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Section 1 GENERAL
1.1 General Instructions
The specifications are intended to cover the construction of the proposed project
as shown in the plans and described in these specifications. The entire work is
to be finished in every part with a first class job to the full extent and
meaning of the plans and specifications.
1.2 Scope of Work
Secure and pay all fees, permits required and make necessary arrangements with
utility companies and local authorities having jurisdictions over it.
2.1 Excavation
All necessary structural excavations shall be carried to the depth and grade as
shown in the drawings.
Provide a sufficient distance from the walks and footings to give allowance for
forms, installations of service and field inspections.
2.2 Grades and Filling
All filling materials shall be made in layers not exceeding 6.0" in thickness
each layers to be thoroughly tamped to bring the existing grades to levels
2.3 Clearing of Premises
After the completion of all work specified herein, the entire area in the
vicinity of the building shall be from rubbish, trash and debris.
2.4 Protection, Pumping Maintenance
Protect at all times the excavations and trenches from damages of rainwater,
spring water, backing of drains, and from all other water.
Provide and operate all pumps or other equipment necessary to drain and keep
excavations, pits, trenches and the entire sub-grade area free of water under any
circumstances and contingencies that may arise.
3.1 Concrete Materials
All concrete materials shall be done in accordance with the standard
"Specifications of Reinforced Concrete" as adopted by the Government. In as far
as it does not conflict with the specified provisions herein provided for
concrete and masonry
3.2 Material Requirement
3.2.1 Classes of Concrete
a. Portland cement shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C-150 Type for
normal Portland cement; Type III for High Early Strength Portland Cement.
b. Cement shall be any standard commercial brand in 40 kilograms per bag such:
Filipinas, Union, Republic, APO or other locally available equivalent.
3.2.2 Fine Aggregates
Sand shall be clean, hard, coarse river sand or crushed sand free from injurious
amount of clay loam and vegetable matter and shall conform to ASTM C-33 or C-330.
3.2.3 Coarse Aggregate
Gravel shall be river run gravel or broken stones. The maximum size shall be 1/5
of the nearest dimension between sides of forms of the concrete, or ¾ of the
minimum clear spacing between reinforcing bars, or between re-bars and forms
whichever is smaller.
3.2.4 Mixing Water
Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious amount of
oils, acids, alkali, organic materials or other deleterious substances.
3.2.5 Concrete Proportion
a. The proportions of aggregate to cement for any concrete shall be such as to
produce a mixture, which will work readily into the corners and angles to
the form and around reinforcement without permitting the materials to
segregate or excess free water to collect on the surfaces.
b. The methods of measuring concrete materials shall be such that the
proportions can be accurately controlled and easily checked at any time
during the work.

The following concrete proportions shall be used otherwise specified:

Class " A " - 1:2:4 - for footings, columns, slabs, beams
Class " B " - 1:2 1/2:5 - for concrete floor on fill and other concrete works
Class " C " - 1:2 - for plastering and mortar
Class " D " - 1:5 - for CHB mortar


All concrete work shall be protected from drying out after removal of forms by
covering with waterproof paper, polyethylene sheeting, burlap, with a coating of
approved membrane curing compound having a moisture retention equal to 90% based
on ATM C-309 and C-156, applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions for use.
Wet burlap as often as required to keep concrete wet throughout each day for a
period of at least 7 days where normal Portland cement is used and 3 days where
high early strength cement is used.
a. Reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM Specifications A-615. All mild steel
for columns, shear wall, footings and footing beams shall be high-grade deformed
bars. Fy = 413.7 Mpa.
b. For 10 mm and smaller bars use intermediate grade deformed bars. Fy = 275.8
c. If reinforcing bars are to be welded, these specifications shall be
supplemented by requirements assuring satisfactory weld ability.
d. Bar and rod mats for concrete reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A-185
except that the weld shear strength requirements shall be extended to include a
wire size differential up to and including six gauges.
e. Wire and strand shall conform to ASTM A-416. Structural steel shall conform
to ASTM A-26 and Steel pipe for composite column shall conform to ASTM
Specification A-377.
f. All reinforcement shall be placed according to the approved drawings. The
Contractor shall provide sufficient bar supports, ties, anchors and other
accessories to hold all bars securely in place.
g. Unless detailed on drawings, all stirrups shall be held in place by bars
spacers. Reinforcing steel shall be cleaned of oil, grease, scale, rust or other
coatings, which will impair bond.
h. Reinforcing steel bars shall be stored on supports above the ground level
properly covered with roof or plastic materials for protection from direct effect
of moisture and the considerable delay in use.
Forms shall conform to the shape, lines and dimensions shown on the drawings.
They shall be substantial and designed to resist the pressure and weight of the
Forms shall be properly tied and braced or shored so as to maintain their
position and shape. Forms shall be sufficiently tight and strong to prevent
leakage of mortar.
Forms shall be coated with non-staining form oil before setting reinforcement.
The form oil shall not contain chemical that will impair the strength of the
Removal of forms or shoring is subject to approval by the supervising Architect
or Engineer, and under no circumstances shall bottom form and shoring be removed
until after the members have required sufficient strength to support their weight
and the load thereon. Forms shall remain in place for a minimum time as follows.

Columns ---------------------------------------------3 days

Stairs (bottom forms) ------------------------------21 days
Beams and Slabs (bottom form) ----------------------21 days

3.6 CHB Walls and Finishes

All exterior and firewall shall be of 6"x8"x16' non-load bearing stretcher block.
Interior wall shall be of 4"x8"x16' non-load bearing stRSretcher block. CHB walls
shall be reinforced with 10 mm dia. Bars spaced @ 0.60m vertically and at every
third blocks horizontally. All exterior surfaces shall be plastered paint finish
with 2.5cm groove at 1.20 m o.c. unless otherwise specified in the plans,
interior walls shall be plastered paint finish.
3.7 Floor Finish

Ground floor concrete slab with 4" minimum thickness shall be rough finished
(exterior along shower area and concrete benches).
3.8 Inspection
No pouring of concrete shall be done unless the bearing surfaces has been
inspected and approved by the Owner, and the Authority to proceed has been
received by the Contractor.
3.9 Drainage System @ Site
Provide, construct and maintain for the duration of the work, drainage system of
the site approved and or as directed by the supervising Architect or Engineer.
All ready mixed concrete shall conform with the requirements of ASTM C-94, placed
in forms within one hour after adding water or not more than ½ hours if a
retarder is used. It shall be kept constantly agitated during the transit period.
Pouring of concrete should not be started until after the forms and reinforcement
for the whole unit are properly laid and installed, cleaned, inspected and
Construction joints shall be rough-in and clean thoroughly before any pouring
starts. Wet and slush surface with cement mortar.
The work to be done under this Item consist of furnishing all required materials,
fabricated woodwork, tools, equipment and labor and performing all operations
necessary for the satisfactory completion of all carpentry and joinery works in
strict accord with applicable drawings, details and these Specifications.
Section 5 TILE WORKS
Toilet walls unless specified shall be waistcoat with white/colored 8” x 8”
glazed tiles or chlorinated paint of any brand, at 2.0 m. high. All glazed tiles
shall be laid on concrete mortar, 1/8" apart. Toilet floors shall be laid with
unglazed tiles or chlorinated paint of any brand whichever is available. Care
must be fitted properly around the plumbing fixtures and trench drains. Tiles
must be soaked in water before installation.
Rib type or Tile span roffing gauge 26 by DN Steel Corporation to be used shall
nailed and secured to the purlins. Purlins shall be spaced to fit length of
corrugated sheets 0.60mm x 1.090 mts. X LS. Provide Ventilator hood 0.60mm x 1.20
mts. x 2.44 mts and end flashing 0.60mm x 0.915 mts. X 2.44 mts. Use 0.60mm x
1.20 mts. x 2.44 mts. Gutter. It shall be provided with at least 3/4" per foot of
pitch to downspouts. Downspouts shall be provided with sufficient G.I. straps to
the walls. Catch basin connected to drainage shall be provided below each
downspout. All joints shall be welded with rod #6013.
Section 7 HARDWARE
Provide and install all rough hardware necessary for the completion of the work
including nails, spikes, WI straps, bolts, etc., and all finishing hardware
herein specified. All works shall be done in workmanlike manner. All doors shall
be provided with door lock set. Where the exact types of hardware specified are
not adoptable to the finishing, shape or size of members requiring the hardware,
suitable types having as applicable the same operation and quality as the
corresponding individual types specified shall be furnished.
8.1 General
All electrical equipment installations covered by main construction shall be in
accordance with the latest edition of the Philippine Electrical Engineering Code
and must conform to the provision of the National Building Code and Fire Code.
8.2 Wiring Methods
a. All wiring that run through CHB walls and concrete floorings shall be in PVC
conduits. All parts of the installations shall be put in proper places at such
stages in the progress of constructions as to permit cabinets, pull boxes and
other outlet boxes to be mounted on flush. All conduits to be run in the most
direct line possible and entirely concealed.
b. Conduits shall be continuous from outlets to outlets; and from outlets to pull
boxes in such manner that the conduit system shall be electrically continuous
from the service entrance to an outlet.
c. All conduit system shall be completed before the wiring is started.
8.3 The number of ceiling, convenience outlets and others shall have been shown in the
electrical plans and layout including their location and site.

Use white switches and convenience outlets on painted surface and brown on varnish
surfaces. No wire smaller than #8 AWG shall be used.
8.4 The main switches and distribution panel should be located inside the unit in an
easily accessible location.
9.1 General
All plumbing works and installations shall be done in accordance with the latest
edition of the Plumbing Code and must conform to the Provisions of the National
Building Code.
9.2 Piping
a. Water piping shall consist of standard galvanized steel pipe with galvanize
iron fittings, which shall have a minimum of 1” , 3/4” and 1/2" in diameter.
b. Sanitary piping and fittings buried in the ground shall be the pvc pipe moldex
or neltex brand as approved by the Master Plumber or Sanitary Engineer.
c. Exposed vent pipe shall be 2" diameter and shall be of PVC Pipe.
9.3 Fixtures
The following fixtures shall be provided:
a. American Standard Under-counter Lavatory (optional only)
(Ovalyn including P-Trap/Strainer)
b. Single hole Lavatory Faucet w/ one supply pipe (Sannix)
c. American Standard Water Closet w/ Sloan Flushometer (Clarisse)
d. Urinal w/ Sloan Flushometer (Eco Washbrook)
e. Stainless curtain Rod 1” diam x 1.5m
f. Stainless towel rod ¾” diam x 0.60m
g. Soap Holder (Symphony)
10.1 Preparation of Surfaces
Prior to paint applications, all surfaces shall be dry clean, smooth and properly
prepared to receive finish.
10.2 Concrete Masonry and other plaster surfaces shall be coated with a solution of
one-kilo zinc sulfate crystal per gallon of water and be allowed to dry
thoroughly. Brush all excess crystal deposit after surfaces dried before priming
coat paint is applied. Before painting, remove all dust and loose mortar by
sweeping and brushing with a stiff fiber or wire brush.
10.3 Painting Schedules
All painting shall be done in two coatings and shall not be done continuously at
the same time.
All exterior and interior areas or surfaces to be painted shall be done as
directed or specified by the Engineer/Architect during progress of construction.
All Painting materials that will be use shall be of BOYSEN brand.
All colors shall be in accordance with samples or color code approved by the
owner with the advice of the Architect/Engineer in charge of the project.
Section 11 TILE WORKS
11.1 Toilet walls unless specified shall be 8” x 8” non skid floor tiles and 8” x
12”glazed wall tiles or of any approved brand, at 1.50 m. high. All glazed tiles
shall be laid on concrete mortar, 1/8" apart. Toilet wall tiles shall be mixed with
tile adhesive and grout. Care must be fitted properly around the plumbing fixtures
and trench drains. Tiles must be soaked in water before installation.

Prepared By: Approved by:


PTR NO: 5964713

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