Diet Promotes Sleep Duration and Quality

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Diet promotes sleep duration and quality

Katri Peuhkuri⁎, Nora Sihvola, Riitta Korpela

Institute of Biomedicine, Pharmacology, Medical Nutrition Physiology, University of Helsinki, PO Box 63, FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland


Article history: Sleep, much like eating, is an essential part of life. The mechanisms of sleep are only
Received 4 October 2011 partially clear and are the subject of intense research. There is increasing evidence showing
Revised 13 March 2012 that sleep has an influence on dietary choices. Both cross-sectional and epidemiologic
Accepted 20 March 2012 studies have demonstrated that those who sleep less are more likely to consume energy-
rich foods (such as fats or refined carbohydrates), to consume fewer portions of vegetables,
and to have more irregular meal patterns. In this narrative review, we pose the opposite
Keywords: question: can ingested food affect sleep? The purpose of this review is to discuss the
Sleep evidence linking diet and sleep and to determine whether what we eat and what kind of
Diet nutrients we obtain from the food consumed before bedtime matter. In addition, scientific
Food evidence behind traditional sleep-promoting foods such as milk and some herbal products
Nutrients is briefly described. These are reviewed using data from clinical trials, mostly in healthy
Protein subjects. In addition, we discuss the possible mechanisms behind these observations.
Tryptophan Lastly, we summarize our findings that emerging evidence confirms a link between diet and
sleep. Overall, foods impacting the availability of tryptophan, as well as the synthesis of
serotonin and melatonin, may be the most helpful in promoting sleep. Although there are
clear physiological connections behind these effects, the clinical relevance needs to be
studied further.
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reductions in sleep duration increase, although decline in

nighttime sleep duration is paralleled by an increase in
Sleep is a physical and mental resting state, in which a person napping during the daytime [4]. Sleep is controlled by the
becomes relatively inactive and unaware of their environ- circadian clock, sleep-wake homeostasis, and willed behavior.
ment. The purposes and mechanisms of sleep are only Sleep duration can be measured with fairly simple methods.
partially clear and are the subject of intense research [1,2]. Subjective methods include a sleep diary and validated
Sleep is considered adequate when there is no daytime questionnaires, whereas electroencephalogram, polysomno-
sleepiness or dysfunction. The amount of sleep a person graphy, and actigraphy measurements provide more objective
needs varies individually and depends on various factors, one results. Other parameters to define sleep, such as the
of which is age. Most adults need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep subjective experience of sleep quality, are more complicated
per day, but infants and teenagers need more [3]. With age, because even the term “sleep quality” has not been rigorously
sleep latency, sleep arousals, and awakenings as well as defined [5].

Abbreviations: 5-HTP, 5-hydroxytryptophan; AADC, aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase; CCK, cholecystokinin; E%, percent of total
energy intake; GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; LNAA, large neutral amino acid; PYY, peptide tyrosine-tyrosine; REM, rapid eye movement;
TDO, tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase; TRP, tryptophan.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +358 9 191 25 366; fax: +358 9 191 25 364.
E-mail address: (K. Peuhkuri).

0271-5317/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
310 N U TR IT ION RE S EA RCH 3 2 ( 2 0 12 ) 30 9 –3 19

Cross-sectional and epidemiologic studies have demon- such as alcohol are excluded from this overview. We used the
strated connections between sleep duration and diet. Sleep electronic bibliographical database PubMed until March 2012
deprivation can modify dietary choices, and reduced sleep (without any methodological restrictions) to identify studies
duration has been associated with both metabolic disorders using the following keywords: sleep, diet, nutrient, energy,
and the increased prevalence of obesity [3]. Adequate sleep is carbohydrate, protein, tryptophan (TRP), fat, vitamin, and
positively associated with health-related behavior such as mineral. In addition, we reviewed the references of identified
adopting a healthy diet. These associations have been shown studies and of selected narrative review articles.
in children [6], adolescents [7–10], and adults [11–13]. Those
who sleep less are more likely to consume energy-rich foods,
get higher proportions of calories from fats or refined 2. Diet and chronotype
carbohydrates, consume lower proportions of vegetables and
fruits, and have more irregular meal patterns and consume The term “chronotype,” also referred to as the circadian type, is
snacks more often than those sleeping more. used to characterize sleep patterns. There are 3 main
Sleep has an influence on meal patterns, but even the chronotypes: morning, evening, and midrange [24]. These
timing of meals may influence sleep. It is well documented individual differences are, in part, heritable, but additional
that individual eating episodes are highly interrelated; thus, factors such as cultural and environmental influences mod-
the timing of the previous meal and the resulting satiety ulate chronotype.
largely determine the time and size of the following meal [14]. As reviewed previously, nutrients such as glucose, amino
The incidence and prevalence of skipping breakfast are acids, sodium, ethanol, and caffeine, as well as the timing of
typically higher in persons with low sleep duration than in meals, can reset the bodily rhythms of rodents [25]. Evidence in
those with normal sleep duration [15,16]. Low sleep duration is clinical studies of humans is scarce. Kräuchi et al [26] showed
especially typical in subjects with nocturnal lifestyles who that a single carbohydrate-rich meal may have the capacity to
replace meals with snacks and who consume most of their entrain human circadian rhythms, especially through periph-
food in the later evening and at night. Thus, they are not eral oscillators, measured as changes in core body temperature
hungry in the morning and replace breakfast with an early and heart rate. Unfortunately, this interesting study presents
morning snack. As a matter of fact, a regular habit of snacking no data on sleep patterns. The intake of certain nutrients and
is associated with shorter sleep duration [16]. Interestingly, foods differed significantly by chronotype, which was assessed
very long sleep duration is also associated with an unconven- by the midpoint of sleep in more than 3000 young Japanese
tional eating rhythm [16]. Because snacking is generally found women [27]. A late midpoint, that is, the evening type, was
to indicate a nutritionally poor and energy-rich diet [17], the associated with energy intake from alcohol, fat, confections,
observed association between meal patterns and sleep may, at and meat. By contrast, the morning chronotype was associated
least partially, be due to the quality of diet, that is, an absence especially with a greater intake of calcium and vitamin B6, as
of nutrients or excessive amounts of energy-rich foods. well as eating more vegetables and pulses. Fleig and Randler
Despite methodological differences, almost all of the [28], on the other hand, found no relationship between
previously mentioned studies indicate that an unhealthy chronotype and the intake of sweets, vegetables, salad, or
diet is associated with shorter sleep duration and irregular meat but, instead, noticed that later bedtimes and rising times
sleeping patterns. These studies, however, do not reveal were associated with a tendency to drink caffeinated drinks,
whether compliance with a recommended diet results in eat fast food, and consume fewer dairy products.
better sleep or vice versa—whether sleep-deprived people eat To conclude, even if clinical evidence of an association
more unhealthy foods just because they are too tired to between the human chronotype and diet is lacking, results from
follow recommendations. cross-sectional studies and animal models at least suggest that
Both epidemiologic and methodological studies indicate a morning-oriented people tend to have a healthier and more
relationship between sleep and health [18,19]. However, little regular lifestyle compared with evening-oriented ones.
is known about the impact of diet and nutrients on sleep—
that is, whether what we eat and what kind of nutrients we
obtain from the food we consume before bed are of any 3. Traditional sleep-promoting foods
consequence. Because there are no recent overviews on the
effects of diet on sleep [20–24] and there are interesting new All nations around the world have traditions regarding the
publications on the topic, this narrative review aims to specific foods that are served to promote healthy sleep. In
provide an overview of clinical studies, mostly on healthy many Western countries, for example, cow's milk has
humans, to clarify whether the duration or quality of sleep is traditionally been considered a tranquilizing beverage with
associated with the quality of diet or the intake of energy, sleep-inducing capacity. Study conducted almost 80 years ago
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, or other nutrients. However, we reported adults consuming a meal of corn flakes and milk to
will mostly concentrate on the impact of diet on sleep exhibit a stronger tendency toward uninterrupted sleep [29].
duration, which is fairly simple to measure reliably, and the Forty years later, in an open study using electrophysiologic
results are more comparable as compared with measure- recordings in a sleep laboratory, other researchers found
ments of sleep quality, which is an even more complex improvements in sleep in terms of duration and a reduced
phenomenon. Lastly, we will discuss the need and directions number of awakenings in 18 older people who ingested milk
of future research in this area. Effects of drugs, drug-like fortified with Horlicks powder, a malted barley and wheat, at
products such as melatonin supplements, or other intoxicants bedtime, and reported the action of the fortified milk to be
N U TR IT ION RE S E ARCH 3 2 ( 2 0 12 ) 30 9 –3 1 9 311

more effective with serial administration [30]. A modest effect the initiation of sleep, but eating a meal increased the duration
of milk and Horlicks powder, observed by camera recordings, of sleep episodes more than 3-fold if an afternoon nap was
was also noticed in 4 healthy male students with no sleeping taken. Furthermore, the macronutrient content of the daytime
problems [31]. More recently in elderly subjects, a daily dose of meal does not seem to have a notable influence on postpran-
100 g or a large dose of 500 g of normal commercial milk had dial sleepiness recorded by polysomnography in 10 to 16
no effect on sleep or alertness the following morning [32,33]. subjects [43,44]. Instead, only a trend toward sleepiness after a
On the other hand, when commercial milk was replaced with high-fat, low-carbohydrate morning meal compared with a
melatonin-rich nighttime milk in a double-blinded study, low-fat, high-carbohydrate meal was noticed in 18 healthy
morning activity, reflecting better sleep and rest during the volunteers [45]. A low-protein, high-carbohydrate breakfast
previous night, was significantly increased in 80 elderly induced more drowsiness according to sleep diaries in 21
subjects [32]. Melatonin is a natural compound in cow's young men, which gave the researchers reason to speculate
milk, but its concentration increases significantly if cows are that a high concentration of proteins may increase postpran-
milked in darkness at nighttime. Similarly, when Lactobacillus dial alertness [46].
helveticus–fermented milk was used in another double-blinded In addition to the aforementioned influence of daytime
study, sleep efficacy was improved and the number of eating and drowsiness, the influence of food is a more relevant
episodes of awakening was reduced, which were measured question for nighttime sleep because night is the principal
by means of actigraphy and a sleep questionnaire (n = 29) [33]. time of rest for most people. However, the number of studies
Supplemented probiotics, however, had no effect on sleep in focusing on this is even more limited. Higher-energy intake at
75 healthy volunteers with symptoms of stress [34]. the evening meal extended the sleep duration by 1.4 s/kJ in
Other examples of sleep-promoting foods include herbal healthy toddlers (n = 594) [47]. Nevertheless, no significant
products and certain fruits. The use of herbal products such as differences in any of the subjective or objective sleep
chamomile tea to improve sleep is common [35], even if robust parameters recorded in sleep laboratory by polysomnography
scientific evidence supporting this is, in many cases, nonex- between a fast (no meal), a high-energy meal (11.9 MJ) and a
istent, as reviewed recently [36,37]. In addition, there are normal, control meal (5.7 MJ) 2 hours before going to bed were
recent reports indicating that certain fruits such as tart observed in 7 adults [48].
cherries or kiwifruits promote sleep. A double-blinded pilot In a cross-sectional design, teenage girls who slept less than
study showed that fresh tart cherry juice, consumed twice 5 hours per night were observed to get about 420 kJ more energy
daily, produced reductions in insomnia in 15 elderly subjects, from carbohydrates than those who slept more (n = 126) [10], but
and the time required to fall asleep was reduced by 17 minutes in other studies, adolescents of roughly the same age (n = 240)
[38]. The researchers found, however, no influence on any and adults (n = 2828) sleeping more than 9 hours per night
other sleep parameters during the 2-week clinical trial consumed more energy from carbohydrates than those sleeping
compared with a placebo beverage. The influence of cherries less [8,13]. In toddlers, the intake of carbohydrates was
was also noticed in another study of 6 middle-aged and 6 accompanied by longer sleep duration (0.8 min/g) [47]. No clinical
elderly Spanish volunteers [39]. Daily doses of different cherry trials seeking to measure the impact on sleep duration caused by
cultivars increased sleep time significantly and reduced the the carbohydrate content of an evening meal were found.
number of awakenings measured by actigraphy compared However, all other sleep parameters except duration may
with baseline measurements. Another recent study demon- be influenced by the total amount of carbohydrates. In
strated that consuming 2 kiwi fruits an hour before bedtime 8 healthy young males, a high-carbohydrate, low-fat meal
improves sleep, both the total sleep time as well as sleep reduced deep slow-wave sleep (non–rapid eye movement
efficiency during a 4-week open clinical trial with 24 healthy [non-REM] sleep) and increased the proportion of REM sleep
subjects wearing an actigraphy watch [40]. compared with normal-balanced or low-carbohydrate, high-
Clinical evidence for the sleep-promoting effects of the fat diets [49], which was confirmed later with 6 subjects [50],
previously mentioned products is mostly based on individual both studies using polysomnographic recordings. Also, a diet
studies and is, unfortunately, mainly done with small study very low in carbohydrates and rich in fat reduced the share
populations. These observations remain to be confirmed, and of REM sleep recorded by polysomnography, but also
the mechanisms remain to be clarified. increased the percentage of deep slow-wave sleep compared
with a control diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat [51].
In this study protocol with 14 subjects, however, it was not
4. Energy and macronutrients possible to conclude whether the improvement of the quality
of sleep was due to a reduced percentage of carbohydrates
The number of clinical trials to explain how the nutrient (<1% vs 72% of the total energy intake [E%]) or an increased
content of a single evening meal or the diet of the preceding percentage of fat (12.5 E% vs 61 E%) or proteins (15.5 E% vs
day affects the parameters of sleep of the following night is 38 E%). Either way, the researchers speculated the difference
low. Postprandial clinical trials have mainly focused on to be linked to the metabolism of dietary fat and after the
sleepiness or daytime naps shortly after breakfast or lunch. release of cholecystokinin (CCK) corresponding to previous
The effects of lunch and no-lunch conditions on postprandial observation by Wells et al [45].
afternoon napping measured by polysomnography recordings Dietary carbohydrates contain a large variety of sugar
were compared in 2 clinical trials in young men with normal chains with different metabolisms. Thus, it is not surprising
sleeping habits [41,42]. Lunchtime food (n = 12) or an altered that the amount of any individual carbohydrate has no
energy content of a midday meal (n = 21) did not promote consistent influence on sleep parameters. As shown in the
312 N U TR IT ION RE S EA RCH 3 2 ( 2 0 12 ) 30 9 –3 19

aforementioned cross-sectional study of toddlers, the con- parameters of sleep or secretion of melatonin was noticed in
sumption of foods with high Glycemic Index was accompanied more than 100 adults with chronic insomnia after supple-
by longer sleep time (1.3 min/g) [47]. However, in a clinical trial mentation with polyunsaturated fatty acid capsules [60].
of 12 healthy young men consuming carbohydrate meals with To conclude, regarding the influence of energy and
high or low glycemic loads, profiling the type of carbohydrate macronutrients on sleep, clinical interventions confirm the
ingested, did not affect sleep duration or any other sleep cross-sectional observations that there is a connection
indexes according to polysomnographic recordings, except for between the intake of macronutrients and sleep. Although
the onset of sleep [52]. The study noticed shortened sleep- the number of studies is small and definite differences in
onset latency by approximately 10 minutes after a carbohy- designs and methods exist, the macronutrient content of a
drate-rich evening meal with a high Glycemic Index compared diet or evening meal seems to modify sleep duration at most
with a low-index meal, suggesting a difference between the only 10 minutes in healthy subjects with no sleep problems.
carbohydrates. The carbohydrate content of these rice-based Carbohydrates and fats, at least in large quantities, may
meals was more than 90% of the total energy content, and the modulate sleep quality by influencing the ratio of REM and
meals were ingested 4 hours before bedtime. non-REM sleep. Of proteins, amino acid TRP is the most
Clinical trials assessing the impact of other macronutri- promising candidate as a sleep-promoting nutrient at least
ents, that is, proteins and fats, on sleep duration are scarce. with pharmacological doses.
Clinical trials show some support that protein fragments or
amino acids, when administered in pharmacologic doses,
may have sleep-promoting influence. Supplemented TRP is 5. B vitamins and magnesium
being used as a sleep aid, even if the clinical evidence is
challenged, as reviewed previously [53,54]. Tryptophan is a Deficiencies of group B vitamins and minerals may disrupt
precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin and the neuro- sleep. Their effect seems to be based on their influence on the
secretory hormone melatonin, both of which are linked to secretion of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone secreted
sleep and alertness [1,2]. In a study using polysomnographic naturally by the pineal gland, especially at night. In several
equipment on 17 healthy volunteers, TRP depletion pro- studies, pharmacological doses of melatonin have been found
duced by a 48-hour low-protein diet increased REM sleep helpful in inducing and maintaining sleep both in children
latency by 21 minutes, but no effect on sleep duration or and in adults with normal sleep patterns and those having
non-REM sleep was noticed during the following nights' insomnia [61,62]. However, the effect of melatonin is most
sleep [55]. Regardless of the above finding, as little as 250 mg apparent only if a person's melatonin level is low.
of pure pharmaceutical-grade TRP has improved sleep in The secretion of melatonin is influenced by some external
people with sleeping problems [53,54]. factors such as artificial light. Vitamin B12 contributes to
As part of the diet, the metabolism of TRP is more melatonin secretion [63]. Treatment with varying doses of
complicated. Protein-sourced TRP (de-oiled butternut squash vitamin B12 has a potentially beneficial effect on the sleep-
seeds) was compared with pharmaceutical-grade TRP in a wake rhythm and in delayed sleep-phase syndrome in
health bar containing carbohydrates and vitamins [56]. A healthy subjects measured by actigraphy equipment (n = 20)
trend toward an increase in the total sleep time of about 19 [64] and sleep diary (n = 102) [65] and in patients with
minutes (5.5% increase) was observed with protein-sourced TRP Alzheimer dementia using actigraphy recordings (n = 28)
in a placebo-controlled study of 49 subjects meeting the criteria [66], although conflicting results exist [67]. No clear benefit,
for insomnia. α-Lactalbumin, one of the primary milk proteins, however, has been reported in sleep duration.
is a good source of TRP. An α-lactalbumin–rich evening meal, Some clinical evidence substantiates the influence of other
however, did not induce feelings of sleepiness measured by group B vitamins on sleep. Administration of nicotinamide
electroencephalographic recordings in a sleep laboratory study (niacin) to 6 people with normal sleep pattern increased REM
of 14 healthy subjects with mild sleep complaints, although all sleep, and when given to subjects with moderate to severe
subjects felt more alert the next morning compared with when insomnia, the sleep efficacy, recorded in a sleep laboratory
they were administered the placebo meal [57]. using electroencephalogram, was improved [68]. Niacin is
According to cross-sectional studies, the influence of biosynthesized from dietary TRP via the so-called kynurenine
dietary fat on sleep duration is conflicting. In small children pathway. The researchers speculate that administration of
(n = 594), teenage girls (n = 126), and in a small study of 30 niacin results in the buildup of nicotinamide adenine dinucle-
Greek women, a trend was observed toward longer sleep otide, which may reduce the amount of TRP converted to
duration, with subjects consuming more energy from fat, niacin, thus leaving TRP available to the synthesis of serotonin
whereas in other large studies with adolescents (n = 240) and and melatonin.
adults (n = 459 and n = 2828), short sleep duration was Vitamin B6, pyridoxine, is needed in the synthesis of
correlated with increased fat intake [8,10–13,47,58]. Studies of serotonin from TRP. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), which is
high-fat, low-carbohydrate diets have not observed marked an intermediate in this process, is converted to serotonin by
differences but only a remote trend on sleep duration, but also an enzyme called aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC)
some influence on the relation of non-REM and REM sleep as [69]. Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase is a pyridoxal 5′-
described above [45,49,51]. Very long-chain fatty acids play an phosphate–dependent enzyme, and pyridoxine is a precursor
important role in the pineal gland and the production of for pyridoxal 5′-phosphate. Despite the clear physiological
melatonin [59]. Despite this clear biological connection to connection between dietary pyridoxine and melatonin secre-
sleep, no improvement either in subjective or objective tion, no effect on sleep using polysomnographic recordings
N U TR IT ION RE S E ARCH 3 2 ( 2 0 12 ) 30 9 –3 1 9 313

was observed after evening treatment with oral pyridoxine evidence of a modest influence of group B vitamin and
either on melatonin secretion or on sleep duration in 12 magnesium supplementation on sleep and, more clearly, on
healthy men compared with the placebo capsule [70]. In a sleep quality and the regulation of sleep-wake rhythm than on
preliminary placebo-controlled double-blind study, however, sleep duration. Physiologically, this is based on the mediation
pyridoxine was found to increase cortical arousal during REM of neurotransmission by interacting in the synthesis of
sleep and to increase the vividness of the dreams of 12 college serotonin and melatonin.
students [71], thus demonstrating some influence on sleep.
A relationship between the concentration of magnesium in
the blood and sleep has been suggested [72–74]. This 6. Possible mechanism for the relationship
documentation is based mostly on experimental models between diet and sleep: sleep-promoting and
with rodents, and clinical evidence is scarce. Nonetheless, wake-promoting substances
oral magnesium supplementation has improved sleep quality
and total sleep time recorded by polysomnography in 2 Sleep is an active process that requires the participation of a
separate studies with about 10 subjects with low magnesium variety of brain regions. The daily cycle of sleep and
status [75,76]. Rondanelli et al [77] found a preparation wakefulness is regulated by various hormones produced by
containing melatonin, magnesium, and zinc taken daily for the hypothalamus and external stimuli, with the amount of
8 weeks 1 hour before bedtime to improve sleep quality and light being the most obvious example [1,2]. Nerve-signaling
total sleep time recorded by wearable armband-shaped sensor chemicals or neurotransmitters control whether we are asleep
in 43 elderly subjects with primary insomnia compared with a or awake by acting on different groups of nerve cells in the
placebo capsule. This is believed to be based on magnesium brain. Many sleep-promoting substances have been identified,
enhancing the secretion of melatonin from the pineal gland and they can be divided into 2 basic groups: wake-promoting
by stimulating serotonin N-acetyltransferase activity, the neurochemical factors including noradrenalin, serotonin,
key enzyme in melatonin synthesis [36], and it being a acetylcholine, histamine, and orexin and the sleep-promoting
γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) agonist [74,75]. γ-Aminobutyric system including GABA, adenosine, and nitric oxide, as
acid is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the central reviewed recently [1,2]. In general, sleep can be promoted
nervous system, and it is well established that activation of either by inhibiting wake-promoting mechanisms or by
GABA(A) receptors favors sleep. To be precise, many hypnotic increasing sleep-promoting factors either by dietary or by
drugs and anesthetics enhance GABA-mediated neurotrans- other means (Fig. 1).
mission. Magnesium sulfate has shown a GABA-agonistic
effect on sleep in 10 healthy men, even if no effect on 6.1. The role of intestinal peptide hormones and sleep
melatonin release was observed [78,79].
To conclude, nutritional deficiencies such as that of Food intake induces the release of various gut hormones
magnesium or group B vitamins may impair sleep. There is affecting local sites or circulating in the blood and signaling

Fig. 1 – Dietary factors promote sleep via circulating intestinal hormones, by stimulating the synthesis of serotonin and
melatonin, acting on GABAergic or serotonergic neurons or via other unidentified mechanisms.
314 N U TR IT ION RE S EA RCH 3 2 ( 2 0 12 ) 30 9 –3 19

via vagal nerve afferents that communicate with the hypo- effects after serotonin binding. Together, these serotonergic
thalamus and the brain. Some reports have demonstrated neurons innervate many brain regions that influence sleep-
various appetite-modulating substances such as CCK, ghrelin, wake behavior. One of the most potent ways for serotonin to
and peptide tyrosine-tyrosine (PYY) to have a significant effect regulate sleep is through changes in melatonin concentration
on sleep. In addition to these, there are other neuropeptides because serotonin is an intermediary product in the produc-
acting both in the gut and in the brain, such as vasoactive tion of melatonin, as shown in Fig. 2.
intestinal polypeptide, with known influence on intestinal Some foods contain melatonin and serotonin as such.
physiology and sleep regulation [80]. They have been detected in a considerable variety of plant
Dietary fats and proteins and, to a much smaller extent, species including roots, leaves, fruits, and seeds [89]. These
carbohydrates stimulate the release of CCK from mucosa foods may also contain TRP. There is no clear evidence of the
cells in the duodenum and the jejunum. Cholecystoki- clinical importance of food-based melatonin on sleep, but
nin regulates gut motility and stimulates the delivery of supplemented melatonin is absorbed and can be released into
digestive enzymes from the pancreas and the gallbladder. circulation, thus increasing the plasma concentrations of
Cholecystokinin is also produced in the enteric nervous melatonin [90].
system and is abundantly distributed in the brain as well More evidence on the influence of nutrients on the
[81]. The postprandial release of CCK induced sleepiness synthesis of serotonin is available (Fig. 2). Tryptophan is a
in healthy adult volunteers 2 to 3 hours after a high-fat, precursor of serotonin, and increased TRP levels in the brain
low-carbohydrate meal [45]. The nutritional composition induce the synthesis of serotonin. The traverse of dietary TRP
of the served test meal was, however, far from a normal through the blood-brain barrier is favored by a higher plasma
Western diet containing 74 E% from fat and only 19 E% concentration of TRP in comparison with the other competing
from carbohydrates. large neutral amino acids (LNAAs). It is known that the plasma
Ghrelin is mostly known to stimulate appetite and plays a TRP/LNAA ratio is affected by both dietary carbohydrates and
role in energy balance. In addition, during the last decade, dietary proteins [91]. Proteins rich in TRP, such as α-
various studies have been published, showing its effects on lactalbumin, increase the plasma TRP/LNAA ratio up to 130%
sleep-wake behavior, as reviewed recently by Steiger et al [80]. and increase brain serotonin concentration [57]. However, if
It seems that ghrelin stimulates the activity of the somato- the diet contains plenty of other LNAAs, TRP transport
tropic and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis affecting through the blood-brain barrier is reduced. Thus, to increase
concentrations of growth hormone and cortisol, which both the availability of TRP in adequate amount, the addition of
are involved in sleep regulation. The influence of ghrelin on dietary proteins containing TRP may not be the only or even
sleep seems to be more obvious in men [82]. the most effective way.
Peptide tyrosine-tyrosine is one of the major components Insulin release from the pancreas is promoted, especially
of the gut-brain axis. It is released from the gastrointestinal by the presence of carbohydrates in the gut lumen. The
tract postprandially in relation to the energy content of a effect of insulin on drowsiness is not fully understood.
meal. After its release, PYY can cross the blood-brain barrier Insulin has an influence on the transport of TRP after a
and act on the central nervous system. In animal experiments, carbohydrate-rich meal [56]. A high postprandial level of
nocturnal intraperitoneal administration decreased wakeful- insulin after a carbohydrate load favors the transport of
ness and enhanced non-REM sleep [83]. The precise mecha- TRP to the brain because being a powerful anabolic agent,
nism is not clear, but the relationship between serotonin and insulin either inhibits peripheral amino acid release or
PYY is believed to exist [84]. promotes the peripheral uptake of the other LNAAs.
It is known that secretion of gastrointestinal regulatory Thus, in response to an increasing plasma glucose concen-
peptides is not affected by sleep [85], but it is not certain tration after a carbohydrate load, insulin mediates the
whether naturally secreted gut peptides induce or modify uptake of LNAAs into muscle but not TRP, which is largely
sleep. Observations have been made mainly in rodents and bound to plasma albumin. Consequently, the TRP/LNAA
by using intraperitoneal or intravenous administration of ratio remains high, and the concentration of other compet-
gut peptides. Further studies are needed to verify whether the ing LNAAs is reduced [91,92]. A dose-response curve for
natural release of peptide hormones by dietary modulation glucose to increase the serum concentration of TRP in com-
has a role in sleep regulation. parison with other LNAAs has been discovered [93,94].
Meals high in protein usually result in a less pronounced
6.2. Dietary TRP as a precursor for serotonin postprandial insulin increase compared with high-carbohy-
and melatonin drate meals [91].
Some vitamins may promote the availability of TRP for
The commonly discussed mechanisms increasing sleep serotonin synthesis. Vitamin B3, or niacin, suppresses the
duration are the ways to promote the synthesis of serotonin. activity of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO), known also as
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that relays information to TRP pyrrolase, which is one of the key enzymes in the
different parts of the brain, regulating many of the vital conversion of TRP to niacin (nicotinic acid). If TRP is converted
systems in the body, as reviewed previously [86–88]. In to niacin, it will not be available as a precursor to serotonin in
addition, serotonin controls most brain functions such as the brain, and thus, supplementation with vitamin B3 can
sleep cycles either indirectly or directly [1,2]. Generally, reduce the “loss” of TRP to nicotinic acid. Vitamin B6,
serotonin promotes consciousness and suppresses sleep, but pyridoxine, is needed by AADC, which, in turn, is required to
there are at least 15 different serotonin receptors with varied convert 5-HTP to serotonin, as described previously.
N U TR IT ION RE S E ARCH 3 2 ( 2 0 12 ) 30 9 –3 1 9 315

Fig. 2 – Possible mechanisms of the influence of dietary components on the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin. A, Diet as a
source of TRP: TRP is metabolized in the brain along different pathways to serotonin, melatonin, and niacin and partly used as a
source of protein synthesis. B, Dietary influence on TRP transport to the brain: other dietary components such as carbohydrates
and other LNAAs affect the intensity of TRP in crossing the blood-brain barrier. C, Stimulating the synthesis of serotonin and
melatonin: 5-HTP is converted to serotonin by an enzyme, AADC, which needs pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and enzyme
arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase (NAT) which needs n-3 fatty acids. D, Availability of TRP to the synthesis of serotonin and
melatonin: TDO is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction of TRP to formylkynurenine, which is rapidly converted to
kynurenine and, finally, to niacin. Niacin (vitamin B3) suppresses the activity of TDO, thus leaving more TRP to be used in the
synthesis of serotonin.

6.3. Other possible mechanisms related to dietary proteins be related to GABAergic or serotonergic neurons and, thus,
and nucleotides regulate sleep, but this remains to be studied.
The nonprotein nitrogen fraction of diet includes food-
Proteins exert a wide range of nutritional, functional, and based DNA and RNA as well as nucleotides and their
biological activities. Some of them have sequences posses- fragments. Nucleotides are building blocks of nucleic acids
sing specific biological properties that make these fragments responsible for storing and transmitting genetic information.
potential ingredients of health-promoting foods, as reviewed It is estimated that depending on diet, the daily amount of
by Kekkonen and Peuhkuri [95]. Bioactive peptides may be DNA-originated fragments may be 1 to 2 g [99]. The more
released after enzymatic digestion either in the gastrointes- processed food humans consume, the fewer untouched cells
tinal tract or during industrial processes. Bioactive pep- containing nucleotides exist in the diet.
tides may enter peripheral blood and exert systemic effects, Adenosine 5′monophosphate is considered as an endoge-
or exert local effects in the gastrointestinal tract. In adults, nous sleep factor [100] partly because of the well-known
intestinal mucosa acts as an efficient barrier between mechanism of caffeine as an adenosine receptor antagonist.
luminal contents and the systemic circulation. However, Another nucleotide, guanosine 5′monophosphate, stimulates
bioactive peptides have been found in the blood of adult the secretion of the sleep-hormone melatonin via the secondary
humans after ingestion [96]. Thus, it is possible that messenger cyclic guanosine monophosphate-including nucle-
relatively large bioactive peptides can cross the adult otide parts. Nucleotides are naturally present in breast milk, and
digestive endothelium in significant amounts. improved sleep (after orally dosed nucleotides) has been studied
Increasing attention is focused on milk-based bioactive mainly in infants [101–103]. However, the relevance of dietary
peptides including peptides with opioid and opioid antagonist nucleotides in promoting sleep in adults can be questioned
activities that may have a functional role by interacting with because the endogenous liberation of nucleotides exceeds
the endogenous opioid system [97]. Some of them have been the amount of absorbed dietary nucleotides [99].
associated with a slight impact on sleep. α-s1-Casein hydro- To conclude, there are several possible mechanisms that
lysate, for example, exhibits a benzodiazepine-like activity on mediate the influence of nutrients on sleep. The principal
the GABA(A) receptor [98]. Other bioactive peptides may also route seems to be via the production of serotonin and
316 N U TR IT ION RE S EA RCH 3 2 ( 2 0 12 ) 30 9 –3 19

melatonin. In addition, ingested food induces local secretion studies are conducted, this is the best means to address the
of many intestinal peptides such as CCK, some of which are issue for the time being.
known to slightly mediate sleep as well. Bioactive peptides or
the nonprotein nitrogen fraction of diet may promote sleep
even if the clinical relevance of these findings requires Acknowledgment
further investigation.
The authors declare no conflict of interest regarding this
review. They have not received any funding or benefits
7. Future challenges in diet and sleep research from industry, but K.P. and N.S. received support from The
SalWe Research Program for Mind and Body (Tekes–The
The amount and quality of sleep have an enormous impact
Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation
on daily life. Disordered sleep affects work, concentration,
Grant 1104/10).
and ability to interact with others. Because the need for sleep
varies individually and longer sleep duration does not
necessarily lead to alertness in the morning, sleep duration
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