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Abstract: There are many uses of Chinese "打", and its semantic structure is complicated and

organized. According to Tyler and Evans's polysemous network model theory, the semantic structure
of "打" is not a collection of scattered and unrelated semantic items. , But an extremely coherent
and natural category. Using the five criteria of Evans semantic distinction to analyze the polysemous
meaning of "打", it is pointed out that the basic meaning of "打" is "hit an object with a hand or an
implement", and other meanings are derived from this basic meaning. They are the same as the
basic meaning. Together they form a polysemous network of "fighting".

Keywords: polysemy network; hitting; basic meaning; cognitive semantics; pragmatics.

Language is a tool of human cognition and processing. In the long process of human evolution and
development, language has also been developed and enriched along with the process of human
understanding of the world and self. In the current language research, the cognitive linguistic school
believes that language ability is a kind of ordinary cognitive ability, and that language ability is a kind
of cognitive ability related to other cognitive abilities. Cognitive linguists incorporate language
research into the entire human cognitive world, so as to study language, multiple meanings of a
word will form a "rule-based" network structure.

1. Semantic structure from the perspective of cognitive


Traditional semantics believes that multiple meanings of a word are mutually independent and
irrelevant [1]. From this point of view, the meaning of "打" in Chinese is a collection of scattered and
unrelated semantic items. In the "Modern Chinese Dictionary" (2002 Supplementary Edition), "," has
24 meanings, among which ", hitting an object with your hand or an implement" and "beating,
fighting" are two meanings with obvious related meanings. The degree is different. According to the
view of traditional semantics, the different meanings of all words are independent and irrelevant,
that is to say, "hit an object with a hand or an implement" and "beat, fight" constitute homographs,
which means that Explaining the ambiguity of a word cannot explain the relationship between
multiple meanings of a word. With the in-depth development of language research, cognitive
linguistics takes the philosophy of experience as its philosophical foundation, based on human
practical experience as the center, and the study of meaning as the starting point, trying to conduct
a comprehensive study of language. From this point of view, people think that language comes from
human life practice, so language is experiential. When it comes to the word "fight", it also comes
from practice, and with the progress of human civilization and the deepening of human
understanding of the world, it has been continuously developed in practice. Therefore, its various
meanings will inevitably constitute an interconnection. The meaning of the network. For example,
"During the Cultural Revolution, he was beaten as a rightist." Here, "打" is a new meaning of "打"
formed during the specific historical and cultural period of China.

2. Language ambiguity and polysemy network

Taylor and Evans proposed the "polysemy network model" of polysemy analysis, and investigated
the polysemy of prepositions under this theoretical framework. According to this theory, meaning
expansion is based on human practice, and expansion is achieved mainly through metaphors.
Therefore, the process of meaning extension development is regular. The development of human
society is the process of human evolution. In this process, human beings continue to overcome the
limitations of their own knowledge and achieve one after another. Therefore, human society is
progressing, and human thinking is developing. This requires human beings. Language can reflect the
results of human cognition to the maximum and as accurately as possible and enable people to
communicate through language as much as possible. "Things in the world are chaotic and varied.
Although the language of describing things has different forms, it cannot be infinite" [2]. The
characteristics of human language itself determine that it is impossible for humans to have a specific
and specific language sign for every concept. This objectively requires a language symbol to
undertake the task of expressing multiple concepts, and the process of human categorization and
conceptualization of things is not disorderly, but has rules. This is also a feature that distinguishes
humans from other animals. According to the basic point of view of cognitive linguistics, human
cognition is mainly expanded through metaphorization. Therefore, in the process of polysemy
expansion of words, it is carried out in principle and logically in accordance with the general laws of
human knowledge. This is natural Will form a network of interconnected meanings. What needs to
be pointed out is that this network was formed in the long history of human evolution, a principled
open system. For example, the various meanings of "打" in Chinese are expanded on the basis of the
basic meaning, which makes the various meanings of "打" form a network, which means that there
will always be more or less connections between them.

3. The "fighting" polysemous network

As mentioned above, in the process of human conceptualization and categorization of things,

language has shown its ambiguity. Take the Chinese character "打" as an example, it has many
(1) Xiao Li ran to hit the bird with its tail raised (strikes with his hands).
(2) He was beaten by Li Yuanba so that he vomited blood and almost died (beaten).
(3) I have never greeted him (interpersonal communication).
(4) Children born to mice will make holes (build).
(5) During the Cultural Revolution, Lao Zhao was beaten as a rightist (convicted someone).
(6) The doctor gave him a shot of penicillin (injection).

However, how to determine the basic meaning? According to Evans (2004), the following five criteria
can be used to determine and divide the multiple meanings of a word. They are: the earliest proven
standard, the dominant standard, the predictive standard, The standard of cognition, the standard of
phenomenon experience.

(1) Basic meaning and the basic meaning of "打"

According to Taylor and Evans' "polysemous network model", every word has a basic meaning,
which is consistent with Zhao Yanfang's (1998) point of view: the semantic category is also the
prototype category, and the first sense item does not have the same status. Rather, it has the
distinction between central and typical meaning items and marginal meaning items. The central and
prototype items are considered to be the most representative meaning items in the semantic
category. They are often the first to be recognized by people, and they are also the earliest meaning
items acquired by linguistic symbols. It has a direct meaning. The semantic category expands around
the prototype meaning. Therefore, the polysemous network of "打" is a model shown in Figure 1:
The basic meaning is the basis for the development of the meaning of a word, and the other
meanings of a word are developed from the basic meaning.

According to the standard of semantic expansion, the development of semantics is standard and
purposeful. "Hit" is a common action in people's daily life. In the long history of human evolution,
humans have gradually evolved from apes to adults. In this process, labor plays a vital role. Through
labor, human beings continue to obtain means of life and production. In practice, the ancients used
the action of "beating" frequently to create stone and metal artifacts. The ancients gained material
gains through "fighting", which led to enlightenment that "fighting" could create

Tool, and the action of "hit" is hitting an object with a hand or a tool. After "打" has this basic
meaning, we can find the relationship between other meanings of "打" and this basic meaning. As
shown in Figure 1, the basic meaning of "beat" is formed by "strike with hand or instrument", and
many extended meanings of "beat" can be obtained.
(2) The polysemous network of "fighting".

"打" is a very common action in daily life. In Chinese, people take "打" as the starting point and lead
a series of related methods to form a semantic micro-system centered on "打". By classifying and
sorting out the meanings of "打", through metaphors and other methods, the meaning of "打" has
been continuously expanded and many new meanings have been obtained. The main meanings are
roughly expanded as follows.

From the basic point of view of cognitive linguistics, the main meaning expansion model of "打" is
briefly discussed. The basic meaning of "fighting" is closely related to the creation of stone tools by
human ancestors. Strengthen the initial strength of hitting an object with a hand or a tool, thereby
gaining a new meaning: breaking the object, beating, fighting, etc.

(7) Supu was pitifully beaten by his father.

(8) The two tumbling and fighting in the snow.
(9) This battle defeated the Japanese pirates.
(10)She slapped me dizzy.
(11)I beg you not to hit me, okay?

Since "hit" is the action of hitting an object, the result of this type of action is that the two parties
involved in the "hit" interact. The "hit" party spends effort, while the "hit" party receives the force.
The force will cause the "struck" party to move in the direction of the force. Therefore, "fighting has
the meaning of lifting and mentioning.

(12)Xiao Wang plays the lantern to search for the lost key.
(13)He asked people to go up the mountain to pick up gold needles and fungus, beat pheasants,
and set a torch in the middle of the night to catch stone frogs in Shengugou.

Slightly weaken the force of the action of hitting the object, and the hitting has the meaning of
hitting. In real life, when people use a gun, they use their fingers to force the trigger, and the action
is like a finger tapping the trigger. So ", hit" has extended the meaning of shooting.

(14)The company commander's gun shot the most accurately.

In people's practical experience, there is such a common sense that when people hit an object, the
object will make a sound. Therefore, people in ancient my country invented the chime. Once struck,
the chime will make a beautiful sound. Therefore "playing" has the meaning of playing an
(15)The little girl is proficient in various musical instruments such as blowing, beating, playing
and pulling.

As we all know, the conductor is the key figure of a musical performance and the core of the
orchestra. Therefore, the actions of each member of the orchestra directed by the conductor are
also called "beating" and "beating" can also be referred to as "beating".

(16)The four brothers danced to the beat.

(17)Xiaoju claps her hands and beats.

By "playing" musical instruments, people can hear beautiful and sweet sounds. In real life, when the
electric bell rings, people will also say "the bell is ringing".

(18)There are so two classes today, and you have to go to study by yourself.

Continuing from ancient times to today, when people weave the mat by hand, they would first
flatten the bamboo before weaving it. Therefore, "beating" has the meaning of knitting.

(19)The old lady is good at knitting

From the word "beating" it extends to the word "playing an instrument" to "beating time" to
"ringing a bell" to "weaving." When people reduce the force of the hitting object to a weaker level,
the beating has the meaning of "flapping." The small force is like the flapping of a bird's wings, the
soft force is like a woman's skin care. In order to protect the skin, so play with the meaning of smear.

(20)It would be a mistake to neglect the technique of applying foundation.

(21) Due to the severity of his fall, he was in a cast from ankle to knee

By beating people make new things, get new things, which leads to the meaning of "get". Acquisition
includes spiritual gain and material possession. When people want to get material things, they have to
pay a price, that is, labor or money. This acquisition can also be obtained by force.

(22)He went to fetch some food. (The rice seller (waiter) hit the pot with a gourd to get food.)
(23)We should cherish the land that the older generation has won for us, ie The revolutionaries
won the land by fighting the reactionary forces with their swords and guns.

From the basic point of view of experiential philosophy and cognitive linguistics, this paper analyzes
typing by using the polysemy network model of Tyler and Evans, and proposes that the 42 meanings
of typing are interrelated and constitute an organic polysemy system. At the same time, it points out
that the system itself is an open system and that under certain conditions, Linguists believe that the
development of word meanings also reflects the cognitive process of the progress of thinking [4].
Therefore, this study will be helpful to uncover the mysteries of human cognition, and it is hoped
that this study will also have some implications for lexicography and language teaching

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