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Installing patches in ise:

Download the patch to local machine

and copy it to /localdisk of the ise machine

prponnus-62/admin#conf t
prponnus-62/admin(config)#repo test
prponnus-62/admin(config-Repository)# url disk://
% Warning: Repositories configured from CLI cannot be used from the ISE web UI and
are not replicated to other ISE nodes. If this repository is not created in the ISE
web UI, it will be deleted when ISE services restart.
prponnus-62/admin(config-Repository)# end

prponnus-62/admin# sh rep test


prponnus-62/admin#patch install ise-patchbundle-

19061808.SPA.x86_64.tar.gz test


vm203/admin# config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
vm203/admin(config)# repo repos
vm203/admin(config-Repository)# url
% Warning: Repositories configured from CLI cannot be used from the ISE web UI and
are not replicated to other ISE nodes. If this repository is not created in the ISE
web UI, it will be deleted when ISE services restart.
vm203/admin(config-Repository)# user anonymous password plain anonymous
vm203/admin(config-Repository)# end
vm203/admin# patch install ise-patchbundle-
20071516.SPA.x86_64.tar.gz repos
% Warning: Patch will be installed only on this node. Install using Primary
Administration node GUI to install on all nodes in deployment. Continue? (yes/no)
[yes] ? yes
Save the current ADE-OS running configuration? (yes/no) [yes] ? yes
Generating configuration...
Saved the ADE-OS running configuration to startup successfully
Initiating Application Patch installation...

Getting bundle to local machine...

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