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10th September’2020


Full Name: Rushikesh Kamble
Address: Aai Niwas, Sona Nagar,
5 no chowk, Latur 413512

Further to our offer of appointment, we are pleased to have you in our organization on the
following terms and conditions:

You are being hired as “Graphic Design Assosciate" from 10th September’2020.

Help COMPANY and its CLIENTS with any type of design tasks, new projects implementation
or any internal company projects. Tasks can be can be related with the list below, but not limited
1. Illustration design
2. Branding projects
3. Social media posts
4. Website collaterals
5. Design research


You shall be entitled to a monthly salary of Rs.10,000.

This appointment is subject to your being declared medically fit by our medical advisors. At the
time of joining, you may be asked to give a declaration of medical status in lieu of medical
examination and no relevant information should be left out in this declaration.


The office requires 6 hours of work put-in every day with 5 day working (Monday to Friday). You
are expected to work on a Saturday If and when the business demands.
In case you absent yourself from duty continuously for 7 calendar days or more, you shall be
deemed to have left and relinquished the service on your own accord and such relinquishment
of service shall be deemed as a repudiation of the contract of employment by you and not a
termination of services by the Management. In such circumstances, the Management will have
the discretion with-helding salary against the notice period of such abandonment.

1. Your services can be transferred from one job/ position to another, from one department to
another or from the appointing Company to any other Company/ division of the Staunch Retail,
or vice-versa, whether existing at present or to be set up in future.

2. In such case, you will be governed by the rules, regulations and orders as applicable to the
establishment to which you have been transferred to, including such conditions and rules
covering Working Hours, Leave, Holidays Salary, Allowances and Perquisites.

During probation, the Company or the employee may terminate this agreement by giving 15
days’ notice in writing or payment of 15 days salary in lieu thereof.


Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the Company shall be entitled to terminate your
employment without notice, indemnities and compensation in any of the following events:
1. If you are, in the opinion of the company, guilt of dishonesty, misconduct or negligence in
the performance of your duties.
2. If you have been found to have committed a serious breach or continual material breach
of any of your duties or obligations.
3. If you are found to have made illegal monetary profit or received any gratuities or other
rewards, in cash or in kind, out of any of the Company's affairs or any of its subsidiaries or
related Companies.
4. If you conduct yourself in a manner that adversely affects the standing and reputation of
the Company.

1. Upon the termination of your service for any reason whatsoever, neither you nor your
beneficiaries or estate would have any rights or claims under this agreement or otherwise to
receive any compensation or to participate in any plan arrangement or benefit after such
termination or resignation.
2. All options not vested on the date of the employee's termination or resignation will lapse
and immediately cease to be exercisable.
3. Upon the termination of the service, you would promptly deliver to the Company, any
office equipment, documents, confidential information of the Company and/or its subsidiaries
and Associated Companies property that you had access to during the term of employment,
including but not limited to the accommodation provided to you.

1. In consideration of the Company's imparting you training, exposing you to vital and
significant business information, trade secrets, divulgence thereof could adversely affect the
interest of the Company and hence you will not, during your employment with the Company in
terms of this letter (except so far as may be proper in the ordinary course of business and in the

interest of the Company) or at any time thereafter divulge any information to any of our
competitors, suppliers, customers and dealers in any way whatsoever relating to the Company
or its business and/or any of its customer and/or any other information, data and/or any
sketches, drawings ,quotations, specifications, etc. which may come to your knowledge relating
to the Company's business in the course of your employment.

You shall always maintain strict secrecy regarding any technical or other business information
gained or acquired by you or imparted to you in the course of or after your employment. Any
violation in this regard will make you liable for attendant consequential actions against you
including termination without any further reference on the subject for which you will be solely

2. All discoveries, inventions and designs of equipment and methods, which you may cause
or come across or come in possession of during the course of your employment, shall be the
property of the Company. You shall always maintain strict secrecy regarding these and should
not divulge any information relating thereto to any of our competitors, suppliers, customers and
dealers during & after your employment with the company.

3. You will not, during or at any time after the termination of your employment with this
Company, either on your own or on behalf of any other person, firm or Company canvass, solicit
or entice any of the Company's customers or any other employee working in the Company. In
case you indulge in such type of activities, this will be treated as a breach of the terms &
conditions of letter of appointment.

Your salary, allowances, benefits and rewards are strictly confidential. By accepting
employment with the Company, you undertake not to disclose these to anyone. Violation of this
would be viewed as a serious breach of conduct.
1. You will not carry on or be concerned with any business related to the projects of Staunch
Retail on your own or on behalf of anyone else directly or indirectly with or without remuneration
during the course of employment with this Company.

2. You shall at all time maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and conduct yourself
in a manner conducive to the best interests, credit and prestige of the Company.

3. You shall not, at any time, work against the interests, credit and prestige of the Company
or commit any act, which is unbecoming of an employee. Any act against the basic and
universally accepted understanding or any violation of any of these norms of behavior your part
will be viewed as misconduct and management will be competent to take disciplinary action
against you.

4. You shall not enter into any financial relationship or receive any financial help or accept
any favors or assistance of any kind, except, in connection with and for the benefit of the
Company's business, from any suppliers, customers and dealers of the company.

You shall not, during this agreement and for a period of one year immediately following
termination of this agreement, either directly or indirectly, call on, solicit, or take away, or
attempt to call on, solicit, or take away, any of the customers or clients of the company on whom
you called or became acquainted with during the terms of this Agreement, either for their own
benefit, or for the benefit of any other person, firm, corporation or organization.

You shall not, during this agreement and for a period of one year immediately following
termination of this agreement, either directly or indirectly, recruit any of company’s employees
for the purpose of any outside business.

Further, you and any and all of his/her/its employees shall not, either directly or indirectly, work,
be employed or be a contractor for a mutual client of the company for a period of one year
immediately following termination of this agreement.

You agree that at no time during the term of this agreement with the company, shall s/he/it
engage in any business activity which is competitive with the company.
You, without the need for Court action or Arbitration, agree to pay a fine of Five lac INR (INR
5,000,000) to the company should you violate provision K, L, M, N, O & P on this contract. You
shall deposit the amount to the latter’s bank account not later than fourteen (14) calendar days
from the company’s receipt of a written notice.

Any other dispute between yourself and the Company concerning with or relating to or arising
out of this contract shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Maharashtra.

Should there be any changes to the above terms and conditions due to change in Company
policy or your personal circumstances, separate notification would be given to you by the
Company for your information and agreement.

This appointment letter along with the Annexure shall form the Contract of Employment between
you and Staunch Retail which shall be referred to as "The Company".

Please study our terms and conditions carefully. If you agree to accept this appointment, please
sign and return one copy of this letter to the undersigned.

I take this opportunity to welcome you as a member of our organization and look forward to
many years of mutually beneficial association.

For Staunch Retail

Sachin Baheti
Founder & CEO

I have read and understood the terms and conditions stated in the appointment letter and
hereby confirm my acceptance of the offer of appointment.

_______________ (Sign here)

10th September’2020
Rushikesh Kamble

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