The Preferences of Music Genres On Grade-9 SSC Students and Its Possible Effects

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The Preferences of Music Genres on Grade-9 SSC Students and its

possible effects
Aamer Jiro Macoto, 9-Boyle

Music is a universal cross-cultural activity that can be found in every known human
culture. All individuals have their own genre preferences, this impression has been around since
the invention of music. Music was played either by voice or by playing specific instruments in
the past centuries while maintaining the same traditional style. These days, music genres have
expanded to a wide variety. Preferences have interestingly managed to alter an individual's
behaviour, and certain people claim that music calms them down. This research tries to confirm
and identify the mental effects of a person based on the genre. Typically, the utilized method in
gathering information is by giving out survey forms to the SSC students, by sending links using
the internet. My findings were that music could sharpen your memory and help or relax your
emotions. So this a great way to enhance your memory while calmly studying. It's also proven
that soft and slow music genres are more effective and non-distracting compared to the harsh-
lyrical and loud ones.
Background of the Study:
Music is everywhere we go. It is piped into retail shops, airports, and train stations, and It is
accompanied by movies, television programs, and ball games. Manufacturers use it to sell their
products, while yoga, massage, and exercise studios use it to relax or invigorate their clients. In
addition to these uses of music as a background, a form of sonic wallpaper imposed on us by
others, many of us seek out music for our listening. Research dictates that Americans spend
more on music than on prescription drugs (Huron, 2001)[1]. Taken together, background and
intentional music listening add up to more than 5 hours a day of exposure to music for the
average American (Levitin, 2006; McCormick, 2009)[2].
Preferences of Students in Music Genres
This study aims to determine the number of Ilocos Sur National High School students on which
genre they prefer.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the most and least favourite genre?
2. How do specific genres affect the students?
3. Do gender affect the person’s genre preference?
Statement of the Problem
Because music comes in a variety of genres, it may be found almost anywhere. Music has
the ability to influence one's mood. Some are entertaining, while others are soothing. We'll try to
figure out what music genres the Grade-9 Special Classes enjoy in this research problem. We
need to figure it out because it can help us discern a person's interests and provide us clues about
their personality. The goal of this study is to learn more about the elements that influence the
music choices of ordinary music listeners rather than expert musicians.
Music has evolved throughout the decades as modern technology has progressed,
resulting in a variety of styles and genres. People are becoming increasingly indecisive and
inconsistent. Although research on individual differences in music preferences has provided
some consistent results, the field's theoretical growth is limited by drawbacks. One limitation
stems from the lack of agreement on which music genres should be studied. Because music
genres are vast and ill-defined categories, relying entirely on them for metrics is primitive and
Furthermore, not all works of music can be easily classified into one of the numerous genres.
This could be problematic when comparing tastes between generations, as older generations may
be unfamiliar with the new music genres that young people appreciate. Participants in genre-
based measures are also assumed to have a similar understanding of the genres. Individual
musical styles may have diverse social implications in different places or nations, making studies
comparing preferences among people from various socioeconomic categories or cultures
So, how can a student begin to explore a new genre if they have no prior knowledge of it,
particularly if it is categorized as "quite different" from what they already enjoy? One could ask
acquaintances who are familiar with certain genres for ideas or look for a "best hits" compilation.
This will most likely suffice for acquiring background information and learning more about that
genre. But what about discovering music that one likes? It would likely rely on how well the
acquaintance understands the seeker's musical likes within a certain genre or how effectively the
seeker's music preferences are reflected in the canonical works of that genre.
Indeed, genre names are a crucial part of the listening experience, and they may help you enjoy
music even more when discussing it with others.
Scope and Limitation:
The purpose of this study is to determine and identify the number of people who prefer loud or
gentle music, as well as their potential impacts on Grade 9 Special Class students at Ilocos Sur
National High School. Thirty students from Ilocos Sur National High School's Grade 9 Special
Class participated in the vote. The focus of this research is only on Special Class Students. Its
major objective is to collect data and assess if music has a mild or severe impact on student
behaviour, as well as why they picked a particular genre. This research takes into account all
aspects of the students' own perspectives. The study will be reviewed and acknowledged, and
personal information will not be collected because it is not required. Since it is unsafe to walk
out in public, each responder receives the same questions and surveys via messenger at home. In
May of 2021, a research study will be done. And this research focuses on current Grade 9 pupils
in the 2020–2021 school year. The statistical techniques utilized were percentages and
frequency, weighted mean, bivariate correlation, and binomial distribution.
Significance of the Study:
The results will supply us with a substantial quantity of information. We'll figure out which
genre is the most preferred. Music genres are significant because they are one of the most
important tools we have for appreciating, comprehending, and talking about the music we hear.
The proper application of music classification aids in the comprehension of works in a larger
context, making it easier to spot trends, promote modern musicians to one another, and locate the
most appealing works to our interests. Music genres may greatly enhance our listening pleasure
while also allowing us to recognize and honour the dedicated musicians who create the music,
particularly those that branch out and experiment with new types. Applying labels to music can
be some of these things when done incorrectly, and examples of misuse abound. Music
taxonomy, on the other arm, promotes the clarity, recognition, and appreciation of artists' works
when applied flexibly and descriptively.
Review of Related Literature
The current study builds on prior work on music preferences by demonstrating a basic
structure underlying music preferences and demonstrating that the structure is not dependent on
music-genre preferences. Indeed, we discovered that musical compositions from the same genre
have distinct primary loadings on factors and that the music factors are made up of different
combinations of musical qualities. This presents an interesting question concerning the nature of
musical tastes: Are individuals drawn to a certain form of music (for example, jazz or punk)
because of the societal connotations (creativity, violence) associated with it? Or are people
drawn to certain aspects of music (for example, energetic or intense)? [6]

If the social connotations of music strongly influence preferences, as this research on music
stereotypes suggests (Rentfrow & Gosling, 2007; Rentfrow et al., 2009)[1], then one should not
expect musical pieces from the same genre to load on different factors, for which there was some
evidence in all three studies. However, suppose preferences are the result of liking certain
configurations of musical attributes. In that case, we should expect the music model to emerge in
a heterogeneous selection of musical pieces from the same genre. It's possible that within a
particular genre, there exist fragments of music with varied combinations of musical qualities
that provide a set of components similar to the Music model. For example, rock, classical, and
jazz are broad genres encompassing various musical styles and subgenres[4]. Future research
could look at the factor structures of music preferences within these genres. According to
evidence supporting a comparable five-factor model, music preferences are determined by
specific music qualities, not their social meanings. [5]

Materials and Methods

This study examines the music genre preferences of Grade 9 students at Ilocos Sur
National High School in Vigan City during the academic year 2020-2021. A total of 30 students
were picked via universal sampling. There are no constraints on how genders are chosen. The 30
students will be split into groups based on their gender and age. Other student attributes, such as
height and weight, will not be included in my final product. I used internet surveys to collect and
compile data from respondents for my strategy. Because this is quantitative research on
determining genres, no actual experiments are included in the research design. The students were
asked a series of questions that led to more detailed ones, such as why they chose their second
favourite genre, the most relaxing genre, and the least liked genre. We'll send out the links, and
folks will have the option to respond if they so desire. After they say it's done, I'll go over all of
the submissions. After that, we'll try to synthesize and publish our findings by filtering and
organizing the information we've gathered.
Results and Discussion
We aimed to answer several research issues in this study, including Grade 9 SSC
students' preferences for various sorts of music genres and their behaviour in relation to the
latter. I've inquired how different types of music affect their emotional and cognitive
components, depending on the softness, intricacy, and slowness of the song. For example, how
does the chosen individual differ from anyone else if he or she is loud? In this analysis, I will
briefly highlight some of the study's implications for practice as well as possible future research
areas that may arise from the effort.
During that time, only thirty people were recorded as respondents. The majority of the
respondents are female, come from the same section as I do, and are of a similar age (15 are 14
years old, and 15 are 15 years old.) Because we are on the same grade level, this is an expected
result. Only two persons (2.67 percent) detest music in the fourth figure. This is intriguing
because they stated in the following questions that music helps them relax. Moving on, the sixth
and seventh figures demonstrate that all students find music calming and that it helps brighten
their feelings, which is a little perplexing given that two people dislike music. Eighteen students
(60%) claim to have a substantial level of knowledge, while the remaining eight only have a
basic understanding. Four students, on the other hand, claim to know nothing about music unless
they are lying. Almost all of the students, with the exception of one, believe that music improves
their cognitive thinking and memory. Almost everyone listens to it while doing mental activities
like answering modules, playing board games, or doing minor housework and other similar
Now, when it comes to music style preferences, about a third of them prefer simple music
to complex music because they favour pop music, which is plainer in general. In regards to the
last remark, people choose music with a moderate tempo and volume because pops, in general,
are just like that. People, predictably, prefer to hear both instrumental and vocal music, which is
true of most genres. Surprisingly, few people voted for voices, and even fewer opted for
instrumentals, despite the fact that many people like classical music. Most people rated music as
"useful" for the last one, which makes logical given that students stated it helped them with the
previous questions.
In the realm of music, there are numerous genres, and everyone can favor any genre as
long as they enjoy it. However, what I'm discovering here has nothing to do with this. Instead, I
prioritize the preferences of my fellow students at my school. So, as you might expect, pop is the
most popular genre, according to my research. This comes as no surprise to me, given its current
prominence in the present period. This is the genre that is represented in the results. However,
rock and classical music are also present. I'm not sure who said sea shanty, but it's a wonderful
genre regardless. It is listened to by the majority of them more frequently than other genres. I
added a question regarding the most despised genre since I was interested to hear their responses.
Surprisingly, many people typed in K-pop, and death metal was one of the most popular genres.
Despite this, many individuals typed no responses because, I suppose, they were too nice to hate
a genre, and the student who entered the nation undoubtedly does. People's happiness is raised by
100 percent, and their memory is "boosted" by 75 percent at most only by listening to music,
according to the two final estimates.
To conclude, music and genres have the ability to alter our behaviour and personalities.
Some people may get moody, while others may become calm and conceited. If you accord the
tunes into the personality, I suppose you could call it predictable. Furthermore, the majority of
them claim that it "improves your memory" or "improves your mood." That's fantastic because it
demonstrates how important music is to all of us. It's quite acceptable to dislike music that
everyone else despises. Keep in mind that music is a personal experience.
Summary of Findings:
1. Profile of the Respondents
- According to this survey, 50 percent of the participants are 14 years old, while the other
half is 15 years old. In addition, 18 people identify as female, whereas 12 people identify
as male. Finally, there are a total of 30 people who have responded.
- Students in Grade 9 will primarily listen to pop songs, particularly moody ones,
according to the findings. They claim that music might help you remember things and
calm down your emotions.
2. Students’ musical genre preferences analysis
The following is the summary of all the students’ music preferences:
Music Genre Number of Percentage Gender
Students Majority
Pop (Main Genre) = 15 = 50% = Female
 K-pop 2 13% All Female
 Trap Music 1 7% Male
 Electronic Music 1 7% Female
 Popular 11 73% Female
Rock (Main Genre) =9 = 27% = Male
 Lo-Fi 4 44% Male
 Alternate Rock 2 22% All Female
 Rock and Roll 1 12% All Male
 Slowed + Reverb 2 22% Both
Classical (Main Genre) =6 = 20% = Female
 Classical 4 67% All Female
 Soundtracks/OST 1 17% Male
 Film Score 1 16% All Female
Folk Music (Main Genre) = 1 = 3% = All Male
 Sea Shanties 1 100% All Male
The following statement answers all the Polar, General, and Preference Questions:

Polar/General Questions Percentage of Conclusion

people that said (Yes/No)
Does it help with your emotions? 100% Yes
Are you a music enthusiast? 83% Yes
Do you like music? 83% Yes
Do you find it 'soothing'? 100% Yes
Does it 'enhance' your memory? 97% Yes
Do you mainly listen to it while working or 93% Ye

Preference Questions Minority Majority

Do you have significant knowledge of music? No (13%) Quite (60%)
Do you prefer complex or simple music? Complex (30%) Simple (70%)
Do you prefer louder or softer music? Loud (13%) Soft (44%)
Do you prefer music with a slower or faster Fast (17%) Moderate (63%)
Do you prefer instrumental or vocal? Vocal (7%) Both (80%)
Do you think music is helpful? No (0%) Depends (84%)

3. The possible effects and impacts of music genre on emotion and intelligence.
- All thirty students agreed upon that music may help you feel better. To summarize, it can
undoubtedly assist in the lightening of your emotions. Whether it's the singer or the
song's emotional impact, music can elicit strong emotional responses such as chills and
thrills among listeners. When music simultaneously fulfils and defies expectations, it can
be delightful. The musical experience is more surprising when happenings in music are
unexpected. As a result, music that is less predictable and slightly more complicated
appeals to us.
- Music improves our mood, allowing us to concentrate better on our tasks. According to
some studies, it does not make us smarter, but it does make us happy or in a better mood.
Music, however, can be a distraction in some situations. When you study, for example,
you're using your "working memory," which means you're simultaneously holding and
manipulating numerous pieces of knowledge in your head. Reading comprehension is
likely to suffer as a result of listening to music with lyrics. Music also tends to be more
distracting for introverts than it is for extroverts, maybe because introverts are more
easily overstimulated.
4. Which sex has more musical capabilities?
- In my research, I discovered that many female students either have a limited
understanding of music or none at all. According to my understanding, there are at least
six students who can play an instrument, three of whom are boys and three of whom are
girls. As a result, everyone is equal in Grade-9 students; neither gender is superior.
5. Emotional and Mental Impacts of Music Genres on Students.
- According to the research, women prefer softer and simpler music, such as pop or lo-fi.
Men, on the other hand, are more inclined to listen to rock and folk music. As a result,
women are more relaxed, while men are more focused on the music, women are more
likely to study, while men are more emotional.
- Men have a more comprehensive range of tastes, and they like to listen to non-
controversial or unfashionable genres.
- Men have larger muscle mass, which means they have stronger cognitive control, thus
they listen to moodier music less.


- A study should be undertaken on the specific effects and preferences of elderly

individuals for various musical genres.
- A question on the students' favorite band or singer.
- A study of the unique effects and preferences of adults for various musical genres should
be conducted.
- Musical genres, particularly metal, should have their lyrical meaning and motive, such as
the occult, violence, drugs, and others, questioned.
- Non-English songs should be explored in order to gain a better understanding of the
genre's preferences and effects on people of all ages.
Literature Cited/Bibliography:
1. Huron, 2001 [1]
2. Levitin, 2006; McCormick, 2009 [2]
3. Rentfrow & Gosling, 2007; Rentfrow et al., 2009 [3]
4. Classical Music – Wikipedia [4]
5. The Persistence and Problems of Music Genre – OPEN SHELF [5]
6. Psychology of Music Preferences – Wikipedia [6]
1. Websites used for collecting research:
2. Pie Chart Illustration of the Questions answered by the respondents:
Number of Respondents: 30
Who Likes
Do you Music
find it
Yes No Respondents'
Respondents' Gender
Age Respondents' Section
7% No 14 Years Male
Old 15
Years Old Boyle Becquerel

50% 50%
93% 62% 63%

are you a Music

Yes No
do you Like Music? Does music help your
Yes No
Yes No


93% 100%

Does it personally do you listen to music

enhance your memory? while working or asleep?
Yes No Yes No

3% 7%

97% 93%
Do you
you have
prefer complex or Do you prefer Louder or
simple music?
knowledge in Softer music?
Simple Complex Soft Loud Moderate
Yes No Quite

43% 43%

60% 13%


prefermusic with Is music helpful?
or with or
Yes No Depends
Fast Slow Vocal
Both 16%



80% 84%

3. Proof of legitimacy

4. Date and Time Started:

May 2, 2021
5. Date and Time Finished:
May 19, 2021

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