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NAME : ………………………………………….
CLASS : ………………………………………….
DATE : 16.5.2021
DATE : 18.5.2021
DATE : 18.5.2021

Fill in the blanks with the correct present continuous tense.

Gotong – Royong

Encik Hakimi and the pupils of Year 6 Robotics are

at a gotong-royong project. They
(work) together to clean up their
neighbourhood. Encik Hakimi (clean) the
drain. Najmee
(sort) out the rubbish. Kamini
(throw) the rubbish into the
recycling bins. Asin (empty) the
tyres filled with rainwater. The girls
(sweep) the dead leaves. Some of the boys
(use) the garbage bags to
collect the dried leaves.
DATE : 19.5.2021
DATE : 20.5.2021
DATE : 23.5.2021
DATE : 24.5.2021
DATE : 24.5.2021
DATE : 25.5.2021
DATE : 27.5.2021
DATE : 27.5.2021

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