in the previous declined by about 8 % to condition is resulting in mate- deferment request by the tele- our strategic intent.” Vodafone Idea fell 1.4% to ₹9.95
the next phase of growth with year. ₹42,126.4 crore from ₹45,996.8 rial uncertainty that casts sig- com department and genera- In the fourth quarter, the on BSE.
the newly approved capex plan
of ₹25,115 crore. This capital Sajjan Jindal, chairman and
will allow us to augment our managing director, JSW Steel.
crude steel capacity at Vijaya-
nagar by 7.5 million tonnes per better average realizations,
annum (mtpa), enhance and cost optimization and efficien-
digitize our mining capabili- cies, JSW’s topline grew by 9%,
ties and infrastructure in Odi- and operating Ebitda
sha, and help us set up a state- increased to ₹20,141 crore, a
of-the-art colour-coated facil- rise of 70% from the ₹11,873
ity in Jammu and Kashmir to crore in the previous year.
support local demand and “Our efficient capital alloca-
development in the state,” Saj- tion and industry-leading
jan Jindal, chairman and man- project execution skills means
aging director of JSW Steel, that we are able to scale capac-
said in the annual report. ity at industry leading capex
“In addition, we are focus- per tonne, in record time. We
ing on upgrading our acquired have delivered an industry-
facilities through efficiency leading total shareholder
enhancing projects. Together, return compound annual
these initiatives will see the growth rate (CAGR) of 24%
combined capacity of JSW over the past 10 years, which
Steel, including JVs and asso- validates our efficient capital
ciates, expand to ~37.5 mtpa by allocation and execution. The
FY24-25,” he said. board has recommended a
Over the past three years, dividend of ₹6.5 per share,
JSW has deployed more than which is our highest ever, and
₹48,000 crore of capex to will lead to a total payout of
increase its production capac- ₹1,571 crore,” said Jindal.
ity by 50% through organic “We are also recalibrating
and inorganic routes without our R&D from a process-ori-
increasing its debt, he said. ented approach to a product-
“Our balance sheet is get- oriented one. As a result, our
ting stronger as we improve innovation and research func-
cash flows and efficiently allo- tion will increasingly focus on
cate capital. With the new understanding customer
capacities and strong price requirements and develop a
environment, we expect our larger variety of specialty
net-debt-to-Ebitda ratio to be grades and specialized solu-
about 2.75. We are consist- tions to meet our customer’s
ently reducing our cost of capi- evolving needs,” he said.
tal with access to diverse pools For May, JSW’s capacity
of liquidity and strong rela- utilization was 91% as liquid
tionships with institutions oxygen supplies were more
across the world,” he added. than 30,000 tonnes for medi-
In FY21, despite higher iron cal purposes against more than
ore and energy prices with 20,000 tonnes in April.
06 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2021

Govt charts
course for Govt set to invite global bids More stress is here
but lenders seem to
usage of
new-age fuel
for rural broadband project be safer than before
FROM PAGE 1 Monday, the government
FROM PAGE 1 increased the outlay of the
To be sure, the increase in scheme by ₹1.5 trillion.
hydrogen produced from fos- BharatNet will execute the project through a public-private partnership in 361,000 villages bad loans predicted by the In the retail loan portfolio,
sil fuels such as natural gas or stress test is far below the fore- data from credit bureaus show
naphtha. “The proposal for casts of the previous report more than a quarter of loans
mandating green hydrogen Gireesh Chandra Prasad & coms subject to them meeting reform- released in January. At that slipped to the riskiest subprime
consumption by fertilizer pro- Neetu Chandra Sharma related milestones, with state-run time, RBI projected the bad category by January from the
ducers and petroleum refiner- Power Finance Corporation (PFC) and loan ratio to surge to 13.5% by year-ago period. In essence,
ies is under consultation. NEW DELHI Rural Electrification Corporation September. It should also be credit risk perception has wor-
Details of quantum of man- (REC) nominated as nodal agencies for noted that RBI’s stress tests sened for retail borrowers. “All

dated share, required RE ndia will soon invite global bids to the scheme’s implementation. have been overestimating toxic lenders except PSBs have
(renewable energy) capacity, bring broadband to 361,000 villa- Mint reported about the contours of loans in recent years (see chart). begun to record increase in
etc., are yet to be firmed up,” ges across 16 states in public-pri- the scheme on 16 December last year. The draft report said troubled stress, which is particularly
said an MNRE official. vate partnership mode with gov- While announcing the relief package loans would mainly emerge from acute for unsecured lending
Power and new and renew- ernment aid, Union minister Ravi in the wake of second wave of corona- micro, small and medium enter- products,” the report notes.
able energy minister Raj Shankar Prasad said. virus pandemic, the finance minister prises (MSMEs) and retail bor- The upside for banks is that
Kumar Singh told reporters The new plan, which will be exe- on Monday said that the Centre’s rowers. These categories were large borrowers may not be the
recently that the government cuted by state-run BharatNet through share towards the discom reform the biggest beneficiaries of for- main source of stress, although
plans to start green hydrogen a public-private partnership, was scheme will be ₹97,631 crore. bearance, such as moratorium, their share may remain high.
purchase obligations on the cleared by the Union cabinet on An official statement from the gov- restructuring and standstill on Potential recoveries from past
lines of RPOs. Wednesday. The selected private ernment said that Wednesday’s cabi- asset recognition. Further, pub- defaulters, a low restructured
Given India’s dependence player will set up, operate and main- net decision for broadband connectiv- lic sector lenders loan pile, and a
on energy imports, the play- tain the network. ity in 16 states covered Kerala, Karna- have been at the The draft report likely pick-up in
book involves leveraging the As per the plan, the project will be taka, Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, forefront of lend- said troubled loans credit growth may
country’s large landmass and bundled into nine packages, each cor- Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Mad- ing to small busi- help banks bring
would mainly
low solar and wind tariffs to responding to one or more telecom hya Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam, nesses, besides down their toxic
produce low-cost green circles, and no investor will be The government said that the project will enable online education, telemedicine, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Tri- aggressively chas- emerge from loan pile. As such,
hydrogen. awarded more than four packages, skill development, e-commerce and other applications of broadband. PIXELFUSION pura, Nagaland and Arunachal Pra- ing retail credit in micro, small and banks have shored
With the current cost of said Prasad at a briefing on cabinet desh. The cabinet also accorded the past few years. medium units and up provisions
green hydrogen produced by decisions. Prasad holds the portfolios (ECLGS). Also, the due date for busi- nomic Affairs (CCEA) on Wednesday in-principle approval for extending Therefore, the retail borrowers against risks from
electrolysis estimated at of law and justice, telecom, electronics nesses to register newly hired workers approved the marquee ₹3.03 trillion BharatNet to all inhabited villages in bulk of the stress covid in FY21.
around ₹350 per kg, the plan is and information technology. for provident fund contribution sup- power distribution company (discom) the remaining states and Union terri- could appear on “Banks have
to more than halve it to ₹160 The cabinet also cleared parts of the port from the government under the reform scheme, wherein the Centre’s tories. The department of telecommu- balance sheets of public sector already made contingency pro-
per kg by 2029-30. The gov- ₹6.28 trillion economic package Atmanirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana share will be ₹97,631 crore. nication will separately work out the banks, with gross bad loan ratios visioning against much of the
ernment also aims to extend announced on Monday by finance has been extended. They get another The reforms-based results-linked modalities for these remaining states likely to touch 12.5% by March. stress from the pandemic.
the production-linked incen- minister Nirmala Sitharaman, which nine months till 31 March 2022. power distribution sector scheme to and Union territories. Signs of stress among These contingency provisions
tive (PLI) scheme for manufac- needed approval. This included “It will enable online education, MSMEs have emerged in the could be drawn down this year.
turing electrolyzers to produce the ₹19,041 crore viability gap CABINET DECISIONS telemedicine, skill development, special mention account (SMA) Need for incremental provi-
green hydrogen. funding for the village broadband e-commerce and other applica- loans of banks. These capture sioning is lower now,” said
Green hydrogen is pro- connectivity programme. Another THE ₹50,000 crore THE ₹1.5 trillion BUSINESSES now THE marquee tions of broadband,” the statement early signs of stress by record- Anand Dama, an analyst at
duced by splitting water into element of the economic relief financial guarantee
cover for new
addition to the
Emergency Credit
have time till 31 March ₹3.03 trillion reform
to register newly scheme for discoms
said. ing how long repayments are Emkay Global Financial Servi-
hydrogen and oxygen using package cleared by the cabinet is healthcare facilities Line Guarantee hired workers for PF also received a nod Prasad explained that the cap of overdue. The proportion of ces Ltd. Coupled with the
an electrolyzer that may be the ₹50,000 crore financial guar- was approved Scheme was cleared support from govt from the cabinet awarding a maximum of four SMA 1 and 2 loans in the MSME increase in capital during FY21,
powered by electricity from antee cover for opening new packages to an investor will ensure category for public sector banks are likely to emerge
renewable energy sources healthcare facilities or for expand- there will be no monopoly in the banks shot up to 11.8% in FY21 stronger despite the pandemic.
such as wind and solar. Hydro- ing existing ones under the new ‘loan This move is expected to create 7.18 be applicable till 2025-26 was project. He said Prime Minister Nar- from 8.6% in FY20. For private Analysts have upgraded the
gen can be used for both fuel guarantee scheme for covid-affected million jobs in the formal sector as announced in the Union budget pre- endra Modi had on 15 August last year sector banks, this ratio has earnings estimates of large
cell and internal combustion sectors’. In the case of other sectors against the earlier projection of 5.85 sented earlier this year and will sub- announced that in 1,000 days, optical increased to 3.2% from 2.6%. banks, anticipating an improve-
engines. It is also being lever- covered under the scheme, modalities million. As on 18 June, ₹902 crore has sume programmes such as the Inte- fibre broadband will be taken to every Further, it should be noted that ment in their overall profitabil-
aged for applications in sec- will be cleared in due course. been given to 2.14 million beneficia- grated Power Development Scheme village. Already, the facility has been credit flow to stressed MSMEs ity in FY22. Dama believes that
tors such as chemicals, iron, The cabinet also cleared the ₹1.5 ries through 79,577 establishments and the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram introduced in 156,000 villages out of from the government’s credit recoveries from large bad loans
steel, transport, heating and trillion addition to the Emergency under the scheme. Jyoti Yojana. the 250,000 villages targeted initially. guarantee scheme was sub- may also help banks in improv-
power. Credit Line Guarantee Scheme The Cabinet Committee on Eco- The funds will be released to dis- stantial during the year. On ing profitability.

Frame rules to pay ex SpiceJet posts₹256.98 crore Q4 Cooperative banks on RBI radar
gratia to kin of covid loss, plans to raise ₹2,500 crore FROM PAGE 1

MINT many: urban cooperative banks

dead, SC tells Centre FROM PAGE 1

the cargo business,” he said.

reported an aggregate return
on assets and return of equity of
-0.79% and -9.72%, respec-
FROM PAGE 1 Authority to recommend For the year ended 31 tively, in FY20.
appropriate guidelines for ex March, SpiceJet widened its “In the recent period, we
davit also stated that an ex gra- gratia assistance,” maintained consolidated net loss to have been taking measures to
tia amount of ₹4 lakh cannot be the bench. ₹1,029.89 crore from ₹936.57 improve their governance
paid for covid deaths as it is The bench also noted that crore in the previous year. structure, implement system-
beyond fiscal affordability, and there was no document on Revenue during FY2021 fell based asset classification
the finances of Central and record to show that after a rec- 54% to ₹6,119.39 crore. norms, bring them into the
state governments are under ommendation of the Finance Meanwhile, Walker Chan- central repository of informa-
severe strain. Commission against a scheme diok & Co LLP— the auditors tion on large credits reporting In the six months so far this year, RBI has imposed penalties on 51
Dissatisfied with these sub- for ex gratia, there was any to SpiceJet— have raised infrastructure and under the cooperative banks, as compared to 23 in 2020. MINT
missions, the bench under- decision made by the PM-led doubts about the airline's abil- supervisory action framework.
lined that section 12 of the NDMA, which was statutorily ity to continue as a going con- Last month, we set up an expert In September last year, the “fit and proper” managing
DMA used the word ‘shall’ mandated to issue these guide- cern as the mounting losses SpiceJet’s chairman and managing director Ajay Singh. SpiceJet’s cargo committee to examine these government notified the directors and whole-time
twice in propounding that lines. have led to complete erosion arm, SpiceXpress, saw a significant jump in Q4 revenue to ₹416.5 crore. issues and provide a road map amended Banking Regulation directors.
guidelines have to be made “ex “Ex gratia assistance on of net worth with current lia- for strengthening the UCB sec- Act, reducing the regulatory “The way I understand, most
gratia assistance on account of account of loss of life is part of bilities exceeding current SpiceXpress, saw a significant suspended in India since 23 tor,” RBI governor Shaktikanta arbitrage between commercial of the current heads of India’s
loss of life”, damage to houses minimum standards of relief, assets by ₹5,185.84 crore. increase in its revenue to March 2020, due to the coro- Das said on 25 March. banks and cooperative banks. cooperative banks might find
and restoration of means of which must be considered by “These conditions, together ₹416.5 crore in March 2021 navirus-triggered lockdown. Historically, the problem The effect of this change was them ineligible to continue as
livelihood. the National Authority while with uncertainties relating to quarter, from ₹67.8 crore a However, special interna- arose from the dual control of visible in the central bank’s many may not satisfy the condi-
“Therefore, it is the statu- providing for the minimum the impact of the ongoing cov- year ago. tional passenger flights have these lenders by the central recent rescue of PMC Bank by tions stipulated by the Reserve
tory duty cast upon the standards of relief to be pro- id-19 pandemic on the opera- Scheduled domestic flight been operating under the bank and state cooperative allowing Centrum Financial Bank. Commercial failures do
National Authority to recom- vided to the persons affected by tions of the company....indi- services were suspended in Vande Bharat Mission since societies. Under the Constitu- Services and BharatPe to set up happen, but these banks must
mend guidelines for the mini- disaster—in the present case, cate the existence of a material India from 25 March to 24 May May 2020 and under bilateral tion, these banks are a state a small finance bank and later ensure that decisions are taken
mum standards covid-19 pan- uncertainty that may cast sig- last year due to the lockdown. air bubble arrangements subject, but during the mid- take over the cooperative based on prudential guidelines,
of relief to be pro- demic,” said the nificant doubt about the com- The domestic flights resumed formed between India and 1960s, banking laws were made bank. and that would lead to an
vided to persons The NDMA court. pany’s ability to continue as a from 25 May 2020, but in a other countries since July applicable to these lenders for On 25 June, RBI notified improvement of the coopera-
affected by disas- headed by the PM At the same going concern,” it said. curtailed manner. Scheduled 2020. RBI to exercise some control guidelines for appointments at tive banking system,” said
ter, which shall ‘failed to perform time, the bench The company’s cargo arm, international flights have been PTI contributed to the story. over them. these banks, insisting on only Rawat.
include the its statutory duty’ highlighted that
reliefs, as stated
by not envisaging the courts must
hereinabove. The draw a line when
a compensation it comes to mat-
language used in
the provision is
very plain and
scheme, SC said ters of financial
implications and
IPOs raise ₹27,417 crore so far this year, highest in 10 years
unambiguous,” is cognizant that
said the bench, as it shot down covid-19 is different from the FROM PAGE 1 via IPOs in the first six months Nifty—rose 8.26% and 10.8%, Energy (85 times) and Indigo
the Centre’s plea that the word other disasters/natural disas- of 2019 and 2018, respectively. IPO deluge respectively, compared to Paints (82 times).
‘shall’ in the provision should ters for which ex gratia assist- few years, with PE or VC funds, According to Gaurav Dua, How new listings have dominated markets in 2021 6.94% gains by the MSCI The biggest IPOs in this
be read as ‘may’. ance is provided. which have invested large sums head of capital market strategy, (Jan-Jun) Amount raised (₹ crore) Number of IPOs
Emerging Markets Index dur- period were Sona BLW Preci-
Emphasizing that the bene- No state or country has of capital in Indian companies Sharekhan by BNP Paribas, ing the period, while the MSCI sion Forgings or Sona Comstar
ficial provision of the legisla- unlimited resources, said the in the past decade, increasingly promoters and other institu- 2016 8,183 12 World index rose 12.5%. In (₹5,550 crore), Indian Railway
tion must be literally con- bench, pointing out that the using the primary market route tional investors have used 2017 11,774 13 rupee terms, the Sensex and Finance Corp. (₹4,633 crore),
strued so as to fulfil the statu- central government was also to exit their mature invest- favourable market conditions the Nifty have gained 10% and Macrotech Developers (₹2,500
2018 23,452 18
tory purpose and not to required to take various meas- ments. to exit or book partial profits 13% since Janu- crore) and Krishna
frustrate it, the bench noted ures in different sectors, such as As a result, most IPOs hitting rather than raise fresh capital 2019 5,509 8 ary, the best six- Most of the funds Institute of Medi-
that once covid had been noti- public health, employment and the primary markets have had a for business growth. month perform- raised via IPOs cal Sciences
2020 10,341 1
fied as a disaster, it was manda- providing food and shelter to PE/VC backer in recent times, “The trend is not ideal but ance in the past were used to (₹2,120 crore).
tory to contemplate a scheme people and migrants. thus leading to a higher pro- not necessarily negative for 2021 27,417 22 five years. On the “We are wit-
offer an exit to
for ex gratia for loss of life due “There shall not be any justi- portion of secondary share retail investors. The listing has other hand, the nessing high
to the infection.
Source: PE/VC firms or
fication to provide for the same sales in IPOs. enabled retail investors to par- benchmark indi- momentum in the
ces shed 15% in existing investors capital markets. A
“Not recommending any amount by way of ex gratia It was the same story in the ticipate in some fast-growing
guidelines for ex gratia assist- assistance as provided in the past two years. In 2019 and companies. At the same time, ing Zomato, LIC and Paytm,” economic recovery, investors the year-ago and promoters significant amount
ance on account of loss of life case of other disasters/natural 2018, too, the proportion of there are cases of IPOs priced at Dua said. continued to pump money into period. of activity is driven
due to covid pandemic, while disasters, i.e., ₹4 lakh. The gov- OFS in the total IPO fundrais- high valuations with little left Favourable market condi- equities, making it the best- So far this year, by huge dry pow-
recommending other guide- ernment has to decide its own ing was 73.8% and 72.5%, on the table for retail investors. tions have made it attractive for performing asset class in the six India has seen 22 IPOs. MTAR der awaiting investment and
lines for the minimum stan- priorities and reliefs to differ- respectively. Consequently, it is essential to companies to raise equity capi- months to 30 June. Technologies was subscribed companies exploring a listing in
dards of relief, it can be said ent sectors for different In the first six months of be very selective in investing in tal at relatively higher valua- Gains from the Indian stock 139 times, the highest in these India or overseas. The markets
that the National Authority has reliefs...What reasonable 2020, there was only one IPO— the medium-to-long term. We tions, and many companies markets outpaced emerging six months. Others that drew continue to reward companies
failed to perform its statutory amount to be offered towards by SBI Cards and Payment Ser- believe that the hyperactivity in have taken advantage of the sit- markets (EMs) in the first six high subscriptions included with robust, scalable and tech-
duty cast under Section 12 and, ex gratia aid is left to the wis- vices Ltd—due to the covid out- the IPO market will continue in uation, he added. months of 2021. Nazara Technologies Ltd (96 nology-led business models,”
therefore, a writ of mandamus dom of National Authority,” break. A total of ₹5,509 crore the near future—many mega- Despite the pandemic’s sec- In dollar terms, benchmark times), Easy Trip Planners (88 Sandip Khetan, EY India IPO
is to be issued to the National said the court. and ₹23,452 crore were raised IPOs are in the pipeline, includ- ond wave in India and delayed indices—the Sensex and the times), Shyam Metalics and leader, said in a note.

Duroflex in
talks with Online retail set to see LEGACY FIRMS ARE EAGER TO
PE firms to
raise funds
its biggest jump in 2021 ORDINARY
offline store operations from time to time, and
kept consumers away for fear of infection.
“The pandemic has accelerated the pace of
digital adoption and legacy FMCG companies
Debjyoti Roy POST are attempting to fast-track their online adop- tion journey through organic (stepping up focus
NEW DELHI The segment is expected to clock $55 billion in sales, up 45% from last year SHUCHI BANSAL on D2C strategy) or inorganic means (partner-
ships/investments/acquisitions),” said Ankur

attress maker Duro- Respond to this column at Pahwa, partner at EY in the strategy and trans-
flex Pvt. Ltd is in talks Tarush Bhalla actions practice, and also the national leader for
to raise funds from Online retail boom the e-commerce and consumer internet sector.

domestic private equity firms BENGALURU India is set to become the third-largest online retail market globally, n Monday, FMCG company Emami Ltd Also, the pandemic has taught brands that if
Kedaara Capital, ChrysCapital after the US and China, clocking $350 billion in GMV by 2030. said it has increased its stake in Helios the customer can’t come to you, you will need to

and Multiples Alternate Asset he online retail market is 140 Lifestyle, which sells male-grooming go the customer, he said. Besides, millennials
Gross merchandise value (GMV)
Management, apart from a few expected to witness the high- for e-retail sector (in $ bn) products under The Man Company brand, by are a fast-growing and influential consumer
foreign PE firms, two people est ever year-on-year growth 15% to 45.96%. This was in line with its ambition group who are increasingly gravitating towards
aware of the matter said. in 2021 with $55 billion in to tap emerging online opportunities, Emami online shopping. And, if legacy players don’t
The Kerala-based company sales, up 45% from 2020, said. The Man Company’s premium products adapt soon, they could soon miss the bus on this
is seeking to raise $50-75 mil- when the gross merchandise value 55 sell on its website and on e-marketplaces. aspirational segment, he said.
lion (₹371-557 crore) for (GMV) of goods sold on e-commerce plat- 38 Likewise, Hindustan Unilever Ltd, India’s To be sure, younger shoppers hardly visit kir-
21.7 27.1
expansion, and has hired the forms stood at $38 billion, according to 12.4 16 largest maker of packaged goods, said it was anas to buy groceries or personal care products,
investment banking arm of management consultancy RedSeer. focusing on making some of its premium brands said Panditrao. A lot of product research hap-
KKR-controlled Avendus Cap- The growth is primarily being driven 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021* 2025* 2030* available direct to consumer (D2C) via mono pens online. They even get introduced to new
ital to scout for potential inves- by first-time shoppers. New direct-to- brand sites. At the recent annual general meet- brands through Instagram. The entire cycle of
tors, the people cited above consumer (D2C) brands are expected to ing of Tata Consumer Products Ltd (TCPL), discovering brands
said on condition of anonym- further bolster the sector’s growth. 500,000 $800 bn $1.5 trillion $150 bn chairman N. Chandrasekaran announced the The second and becoming loyal
ity. The transaction could In spite of the pandemic, e-commerce Total gig workers Size of India's Total sales expected GMV contribution of launch of its foreign premium coffee brand consumers has
include platforms added 20 million new shop- expected to be digital economy to be clocked by small-town shoppers on Eight O’Clock in India as a D2C brand. Prior to covid wave has changed, and digital
a small pers in 2020. This year, 40 million first- employed (2021) (2030) kiranas (2030) e-commerce (2020-2030) that, TCPL had marked its foray into the D2C only reiterated is a large part of it.
second- time shoppers may log on to e-commerce market via premium roasted and ground coffee the value of “So, traditional
*forecasts Source: RedSeer
a r y platforms, taking the user base to 190 brand Sonnets aimed at urban aficionados. direct reach to brands need to see
component, the people added. million by 2021-end, according to Red- Clearly, action in the D2C segment is heating the consumer how they will acquire
It couldn’t be immediately Seer estimates. counting. In the first six months of 2021, e-commerce will contribute 40% to non- up with some of the largest traditional FMCG and retain new cus-
ascertained if Lighthouse India is set to become the third-largest e-commerce continues to grow in double grocery retail such as electronics and companies actively participating in the frenzy tomers,” he said.
Funds, which had backed the online retail market globally, after the US digits, and with the second half of the fashion, and 6% of medicine and grocery for digital-first brands. Of course, the flurry of “Right under their nose, many new brands
firm in 2018, would be exiting and China, clocking $350 billion in GMV year loaded with sale events, this growth purchases by 2030. activity continues among the startups, too, have come and built a whole, large business
through the funding round. by 2030, it added. The growth in online will be bolstered further,” said Mrigank With the likes of JioMart, Flipkart and which began the D2C craze in the first place. from a market they (legacy firms) never knew
Email queries sent to Duro- retail is expected to be further fuelled by Gutgutia, director, e-commerce, Red- Amazon India now tying up with kiranas A lot has been written about the size of the existed,” said Panditrao, adding, that’s what
flex and the investors 88% of new online shoppers added over Seer Consulting. to facilitate express hyperlocal deliveries, D2C opportunity in India. And the second and they worry about. It’s the fear of missing out on
remained unanswered till the next decade (2020-30) from tier-2, 3 Gutgutia said the impact of lockdowns kirana stores are expected to clock more severe covid wave that kept the country growth opportunities, he added.
press time. Avendus Capital and 4 cities. approximately $1.5 trillion in shut in April and May has only reiterated the But can they compete with more nimble
declined to comment. Shoppers from small GROWTH DRIVERS overall sales by 2030. value of direct reach to the consumer as store internet-first brands? Pahwa admitted that
Duroflex started in 1963 by towns and cities will cumula- To keep pace with the operations remained patchy. online is fast-paced, and consumer preferences
manufacturing a wide range of tively contribute to $150 bil- THE growth is being THIS year, 40 mn NEW direct-to- growth in online retail, the Little surprise then, Shoptimize, the com- can change relatively quickly compared to the
mattresses and polyurethane lion of e-commerce GMV in driven by first-time
shoppers. Platforms
first-time shoppers
may come online,
consumer (D2C)
brands are expected
logistics sector is expected to pany that helps set up D2C e-commerce web- sales cycles of traditional retail. “However, tra-
foam products. It diversified the coming decade, until added 20 mn new taking user base to to further bolster the employ 500,000 gig work- sites for brands and drives growth for them, has ditional firms bring years of experience along
into accessories and work- 2030, RedSeer data showed. shoppers in 2020 190 mn by 2021-end sector’s growth ers in 2021. Logistics firms in seen its business jump 300% since January. with understanding supply chains, unit eco-
from-home furniture. It oper- New e-commerce models India clocked over 3 billion Co-founder and CEO Mangesh Panditrao said nomics and deep pockets,” he said.
ates three manufacturing units such as social, video and shipments in 2020, of which the growth came from brands he on-boarded on Besides, they are keen to learn the game and
in Hosur, and one each in Ben- influencer-led commerce will result in following the second wave of the covid 850 million were driven by third-party a revenue-sharing model, which was piloted are, therefore, either backing some of the inter-
galuru and Hyderabad. higher penetration of e-tailing in India. infections was far less on e-commerce, logistics firms. three months ago. These are in the consumer net-first brands or launching their own.
Duroflex has an omnichan- “The pandemic has caused an inflec- with online sales trading 70% higher in Furthermore, new-age logistics play- durables, food and lifestyle categories. “Fashion Pahwa said growth through acquisitions is
nel presence, with digital tion point for e-commerce in the coun- the April-June quarter, compared to the ers have reduced the average time of brands have also come on board and some are likely to play out as this becomes an increasingly
brand Sleepyhead accounting try. At present, more than 50% of online corresponding period last year. delivery by two-thirds over the last seven offshoots of large offline brands,” he said. competitive space. Clearly, D2C brands are no
for nearly 40% of sales. It is shoppers are using e-commerce for con- Besides, India’s consumer digital years, as they leveraged automation. But why are more and more legacy compa- longer a fad, but a trend here to stay.
said to be India’s second-larg- venience. This is a far departure from economy, including cab-hailing and By the end of 2020, tier-2, 3 and 4 cit- nies veering towards D2C brands? For two rea- Shuchi Bansal is Mint’s media, marketing and
est mattress seller after Sequ- earlier estimates when 70% of online mobility services, is expected to touch ies accounted for more than 50% of shop- sons probably, and the first is more of an aberra- advertising editor. Ordinary Post will look at pre-
oia Capital-backed Wakefit. shopping used to be driven by heavy dis- $800 billion by 2030. With its rise, pers in the Indian e-commerce space. tion caused by the pandemic, which restricted ssing issues related to all three. Or just fun stuff.



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Renault vows
to cut battery China’s economy flashes On milestone day,
CPC eyes second
costs by 60%
in EV push
hints of weakness in June century in power

Expansion in factory sector slowed, while services sector softened amid low consumer spending
enault SA aims to cut the hina’s ruling Commu-
cost of its batteries by nist Party, which had a
60% this decade as the vice-like grip on the
struggling French carmaker Jonathan Cheng destiny of the world’s most
seeks to accelerate a push into populous nation besides
electric vehicles. BEIJING diverse influence on interna-
Renault also plans to lower tional leftist movements and

the cost of its electric motors by xpansion in China’s factory sec- global politics, will turn 100 on
30%, make them more com- tor slowed in June, as export Thursday.
pact and extend their range, it demand weakened while sup- The highlight of the occa-
said Wednesday. It plans to roll ply bottlenecks held back pro- sion, according to officials, is All eyes will be on Xi Jinping on
out several EVs in the coming duction, official data showed an address to a special gather- the CPC’s centenary. BLOOMBERG
years, including a revival of the Wednesday. ing in the morning by Presi-
iconic and affordable ‘4L’ Equally worrying, China’s services dent Xi Jinping, who cast him- of Chinese covid-19 vaccines.
model. sector, a persistent laggard in the coun- self in the mould of Mao Zed- According to the Post, diplo-
“We’ll lead the energy transi- try’s post-pandemic rebound that Bei- ong, the founder of the mats who are invited to the
tion and make electric cars very jing policy makers are eager to see drive Communist Party of China event can also attend if they
popular,” chief executive offi- more of the economy, softened as recent (CPC) as it is officially called. have had a foreign vaccine.
cer Luca de Meo said when pre- coronavirus outbreaks again hindered Xi’s address would be tele- China, which had stopped
senting the company’s updated consumer spending. cast live by official media net- international travel to most of
EV strategy. EVs will account The hints of weakness on both fronts works, state-run Xinhua news the countries after the corona-
for up to 90% of Renault- come as economists lowered expecta- agency reported. virus emerged in Wuhan in
branded cars by the end of this tions for growth in the world’s second- While much of the “grand December 2019 and became a
decade, indicating a gradual largest economy. In recent weeks, Mor- celebrations”, as Xi put it ear- global pandemic, has con-
phasing out of hybrids. gan Stanley and Barclays, among others, China’s official manufacturing purchasing managers index fell slightly to 50.9 in June from 51.0 in May, data showed. AFP lier, were shrouded in secrecy, tained the spread of the virus
The automaker is making a have downgraded their forecasts for the Hong Kong-based South with stringent measures,
big bet on electric cars and ear- China’s full-year gross domestic product The subindexes measuring the oil, coal a shift in wealthy consumers’ spending, and construction activity, fell in June to China Morning Post quoted though it continued to report
lier this week unveiled plans to to below 9%, citing the impact of higher and metal industries also weakened, away from purchases of big-ticket items 53.5 from 55.2 in May, the statistics the officials as saying that a handful of cases every day in
secure batteries for its future raw material prices on production and weighing on total demand, officials said. and more toward in-person services, bureau said Wednesday. there will be no military different parts of the country.
vehicles produced in France. weaker-than-expected consumption. Recent covid-19 cases in the southern says Sebastian Eckardt, lead China The subindex measuring service parade. Much of the focus would be
China’s Envision Group agreed On Wednesday, China’s National province of Guangdong, an economic economist at the World Bank. activity fell to 52.3 from the previous Earlier, there was specula- on Xi’s speech, considering
to spend as much as $2.4 billion Bureau of Statistics said its official man- and export stronghold, have added As that shift takes root, the contribu- month’s 54.3, while new orders received tion about a military parade at China faces global adversity
on a battery factory near Ren- ufacturing purchasing managers index strains to supply bottlenecks for manu- tion of net exports to China’s overall by service providers dropped into con- the historic Tiananmen over the origins of the cov-
ault’s auto plant in Douai. fell slightly to 50.9 in June, from 51.0 in facturers. Operations at Shenzhen’s Yan- growth will likely wane, Mr. Eckardt tractionary territory, to 49.5 in June Square, demonstrating id-19, allegations of genocide
Renault, which had a record May. The gauge was higher than the tian Port, one of the world’s busiest, were says. The World Bank projects China’s from 52.0 in May, reflecting a quick China’s new military hard- against Uygur Muslims in Xin-
loss last year, also plans to 50.7 median forecast expected by econ- cut to 30% of capacity beginning in late current account surplus, which includes cooling of market demand. Subindexes ware. Some of the latest heli- jiang, massive crackdown in
acquire a stake of slightly more omists polled by The Wall Street Journal May and have only started to recover in foreign trade of merchandised goods tracking air transportation, catering and copters and fighter jets con- Hong Kong to put down the
than 20% in a year-old French and remained above the 50 mark that recent days, accord- and services, to fall accommodation also fell into contrac- ducted rehearsals a few days mass dissent, besides mur-
startup called Verkor for high- separates expansion from contraction ing to port officials. to roughly 1.4% of tionary territory. ago. murs over his tenure.
er-performance power packs for a 16th straight month. But it marked Meantime, the gross domestic The declines come as the recent cov- The sprawling Tiananmen The US, EU, Japan and a
and could join a venture called the lowest reading in four months. subindex of new product this year, id-19 cases in Guangdong have damp- Square, where the Great Hall host of western countries have
ACC, spearheaded by rival Stel- Beneath the headline number, the export orders fell deeper into contrac- from 1.9% last year. ened consumer sentiment. of People is located, has been mounted a united campaign to
lantis NV and TotalEnergies subindex measuring production tionary territory to 48.1 in June from As exports slow, Mr. Eckardt says he With vaccinations relatively slow to completely blocked for about rein in China’s authoritarian
SE. declined to 51.9 in June, from 52.7 the 48.3 in May, signalling weakening exter- expects to see “import growth recover- roll out and many restrictions driven by a month and also much of the governance at home and its
In deciding to revive the 4L previous month, as recent shortages of nal demand for Chinese goods. ing in China on the back of firming covid-19 still in place, consumers have events in the past few days like attempts to forge a new global
model that dates back to the semiconductors, coal and power held As the first major economy to emerge domestic demand.” Chinese leaders, remained cautious each time a new Wednesday’s presentation of order with multi-billion Belt
1960s after also announcing back output at many factories, the statis- from the pandemic last year, China ben- too, have called for the economy to shift wave of infections has broken out. Econ- medals by Xi to 29 CPC mem- and Road Initiative (BRI).
plans to remake the Renault 5 tics bureau said. efited from robust global demand for its more toward domestic consumption. omists have had to rein in their expecta- bers who have made “out- Commenting on the CPC
into an EV, de Meo is taking his As they have all across the global auto export goods, which helped China’s But on that count, Wednesday’s eco- tions after the hoped-for pickup in con- standing contributions to the centenary, Gu Su, a political
penchant for vintage a step fur- supply chain, chip shortages have hit export sector continually defy market nomic data offered more reasons for sumer spending failed to materialize. Party and the people”. scientist at Nanjing University
ther. The latter will cost a third China’s car makers, keeping the auto expectations. Now, economists see the caution than for optimism. Grace Zhu and Stella Yifan Xie contrib- Journalists who are invited in China, said that the 100th
less than its compact Zoe EV, manufacturing subindex in contraction- trend turning as the lifting of pandemic China’s official non-manufacturing uted to this article. to attend Thursday’s event are anniversary might not yield
the company said. ary territory for two straight months. restrictions in Western countries drives PMI, which includes gauges of services ©2021 DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC required to get both the doses any major announcements.

Biden weighs order to check big biz Uber rival Didi prices IPO at $14 a share
FROM PAGE 1 The Biden administration tives to antitrust to ‘catalyze’ Corrie Driebusch been growing quickly heading
focus on big business power competition.” into 2020, the pandemic
end of Mr. Obama’s term to comes amid growing bipartisan A similar argument in a slowed ridership. The value of

prompt significant action. support for tougher antitrust November 2020 report issued hinese ride-hailing all transactions on Didi’s plat-
The Obama order directed measures, especially against by the Washington Center for goliath Didi Global Inc. form fell by nearly one-third in
departments and agencies to big technology companies such Equitable Growth—headed at priced its IPO at $14 on the first three months of 2020
identify within 60 days limits to as Inc., Apple the time by Heather Boushey, Tuesday afternoon, according from a year before and didn’t
competition in the industries Inc.Facebook Inc. and Alpha- now a member of Mr. Biden’s to people familiar with the start growing again until the
they oversee and propose new bet Inc.’s Google. A House Council of Economic Advis- matter, setting the stage for second half of 2020.
rules aiding consumers and committee last week approved ers—called on the new admin- the company to begin trading Some fund managers and
small businesses. The Com- a far-reaching legislative pack- istration to “commit to a ‘whole Wednesday, after it made a analysts looking at Didi’s IPO
merce Department moved to age aimed at curbing the mar- of government’ approach to lightning-fast pitch to poten- also noted that the optics of
increase competition for cable ket dominance of those tech competition policy.” Mr. Wu tial investors. owning large stakes in
and satellite set-top boxes, the giants in a variety of ways, such was one of the authors of that The company sold more U.S.-listed Chinese companies
Agriculture Department as prohibiting the big platforms There is growing support for report. stock than it had planned, and are tricky right now with
moved to give small poultry from favoring their own prod- tougher antitrust measures Advocates of that approach the upsized deal raised about heated rhetoric between the
farmers more protections ucts or services. The measures against big tech firms. REUTERS say that regulators often focus $4.4 billion, a person familiar two countries.
against big meatpackers, and require passage from the full on promoting the companies with the matter said. Late last year, the U.S.
the Transportation Depart- House and the Senate to amended lawsuit. and industries they oversee, Given the upsizing, the pric- House of Representatives
ment required airlines to more become law. Progressive academics and and that it would make a differ- ing would give Didi a market passed legislation that could
clearly disclose baggage fees. Mr. Biden named a promi- activists have in recent years ence for the White House to capitalization of more than $67 ban trading shares of Chinese
Mr. Trump reversed the nent tech critic, Lina Khan, to been promoting new direct them to do more to curb billion, which would trail U.S. A file photo of Didi Chuxing CEO Cheng Wei (left) and president companies in three years over
poultry and baggage-fee meas- chair the Federal Trade Com- approaches to big business pol- the power of those companies. ride-hailing firm Uber Tech- Jean Liu attending the launch event of the D1 electric van. REUTERS concerns that their audits
ures, and he didn’t make anti- mission, one of two federal icy, and some have landed in “It’s helpful to have pressure nologies Inc.’s roughly $95 bil- aren’t sufficiently regulated.
concentration policy a priority. agencies that handle such the Biden administration. Tim from the White House pushing lion but land well ahead of Lyft cing investors to focus on right now, according to people Didi mentioned this possibility
“I think the Obama order cases. Wu, a longtime advocate for agencies to think more about Inc., which sits at roughly $20 Didi’s potential growth and familiar with the matter. as a risk factor in IPO docu-
worked well, but it came at the A federal judge on Monday tougher antitrust enforcement, promoting competition when billion. brush aside the possible politi- The American depositary ments.
end of the administration, and handed a setback to advocates is now an official at the White that benefits the public, even Didi’s fully diluted valua- cal risks around putting shares of Didi will trade on the It hasn’t stopped a handful
these things take time,” said for limiting the power of big House National Economic when it’s unwelcome to the tion, which typically includes money into U.S.-listed Chi- New York Stock Exchange of Chinese companies from
Jason Furman, who chaired the tech companies, dismissing Council handling technology industry being regulated,” said restricted stock units, would nese companies. It will be under the symbol DIDI. The tapping U.S. markets in recent
Obama Council of Economic antitrust lawsuits against Face- and competition policy, and Carl Shapiro, an economist at easily eclipse $70 billion at the entering a U.S. IPO market offering was led by Goldman weeks, though, part of a hot
Advisers and helped craft and book filed in December by the has been working on the execu- the University of California, initial-public-offering price, that has been white hot on the Sachs Group Inc., Morgan IPO summer. U.S.-listed com-
implement the order. “With federal government and 46 tive order, according to people Berkeley who worked on anti- confirming earlier reports by whole, but less hospitable for Stanley and JPMorgan Chase panies already have raised
more time to run, an executive states. U.S. District Judge familiar with the deliberations. trust policy in the Clinton and The Wall Street Journal. newly listed Chinese compa- & Co. more than $70 billion in tradi-
order now has the potential to James Boasberg in Washington As a Columbia Law School Obama administrations. Didi’s pricing comes just nies lately. Didi, which elbowed Uber tional IPOs in 2021, on track
do quite a lot,” said Mr. Fur- said the claims were “legally professor in 2017, he wrote an Alex Leary contributed to this three business days after it To help ensure the deal got Technologies Inc. out of for a record, according to Dea-
man, now a Harvard economics insufficient” but gave the FTC article urging policy makers to article. launched its roadshow, mak- done, and one of the reasons China, is one of the most antic- logic. When including special-
professor. 30 days to attempt to file an explore “regulatory alterna- ©2021 DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC. ing it one of the shortest inves- the company was able to speed ipated Chinese companies to purpose acquisition compa-
tor pitches for an initial public through its roadshow, Didi list shares in the U.S. since nies, U.S. IPO volumes already
offering in recent memory, lined up roughly one-third of e-commerce giant Alibaba have surpassed any other full
according to bankers, inves- its IPO allo- G r o u p year on record, Dealogic data

Credit Suisse to rejig wealth management biz tors and lawyers.

Didi ran its roadshow
through round-the-clock vir-
cation in
Ltd. did in
Full Truck Alliance Co.,
whose app connects truck
tual meetings because of time- Stanley Investment Manage- It boasts an Apple Inc. exec- drivers to businesses that need
Bloomberg the unified business, one of the unit. currently splits private banking zone differences, according to ment and Temasek Holdings utive as a board member, and to transport goods in China, people said. Credit Suisse Combining the separate across three divisions catering people who participated. Ltd. are so-called anchor pre-IPO investors include made its U.S. stock-market
declined to comment. wealth management busi- to Switzerland, Asia and Company executives investors that planned to buy Tencent Holdings Ltd. and debut last week. In May, Chi-

redit Suisse Group AG is Even before the bank was nesses under global leadership Europe, Emerging Europe and focused on Didi’s scale and $1.25 billion of shares in the SoftBank Group Corp., which nese insurance technology
weighing an overhaul of shaken by the Archegos Capital would mirror the structure at Latin America. potential for continuing IPO. also is a prominent backer of company Waterdrop Inc.
its wealth management Management and rival UBS Group Helman Sitohang, Philipp growth, the people said. Didi decided to price the Uber. listed its shares on the New
business, consolidating several Greensill Capital The move would AG. There, wealth Wehle and Andre Helfenstein The executives emphasized deal prudently, with a lower Some potential investors York Stock Exchange. Shares
private banking units to save scandals, chief replace a regional management is currently share responsibility that 70% of China’s population valuation than initial expecta- said it was surprising that Didi of both companies have fallen
costs and centralize control as executive officer structure, where led by co-heads for the bank’s wealth manage- will live in cities by 2030 and tions, said a person familiar planned to price its stock just below their IPO prices.
the sprawling global bank seeks Thomas Gottstein Asia currently Iqbal Khan and ment operations, which have that few people own cars in with the matter. three days after starting its Last week, Chinese grocery-
to move past recent scandals. was working to Tom Naratil. gained importance at the those cities—and far fewer Some people around the roadshow. In 2021, the average delivery company MissFresh
reports into a
The move would replace a reduce duplica- The move expense of the investment than in the U.S. deal had originally floated the roadshow lasted 8 days, Ltd. priced its American
regional structure, where Asia tion and simplify local leadership in would roll back a bank. Credit Suisse’s new Didi argues it is in position possibility of raising roughly according to Dealogic. depositary shares at the low
in particular currently reports its structure. He the private bank structure set up by Chairman Antonio Horta-Os- to capitalize on that, from $5 billion to $10 billion, this By pricing shares Tuesday, end of its targeted range, and
into a local leadership in the combined the former CEO orio told bankers at a recent shared mobility in general to person said. Didi’s stock will start trading the stock fell more than 25% in
private bank, according to peo- investment bank Tidjane Thiam meeting in London that the its investments in electric Reasons for the scaleback before the July 4 holiday in the its first day of trading. It
ple with knowledge of the mat- and markets division in one of more than five years ago and firm has a great wealth man- vehicles and artificial intelli- included some recent Chinese U.S. and the Chinese Commu- remains below its IPO price.
ter. The bank could consider his first overhauls after taking may reduce costs as well as agement business “with ancil- gence. IPOs in the U.S. trading poorly nist Party founding day on Joanne Chiu contributed to
appointing a global wealth over, while folding in some present a more unified lary services”, according to How the IPO trades hinges and a glut of U.S.-listed IPOs Thursday. this article.
management head to oversee Asian markets activity into that approach to clients. The lender people who heard the remarks. partly on the company convin- marketing shares to investors While the company had ©2021 DOW JONES & COMPANY, INC

TWEETS OF THE DAY Ritesh Agarwal Gita Gopinath Kalpen Parekh

Christine Lagarde @riteshagar @GitaGopinath @KalpenParekh
@Lagarde Entrepreneurs should pur- Vaccine inequity is When interest rates are low,
As the pandemic sue an idea but not get mar- projected to persist we look for extra yields. 3 year
passes, we need to shift ried to it. It’s great to be into the future. This corporate bonds always earn
focus from preserving obsessive about an idea but needs to change. The more than 10 year sovereign.
the economy to trans- don’t be possessive if it’s not cost at $50bn is trivial Not the case for last 1 year.
forming it...we must working out. Keep relative to the Corporates are not issuing
redirect investment. experimenting. trillions gained bonds as GoI. This can change

‘Covaxin neutralizes SEEKING RESPITE India extends ban

Alpha, Delta variants’ on overseas flights

harat Biotech’s covid-19 vaccine Covaxin he Indian government has extended the
generates antibodies that effectively ban on international commercial flights
neutralize the B.1.1.7 (Alpha) and B.1.617 till 31 July, the Directorate General of Civil
(Delta) variants of SARS-CoV-2, US-based Aviation (DGCA) said in a circular on
research body National Institutes of Health Wednesday. The ban on scheduled overseas
(NIH) said on Wednesday. Covaxin comprises a flights was to end on 30 June after a 15-month
disabled form of SARS-CoV-2 that cannot gap. Dedicated cargo flights and flights under
replicate but still stimulates the immune system bilateral air bubble pacts with select countries
to make antibodies against the virus, NIH said. will continue to operate, DGCA said. A bilateral
Published results from a Phase 2 trial of the air bubble is a mechanism to resume flights
vaccine indicate that it is “safe and well between India and other nations with
tolerated”, it said. preconditions during the pandemic. India
“Safety data from a Phase 3 trial of Covaxin in currently has bilateral air bubble agreement
25,800 participants in India will become with about 28 countries, including Afghanistan,
available later this year. Unpublished interim Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, Ethiopia,
results from the Phase 3 trial indicate that the France, Germany, Iraq, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait,
vaccine has 78% efficacy against symptomatic the Maldives, Nepal, the Netherlands, Nigeria,
disease, 100% efficacy against severe covid-19, Oman, Qatar, Rwanda, Seychelles, Tanzania,
including hospitalization, and 70% efficacy Ukraine, the UAE, the UK, Uzbekistan and the
against asymptomatic infection with SARS- US. RHIK KUNDU

Children enjoy a swim in a water canal in Delhi as a severe heat wave swept the national capital, with the mercury soaring to 43.5° C on Wednesday. PTI

Brazil suspends $320 mn deal The newly built facility is expected to generate

The mortgage lender invoked pledged shares. MINT

HDFC picks up 8.4%

with Bharat Biotech for Covaxin direct employment for nearly 1,200 people. MINT

FK opens grocery
Ansal Housing stake unit in Coimbatore

omegrown e-commerce marketplace
The firm denies any wrongdoing in the contract for the vaccine, including the pricing
ortgage lender Housing Development Flipkart on Wednesday said it has
Finance Corporation Ltd (HDFC) has launched grocery services in Coimbatore
acquired an 8.42% stake in Ansal with the opening of its first fulfilment centre in
Housing Ltd by invoking pledged shares Leroy Leo of a political storm following a report by the par- Committee (CPI) statement, the report said. the city to meet growing demand. Spread across
following loan repayment defaults. “[We] liamentary commission of inquiry on the Bolson- In a statement on Wednesday, Bharat Biotech an area of over 120,000 sq. ft, the newly built
would like to inform you that the corporation NEW DELHI aro administration’s handling of the pandemic. said it had committed no wrong in the supply con- facility will generate direct employment for
has invoked the pledge on certain shares of Among major issues, the government’s role in tract for the covid vaccine, including the pricing, nearly 1,200 people, it said. This will be

Ansal Housing, for recovery of part razil has suspended the contract for 20 procuring the vaccine has been under scrutiny, which was set at $15-20 for export markets. “The Flipkart’s second grocery facility in Tamil Nadu,
outstanding dues against loans availed by million doses of Bharat Biotech Inter- considering that the price, at $15 per dose, is the pricing of Covaxin has been clearly established at after Chennai, and ninth in the southern region.
pledgers from the corporation,” it said in a national’s Covaxin worth about $320 highest for any vaccine, including those devel- $15-20 per dose for supplies to governments out- The Coimbatore centre is in line with Flipkart’s
regulatory filing late on Tuesday. Real estate million following a controversy over oped by Pfizer Inc. side India. The pric- plans to strengthen its grocery supply chain
developer Ansal Housing had a turnover alleged irregularities in procurement and AstraZeneca ing for Brazil has infrastructure across the country and add over
₹116.93 crore for the year ended 31 March 2020 and pricing. Plc, Brazil has paid The Brazilian government’s role in also been indicated 800,000 sq. ft of space through the
and its net worth as on that date was ₹214.12 The suspension, effective Tuesday, follows a for so far. procuring Covaxin has been under at $15 per dose. Bha- establishment of five new fulfilment centres this
crore. Ansal Housing’s website says it has recommendation by the Comptroller General of According to a
completed development projects of about 76 the Union (CGU). However, the government led report by CNN, scrutiny, given the price, at $15 per rat Biotech has
received advance
year. In the initial stages, only a part of the
facility will be utilized, for which over 500
million square feet. In its FY20 annual report, by President Jair Bolsonaro refuted all allega- members of the par- dose, is the highest for any vaccine payments from sev- people will be hired. It will be the only Flipkart
the company said HDFC issued a demand tions. “According to CGU’s preliminary analysis, liamentary panel eral other countries facility where 90% of the overall workforce will
notice under Section 13(2) of the Sarfaesi Act, there are no irregularities in the contract, but, due said the agreed at the above price be women. MADHURIMA NANDY
2002, for enforcement of secured assets to compliance, the @minsaude (Brazil’s health upon price was around 1,000% higher than what points, with supplies in process, pending approv-
against the entire outstanding dues of ₹150.19 ministry) opted to suspend the contract for fur- was initially quoted by the firm. Email exchanges als,” it said in a statement.
crore (including interest till 30 April 2019). ther analysis,” Brazil health minister Marcelo between Bharat Biotech and the ministry showed On 4 June, Covaxin was authorized by Brazil’s
Balance outstanding as per the books as on 31
March 2019 is ₹14,7.7 crore, including interest
Queiroga said on Twitter early Wednesday.
The contract between Bharat Biotech and Bra-
an initial quoted price of $1.34 per dose, which drug regulator, Anvisa, and a Phase 3 trial com-
later rose to $15 per dose after the contract was prising 5,000 participants is being conducted by
WB okays $500 mn
of ₹57 lakh, it added. STAFF WRITER zil’s Precisa Medicamentos has been at the centre negotiated, according to a Parliamentary Inquiry the Albert Einstein Institute at Sao Paulo.
for informal workers

he World Bank has approved a $500-
Hospitality sector’s million programme to support India’s
Amul hikes milk price by ₹2 per litre informal workforce, including gig
revival hit by wave 2 workers, to cope with the impact of the covid-19
pandemic and ecological disasters. The funds
of milk sold under the Amul Taaza, Gold, will strengthen the capability of the central and

he second wave of the coronavirus and Shakti variants across India, GCMMF state governments in India to respond to the
pandemic has derailed the recovery of said in a statement. In Ahmedabad, the difficulties faced by informal workers through a
the hospitality industry, which is now price of Amul Gold will be ₹29 per 500 ml, resilient and coordinated social protection
expected to return to pre-covid levels only in while Amul Taaza will cost ₹23 per 500 ml, system, the World Bank said.
2023-24, according to ratings agency Icra Ltd. and Amul Shakti will cost ₹26 per 500ml. India’s informal sector is struggling to tide
Since mid-April, the industry has been affected The increase of ₹2 per litre translates over the covid-induced economic slowdown
by pandemic-related lockdowns/restrictions into 4% increase in maximum retail price and income and job loss. “With the new
on mobility by various states and increased which is much lower than average food programme…states will get greater flexibility
wariness to travel due to fear of contagion, Icra inflation, GCMMF said in a statement. and more money in their hands. Devolution of
said in a statement. Consequently, recovery to Amul said the price hike is a result of funds under the 15th Finance Commission
pre-covid levels has now been pushed back by overall increase in cost of operations. “It is India meets two-thirds of its domestic edible oil recommendations will help states create a more
six-eight months from previous estimates. The worthwhile to note that in the last 1.5 years requirements through imports. BLOOMBERG adaptive social protection system, provide
revenue recovery to pre-covid levels is The price hikes in Amul’s fresh milk category Amul has not made any price revision in its support to excluded groups and cater to context-
currently expected by FY24, it added. The
industry was impacted in the first quarter of the
come after a gap of a year-and-a-half. MINT fresh milk category. Since then, due to rise
in costs of energy, packaging, logistics,
India cuts import specific needs,” it added. PRASHANT K. NANDA

duties on palm oil

ongoing fiscal after two quarters of sequential ujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing overall cost of operation has increased.
recovery witnessed in the third and fourth Federation (GCMMF)—which Considering the rise in input costs, our
quarter of the previous fiscal, it added. Icra markets and sells milk and milk member unions have also increased
Microfinance firms’
sector head and assistant vice-president products under the Amul brand—is set to farmers’ price in the range of ₹45 to ₹50 he Union government has cut duties on
Vinutaa S. said the intensity of ‘covid 2.0’ has
been far steeper than the first and it has
raise price of fresh milk by ₹2 per litre pan-
India effective 1 July, citing higher input
per kg fat which is more than 6% over
previous year,” it said in its statement.
palm oil by 5% and lifted restrictions on
the import of refined palm oil to ease GLP grows by 11.9%
temporarily put the brakes on the industry’s costs. The revision will reflect in the price SUNEERA TANDON edible oil prices, which had more than doubled

recovery path”. PTI in April and May in the highest surge in prices in he microfinance industry’s gross loan
years. India meets two-thirds of its domestic portfolio (GLP) surged by 11.9% to
edible oil requirements through imports. Palm ₹2,59,377 crore as on 31 March 2021 from
oil is one among several edible oils, such as ₹2,31,787 crore as on 31 March 2020, says a
166 pieces of digital art sold on WazirX NFT marketplace in Jun soyabean oil, that India imports.
Recent increases in edible oil prices had
report.The growth was driven by an addition of
400,000 borrowers during the pandemic-
pinched household budgets hard. struck 12-month period ending March 2021,

ndia’s biggest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of trading volume, WazirX On 18 June, the Hindustan Times had according to a report by Micrometer, released
has sold 166 pieces of digital art in the first month of the launch of its platform reported quoting an official that the by Microfinance Institutions Network. As on 31
for NFTs or non-fungible tokens, as more and more Indians try to ride the government was examining a proposal to cut March, the microfinance industry served 59.3
latest craze in the crypto world. The highest amount for an NFT on WazirX was edible oil duties to make it cheaper, even though million unique borrowers through 108.3 million
paid for an art depicting an abstract rendition of the fourth avatar of Vishnu by the government was averse to taking a “hasty loan accounts, the report said. It said 13 banks
Ishita Banerjee. The art was sold for 3,112 WRX (WazirX token) or ₹2,66,616. decision” on the matter. hold the largest share of the portfolio in
Banerjee is an Indian-origin artist based in Montreal, Canada. The next two Cutting import duties can lower prices microcredit with a total loan outstanding of
highest paid NFTs—Kali and Phoenix—also were by Banerjee that went for instantly. Edible oil is India’s third most high- ₹1,13,271 crore, which is 43.67% of total
₹2,49,743.36 and ₹2,42,019.34, respectively. The total sale value of NFTs on the value import, after crude oil and gold.India microcredit universe. Non-banking financial
platform till 29 June was 44,888 WRZ or ₹61.57 lakh. WazirX said that the typically imports from producers such as companies/microfinance institutions (NBFC-
number NFTs sold will see a big jump as it was running a flash sale on Malaysia, Indonesia Brazil, Argentina and MFIs) are the second largest provider of
Wednesday. The amount and the worth of digital art sold so far is significant as Russia. Currently, India’s levies on edible oil microcredit with a loan amount outstanding of
NFTs are entirely a new concept for Indians. WazirX’s NFT platform is still in imports ranges between 32.5% (for palm oil, ₹80,549 crore, accounting for 31.05% to total
the beta phase, meaning the company has limited the bandwidth in terms of An abstract rendition of the fourth avatar of Vishnu by artist Ishita the cheapest edible oil) and 35% for soyabean industry portfolio, the report showed. Small
the inflow of people and those white-listed to drop the NFTs. ABHINAV KAUL Banerjee was sold for the highest amount on the WazirX platform. oil. HT CORRESPONDENT finance banks had a share of 15.87%. PTI
10 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2021



Drawn to quality and customization, affluent Indian consumers are falling in love with direct-to-consumer brands.

Co-founders of Sleepy Owl Ajai Thandi

(left) and Arman Sood. The coffee brand
relies on its formula of travel friendly and
easy-to-use DIY brew packs. PRADEEP GAUR

Saumya Tewari & Suneera Tandon are eyeing a $100 billion addressable mar- That’s a view widely held by other investors cafés and restaurants remained shut. The shopping. “D2C businesses which have the
NEW DELHI ket by 2025, Avendus estimates. as well. The consumer shift towards digital SHORT beauty category also saw a high growth tra- patience to wait for another four to five
What is making investors so optimistic consumption, especially in a post-covid STORY jectory. Around 2014, people started years will not require offline distribution to

elhi-based art designer Nisha about the D2C market? world, is a positive change that is likely to watching more videos. This change played achieve scale. However, if a brand is fast
Agarwal calls herself an “Insta- One, the ecosystem needed to support help D2C brands, said Arun Iyer, founding natively in the beauty category where growing and wishes to capture the market,
gram shopper”. The 25-year- such brands is fast maturing. The first wave partner of Spring Marketing Capital. WHAT products can be shown in real time through offline is the route to take,” he said. “In
old picks her coffee, protein of D2C ventures came between 2012 and Spring, set up in 2019, is co-founded by video searching, unboxing and tutorials. 2021-22, offline distribution will be our
supplements and skincare 2014. Back in those days, brands would sell former Sequoia India CMO Raja Ganapa- Locked down, India’s young Beauty e-tailers such as Nykaa and Purplle strong focus area. We want to take our cur-
products from brands she comes across on primarily through a third-party platform thy, former DDB Mudra Group chief exec- turned to their smartphones to started legitimizing the model of selling rent distribution from 50 cities to over 100
the popular social media platform. such as Flipkart, FirstCry and Amazon. utive officer Vineet Gupta, and Iyer, the shop. The growing penetration of beauty products online. Nykaa also actively cities through modern trade, general trade
“Between the second and the impending However, over the course of the last five former chairman of Lowe Lintas. smartphones and other macro invested in influencer marketing to build and chemists,” he added.
third wave, I don’t think I’m stepping into years, platforms such as Shopify and Del- Spring provides marketing and brand- tailwinds are now inviting big awareness. Kaushik Mukherjee, Sugar Cosmetics’ Mukherjee admits that
a mall or a store anytime soon,” she said, hivery—which help brands enable digital ing services to more than 20 D2C brands. investment in the D2C market co-founder and COO at Sugar Cosmetics, D2C is tough to scale today through the
explaining her buying behaviour. “More- storefronts and solve for logistics—created Through its investment arm, it has also was running a beauty subscription service online-only approach. He explained that in
over, these brands have the products tai- an infrastructure backbone. Besides, the invested in two D2C startups—Juicy called Fab Bag in 2012, inspired by the suc- China, Perfect Diary has become number
lored to my requirements.” payments ecosystem (UPI and digital wal- Chemistry and Purplle. “Given the low bar- AND cess of the model in the West. Earlier this two beauty brand in just two years because
Agarwal is among millions of online lets) evolved, and so did social media mar- riers to entry, thanks to digital distribution, year, the cosmetics firm raised $21 million they have a payment system through
shoppers that are fuelling a frenzy of new- keting. D2C brands are more experimental and The ecosystem needed to in series C funding led by Elevation Capital, WeChat which India doesn’t. “In five years,
age brands that are trying to sell directly to All this has helped players across catego- more focused on their core purpose and support D2C brands is fast formerly SAIF Partners. “After three years if WhatsApp payments become that big,
the consumer (D2C), bypassing traditional ries to operate large D2C businesses and vision. This gives consumers a whole new maturing. Besides logistics, of running Fab Bag, we realized that the there’s chance of D2C players becoming
marketing and sales channels. You mostly scale up. But investors and entrepreneurs basket of offerings to choose from. Larger the payments ecosystem has frequency of consumption was far less in ₹200-₹300 crore brands. Currently, 90%
won’t find these brands in stores and you are also stoked about a new generation of companies and multinationals these days evolved, and so has social India than the West,” Mukherjee said. of retail shopping is offline. So, if a D2C
will rarely find a celebrity endorsing them, digital-first consumers. Like Nisha Agar- end up following the D2C brands which media marketing He saw a big need gap in the colour cos- player has an aspiration to become to
which means you are not footing the bill for wal. tend to be more innovative and risk-tak- metics market in India as make-up was become a top beauty brand, they will have
sales commissions or marketing spends. ing,” Iyer said. largely occasion based wear till 2015 but to explore offline retail,” he added. Sugar’s
The margins saved on these expenses allow NICHE BUYERS A case in point is Marico Ltd. Earlier this MOREOVER this trend was changing with digital plat- current retail presence is across 10,000
such brands to deliver high-quality prod-
ucts. They then add in a layer of sharp and D 2C brands discovered a vacuum. For
years, fast-moving consumer goods
digitally promoted narrative—around the (FMCG) firms have focused on making
year, Marico completed the acquisition of
male grooming brand Beardo, a move that
will allow the firm to capitalize on the niche
India has a growing young and
upwardly mobile population
forms exposing Indian customers to inter-
national trends and beauty gurus. “As make
up became more mainstream and a daily
stores, including 18 exclusive brand outlets
(EBO’s) and 32 kiosks, in over 130 cities.
Flatheads, a men’s casual footwear com-
quality of ingredients, or the community mass-market products pushed through D2C wave. Former Hindustan Unilever Ltd which seeks niche, high-quality wear ritual, people started looking for more pany, was set up by Utkarsh Biradar and
that the produce comes from or the family massive marketing spends, sales incentives (HUL) executive Shankar Prasad stumbled and customized products that matte products and nude shades which Ganesh Balakrishnan in November 2019.
that owns the business in a way that appeals and distribution muscle that reached every into the D2C category while trying to build are underserved by the existing brands didn’t offer. We launched Both of them are former internet entrepre-
to the sensibilities of an aware, quality-con- nook and cranny of the nation. The bulk of a beauty brand in India. As founder and traditional players matte and long-lasting products under the neurs. The brand primarily sells through its
scious customer. Throw in sustainable the country’s consumption base rests here CEO at Pureplay Skin Sciences that retails Sugar brand,” Mukherjee said. Five years own website, and also via Amazon and
packaging, customized products and with price points that are more affordable. brands such as Plum, Phy and BodyLovin, later, in FY21, the brand managed to clock AJIO. Balakrishnana said he is cognizant
prompt delivery and you have the recipe Nevertheless, India has a growing young Prasad said he liked the “measurability” of customer feedback,” he added. over ₹130 crore in annual revenue. that India’s e-commerce market is still
for the consumer trend sweeping India. In and upwardly mobile population as well. and “modular” nature of D2C. In other small, and brands need to be present off-
categories ranging from electronics, furni- The younger consumers are savvier, are in words, the model allows businesses, often PLUGGING THE GAPS THE OMNICHANNEL WAY line. He does small pop-ups in Bengaluru to
ture to personal care and lingerie and cof- sync with the latest global trends and
fee to cosmetics, D2C brands are shaking demand differentiated brands. They seek
things up. niche, high-quality and customized prod-
bootstrapped, to start small, measure and
scale up over time. It also means that pro-
moters can focus on the core product,
A jai Thandi moved back to India from
the United States in 2015. He noticed
that western markets had several D2C
W hile digital is driving majority of the help gain visibility. “We are already doing
sales for many D2C brands, a multi- road shows and experience centres. We
channel distribution—a mix of one’s own don’t have a fixed store yet. We will poten-
The pandemic has obviously helped. ucts that are underserved by the traditional while outsourcing so much of the opera- niche brands across categories. India had platform, marketplace and offline—will be tially get into the offline mode as well
Locked down, India’s young turned to their players. Using certain brands in their daily tions involving marketing, payments, digi- few. That’s how coffee brand Sleepy Owl essential to achieve scale, going ahead. sooner rather than later,” he said.
smartphones to shop. The growing pene- lives becomes a part of their identity. tal storefronts, logistics and others. For was conceived. Thandi, a former invest- That’s because offline distribution The success of the US-based private label
tration of smartphones Kanwaljit Singh, nearly every function, there is a plug-and- ment banker at JP Morgan, along with increases customer reach aggregator Thrasio has
and other macro tail- founder and managing play third-party offering available in the friends Arman Sood and Ashwajeet Singh, and expands the address- also led to VC money
winds are now inviting The consumer shift towards partner of Fireside Ven- market. started selling cold brew coffee on tap in able market. For Unlike offline retail where chasing similar busi-
big investment dollars. digital consumption, tures, said that India has a The measuring piece, which Kanwaljit June 2016. Most companies in India sell instance, India has over feedback takes longer, the nesses in India. Mensa
Since 2016, about 600 low penetration of Singh also alludes to, is particularly appeal- instant coffee powder—that’s convenient 10 million to 12 million Brands, launched by
such brands had raised especially in a post-covid branded businesses, pri- ing. Unlike in offline retail, where customer to make and is more accessible. “There was mom-pop stores that sell D2C model has a real-time former Myntra and Med-
only about $1.6 billion in world, is likely to help D2C marily because of the feedback comes once a week, D2C model no brand educating consumers on what goods of daily use. These feedback mechanism through life CEO Ananth Naraya-
funding, Avendus Capi- complexity of distribu- has a real time feedback mechanism their coffee is, how to make it and consume shops are the backbone nan, has raised $50 mil-
tal has estimated. How- brands which tend to be more tion and the mass market through reviews, offtake, page views, social it. We said if we can simplify this process of how some of the larg- reviews, offtake, page views, lion from investors
ever, 2021 could be the nature of the market. “In media activity and conversion rates—all and introduce new consumers to coffee, we est consumer goods firms including Norwest Ven-
turning point. Earlier innovative and risk-taking any category, no matter driven by this new generation of consum- will have a solid business at our disposal,” reach shoppers. It also and social media activity ture Partners and Accel.
this year, headphones how mainstream, you will ers. “Recently, we have launched Aloe vera Thandi told Mint. increases brand discov- Global Bees, a venture by
maker boAt raised $100 million from pri- end up with four to seven brands rather gel in a tube format which looked like an Sleepy Owl, backed by Rukam Capital ery and credibility, enables the touch-and- FirstCry, has raised $80 million from Soft-
vate equity firm Warburg Pincus at a valua- than 50 or 100 in any of the other global emulsion. However, consumers gave us a and DSG Consumer Partners, has found a feel factor for customers. bank, TPG and others. This week, 10 Club,
tion of $300 million. In March, skin and markets,” he said. “The white spaces exist,” feedback—they wanted a product which winning product formula in the form of Beauty brand Mamaearth started in a venture by serial entrepreneur Bhavna
hair care brand Juicy Chemistry raised $6.3 he added. looked like gel but packaged in a jar,” travel friendly and easy-to-use DIY (do it December 2015 and is looking to turn prof- Suresh, raised $40 million in the seed
million in Series A funding round led by The digital-first approach adopted by Prasad said. The company therefore yourself) brew packs. They are available for itable by 2021-end. Varun Alagh, round—among the largest seed round
Belgium-based investment firm Verlinvest. new firms, he held, make a lot of sense changed the formulation and packaging to both hot and cold coffee and in various fla- co-founder, said that although e-com- funding anywhere in South Asia. That
Plum, Sugar Cosmetics, MyGlamm, Oziva, because one can disrupt the market, under- relaunch the product. “Some of our best- vours. In retail, the hot brew packs are merce now reaches 30,000 pin codes in should tell us something about the dreams
Sleepy Owl, and Wakefit also raised ven- stand consumer response far more quickly, selling products like night gel for oily skin priced at ₹300 for 10 bags. The format India, it would still take time for the major- and dollars chasing this space.
ture money recently. Together, the brands experiment, and get a lot of consumer data. and acne treatment are created on the basis gained traction during the lockdown as ity of Indian consumers to adopt online


We have hand-picked 50 mutual funds for your portfolio that have jumped through hoops of good returns, low risk,
good portfolio hygiene and our own qualitative research. We have restricted the choice universe to 16 categories out

before seeking advice

of the total 32 and given you at least three options to pick from each. In equity, stay with your risk appetite. Match
your investment horizon to the debt fund category you pick. Pick eight to 10 schemes and revisit them every year

3-year return 5-year return 10-year return Corpus Expense

E Q U I T Y (%) (%) (%) (₹ cr) ratio (%)
HDFC Top 100 13.50 13.61 11.58 20,041 1.82
ICICI Prudential Bluechip 14.22 14.59 13.44 27,723 1.73
Mirae Asset Large Cap 16.00 16.53 15.74 25,721 1.62
Investment advisers may charge a low fee in the first year, and raise it later Nippon India Large Cap 12.67 13.95 13.14 10,480 1.78
NIFTY 100 TRI 15.27 15.68 12.80

Tinesh Bhasin Category average 14.08 13.75 12.69

Invesco India Growth Opportunities 14.24 15.72 13.96 3,835 1.94
registered investment
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip 23.16 21.57 22.65 17,892 1.66
adviser (RIA) charging a
Principal Emerging Bluechip 16.36 17.94 19.14 2,730 2.03
higher fee need not necessa-
rily be better than others, and NIFTY LARGEMIDCAP 250 INDEX TRI 16.88 17.31 14.91
an RIA charging a lower fee Category average 15.60 15.33 14.60
need not necessarily be inferior.
As an investor, how do you then judge a FLEXI CAP (CORE)
financial planner based on the fees he/she Aditya Birla Sun Life Flexi Cap Fund 15.13 16.30 15.42 14,144 1.86
charges? “The fee structure may have dif- Kotak Flexi Cap Fund 14.67 15.23 15.50 35,955 1.60
ferent considerations. Someone might Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund 21.81 20.27 NA 10,276 2.04
charge over ₹1 lakh in the first year NIFTY 500 TRI 15.70 15.98 13.03
because he wants to deal only with a spe- Category average 15.29 15.39 14.27
cific category of clients. Another planner
may charge below ₹20,000 in the first MID-CAP (CORE)
year as he is in the process of building a cli- DSP Midcap 18.32 16.67 17.32 12,162 1.86
entele. Both could be equally good,” said
Kotak Emerging Equity 20.22 18.08 19.40 12,463 1.82
Suresh Sadagopan, founder of Ladder 7
L&T Midcap Fund 12.68 15.78 17.32 6,587 1.89
Financial Advisories and an RIA.
Most advisers believe that instead of NIFTY MIDCAP 150 INDEX TRI 18.37 18.70 16.81
focusing on the fee of an adviser, investors Category average 16.67 15.59 17.42
should shortlist a few and sign up with an
RIA whom they could trust the most.
“The initial trust is all that matters.
Sebi can decide RIAs cannot ask SMALL-CAP (SATELLITE)
Axis Small Cap Fund 25.22 20.04 NA 5,435 1.98
Investors need to open up entirely about on adviser’s fee for referral fee Nippon India Small Cap 20.46 21.58 22.18 14,318 1.77
their financial conditions. Only if they SBI Small Cap 22.23 22.44 23.13 8,664 1.97
trust an adviser, can they be forthcoming Purnartha Investment Advisers had iFast Financial India Private Ltd, a NIFTY SMALLCAP 250 INDEX TRI 15.25 14.55 13.73
about their issues,” said Chandan Singh challenged Sebi’s powers to cap the financial services platform, asked Category average 17.35 17.43 18.72
Padiyar, a Sebi-RIA. fees investment advisers can charge Sebi to clarify some aspects of its
When to sign up: There is no straight their clients in the Bombay High regulations concerning registered VALUE/CONTRA (SATELLITE)
answer to when in life one should avail the Court. investment advisers (RIAs).
Invesco India Contra 15.70 17.44 15.95 7,033 1.83
services of a financial planner. It depends The company also contested that It asked the regulator if an adviser
Sebi regulating fees is unconstitu- L&T India Value 13.99 14.61 16.86 7,183 1.86
on the knowledge, understanding and the refers clients to another party, can
time a person can spend on planning and tional. It breaches the advisers’ fun- he charge a referral fee? For exam- Tata Equity PE 9.90 14.26 14.26 4,706 1.97
managing his/her finances. damental right to practice a profes- ple, can an adviser refer the client to NIFTY 500 TRI 15.70 15.98 13.03
Understand the fee structure: The sion or business of choice. a chartered accountant or an over- Category average 13.72 14.72 14.53
Securities and Exchange Board of India The court ruled that Sebi Act seas adviser?
(Sebi) has capped the fees advisers can allows the regulator to prescribe According to Sebi, RIA regulations FOCUSED (SATELLITE)
charge their clients. If an RIA has a flat fee fees that investment advisers can don’t allow advisers to avail of such Axis Focused 25 Fund 14.81 18.09 NA 16,540 1.83
structure, he can charge up to ₹1.25 lakh. charge. It also said that such regula- referral fees. “An IA can undertake an SBI Focused Equity 17.41 17.06 17.34 15,879 1.79
If the fee is based on the percentage of the tions do not breach fundamental activity of providing investment Motilal Oswal Focused 25 Fund 14.66 15.26 NA 1,732 2.19
assets under advice (AUA), it can be a max- rights. They are essential measures advice for a consideration, and the NIFTY 500 TRI 15.70 15.98 13.03
imum of 2.5%. for the protection of investors and same cannot be construed to
Category average 14.83 14.97 13.23
Most advisers follow different fee struc- the development and regulations of include referral fees as envisaged (in
tures depending on the client. The fee is the securities market. the query),” the regulator said. ELSS (CORE)
higher based on the client profile, com- Aditya Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96 8.96 12.60 13.90 13,950 1.81
plexity and the efforts that they would
IDFC Tax Advantage 15.91 17.46 16.11 3,271 1.97
need to put in to create a financial plan and and goes higher depending on the com- cally, charge a lower amount than the first
to fine-tune it. plexity of the portfolio. year. Invesco India Tax Plan 14.84 15.88 15.37 1,669 2.11
The lowest fee that Padiyar charges cli- Some planners charge a fee only for the Padiyar, for example, charges 50% of Tata India Tax Savings 14.54 14.52 NA 2,705 1.99
ent is ₹15,000 in the first year. “The base financial plan initially, which can be the first year’s fee. Sadagopan, in turn, NIFTY 500 TRI 15.70 15.98 13.03
fee is for bachelors. It is higher for married between ₹15,000 and ₹25,000. If an charges a percentage of the AUA. Category average 13.89 14.13 14.09
couples where one spouse is working and investor wants to engage them and help in Investors must be cautious about the
even higher where the husband and wife implementation of the plan, the fee is fees of RIAs, as it is possible that an adviser H Y B R I D
are both working. In such cases, the fee higher. charges a low fee in the first year, but from AGGRESSIVE HYBRID (CORE)
can be up to ₹36,000 in the first year,” he From the second year onwards, advisers the second, raises it much higher as he is Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid 15.84 14.82 13.99 5,327 1.97
said. either charge a flat fee or a percentage of charging a percentage of the AUA. There- DSP Equity & Bond 15.83 14.27 12.83 6,769 1.87
Fees for Sadagopan starts at ₹40,000 AUA. Those who charge a flat fee, typi- fore, check this before signing up.
SBI Equity Hybrid 14.36 13.46 14.13 39,977 1.62
CRISIL HYBRID 35+65 - AGGRESSIVE INDEX 14.73 14.01 12.03
Category average 12.77 12.32 12.35

Invest after AIFs can augment portfolios CONSERVATIVE HYBRID (SATELLITE)

Canara Robeco Conservative Hybrid 11.18 9.30 9.20 569 1.93

working out but are not very tax-efficient BNP Paribas Conservative
IDFC Regular Savings Fund

financial Abhinav Kaul

Category average

Franklin India Feeder - Franklin U.S. Opp.
25.24 24.45 NA 3,163 1.55

nvestors’ search for a buffer ICICI Prudential Global Stable Equity 12.22 9.46 NA 101 1.38
against economic uncertain-
ASK MINT ICICI Prudential US Bluechip Equity 21.70 19.70 NA 1,516 2.32
m ties and muted returns from
stock and bond markets over
the past few years have pushed Category average 15.02 14.10 8.46
Srikanth Meenakshi them to high-yield strategies
1-year return 3-year return 5-year return Corpus Expense
offered by alternative invest- D E B T (%) (%) (%) (₹ cr) ratio (%)
I got a job last year, and my ment funds (AIFs). Conse-
annual income is about ₹4 quently, assets under manage-
lakh. Where can I start ment (AUM) of these funds IDFC Bond Fund - Short Term 4.64 8.35 7.51 13,776 0.77
investing so that I get a good have grown to more than ₹4.5 L&T Short Term Bond 4.33 8.06 7.44 5,630 0.75
return with less risk? Please trillion as of March 2021 against SBI Short Term Debt 4.59 8.01 7.45 24,127 0.84
advise. ₹360 crore in December 2012, CRISIL SHORT TERM BOND FUND INDEX 5.80 8.74 7.94
—Ranjay Shankar according to data available with Category average 5.26 7.71 7.28
the Securities and Exchange
Before you decide where to Board of India (Sebi). CORPORATE BOND (CORE)
invest, or even start investing, Experts say that alternatives startups or social venture the income is taxed as business Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond 6.39 9.30 8.45 24,669 0.46
you need to work out your per- are meant to augment inves- funds, infrastructure funds and income, meaning that the tax ICICI Prudential Corporate Bond 6.01 8.70 8.00 19,871 0.58
sonal financial situation. Deter- tors’ current portfolio. SME (small and medium enter- paid is, typically, at the highest Kotak Corporate Bond 5.67 8.28 8.05 9,646 0.67
mine how much you can afford “Typically, fund managers of prise) funds, among others. tax slab, including a surcharge
to save and invest on a monthly AIFs bring more experience Category II funds are typically of 42.7%.
basis. Also, ensure that you and have an entrepreneurial private equity funds and debt When it comes to costs, AIFs Category average 5.92 8.90 8.05
have sufficient protection in bent compared with regular funds. tend to be costlier as there is no
1-month 3-month 1-year return Corpus Expense
the form of insurance policies mutual fund managers. As a Category III funds employ regulatory limit here unlike LIQUID (FACILITATOR) return (%) return (%) (%) (₹ cr) ratio (%)
(term life and health) and an result, AIF managers bring bet- diverse or complex trading mutual funds.
DSP Liquidity 0.28 0.80 3.17 10,408 0.24
emergency fund (worth 4-6 ter management and innova- strategies and may employ lev- Investors should keep in
IDFC Cash 0.28 0.81 3.14 9,326 0.19
months of your salary) in place. tion for investors,” said Nitin erage, including through mind that by nature, AIFs carry
Once you have secured Rao, CEO, InCred Wealth. investment in listed or unlisted more risk, can have a lock-in Kotak Liquid 0.27 0.82 3.16 30,283 0.32
these, if you are saving for the Multiple factors are driving derivatives. and require more time for the CRISIL LIQUID FUND INDEX 0.30 0.90 3.71
very long term, you can start demand for AIFs. First, AIFs In terms of strategy to play Category average 0.28 0.81 3.19
investing in an equity index offer a non-traditional invest- investment, all When it comes to out. They are suit-
fund and a small and mid-cap ment avenue, as they allow categories of AIFs, costs, AIFs tend able for those ULTRA-SHORT (FACILITATOR)
fund and keep it going (with investors to explore various except angel to be costlier as whose risk pro- Kotak Savings 0.26 0.84 3.72 11,759 0.77
periodic increases). If you are strategies other than long-only, funds, require a there is no files align with the L&T Ultra Short Term 0.26 0.85 3.46 2,720 0.39
investing for a shorter duration such as long-short, hybrid or minimum invest- expectations that SBI Magnum Ultra Short Duration 0.28 0.87 3.82 12,864 0.49
(3-5 years), you would need to other high-yield strategies.
regulatory limit
ment of ₹1 crore. they are willing to
be more cautious and go with a The second factor is differ- In terms of taxa- here unlike wait for the theme

small allocation to an equity entiation, as AIFs are more tai- tion, investors mutual funds to play out and
Category average 0.38 1.03 4.04

index fund and the rest to a debt lor-made for more sophisti- should keep in carry the risk
fund or a recurring deposit. cated investors looking for cer- mind that AIFs are until such time.
Srikanth Meenakshi is tain differentiated strategies. not as tax-efficient as mutual “When looking at overall Canara Robeco Savings 0.22 0.86 3.75 1,600 0.60
co-founder, Primeinvestor. The third factor is concen- funds. The taxation rules also asset allocation, in the case of IDFC Low Duration 0.22 1.04 4.19 9,575 0.51
trated solutions, as unlike differ for the three categories. AIFs, the overall portfolio allo- SBI Magnum Low Duration 0.27 0.95 4.01 13,286 0.95
Do you have a personal mutual funds, AIFs offer con- Category I and II AIFs are cation to the underlying asset is CRISIL LOW DURATION DEBT INDEX 0.32 1.21 5.12
finance query? Send in your centrated solutions and usually pass-through vehicles, mean- what needs to be considered, Category average 0.27 1.09 4.89
queries at have a basket of 25-30 stocks ing investors have to pay tax on however, it would be prudent comprising the portfolio. their earnings and the fund not to go beyond 5% exposure Returns as on 28 June 2021; Expense ratio and Corpus data as of May 2021; #For satellite portfolio; NA: Not applicable because the fund has not completed the requisite period;
and get them answered by na: Data was not available; Growth option in regular plans has been used; Data up to 31 March 2019 considered for evaluation; Opp: Opportunities; INTL: International.
There are three categories of does not pay any tax. in a single name non-tradi- Data and analysis from Quantix by CRISIL Research Compiled by Sunita Abraham
industry experts.
AIFs. Category I AIFs invest in In case of Category III funds, tional AIF,” said Rao.
12 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2021



Two big gaps in our vaccination

programme that need attention
Our rural drive to immunize people is hampered by capacity constraints and demand weaknesses

nuance. Capacity assessment and plan- First, the data entry requirements for
ning at the aggregate level—national, covid are onerous. Even in places where
state or even the district level—is of little network connectivity is smooth and an
value. What matters is planning and adequate device available, it takes 5-15
building capacity where our people live. minutes to verify and enter the data for
Lots of vaccinators and a good cold chain one individual. Subcentres do not have
in a district or taluka town are of no use staff for data entry. This is done by some-
for distant villages. Only the right level of one who would otherwise be conducting
detail—for each village and mohalla—can vaccinations. But the reality of poor
ANURAG BEHAR ensure population coverage. internet connectivity across vast swathes
is CEO of Azim Premji Foundation The public health system’s facility of the country increases the cycle time
closest to villages is called a ‘subcentre’. for data entry, or forces paper-based
It is an extension of a PHC, or primary record-keeping for uploading later into
health centre. Most PHCs have about 5-8 the online system at the PHC. None of

A political party driven

such subcentres. The PHC is the first these are trivial issues. They deprive
point of in-patient care and access to a health personnel of significant time,

y column a fortnight ago docu- doctor for most people, but subcentres reducing capacity.
mented my observations from hold the key to any vaccination pro- The second is a problem with the basic
nine weeks of travelling across gramme. They are closest to habitations operating model in many places. Vacci-

by power and little else the country from April to mid-June. I

feared that the pandemic’s reprieve was
temporary. The past two weeks of fur-
ther travel have only fuelled my fears.
and designed to be staffed with people
trained to give intramuscular injections,
among other things. Enlisting private
hospitals and clinics for additional
nations in these parts of the country are
only happening at subcentres. People
are expected to come to where the
vaccine is—a ‘people-to-vaccine model’.
As lockdowns across the country have capacity is good, but is of little use out- An alternate model would have the sub-
eased, people are returning to earlier side cities and large towns. centre staff go to villages or mohallas and
A century of the Chinese Communist Party’s existence calls for global reflection. Its flexibility patterns of behaviour. This is not Each subcentre is supposed to serve a hold vaccination camps—a ‘vaccine-to-
unexpected. They have been restrained population of 5,000. In practice, the people model’. Unsurprisingly, the dif-
on ideology may have spelt economic success, but its geopolitical designs are a clear menace mostly by force instead of being number served varies, as does the count ference in the efficacy of the two models
informed, enlisted and engaged in a of villages or urban wards, with their dis- is stark. Only a meticulously planned
campaign against a pandemic that will tances from the subcentre varying from vaccine-to-people model can cover our
be under control only once the vast 2km to 10km. India has over 150,000 entire population and help deal with

t’s not unusual for a political party to sur- decade before the collapse of the Soviet Union majority of Indians are fully vaccinated. subcentres. The capacity can only be demand side issues. This is what we must
vive for a century after its formation, but exposed the flaws of statism. China’s subse- The fact that India’s vaccination pro- determined by details at the subcentre move to nationwide. It would require
gramme has been hamstrung by a short level—the actual presence of trained additional personnel, and facilities such
to thrive without a popular mandate is. On quent success in lifting millions out of poverty supply of vaccines has dominated public personnel, the time available for covid as transportation, camp site material,
1 July, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) gave the party an aura of competence. Instead discourse; this requires no elaboration. vaccinations without compromising and more. Many states appear to have
celebrates its 100th anniversary. It cap- of abolishing private assets, as once envisaged, But insufficient attention is being paid other public health programmes and given little thought to this, let alone take
tured power under Mao Tse-tung in 1949 the CCP has packed its ranks with billionaires. to two other equally important matters. emergency services, refrigeration facili- necessary action.
after a bloody civil war that saw the ruling Tencent founder Ma Huateng, with a net worth First, the capacity of our health system ties at the PHC and sufficiency of ice Our lack of vaccination capacity will
to vaccinate people (simply ‘capacity’, boxes for distribution to subcentres, soon hobble our campaign to tackle the
Kuomintang led by Chiang Kai-Shek exiled to placed at $75 billion this January, is a member henceforth). Second, public demand transportation adequacy for the move- pandemic. The disadvantaged and vul-
Taiwan, an island province that has governed of parliament. So is Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi. for vaccination, including the issue of ment of ice boxes, and more. That this nerable will be hit hardest. The shortage
itself since but Beijing has vowed to annex. President Xi Jinping is known to spout Maoist vaccine hesitancy (‘demand’) . system has been effective in handling of vaccines has obscured the need for
The CCP remains at the helm of affairs in the sayings, but he seldom displays any memory of Given the vaccine shortage, state gov- polio and the Bacille Calmette-Guerin capacity planning and addressing other
so-called People’s Republic of China, with little the private pursuit of wealth being a means to ernments responsible for vaccination (BCG) vaccines is no assurance on covid executional inadequacies. As the supply
have been preoccupied with procuring vaccine capacity because polio is an oral of vaccines improves, these other gaps
if any threat to its absolute dominance. The an end. Even Beijing’s arm-twisting of entre- doses rather than focusing on their dose given to children, not an injection, will become apparent. And the far more
murmurs of dissonance that do surface now and preneurs, as seen in its recent actions against capacity to vaccinate and on demand. and the BCG injection is only given to intractable demand-related issues, like
then are put down firmly. Yet, China’s emer- Alibaba’s outspoken chief Jack Ma, is little more Some states are doing better, but on the infants; moreover, the numbers handled vaccine hesitancy, will become glaring.
gence as the world’s biggest economy looks than a cynical exertion of authority. whole the situation should alarm us. in any given period are much smaller. And then I fear the draconian measures
inevitable and the power it has come to wield There is scant evidence that the CCP under Xi The matter of capacity is currently There are two other significant issues that may be adopted to force people.
plagued by oversimplification and lack of that determine our effective capacity. More on that in my next column.
attracts awe. For how long, though, can a party has aims beyond the use and abuse of power to
riven with deep ideological contradictions sus- perpetuate its hegemony. A regime that sub-
tain itself? It has been over four decades since jects its people to 24/7 surveillance, assigns
Deng Xiaoping switched from Mao’s legacy of ratings for how well they stay in line and herds
hard communism to “socialism with Chinese minorities into “reform camps” cannot claim
characteristics”. This entailed a brazen embrace to be welfarist. If Beijing’s repression has wor-
of capitalism. Justified back then as a new tool sened with China’s economic advancement, New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Saturday, July 2, 2011 Vol.5 No.156 `5.00 16

to achieve old ends, it has generated enough so too has its zest to play the regional bully. In Q&A:Aromar Revi’s vision for
a new university >4

It’s my job to save

INTERNATIONAL: US treasury secretary
Geithner toys with quitting >12

riches to induce amnesia on that score. Today’s the guise of aiding the development of other EXCLUSIVE PARTNER
SIMPLY ECONOMICS: Why China doesn’t want
its currency to appreciate >10
ECONOMY: Manufacturing expands at slowest
pace in nine months >3

China is a byword for inequality, its people live nations, it has sought to entrap them in debt. In SENSEX 18,762.80 æ 83.07

NIFTY 5,627.2 æ 20.2 DOLLAR `44.57 æ `0.13 EURO `64.64 æ `0.04 GOLD `21,630 æ `335

CBI files case QUICK EDIT

OIL $110.60 æ $2.42

patients, to look after

Essar to sell against former Paying the

repressed lives, and its ruling party’s longevity its quest to dominate Asia, it has muzzled voices stake to
DGH officials



he Central Bureau of Investi-

gation (CBI) on Friday con-
I ran has threatened to
halt oil supplies to
India in August if New
Delhi doesn’t resolve the
payments row between
them, to appear strong,
is a cause for reflection, not celebration. in Hong Kong, flexed muscle in the South China Vodafone
ducted searches at 10 places in the two countries.
Delhi, Dehradun, Noida and Is it a threat to be
Mumbai after registering a crimi- concerned about? No and

but people forget

nal case against former officials yes. India buys roughly
CAR SALES HIT SPEED BUMP of the Directorate General of Hy- 12-13% of its oil from
New models have given little relief to the sluggish automobile industry, drocarbons (DGH) on Thursday Iran. There are other
already struggling with high fuel prices and rising lending rates. for allegedly favouring Houston- sources to which it can
Vodafone is set to take of the court case over the tax de- based GX Technology (GXT) in switch in case Teheran
full control as Essar

There are many admirers of the CCP’s acro- Sea and tried to grab Indian territory in the
mand of more than $2 billion Domestic auto sales carrying out “seismic survey in refuses to play ball—
contested by Vodafone and relat- lieu of personal favours”, the in- Iran’s bete noire Saudi
exits from the mobile ed to the acquisition of its stake CAR June Growth (year-on-year) vestigative agency said. Arabia being one. And
business; tax withheld in the Indian company in 2007. Honda Siel Cars 3,455 -24% “A contract was awarded to Iran too needs us: there
The case is to be heard in the Su- the private company for con- are not many countries
on transaction preme Court next month. Tata Motors 21,993 -21% ducting seismic speculative sur- that want to openly do

we are human too.

“This is not the end of the road Maruti 70,020 -3.8% vey on nomination basis at an business with it. Oil
B Y S NEHA S HAH, for Essar, but the beginning,” exorbitant cost and this caused alone is not a factor in
Hyundai 30,402 11.1%
N IKHIL K ANEKAL & said a senior executive at the Es- huge financial loss to the govern- the equation.

batic ideology. At their core, what separates Himalayas by force. Its border aggression last
R EMYA N AIR sar Group. “Now we will be able Mahindra & Mahindra 29% ment,” CBI said in a press re- But India should pay
························· to focus and develop other busi- lease in Delhi on Friday. attention to what the
Skoda 2,611 69%
ness more effectively and effi- Of the eight persons who have Persians are trying to say.

E nding a four-year relation- ciently,” the executive said, re- Toyota 12,034 94% been named in the first informa- Iran has been an
ship, Vodafone Group Plc, questing anonymity. Volkswagen 5,397 162% tion report (FIR), seven belong to all-weather friend to
the world’s largest mobile Another Essar official said the DGH and the eighth is a GXT ex- India, one that does not
telephony company by subscrib- money will be used to repay debt ecutive. The private firm is also make one set of promises
ers, on Friday agreed to purchase at ECML and ETHL, raised to TWO-WHEELERS June Growth named in the FIR, according to in private and denies

This pandemic is
Indian partner Essar Group’s buy steel plants, refineries and Honda Motorcycle 148,937 2% the CBI press release. their existence in public.

classic communism from true capitalism is a year in Ladakh was an example of its disregard
33% stake in Vodafone Essar Ltd coal mines overseas. DGH is a government body For the sake of preserving
(VEL), India’s third largest mo- The Newbury, England-based TVS 155,296 11% that manages the petroleum re- these ties, the payments
bile telephony company by sub- mobile company will own 74% of Mahindra 2 Wheelers 11,748 16% sources of the country and problem should be
scribers, for $5.46 billion VEL directly through subsidiar- comes under the purview of the resolved quickly. India
Hero Honda 512,244 20%
(`24,352 crore) in cash, $460 ies. The remaining 26% will be petroleum ministry. and Iran have shared
million more that what was orig- controlled by local shareholders. Yamaha 36,595 30% Searches were also carried out geopolitical interests that
inally envisaged. “It is expected that 1.35% of at the residence of former direc- require cooperation and
The deal marks the exit of the the shares in VEL will be trans- Source: Companies Full story on pg3 not conflict.
steel-to-oil conglomerate Essar ferred to an Indian investor to TURN TO PAGE 2®

divide over collective versus individual owner- for diplomacy as a way to resolve disputes. Yet,
Group from the mobile telepho- ensure Vodafone’s continued

also breaking us
ny business. compliance with Indian foreign
The sale is part of a 2007 direct investment rules,” the re-
agreement between the two and
obliged Vodafone to pay at least
lease said. An overseas mobile
firm cannot own more than 74% Madras HC SLOWDOWN FEARS
$5 billion for the stake.
Vodafone purchased a 22.03%
stake from Essar Communica-
in an Indian company.
The transaction will give
Vodafone complete control of its
rules in favour Billboards blank as advertisers
of Ram in
tions (Mauritius) Ltd (ECML) for Indian operations as Essar will
cut spending on outdoor media
ship of property. Mao wanted state control of there is an even bigger reason for us to be wary
$3.32 billion on Friday. The re- give up board representation.
maining 10.97% from Indian firm
ETHL Communications Hold-
Other stakeholders of the
company are Analjit Singh, ‘Hindu’ dispute PRADEEP GAUR/MINT

healthcare workers.
ings Ltd (ECHL) will be bought founder and chairman of the B Y A NUSHREE C HANDRAN &
for $1.26 billion by 15 February Max India group; Infrastructure B Y A MRITHA G OURI S HAH
2012. Development Finance Co. Ltd; V ENKETAKRISHNAN & ·························
“The total cash outflow from and Asim Ghosh, former chief A NUPAMA C HANDRASEKARAN MUMBAI

Vodafone, including cash al-

ready paid for the first tranche of
executive officer of VEL.
“It is to be seen how the regu-
T he stretch of highway that
leads from Mumbai airport

all means of production. However, a chance of China. Backed by its tech-enabled military
ECML’s shareholding in VEL, is
expected to be approximately
$5.46 billion,” said a Vodafone
latory environment pans out in
India and whether the company
will have to pay taxes and 2G
T he Madras high court
ruled in favour of The Hin-
du’s editor-in-chief N. Ram on
and sweeps across the Mahim
causeway is usually studded
with colourful billboards adver-
release. That figure is inclusive of (second-generation) spectrum Friday, helping prospects for a tising the latest television serial,
withholding tax. fees with retrospective effect,” reshuffle that seeks to remove film, insurance product or mu-
“The stake buyout is in line said Crawshaw of S&P. “In a founding family members from tual fund. But of late, the drive
with the strategy of streamlining market where the company is the 132-year-old newspaper’s into town has been getting a lit-
its shareholding in markets not profitable, it is a major con- editorial team. tle drab—many of those bill-
where it has minority holdings. cern.” Crawshaw expects the “We are happy about the or- boards are blank, as fears of a

encounter with the profit motive—or with the heft, it has revealed a will to supplant liberal
Wherever it has not been possi- firm to further bolster its position der that vindicates our posi- slowdown appear to take hold.
ble,” such as in Poland and by weighing opportunities aris- tion,” Ram told Mint over the The outdoor media industry
France, Vodafone “has given up ing out of any consolidation in telephone. He added that there has seen a 30-40% slump, with
its minority stake, unlike in In- the telecom sector in India. was no clear timeline yet for fewer takers for billboards in Lean period: The outdoor media industry has seen a 30-40% slump, with
dia,” said James Crawshaw, a tel- While Vodafone has decided the editorial changes. the major metros such as Mum- fewer takers for billboards in major metros such as Mumbai and Delhi.
ecom analyst with Standard and to withhold tax of $880 million His brother N. Ravi, who had bai and Delhi. An extended
Poor’s (S&P) in London. on its purchase of shares in VEL been next in line to take over cricket season, lower advertis- channels. Last year though, the ond is usually active only be-

According to the company re- from the two Essar companies, after Ram’s retirement, indi- ing from telecom and financial out-of-home (OOH) industry tween September and March.
lease, a net payment of $3.32 bil- the firm maintained that the cated that the high court ruling services firms, and new norms was a beneficiary of the There’s been a nearly 80%

superior results of farming done privately democracy globally with its peculiar notions of
lion is being made for the 22% transaction was not taxable. may be appealed at the Su- speeding up the payment of sport—the Indian Premier pullback from telecom opera-
stake in VEL held by ECML after The group withheld the tax as preme Court before the next service tax have led to poor League (IPL) advertised heavily tors, said Mandeep Malhotra,
withholding tax of $880 million. a precautionary measure, antici- board meeting, scheduled for hoarding rentals. The slump on billboards. president, Mudra Max OOH, a
“Whilst Vodafone and Essar pating a tax demand from the In- 20 July. also comes amid the monsoon Contributing to the down- part of the Mudra Group.
continue to believe that no tax is dian authorities, said advisers fa- “Another resolution needs to season, with the rains acting as turn, two big users of outdoor Although OOH is said to be
due on this transfer, it was miliar with the deal. be passed to implement the a dampener. media—telecom and financial less than 8% of the total adver-
viewed as prudent to pay with- The Essar firms selling stakes proposed changes in manage- According to Yash Gala, services—have been holding tising market in India, it was ex-
holding tax on a ‘without’ preju- in VEL are incorporated in Mau- ment, but any such action is managing director of Zenith back their spends. Telecom pected to grow in double digits.
dice basis,” VEL said in an ritius, with which India has a still subject to the CLB’s (Com- Outdoors Pvt. Ltd, a part of the constitutes 20% of all outdoor Instead, the billboard industry

rather than collectively—led Deng to adopt a stable world order. The CCP is not a party of
emailed statement. double-tax avoidance treaty. pany Law Board) final deci- Gala Group, the last few advertising, and financial serv- may see revenue decline by at
This is significant in the light Vodafone believes this makes sion, which will be heard end months have been exceptional- ices 10-15%. While the first has least 10-15%.
the deal non-taxable in India. of August,” said Ravi. ly bad, because of a long cricket been troubled by the investiga- The advertising and media
Mint is also available for R9.50 with season and ad budgets having tion into second-generation
Hindustan Times under a combo offer TURN TO PAGE 2® TURN TO PAGE 3® been diverted to television spectrum allocation, the sec- TURN TO PAGE 2®

market mechanisms. That was more than a the proletariat. Its designs should be resisted.


China’s Communist Party will struggle for legitimacy

invasion. The KMT was finally defeated in counter the Soviet Union. One of Mao’s lieu- the establishment of a Western-style Deng maxim asked of it. It is asserting its
AJIT RANADE 1949, partly due to internal dissension and tenants from the civil war and fellow soldier democracy. Indeed, in the first 10 years of power openly—visible in its technology and
rampant corruption, and was driven to Tai- during the Long March was Deng Xiaoping. the Deng era, there were signs of protests military buildup, on the high seas, in cyber
wan. The two decades until 1949 had been After Mao’s death, came the Deng era, and from students and intellectuals. Forces warfare and in space. Its aggression against
quite bloody and thousands of CCP mem- he is rightfully called the architect of mod- clamouring for political freedoms seemed India in the Himalayas leaves very little
bers lost their lives. At one point, the CCP ern China. He took charge in 1978 and led a on the ascendant. But this was again misread doubt about its hegemonic intentions.

he Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is and its Red Army were on the brink of anni- radical departure from—if not an outright by the West, as it was only a power struggle The West may cry foul over its misuse of
100 years old today. In terms of mem- hilation during the Chinese civil war. That reversal of—Maoist eco- within the CCP’s politburo. World Trade Organization membership and
bership, with 91 million, it is the juncture led to the great Long March, which nomic ideology, towards a The brutal suppression of its pursuit of export-led growth with a sup-
world’s second largest political party, was actually a long military tactical retreat to market-based economy The party may the Tiananmen Square pressed currency. But it is China that is now
behind the Bharatiya Janata Party of India. the countryside during 1934-35. It was with flexible prices. The protest in 1989 left no the global champion of free trade, as the
At its founding in 1921, it had only a handful around this time that Mao Zedong rose in transformation of the Chi- find it harder doubt about the party’s West puts up protectionist barriers.
of members. Its founders were two intellec- prominence, first as commander-in-chief of nese economy is simply supremacy. The CCP But China does have vulnerabilities. Its
tuals, Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao, who were the Red Army (later christened as People’s unparalleled in modern
to deliver the would brook no dissent on ageing society foreshadows a slowdown in

is chief economist at Aditya

inspired by the ideas of Marx and Lenin, and
the Bolshevik revolution. The party was
Liberation Army or PLA), and then as the
CCP’s chairman in 1945. From 1949, when
history. In just four dec-
ades, China’s per-capita
rapid economic the political system. In
that, there was continuity
growth and productivity. The debt overhang
on its economy is a crushing burden. Growing
Birla Group. actively assisted by the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union, which was then engaged in
the People’s Republic of China proclaimed
independence, till his death in 1976, Mao
income rose 70 times, and
hundreds of millions of its
growth and and consistency from Mao
to Deng and China’s cur-
friction between the state and the private sec-
tor does not bode well for future investment.
the export of the Soviet socialist revolution was the ‘great helmsman’, a leader who, like rural poor joined the ranks jobs needed to rent President Xi Jinping. Its clampdown in Hong Kong is indicative of
to all parts of the world. In its first 28 years, his party, wielded absolute power. of its urban and industrial The Xi era has seen some its sustained suppression of free speech. Such
the struggling CCP was engaged in wars This is not a place to recount the full middle class. The West satisfy people of Deng’s maxims modu- repression sits uneasily with the proliferation
against two adversaries: Japanese imperial- details of the Mao era, but suffice to say that poured in a cumulative lated and even jettisoned. of social media. The state or CCP cannot con-
ists, who sought to colonize China, and the despite two major disastrous policies, the $2.7 trillion of foreign There is no longer a term tinue to generate more growth and employ-
Kuomintang (KMT), the ruling political Great Leap Forward that left millions dead investment into its special economic zones limit for the supreme leader and the impor- ment as a source of its legitimacy. The rise of
party founded in 1919 by Sun Yat Sen. and the Cultural Revolution, Mao’s influ- (SEZ) and reaped handsome rewards. The tance of collective leadership has been China is seen by the world not as benign, but
Between 1927 and 1949, the KMT and the ence remains undiminished to this day. The SEZs had an almost inverted regime com- downplayed. Xi has consolidated his power, as a major cause of anxiety. Its role in the
CCP fought an intermittent civil war for con- wily Henry Kissinger of the US and his boss pared to the mainland, with flexible labour and after a long time, the top man in China health havoc caused by coronavirus, which
trol and power to rule over all of China. In in the White House, Richard Nixon, both laws and protection of capitalists. The West holds all three key positions as head of state, originated in Wuhan, is a taint that cannot be
between, the two parties were also allies in diehard anti-communists, thought it fit to was lulled into thinking that economic the party and also the military. China is no shrugged off. As it enters its second century,
their joint war against Japan’s imperialist pursue rapprochement with Mao as a way to reforms would lead to political reforms and longer “biding its time, by lying low”, as a the CCP has a lot to chew on.


El Salvador’s adoption of bitcoin The going may get tougher for

Walmart and Amazon in India
as legal tender is a wake-up call Stringent rules proposed for e-com reveal a push for protectionism

We should offer alternatives that reduce the cost of remittances to dissuade the use of dangerously volatile cryptocurrencies


is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering
industrial companies and financial services.

is professor of international economics at the
University of London’s Queen Mary Global
Policy Institute, and author of ‘The Cost of Free

he list of what e-commerce platforms
aren’t allowed to do in India has been
growing for some time, but the latest

any regard the market for bit- prohibition on flash sales has gone too far. If New rules could throw Amazon’s Indian
coin—the world’s leading crypto- the rules get implemented, the entire busi- business model in jeopardy MINT
currency—as a game of winners ness model of and Walmart
and losers played out among could come unstuck before their invest- free speech. The squeeze on US content
hedge funds, amateur investors, ments in the Indian market can grow to a firms [seems guided by] political calcula-
geeks, and criminals. The huge rewarding size. While a lofty public purpose tions: Twitter’s offices were visited by the
risk inherent in a highly volatile anonymous digital can always be tacked on as an afterthought police after it branded a tweet by one of the
currency is best left to those who understand the to draconian regulations, in this case the fig ruling party leaders as “manipulated media”.
game well, or who don’t really care because they leaf is thinner than usual. It’s hard to see The targeting of US e-com players is not
can mitigate the risk or absorb any losses. But bit- how “significantly reduced prices, high dis- as obvious, though even [this looks like] a
coin recently has become more attractive for counts or any other such promotions or political project. Safeguarding the interest
countries and individuals with limited access to attractive offers” for a period of time “limit of consumers or mom-and-pop stores is
conventional payment systems—that is, those least customer choice, increase prices and pre- how the curbs are marketed to the public,
equipped to manage the underlying risk. vent a level playing field.” though they [could eventually] put India
In June 2021, El Salvador became the world’s The driving spirit behind the consumer behind something resembling China’s
first country to adopt bitcoin as legal tender, affairs ministry’s new draft guidelines, cur- Great Firewall. Local tycoons would domi-
enacting legislation that takes effect in September. rently open for comment, may lie else- nate the market, and while foreign players
This means that bitcoin can be used to pay for where. In the garb of checking manipulative won’t be completely shunned, they may
goods and services throughout the country, and behaviour by online marketplaces, India is only be able to join the party as junior part-
recipients are legally obliged to accept it. effectively muzzling the two leading US ners, supplying technology and capital.
Salvadorans are not new to this type of monetary players. It’s also tilting the balance in favour Achieving this objective with a stringent
experiment. The US dollar became legal tender in of offline commerce, and away from digital foreign direct investment policy is some-
El Salvador in 2001 and is the currency used in startups that are India’s best bet for rebuild- thing the government tried two years ago.
domestic transactions. At that time, the govern- ing the pandemic-ravaged economy. Walmart and Amazon dodged the blow. The
ment of President Francisco Flores allowed the Amazon and Walmart are dominant, but time for more of the same has passed. To
dollar to circulate freely alongside the national in a tiny corner. Overall e-commerce is only avoid an open confrontation with the Biden
currency, the colón, at a fixed exchange rate. 4% of India’s $800 billion retail market. Yet administration, it may be more fruitful to
Dollar advocates argued that the expected they’re supposedly exerting such a baleful twist existing Indian laws out of shape. For
benefits of macroeconomic stability would out- influence on the natural flow of goods that instance, it isn’t the remit of India’s con-
weigh El Salvador’s loss of economic sovereignty, mately $13, or 6.5%, well above the Sustainable But its volatility makes it at best an asset—and an they must be reined in by, in effect, instruct- sumer protection law to check if the many
monetary independence, and even seigniorage— Development Goal target of 3%. extremely risky store of value—rather than a ing Amazon not to sell its Made in India Fire sellers taking online orders for phones dur-
the difference between the cost of producing coins Nonetheless, in 2020, low- and middle-income means of exchange. The risk of a sudden drop in its TV Sticks—a media streaming device—on ing festive-season discount sales are thinly
and banknotes and their face value. However, pur- countries received remittances of $540 billion— price means that migrants and their families back its local e-com website. Ditto for Walmart. capitalized post boxes. A lot of them came
chasing power suddenly plummeted and left the only slightly less than the 2019 total of $548 billion, home can never be sure about the amount of Its wholesale operation in the country may into existence to circumvent a previous pol-
economy even more dependent on remittances, and much larger than these countries’ inflows of money transferred. not be able to hawk a shirt on Flipkart, the icy that e-com marketplaces, or their relat-
which have averaged about 20% of gross domestic foreign direct investment ($259 billion in 2020) Rather than dismiss El Salvador’s bitcoin online marketplace it acquired for $16 bil- ed-party sellers, can’t control more than
product per year over the past two decades. and overseas development assistance ($179 billion adoption as just another example of the crypto lion in 2018. And this is when it is trying 25% of the inventory on offer. If they’re still
Using bitcoin as legal tender will exacerbate the in 2020). Reducing the fees to 2% could increase craze, we should reflect on why many people hard to blend in. It plans to triple exports violating the spirit of that, it’s not a problem
monetary constraints that dollarization revealed— remittances by as much as $16 billion per year. around the world are willing to embrace crypto- from India to $10 billion by 2027, and will of consumer protection, but an anti-compe-
notably, the lack of an independent macroeco- The large but globally fragmented remittance currencies for non-speculative purposes. Perhaps float Flipkart in the local equity market. tition issue, and should be probed accord-
nomic institutional framework around which to business relies on electronic transfers through the answer lies in the fact that the current interna- The Flipkart purchase was Walmart’s ingly. It’s not e-com players that have devas-
shape domestic policies. Moreover, bitcoin is commercial banks’ payment systems, and banks tional financial system serves them either poorly most expensive. Soon after the deal, Reli- tated small Indian retailers, but covid. For
much more volatile than the dollar. Between 8 charge hefty fees for the use of this infrastructure or not at all. ance announced its own ambitious e-com small shopkeepers to [recover], they need
June and 15 June, its value swung between $32,462 and the benefit of a safe and reliable international Innovations in digital money, such as the M-Pesa plan for linking small independent stores partners who’ll help them go digital. Arbi-
and $40,993, and in the period from 15 May to network. But high fees are not the only issue. Many mobile money service in Africa, have made signifi- with a telecom network that now has 420 trary rule-making gets in the way. A startup
15 June, it ranged from $34,259 to $49,304. Such migrants don’t have a bank account in the country cant inroads into many developing countries’ million-plus subscribers. Reliance is also earning a small cut on each online sale will
wide fluctuations—and the fact that they are where they work, and their families back home payment systems. But more needs to be done to India’s largest operator of physical stores. struggle to run a marketplace that has to
entirely market-driven, with no scope for policy- may also be among the 1.7 billion unbanked people provide the infrastructure and regulatory frame- Piyush Goyal, the commerce minister, refund 100% of a disgruntled customer’s
makers to manage the swings—make bitcoin worldwide. Furthermore, some international works to support digital money. For now, though, says that arrogant US firms have blatantly purchase price, especially when no such
an unsuitable instrument for macroeconomic migrants may need to transfer money to countries the terrain remains patchy. flouted Indian laws. Amazon and Walmart- straitjacket applies to physical retailers.
stabilization. that either are not integrated into the international Coordinated cross-border policies are urgently Flipkart have denied charges of abuse of But then, consumers and small shop-
El Salvador’s president, Nayib Bukele, tweeted payment system or are restricted in their ability needed to ensure that bitcoin and its variants don’t market power. Twitter, apparently in breach keepers are just convenient excuses. Behind
that bitcoin will facilitate remittance transfers and to receive cross-border transfers—for example, do more harm than good in developing countries. of rules framed for information technology the smokescreen of shielding their inter-
considerably reduce transaction costs. The fees Syria or Cuba. Unless both the public and private sectors embrace intermediaries, [has been accused of arro- ests, India is slowly creating a protectionist
that migrants must pay to send their money home Bukele is right about the need to challenge this critical reforms and make basic banking services gance too]. WhatsApp has gone to court economy that will benefit only a select
are scandalously high, despite many calls by the system, including by providing low-cost and low- available to all at low costs, people and govern- after being asked to make messages on the group of firms. After sinking billions of dol-
United Nations and the G20 to reduce them. risk alternatives. But bitcoin is the wrong tool. ments will increasingly be attracted by bitcoin and platform traceable, arguing that this will lars into India, Amazon and Walmart are
According to the World Bank, the average global Yes, it allows people to transfer value directly and other low-cost, high-risk, and murky alternatives destroy its promise of end-to-end encryp- still not on that shortlist. Maybe they will
cost of sending $200 internationally is approxi- globally without costly third-party intermediation. to traditional banking. ©2021/PROJECT SYNDICATE tion and have a chilling effect on privacy and never be. ©BLOOMBERG


Act against the silent epidemic that’s stalking doctors

With mounting deaths, long hours, low ive strategies for the phenomenon. Health- attacked by a policeman in Kerala. Doctors policies must focus on increased spending on
KISHORE KUMAR pay, lack of resources and the risk of con- care workers have also lost loved ones to serving in covid wards have been brutally healthcare and improving hospital infra-
tracting covid, India’s healthcare workers covid. There are times when people blame assaulted in Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, structure, while violence should be punisha-
also face a mental health crisis of their own. doctors for their loss. However, few seem to Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka. A few weeks ble under appropriately stiffened laws. Aus-
No sleep and irregular meals for extended consider the stress that doctors are under as ago, a paediatrician was attacked in Tarikere tralia saw a spike in violence against health-
periods without adequate protection add to they fight new strains of the virus. and an intensive care physician was attacked care workers in the late 1990s and early

very year, 1 July is observed as National the stress caused by the fear of infecting India needs clear-cut guidelines for burn- at a private hospital in Bengaluru. 2000s. In response, its government made
Doctors’ Day in India to express grati- loved ones back at home, not to speak of the out management. Personal Over 80% of India’s doc- such acts punishable with 12 years of jail.
tude and acknowledge the dedication risk of dying, even as one bears the trauma of interventions, such as tors are stressed and 75% Such violence virtually vanished. Stricter
and commitment of doctors towards our losing patients no matter what you do. meditation, the use of cog- Cases of stress deal with abuse and assault, laws and their enforcement could safeguard
society. The observance honours legendary Rough treatment by hospital administrators nitive-behavioural tech- as per an Indian Medical health professionals in India too. All institu-
physician and West Bengal’s second chief and the fear of being fired are also part of niques and the develop- induced burnout Association report. tions should also have standard operating
minister Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy, whose these day-to-day realities. ment of better inter-per- What may seem like procedures to tackle cases of violence.
birth and death anniversaries coincide on Large numbers of junior doctors have sonal and work-related
and violence impulsive outbursts of vio- Patients need to be educated that doctors

is founder-chairman and
this date. As a practising neonatologist, I am
deeply concerned about two issues affecting
been left in a limbo, unable to qualify as doc-
tors but expected to work as such, raising
skills could help doctors at
an individual level. But the
against doctors lence by patients or their
attendants actually reflects
practise medicine as best they can and can-
not be held responsible for every death. Our
neonatologist, Cloudnine
Group of Hospitals, Bengaluru,
the medical fraternity: physician burnout
and violence against doctors.
their chances of suffering a burnout even
before they start their career. Physician
appreciation of others for
their work also goes a long
have reached the country’s chronic
neglect of public health.
people also need to realize that costs can rise
with more advanced forms of treatment.
and a healthcare delivery I have always sought an answer to the ques- burnout costs the US healthcare industry an way and must not be over- worrisome Meagre state spending on Medical schools should have modules on
graduate from Harvard tion of why doctors are held especially estimated $4.6 billion a year, a pre-pan- looked. In addition, vari- healthcare and the rising patient-doctor relations in their curricula.
Business School. answerable to society. Any adversity that demic number that’s thought to have dou- ous interventions at the proportions cost of treatment have cre- All communication needs to be character-
relates to health routinely gets blamed on the bled after covid. No such estimates are avail- organizational level, such ated much dissonance ized by mutual empathy. Doctors in training
medical community’s alleged negligence. able for India. While burnout is increasingly as a regular interface with among people. Private need to be taught how to handle potentially
Why? Specific cases of negligence may exist, being recognized globally as a major con- physicians, should be planned. We also health services meet nearly 80% of our violent situations with tact. Without an over-
but is this not true of professionals who work cern, the pandemic’s closing of borders and require a national study on the mental state needs, and can be costly for most. haul of our healthcare system and the politi-
for, say, the judiciary, administration and strict city as well as area-wise lockdowns of medical workers in the country. Healthcare in India is complicated. We cal will to protect health workers, doctors
banking sector? As a result of the covid pan- have affected healthcare workers and their The violence that doctors often face is need a strong medical model. Hospitals need may be too overwrought to do their jobs well.
demic, doctors, nurses, care givers and para- families just as much, causing negative psy- unpardonable. Such violence is not new, but to raise capacity, achieve global standards This would be a disaster that compounds our
medics are facing an unprecedented work- chological effects. It is important to recog- has grown to epidemic proportions in recent and ensure that enough doctors and para- covid crisis. It could even make a third wave
load in overstretched health facilities. nize burnout at the earliest and use prevent- times.Recently, an on-duty doctor was medical staff are employed. Government worse than the second.
14 THURSDAY, 1 JULY 2021

Agha Shahid Ali: A poet

beyond boundaries
Manan Kapoor’s new
biography of Agha
Shahid Ali celebrates the
complex genius and A still from Questlove’s ‘Summer of Soul’.
enduring legacy of the
Kashmiri-American poet A film that
dives into US’
Somak Ghoshal

he tombstone that marks the
final resting place of poet Agha
Shahid Ali (1949-2001) in Massa-
chusetts, US, bears an epitaph
musical history
from one of his well-known lyr-
ics, “In Arabic”: They ask me to tell them what The 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival is
Shahid means: Listen, Listen: / It means “the
beloved” in Persian, “witness” in Arabic. The cou- revived in a new documentary
plet not only beautifully sums up the essence of
Ali’s life, but also his enduring afterlife. His leg- Agencies
acy, as a pre-eminent English poet of Indian ori-
gin, continues to prosper among generations of

readers, especially in Kashmir, to whose troub- n the summer of 1969, the same summer as Woodstock, some
les Ali bore unflinching witness. of the biggest musical acts of the time, like Stevie Wonder, B.B.
In A Map of Longings, his critical biography of King, Nina Simone, Sly & the Family Stone, Mahalia Jackson
the poet, Manan Kapoor heroically rises to the Agha Shahid Ali (left) with Begum Akhtar and his close friend Saleem Kidwai; (below) Manan Kapoor COURTESY SALEEM KIDWAI and the Fifth Dimension all performed in New York’s Mount
task of capturing Ali’s complex genius, inflected Morris Park. Woodstock was immortalized. The Harlem Cultural
by a wide range of influences: a liberal Muslim translate Faiz Ahmad Faiz, a project he threw Festival forgotten. But the event is given new light in the must-
upbringing, a voracious appetite for reading, an himself into with characteristic passion. see documentary Summer of Soul (...Or When the Revolution Could
abiding love for the ghazal, bold embrace of his For all his daring experiments with the gha- Not Be Televised).
homosexuality, life as an academic in the US zal, which often overshadows the discussions of Over the course six weekends, more than 300,000 people
and, above all, his unshaken love for his home- his protean talent, Ali was deeply influenced by would pass through what is now Marcus Garvey Park in New York
land, Kashmir, riven by decades of conflict and a wide variety of poetic styles and accents. From City to watch the marquee names on the schedule, with the Black
unrest during his lifetime. the delicately calibrated rhymes of T.S. Eliot to Panthers providing security. It was as much a music festival as it
For a relatively slim volume, A Map of Long- the politically charged verses of Palestinian poet was a sociopolitical statement. The brainchild of a born pro-
ings doesn’t lack in ambition, especially since Mahmoud Darwish (another writer Ali trans- moter, Tony Lawrence, the free summer concert series was spon-
Kapoor couldn’t travel to the US for a crucial leg lated), echoes of diverse voices ring through his sored by Maxwell Coffee and covered by the local news. General
of his research after being denied a visa. Plenty lines, connecting the two worlds—Kashmir and Foods even had the foresight to commission someone to film the
of details, vividly recounted by Ali’s friends, the US—that he inhabited seamlessly. If his ties festival, hiring television veteran Hal Tulchin for the task. The
family, former students, and colleagues, as well with the home he had left informed iconic col- money was so short, they faced the stage west to save on lighting.
as remote rummaging through archives, cohere lections like The Half-Inch Himalayas and The By the end, Tulchin, who died in 2017, had amassed more than
to form a richly variegated por- Country Without A Post Office, 40 hours of footage of the performances, the massive crowds, the
trait of the poet, whose reputa- Ali also internalised the arid political speeches and the comedy acts. After some failed efforts
tion remains as tall as the Hima- landscape of Tucson in Arizona, to sell or do something with it, even with its new nickname “Black
layas, even two decades after his where he worked for a while, the Woodstock,” it sat in a basement, largely unseen, for five decades
death. urbane rhythm of Amherst, —that is until Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson dusted it off and
Kapoor devotes the opening where he taught, and the bustle made out of it a strong contender for the best documentary of the
pages of the book to emphasise of New York, where he spent his year.
the inextricably secular and syn- final years. In Summer of Soul, Questlove pulls off an extraordinary feat,
cretic traditions Ali soaked up After his arrival in the US for turning these endless hours of footage into not just an exciting
from his Kashmiri father Agha graduate studies, Ali believed he concert film, but an elegant and essential historical document of
Ashraf Ali and mother Sufia “grew as a poet, a lover and a a particularly fraught and powerful moment in history. It is some-
Agha, who was born and grew reader”. The first and last of times celebratory, sometimes critical and never less than utterly
up in Uttar Pradesh. From being these personas were enriched nuances of Ali’s personality are not often appar- hypothesis around—that we are the very things engaging. And although it’s Questlove’s first film, you’d never
dressed as Lord Krishna as a tod- by the many friendships he cul- ent from his chiselled verse, and they certainly we create—isn’t necessarily an act of erasure; know it.
dler during Janmashtami festi- tivated, with American poet enriched the “lover” in him too. rather, it can be an empowering gesture, open- It is extraordinary how much information, history and music
val to enjoying Persian poetry, James Merrill for instance, who Kapoor spends relatively less time delineat- ing up possibilities, refusing to be circum- is packed into these two hours. The film delves into the various
Ali acquired a foundation that was instrumental in Ali’s turn to ing Ali’s sexuality and romantic life—partly, as scribed by autobiography. Ali’s sense of the per- musical styles of the moment, explores how some artists like Ste-
was, as Kapoor says, “completely formalism, especially his he explains, due to the lack of verifiable trails of son he was, the poet he became, and the ideas he vie Wonder and David Ruffin were evolving, points to the diver-
South Asian and completely cosmopolitan”. attempts with inelastic forms like the canzone Ali’s lovers. Ali, too, didn’t enjoy being pigeon- believed in are far too interconnected to be sity of Harlem itself, goes into the Puerto Rican influence (with
The point may feel stressed several times over, and villanelle. But this disciplined move holed into catego- explained away by commentary from Lin-Manuel Miranda), and doesn’t shy away
but seems necessary in our current political towards hard-nosed formalist poetry didn’t take ries like “gay one facet of his from addressing the divisions within the community (including
environment, marked by provincial proclivities. away the mystical quality of Ali’s verse. poet”, though he For all his daring experiments personality. an emotional Marilyn McCoo talking about the criticisms that the
The cultural cacophony that Ali inherited and Amitav Ghosh, who became close to him in his was not secretive with the ghazal, Ali was deeply With the aca- Fifth Dimension had a “white sound”). There also a clear setting
cherished extended to music. An ardent later years, recalls Ali giving one of two answers about his inclina- demic industry out of the local and national sociopolitical context. And somehow
admirer of Begum Akhtar, Ali was devastated by to explain the provenance of his poems. “One tions. The one influenced by a wide variety of that has prolifer- nothing feels like it’s getting the short shrift.
her untimely death in 1974, as much as when he was: ‘I was playing with this line of Merrill’s’—the marker of identity poetic styles and accents ated around Ali’s Questlove and editor Joshua L Pearson also know when to fea-
lost his mother to brain cancer, which would usual poet-speak. Another response was, ‘It he didn’t seem to work in the last ture a full performance as opposed to just clips for ultimate
also kill him a few years later. came to me in a dream’, or ‘I had a vision’.” mind was “Kash- two decades, sea- impact and storytelling. There’s a reason Nina Simone and “Back-
Although he was not a musician himself, Ali As an inveterately gregarious presence, Ali miri-American poet”—a phrase capacious soned scholars may not be unfamiliar with some lash Blues” is saved for last.
became a spiritual shagrid (disciple) of Akhtar, entertained lavishly, cooked for friends and visi- enough to contain the multitudes he carried. In of the material Kapoor brings together. But for And though the performances are riveting — standouts include
who inspired some of his most memorable tors, and was always the soul of a gathering. the 21st century, when identity politics, and the common reader, especially for those who Mahalia Jackson and Mavis Staples belting out Take My Hand,
poems. He absorbed her inimitable pathos and Kapoor captures his puckish humour and irre- provocations to wear those on our sleeves, is the continue to find solace in Ali’s poetic universe, Precious Lord and the Edwin Hawkins Singers’ O Happy Day—it’s
tragic gravitas, infusing his poetry with these pressible derring-do through endearing anec- buzz, it may seem odd not to link literary pro- A Map of Longings is a valuable introduction to the shots of the all-ages crowd that really makes this film come
feelings, especially the ghazal in English (on dotes and remembrances—one mentions Ali duction to autobiographical minutiae— after all, the intricacies of a unique mind, and an invita- alive, with the vibrant fashions, the incredible faces, the excite-
which Kapoor has an excellent chapter). Ali’s writing to Jawaharlal Nehru as an adolescent we create and carry over (in image, music, and tion to keep returning to the treasures it has left ment, the boredom and the humanity of it all packed into every
early affinity with Urdu poetry also led him to and being invited to Teen Murti Bhavan. These text) traces of who we are. But turning the behind. frame.

A children’s book about a forgotten army mission

November 1988. try really need a military. There are details of information, which couldn’t be part of
‘India To The Rescue’ The book, co-authored by children’s explaining brigades, battalions and pla- the dialogue or sketches, or which needed
recreates the twists and writer Shruthi Rao and published by Jug- toons, and Squadron 44—the ‘do-gooders’ to be explained further, was designed as a
gernaut Books, hails the operation as one unit of the Indian Air Force. box.
turns of India’s Operation of the country’s quickest, boldest and “When you need someone to ferry and There is an interesting one on dhonis.
Cactus to avert a coup in most successful missions.
“This account was originally written by
airdrop troops, supplies
and equipment, you turn
The title, So what exactly
are Dhonis? And no, the
the Maldives Sushant Singh, who researched the story to 44 Squadron,” the answer isn’t related to
and interviewed many of the characters in authors observe. cricket, would surely
it. I’ve adapted it, adding a few extra dia- “It helped that I attract the attention of
Avantika Bhuyan logues and dramatizing some scenes. But approached the story as a readers. The box explains be warned—every detail in this book is lay person, with no previ- it further: “People have
real!” writes Rao in the introduction. ous experience of know- been living on these

oes history have to be boring? How India To the Rescue breaks the mission ing about the operation,” islands for centuries. How
do you explain an army’s role to down in an engaging way, starting from says Rao. “I tried to look at did they get from one
children? These are some of the the basics: where is the Maldives on the it from the eyes of a child.” island to another? They
questions that a new children’s book, world map. It has interesting nuggets As she tried to under- used dhonis. Nope, not
India To The Rescue, seeks to answer. Told about the island of Male, which, it stand the strategies the former captain of the
in an adventure-mystery style, it is full describes, is just twice the size of Benga- behind the mission, Rao Indian cricket team. Dho-
of twists and turns, taking young luru’s famous Lalbagh garden, or a kept noting down details nis are small handcrafted
readers, aged seven and above, little larger than five times the size to create a skeletal struc- boats. (If you speak Kan-
on secret flights, and a ride on of Delhi’s Lodi Gardens, and a ture of the story. She kept nada, Telugu or other
a tiny boat through the inky background to the Indian mission. going back to Singh’s text south Indian languages,
darkness. The chapters are supplemented to break down the jargon, and added con- you would’ve recognized the word in a
It is based on journalist with illustrations, maps and boxes textual notes. trice!)”
Sushant Singh’s Operation to make the story accessible to “What would a child like? That was my For Rao, the details of Operation Cactus
Cactus: Mission Impossible young readers—or to adults guiding point,” she says. The writing proc- were a revelation. “I had no idea that such
in the Maldives, which who don’t want to wade ess involved several steps, with Rao refer- an exciting event had taken place in the
uses reports and testimo- through tomes. ring to testimonies from Operation Cactus 1980s. The story captured my imagination
nies to reconstruct India’s And yet, the book to create dialogues and dramatise scenes and I ended up spending a lot of time look-
largely forgotten inter- doesn’t shy away from in a way that would appeal to children. ing at old videos. It was like going down a
vention to avert a coup complex questions, From the outset, Rao and the publishers rabbit hole, but made the process of writ-
in the island country in such as does a coun- The book narrates the Indian Army’s exploits in the Maldives for children were clear on the need to have boxes. A lot ing a lot of fun,” she says.

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