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Some foods and beverages undergo fermentation processes in order to form and grow

microorganisms that are beneficial to an organism’s body, specifically, humans. This laboratory
activity was done to acquaint with some common food and industrial products and the
corresponding microorganisms involved in their production, identify and explain the factors that
affect growth of microbes during fermentation and explain changes that occur during

The products are created through fermentation process are divided into two (2)
categories: milk and non-dairy. Milk products are processed using pasteurization which all
disease-causing (pathogenic) microorganisms in natural raw milk is destroyed through the
process of heating. Examples of milk products are yoghurt, buttermilk and sour cream. All of
them has undergone pasteurization. Moreover, to make these products, a starter culture is
needed. A starter culture is microorganism used to produce cultured dairy products and it can
arrange particular appearances in a more controlled and foreseeable fermentation. In this activity,
yoghurt is the dairy product that has been familiarized and its starter culture.

On the other hand, Non Dairy fermented Products include meat, fish, bread and variety of
plant-based foods, cider, wines and distilled spirits. These do not undergo pasteurization process
and there are only conditions and different process in order to manufacture them. In the activity,
products such as Idli, Soy Sauce, Vodka, Cider, Pickles and Salami are investigated.

The thorough analysis lead to conclusion that these follow certain conditions in order to
produce the right microorganisms and do not harm the target market.

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