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Anatomy of the Heart 03/09/2011

 Cardiac structures
 Heart: muscular Organ
 Two Atria and Two Ventricles
 Surrounded by Pericardial Sac
 Heart Wall Has Three Layers
o Epicardium
o Myocardium
o Endocardium
 Four Heart Valves
 Atrioventricular
 Tricuspid
 Mitral (Bicuspid)
 Semi-Lunar
 Purpose of Valves
 Heart Function
 Right side
 Left Side
 Coronary arteries and their function
 Two main Coronary Arteries
 Some more common Causes of Blockage
 Venous System- 3 subdivisions
o Thesbian Veins
o Anterior Cardiac
o Coronary Sinus and Branches
Heart and Blood Vessels
Structural/ Pathological Heart Conditions
Congenital and Acquired
Are usually picked up at birth
The acquired one include things such as:
Narrowing- decrease blood and c/o
Atherosclerosis: Hardening of vessels
Enlargement of vessels or heart
Ischemia: decrease blood flow to the tissue
Infart: death of heart tissue
Heart muscle damage
Interlateral, posterior…..
Pace maker affected
Cardiac Cycle
Cardiac Output
Stroke Volume,
Starling’s Law,
Ejection Fraction: lets you know how well ventricular are working: 60%
Bradycardia: less than 60 b/m
Tachycardia: more than 100 b/m
Cardiac Disease-Common
Highs Risk Groups
American Hispanics
African Americans women>> due to life style & diet
African American men>>> ^^^^
Mexican Americans women
Caucasian Men and Women; Men @ higher but increasing for women
Nursing Assessment, General appearance
Non-verbal: objectives
Verbal: subjective
Health History
Acute Problem
Physical Assessment: Subjective and Objective data

CVD- r/t dysrhythmias and conduction problems (27)

CAD- (28)
Structural, infectious, and inflammatory disorders of the heart (29)
Complications of CVD: such as HF & cardiogenic shock (30)

Common S&S of CVD and related medical Dx:

 Chest pain or discomfort (angina pectoris, ACS, dysrhythmias, vavular
heart disease)
 SOB or dyspnea (ACS, cardiogenic shock, HF, vavular heart disease)
 Peripheral Edema, weight gain, abdominal distention due to
enlarged spleen and liver or ascites (HF)
 Palpitations (tachycardia, ACS, caffeine or other stimulants, electrolyte
imbalances, stress, valvular heart disease, ventricular aneurysms)
 Vital fatigue or vital exhaustion (early symptom of ACS, HF, or
vavular heart disease-VHD)
 Dizziness, syncope, or changes in consciousness (cardiogenic shock,
cerebrovascular disorders, dysrhythmias, hypotension, postural hypotension,
vasovagal episode)

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