300+ (UPDATED) Social Media Marketing MCQs and Answers (PDF)

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Social Media Marketing Objective Questions and Answers

Social Media Marketing Objective Questions and Answers Pdf Download for Exam Social
Media Marketing Multiple choice Questions. Quiz Social Media Marketing Test

1. Social networks are organized primarily around __________. | Social Media

Marketing mcqs
a. brands

b. people

c. discussions

d. interests

Ans: b
Mcqs on Social Media Marketing

2. Social networks have an enormous information sharing capacity. As such, they are
a great distribution channel for ________. | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. customer feedback

b. viral content

c. exclusive coupons

d. marketing messages

Ans: d

3. Which social network is considered the most popular for business to business
marketing? | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. Facebook

b. Orkut

c. Ryze

d. LinkedIn

Ans: d

4. One advantage a non–profit has when opening a private social network is. | Social
Media Marketing mcqs
a. its tax exempt status makes the start up cost of a private social network more affordable.

b. its supporters tend to spend more time using social networks.

c. that it has an immediate user base of people interested in the cause.

d. its supporters have a higher tolerance for marketing messages.

Ans: c

5. Larger social networking sites | Social Media Marketing mcqs

a. will force niche social networks out of business.

b. set social media trends.

c. are expected to see declining growth rates.

d. are a better fit for most nonprofit organizations.

Ans: b

6. Facebook and LinkedIn are the most popular social networks globally. | Social
Media Marketing mcqs
a. True 

b. False 

Ans: b

7. The first step when marketing with social networks is to identify the goals and
strategies. | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. True 

b. False 

Ans: a

8. Facebook Places is targeted to large brands and companies with big budgets. |
Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. True 

b. False 

Ans: b

9. It is considered a best practice to interact under a personal account on LinkedIn. |

Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. True 

b. False 

Ans: a

10. A white label social network’s primary difference is that it is privately run by a
nonprofit organization or corporation. | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. True 

b. False

Ans: a

11.  What methods of social network marketing should a company always use? | Social
Media Marketing mcqs
a. Blogging only

b. Twitter, Blogs, Facebook

c. YouTube

d. Depends on the company, their product, their audience

Ans: b,d

12.  What is the term adopted for updates by Twitter users? | Social Media Marketing
a. Tweets

b. Twoots

c. Twinks

d. Posts

Ans: a

13.  What is meant by “guerilla marketing”? | Social Media Marketing mcqs

a. Using resources such as time, energy and imagination rather than money to market

b. Using advertising spots which utilize gorillas to capture the audience

c. Having a large scale marketing budget

d. Using television ads instead of web ads

Ans: a,b,c

14. What is meant by Brand Management? | Social Media Marketing mcqs

a. Managing the marketing staff

b. Management of the marketing budget

c. The company executive management team

d. Creating a consistent image for the company

Ans: c,d

15. Why is it important to post to a blog regularly? | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. It reduces the cost per blog post

b. Keep readers engaged and also give search engines content to index

c. It gives the social media marketing specialist something to do

d. It allows more chances for the company to put

Ans: b

16.  Which of the following is an important aspect of creating blogs and posting
content? | Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. Using a witty user name

b. Posting at least once a month to the blog

c. Social Media Optimization

d. Using humor

Ans: a,b,c

17.  What is a “vlog”? | Social Media Marketing mcqs

a. Video Log

b. Video blog

c. Log of blog activity

d. New technology to aid in blogging

Ans: b,d

18.  What can a company do on Facebook apart from their page to create a following?
| Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. Post more updates than usual

b. Post controversial posts

c. Use several pictures

d. Use Groups, both company originated and posting to other groups

Ans: d

19. How can a company ensure that the proper audience finds their YouTube videos? |
Social Media Marketing mcqs
a. Post links on the company blog to the YouTube videos

b. There is no method to effectively direct people to the company videos

c. Use of keywords

d. Sending out mail advertisements

Ans: a,c

20.  In a company who should own the social marketing plan? | Social Media
Marketing mcqs
a. Head of Marketing

b. CFO

c. President

d. Operational staff

Ans: a,b

21.  What is meant by “micro-blogging”?

a. Blogging daily

b. Blogs which are posted by companies, not individuals

c. Blogs with limited individual posts, limited by character count typically

d. Blogging from mobile devices

Ans: a,c

22.  What is meant by A/B testing in marketing?
a. Testing of 2 different products

b. Testing 2 versions of an advertisement to see which elicits the best response

c. Clinical testing of medical products before legally allowing them for sale

d. Testing via 2 mediums, such as radio and television

Ans: b

23.  What is “social media optimization”?

a. Creating content which easily creates publicity via social networks

b. Writing clear content

c. Creating short content which is easily indexed

d. Hiring people to create content for social networks

Ans: a

24.  What  place does Pricing have in marketing?

a. Higher prices guarantee higher revenue stream
b. The company should actively market how much their products cost

c. Different pricing levels can be tested to see what elicits the best consumer response

d. Marketing based on the pricing level relative to competition is important

Ans: c

25. What would the marketing budget section of a marketing plan detail?
a. The cost to write the plan

b. The expected costs for each ad campaign based on the delivery method

c. The overall marketing budget for a year

d. The marketing personnel job descriptions

Ans: b,c

26. How can a company use the same material for both traditional and social network
a. Posting a luring comment on Twitter the company site

b. Selling ad space on the company website

c. Utilizing a television ad campaign online as well on their site and sites such as YouTube

d. Creating a magazine print ad with the company website

Ans: c,d

27.  How often should a marketing plan be revisited?

a. Never, once written it is complete

b. As often as needed in order to revisit the plan of action and revise any new actions

c. At company board meetings

d. During the financial review of the company each month

Ans: b

28.  Which of the following would be leveraging both social network and traditional
a. Handing out print advertisements with a coupon for a store

b. A print advertisement in a magazine which drives people to a website where there is a free trial
c. Posting an advertisement on a message board

d. Hosting a video ad on YouTube not otherwise seen elsewhere

Ans: b

29. How does creating a social network marketing plan differ from a traditional
marketing plan?
a. The brand image should be completely different for social marketing

b. The staff requirements and skill sets for social marketing are different

c. There is no need for a social marketing plan, but social marketing plan is required for traditional

d. Other than the method of delivery, a marketing plan either way will be similar

Ans: b,c

30. Which of the following is valuable in increasing a page rank?

a. Paying for placement

b. Static content
c. Quantity of links from other highly ranked pages to your site

d. No contact information

Ans: c

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