Listening Activities For IELTS Teachers

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Listening Activities for IELTS preparation

1) What is the section about?

Read here

Basic Recommendations:

• check your spelling

• listen to find the synonyms (right answer: sick; in the audio file: search)

• try to predict the information that you may need after having read the questions

• beware of Distractors! The speaker often corrects themselves in Section 1

• write the words exactly as you hear them (don't change them)

2) Useful links

You will see Lesson 1-3 with provided activities, practice at the intro lesson with necessary
comment from the site to show your Student what the Listening section is about

3) Most popular mistakes with spelling/countable or uncountable

use/ singular or plural forms at Listening Section

Lesson 3 or 4: give your students these cards and set your times on 5 minutes, the more cards
they correct, the better it is. If your Student is stuck, give a necessary comment on.

My recommendation is to use it as a warm-up activity (no longer than 15 min), even if your lesson
is dedicated to Writing Section

12 munths ambulanses benomous churchs

25 dollar animals boats/ plesure citys
language craft
65 paunds atendance bolcanic ash collecting datas
a set of athleets boylers colums
a six-months babys carry out concreet
break researches
a three-hours beginers catle cotteges
academic casles childs cowoporation

crisises feed shark fethers groops

cristals eight hundreds floorings halls of
living quarter
crothes elefants folests hiden TV
each graphs every hours garbage/ high quality
rubish/ waste vegtables
edukation evidences give talk histories and
facilitys exercises grafics ilegal profits
lightings office staffs oxygens pasients

incomes lesure activities incomes meajurements

insulations long trouser insulations meats

kitchen- maching pairs kitchen- messiges

curtains curtains
lables mammls lables minelals
laundries mashrooms laundries mountins
leafs mass medias nekst steps muney
local crafts men national noize nursings
pay attentions rabber report righting shoping
peace of string rainwears riscs shugar
pensils reather rocksalt skiming
plenty of refrences school childs skouts
power remove inks seads slangs
powerfull shels sertain plants softwares
preparing for questionaires sertificates some musics

specialist trainings
statistiks turn-takings
student news two thousands
take photo waiste
the goverment weels
tooths white golds
traffics windoes

4) Work with Numbers: Dictation (10 min+3 min to check)

Numbers Times that can be said more than one way

16:00 02:15 00:00 12:00 17:45 9-5

Dates that can be said different ways

2010 22/2

Telephone numbers that can be said different ways

090 9944 2223

Large numbers that can be said different ways

100 1600 1,100,000 1,000,000,000

Small numbers that can be said different ways

1/4 4/3 17/24 0.5

Prices that can be said different ways

$2.25 (two dollars twenty five and two dollars twenty five cents) $1 (one dollar and a
dollar) Measurements that can be said different ways

125cm 1.34kg 115km/h

Currencies that can be written as words and symbols dollars Australian dollars pounds
Euros yen Numbers which sound like different numbers

16 and 60 2 1/3 and 2/3 100 and 1/100 6 and 6 th 6 th and 1/6 13th and 30th

Numbers which sound like different words

first and fast fourth and force quarter and quota four and foe nought and note

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