Task 1: The Two Floor Plans Show The Renovation of AAA Accountancy's Main Office

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Task 1: The two floor plans show the renovation of AAA Accountancy's main


(bài này là PLANS tức là chưa có xảy ra nhe, nên là Before thì dùng Htai đơn, còn After thì
dùng will; và 2 mốc thời gian mình dùng sẽ là Now/At present/Today >< In the future)
(bài này mới có 131 từ nha) The two pictures compare the layout of the AAA Accountancy’s
main office before and after renovation. It is clear that the main change of the design involves
the addition of new sofas (e có thể chia thành từng khu vực và quan sát xem khu nào thay đổi
nhìu nhất => khu vực trung tâm và khu vực phía tây)
After renovation, the accounts office was (WILL BE) removed and made room for the storage
room which IS located in the middle down side of the main office (mình nên mô tả vị trí của cái
bị remove í => the accounts office which is located in + vị trí + will be removed and made room
for the storage room). Now, In the east side of the accounts office in the past, there were ARE
a processing office and a new customers office but nowadays IN the future, they are will be
merged into one. Furthermore, the center of the office today are will be the copiers and fax
machines which were will be equally distributed over all the offices according to the plans. The
below of the main office where was the location of the storage room and the removed payroll
office, there is a set of sofas.
(dùng below thì hog đúng lắm, tại vì tụi nó cùng trên 1 mặt phẳng mà, đâu có cái nào nằm trên
cái nào ; với lại cái đoạn The below of … the removed payroll office hơi rối => Additionally,
there will be a set of sofas in place of the current storage room and the payroll office at the
bottom of the AAA Accountancy's main office.)
(current (a): hiện tại; in place of: thay thế cho )

Task 2: Dogs
Nowadays, more and more people love taking care of pets and dog is one of the most favorite
animals they choose to feed. However, it is said that feeding dogs in the inner (inner là adj nha
iêm => IN the populated…) of the populated areas is unsuitable. From my perspective, I totally
agree with this opinion because of the fact that dogs lead to many problems in residential
areas. (feeding là cho ăn á, nên thay bằng KEEP/RAISE/HAVE a dog nha)
In my opinion, there are many negative affects (affect là V, còn effects mới là NOUN nhe) of
feeding dogs in the inner (như trên) of city. Nevertheless (từ này có nghĩa “tuy vậy”, cơ mà vế
trước vs vế sau đâu có gì trái nhau đâu => bỏ), the main reason for that is the noise pollution
because dogs obviously will (mình sẽ hạn chế dùng những từ ngữ mang tính chắc chắn nha, vì
mình chỉ đang nêu ý kiến chủ quan thui => có thể dùng modal verbs như Can, might, may,
could, would, hoặc be likely to, tend to… để giảm bớt cái tính chắc chắn lại) bark violently
whenever seeing people or even something’s (ko cần ‘s ở đây đâu; something/anything/… +
adj đc nha) strange with them. For example, everyone coming home after a hard work day
always (always là 100% lun á, giảm bớt lại => may need chẳng hạn) needs a deep sleep at night
but because of the loud bark of neighbor’s dogs, they will be unable to sleep. This is truly a
dissatisfaction and annoying for neighborhood.
In addition, another reason for not feeding dogs in the populated areas is the dogs can worse
(worsen là Verb nhe) the urban landscape. It (this means) means dog is just a kind of animal
(nếu em muốn nói chung các con chó, ko chỉ đích danh con nào thì ko dùng mạo từ => DOGS
hoi), obviously does not have the awareness, so it can pee and poo in anywhere and whenever
it needs. As the results (AS A RESULT nha), dogs’ poo will appear in (s) the streets, sidewalks or
even in neighbors’ houses. Furthermore, if the owners accidentally disregard, their pets might
(ủa sao chỗ này biết đường dùng might nè :v) catch or even hurt people around them. I still
remember when I was a 12-year-old child, my neighbor’s becgie, a fierce specie of dog,
incidentally bit me for no reason while I was going across his house.
In conclusion, because of many disadvantages of feeding dogs (phẩy nha, nhớ là Because SV,
SV hoặc SV because SV) I believe that this kind of pets should not be feed (feed cột 3 là Fed) in
residential areas. This is because they might cause to (cause sth hoi, bỏ TO) the noise
pollution, worsen the urban landscape and even do harm for (dùng TO nha) people.
Task 1: Employment rates
The graph below shows information on employment rates across 6 countries in
1995 and 2005.

(bài này mới có 138 từ hoi nhaaaaaaa)

The bar chart compares the proportions of employment in Australia, Switzerland, Iceland, UK,
New Zealand and the USA over a 10-year period. It is clear that the percentages of working
people in these nations almost increased from 1995 to 2005. (nhớ xuống dòng giữa các đoạn
in all countries, the rates of male employees in 2005 and female ones in 1995 are the highest
and lowest figures respectively. Over the given period, the increase of employment rates in
these countries ranges from 10% to 20%. While the figure for Iceland male workers in 2005 is
(WAS) highest, at 83%, that of New Zealand female workers in 1995 is (Sao quên chia động từ
hết dị :v) lowest, at 25%. Besides, the largest difference in (between nha) male and female
figures is in the year 1995 of New Zealand (cái Of NZ này để đây hơi kì, chuyển thành In NZ ở
đầu câu hoặc cuối câu nhe) with nearly 35%. Otherwise, at the same time, that of the UK is the
narrowest (con số mà dùng narrow hả e :v ngộ he) , at nearly 3%.
Còn thiếu số liệu của Aus và Swit nhe, cái này bị trừ điểm Task achievement á. Bét lắm thì mỗi
đối tượng mình cũng phải viết 1 câu về nó chứ hog được bỏ rơi nó nha (nếu được thì có sự so
sánh càng tốt), còn năm thì có thể không đề cập hết nhưng cũng phải nói năm đầu và năm cuối

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