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Submitted by
Zerin Tasnim

Training & Development (MGT423)

Section: 02
Spring 2021

Submitted to
Mayesha Tasnim
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Date of Submission : 25th May 2021

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Zerin Tasnim
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Training on Anxiety Management

1. Assume you are the trainer.  Now as a trainer, based on your allocated training topic
answer the following questions: 
A) Develop a training objective based on your allocated training topic. As a trainer, discuss
one experiential learning example which you would like to use for your allocated training.
Discuss how your selected experiential learning technique can achieve your training

Ans To The Ques No : 1(A)

The training objective of the training on anxiety management is ‘Being able to work without
being anxious and getting works done efficiently with a 99% quality rate in a fast and
competitive working environment.’

In Contrast, to justify my training objective I want to imply a experiential learning to mitigate the
anxiety problem. The experiential learning mainly takes place in non conventional settings.
People learn best by their practical knowledge and experiences. Thus, to imply something really
unique yet practical I have come up with an idea. I will arrange a short game program called ‘
what is inside the chit?’. This program will help the trainees to participate in different fun tasks
and take them out of their comfort zone and shyness. This game consists a bowl full of short
chits critically folded , different types of fun tasks like sing a song, talk about an embarrassment
that you faced at your school, imitating someone etc. The trainees will one by one come and pick
one chit randomly and open it. The task given in the chit has to be performed by the attendees.
Based upon the answers whose answer is more spontaneous and interesting will be rewarded
with a gift. Conversely, the task written on the chit that they have to do must be in front of
everyone present in that room. Thus, the trainees will come forward and do that particular task
given . This experiential learning is designed to make them do the task practically and to
evaluate themselves in uncertain scenarios where it causes anxiety and panic. Many individuals
now a days become afraid to come in the front-line because of public speaking anxiety, fear of
saying no, doubts within him/herself, emotional difficulties. These type of factors is the reason
behind anxiety in the workplace specifically. Therefore, when they will participate in such task
where they will experience this and also can enjoy in a fun banter they will get a better idea of
overcoming it. For an instance: if one trainee picks up the chit of talk about an embarrassment
that you faced in your school, he/she will be very anxious and concerned first about what he/she
will say, other than that he/she has to talk about it in front of everyone thus he/she will also be
anxious about his/her public speaking skills.Although, he/she will come in the front and talk
spontaneously about the topic in that fun banter. These type of activities help the individuals to
get out of the box and work well. My recommended experiential learning can give practical
experience of getting nervous, anxious, panicked but in a constructive way so that they can enjoy
and also boost their confidence level by overcoming it yet getting out of anxiety. Therefore, they

will be ensuring and meeting the objective of 99% quality rate in a fast and competitive
environment by working without anxiety issues.

B) For your allocated training topic propose a new kind of evaluation technique which is
different from KIRKPATRICK model. Try to elaborate your new proposed evaluation
technique. Why do you think the newly proposed evaluation method is relevant to your
training topic.

Ans To The Ques No: 1(B):

As per my allocated training topic anxiety management I would like to recommend a new kind of
evaluation technique which is Thalheimar’s learning transfer evaluation method. (LTEM). On
the accordance to my training topic this method is a great tool to evaluate the training program. It
works with attendance,activity, learner perceptions,knowledge, decision making competence,
task competence, transfer and effects of transfer.(Morrison,2019) Attendance refers to the sign-
ups and their presence in the training program.Activity shows the engagement in the training
program.Perception is about the intent and the knowledge is the attributes that they have
gathered. Moreover, The task competence and transfer of the task implies how well they did the
activity and imply in their practical life.

Therefore, as per my training program Anxiety management I would like to evaluate in the light
of the above mentioned variables. I chose this evaluation method because this evaluation method
is more precised and gives every aspects of the training in detail.It is a robust approach. To
evaluate the training program I would first go with the attendance because it shows the interest
and eagerness of learning ability.Then comes the activity part. In this evaluation technique I can
properly analyze how well and fruitfully the trainees are attending and engaging in their
activities. Perhaps, by the way of the trainee’s participation their perception can be determined
what values they impose to the activities. However, Thalheimar’s LTEM helps me to assess their
transfer of knowledge in the workplace and how well they are managing their anxiety. Last but
not the least, this method also helps to assess not only the job performance but also generates
credibility of how constructively it impacts the job environment and personal relationship.

In a nutshell, by using this method as a trainer I can determine how well they are doing during
and after the training of anxiety management. This techniques will give me the gist of their
anxiety management in a ‘during’ and ‘after’ manner.

2. A) Justify all the mentioned training methods and seating arrangements in your own
words and explain which one should you use and which one you should not use in your
training. Your explanation should be based on your allocated training topic. You do not
need to describe the method and the seating arrangement.

Lecture (specify types while explaining) Role Play  Case Study 

Multiple Semi Circle  Classroom Style  Full circle 

Ans to the ques no 2(A):

Anxiety is considerably more than feeling stressed. It's the point at which the sensation of
uneasiness doesn't disappear even after the circumstance causes are finished. It then shocks a few
employees who might be not able to work because of anxiety. Organizations will in general
perform better when their employees are sound both genuinely and intellectually. One of the
approaches to accomplish this is to offer powerful help to employees managing anxiety at
workplace. By supporting employees when they experience emotional well-being issues, just as
holding valuable staff and saving money on the expense of recruiting new staff individuals, This
is additionally making an impression on different employees about the company's qualities. To
deal with employees with anxiety I am going to justify all the given training methods and seating
arrangements underneath:

Training Methods:

Lecture: As per my designated topic training on anxiety management. Lecture can be added as a
training method but not all of them. Lecture can give the compassion between the employees.
The elements of training material should be designated in a way that the trainees get in an
effective manner. There are also some subcategories of lecture which will ensure the credibility
of its component.

 Straight Lecture: It is a one way communication which is not suitable for the employees
with anxiety. It does not help the employees with anxiety to give attention further as people
with anxiety often fails to concentrate if they get the boredom of one way communication.

 Lecturette: This method will help the employees with anxiety moderately to have a better
look of a particular element of the lecture thus it will mitigate the boredom and give a better
knowledge about a particular element as it will be a less than 20 minutes lecture thus they
will not be overfilled with the contents.

 Discussion: For the employees with anxiety this is the most effective way of lecture. It is a
less than 20 minutes of lecture but the employee engagement is evident in this method.
Thus, in this two way communication the employees with anxiety issues can interact with
the trainer and talk about the each element of the discussion and ask questions if requires
however they will also be able to get ideas and perspectives from their colleagues questions and
perceptions about the lectured materials.

Role Play: As per my training program anxiety management, The role play can help in a way
that the trainees will have the experience practically. For instance, one of the trainees can be an
anxiety patient and other one can be therapist in that way their deep thoughts can be shared
within this two parties and can raise the effective objectives to deal further during the session.

Case Study: It is the another interesting aspect to deal with the trainees with anxiety issues.This
can be an interesting tool. Stories of the people with anxiety and situational based incident about
anxiety management can be asked to the trainees to solve. For an instance: Employee X is doing
a project but his/her anxiety issue makes him/her unable to meet the deadline and now he/she has
only few hours to present it to him/her manager . Now what can he/she do ? These type of
incidental process helps the trainees to think critically and get a close view of it.

Seating Arrangements:

Multiple Semi circle: These multiple circles will aid the trainees to learn efficiently. As people
with this issue often tend to feel left out. In this format they will be sit in a manner where
everyone will be directed to the trainer in the front and the colleagues will be circled to multiple
tables which will aid them to do group discussion and hence interact with the trainer more
efficiently . This type of format will make the trainees more comfortable and communicative in
the training session.

Classroom Style: This is more of a traditional seating arrangements which will give the
experience of classroom and for an anxiety training program this type of seating arrangement
will not the help the trainees to engage in the session. A successful training for overcoming
anxiety requires two way communication but this type of set is suitable for one way
communication like lectures.

Full Circle:In this circle the trainer attention is very low thus the trainer will not be able to
interact more to the trainees and grab their attention. The trainees are ought to learn the anxiety
management skill henceforth in this seating arrangement if the trainees look into each other
rather than giving attention to the trainer the training objective and outcome will not be fulfilled.

In fine, the above mentioned training methods and seating arrangements can be one of the tool to
determine the training’s success. Those methods and arrangement can influence the objective of
the training to be fulfilled or not thus it will be able to fill the performance gap of the employees
in the workplace.

B)Write 1 example for each types of learners which are mentioned below in terms of how
you are going to help them to learn in your training program. What type of elements will
you keep for these learners in your training?  

Sensing Learner Intuitive Learner Visual Learner

Verbal Learner Active Learner 

Ans to the ques no 2(B):

The examples of each type of learners mentioned are given underneath:

Sensing Learner: A sensing learner in anxiety management training program will likely to be
engaged by the case studies and actively participate in the session. Case studies will give
trainees under this type of learner the scopes to connect and apply the aspects in real life

Intuitive Learner: For this type of learners I will give group task for each group to make a
competition among them where they can apply their training learnings. As for example, I can
make a group of sensing learner and active learner by asking their learning preference and put
them in separate two groups and develop two variables to overcome anxiety hence I will tell
them to justify their viewpoints by giving counters to each other therefore this type of learner
will engage and give their efforts more.

Visual Learner: The depiction of combined flow charts and diagrams on the impacts of anxiety
in workplaces can help them to engage and get better takeaways from the training program. As a
trainer if I show them values of anxiety impacts in workplace , this type of learner could be able
to think critically as they like to see the demonstration.

Verbal learner: This type of learners can be helped with the straightforward lectures. A straight
lecture of 20 minutes about anxiety management and how it can be reduced will help them to
learn better from the training session.

Active Learner: As a trainer if I conduct a group discussion among the trainees and share their
experiences with each other thus they will get a better hand to go in depth and analyze the
problem and its probable solution. This process will help this type of learners to apply these
applications practically.

To sum up, different types of learners learn in different ways thus they should be given effective
medium and ways to learn properly . As a result, they will get proper takeaways and apply it in
their practical life fruitfully.


Morrison,S,.2019. eLearning Evaluation Alternatives: Beyond Kirkpatrick [Online] Available at

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