9 English Annual QP

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General Instructions:

1. This paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory.

2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever
necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them.

3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

PART A- Objective Questions

1. Read the passage given below.

1. Dolphins are highly intelligent marine mammals and are part of the family of toothed
whales that include Orcas and pilot whales. They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow
seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. Dolphin
coloration varies, but they are generally grey in color with darker backs than the rest of their
bodies. Dolphins consume a variety of prey including fish, squid and crustaceans.

2. It is difficult to estimate population numbers since there are many different species
spanning a large geographic area. Like bats, dolphins use echolocation to navigate and hunt,
bouncing high pitched sounds off objects, and listening for the echoes. Most species live in
shallow areas of tropical and temperate oceans throughout the world. Five species live in the
world’s rivers.

3. Dolphins are well-known for their agility and playful behavior, making them a favorite of
wildlife watchers. Many species will leap out of the water, spy-hop (rise vertically out of the
water to view their surroundings) and follow ships, often synchronizing their movements with
one another. Scientists believe that dolphins conserve energy by swimming alongside ships,
a practice known as bow-riding.

4. Dolphins live in social groups of five to several hundred. They use echolocation to find prey
and often hunt together by surrounding a school of fish, trapping them and taking turns
swimming through the school and catching fish. Dolphins will also follow seabirds, other
whales and fishing boats to feed opportunistically on the fish they scare up or discard.


5. To prevent drowning while sleeping only half of the dolphin’s brain goes to sleep while the
other half remains awake so they can continue to breathe.

6. Dolphins reproduce their kin throughout the year, although in some areas there is a peak
in spring and fall. The gestation period is 9 to 17 months depending on the species. When it
is time to give birth, the female will distance herself from the pod, often going near the surface
of the water. The number of offspring is usually one; twins are rare. As soon as the offspring
is born, the mother must quickly take it to the surface so that it can take its first breath.

7. The baby dolphin will nurse from 11 months to 2 years, and after it is done nursing, it will
still stay with its mother until it is between 3 and 8 years old.

On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the
twelve that follow. (10x1=10 marks)

i. Dolphins are mostly found in

(a) deep seas (b) shallow areas of tropical and temperate oceans
(c) all kinds of seas (d) deep rivers
ii. Dolphins swim alongside ships
(a) to conserve energy (b) to help ships sail faster
(c) in search of their prey (d) to attack their prey
iii. They use echolocation to
(a) find ships in the sea (b) be with their group
(c) enjoy themselves (d) find prey and hunt together
iv. The dolphin’s brain remains half active while sleeping to
(a) look at its surroundings (b) save itself from ships
(c) find its prey (d) prevent drowning and continue to breathe
v. The word ‘agility’ used in paragraph 3 means the same as
(a) slow moving (b) perfection
(c) quickness (d) gracefulness
vi. The word ‘distance’ used in paragraph 6 means the same as
(a) very near (b) very close
(c) interval (d) aloofness
vii. Dolphins consume
(a)Corals (b) Fish, squid and crustaceans
(c) Algae (d) Walruses
viii. What is the habitat of dolphins?
(a) Surface of the sea (b) In shallow seas of the continental shelves
(c) Ocean bed (d) On land
ix. Dolphins make them favorites of wildlife watchers by
(a) their agility and playful behavior (b) Echolocation
(c) the technique in catching the fish (d) following the sea birds
x. What is the first action of the mother dolphin when its calf is born?
(a) Make it to stay aloof (b) Pull deep into water
(c) Make it to swim (d) Take quickly to the surface to take its first breath
xi. Which word in paragraph 1 is the antonym of ‘paler’?
(a) darker (b) dull (c) grey in color (d) unattractive

xii. Pick out the word from para 4 which means the same as ‘get rid of something as
it is no longer useful’
(a) Synchronizing (b) conserve (c) discard (d)trapping
2.Read the passage given below.

1. Being healthy does not necessarily mean only physical fitness. It also includes mental and
emotional well-being. You need to follow some guidelines and maintain a time table of your
daily activities in order to stay fit and fine throughout your life.

2. The first and the most important point to be taken care of in order to remain healthy is to
follow healthy eating habits. One must avoid consumption of unhealthy junk foods. Try to
include those foodstuffs that are rich in all the nutrients that are very essential for the proper
growth of our body tissues. Make sure that these food items are rich in vitamins, minerals,
proteins, good carbohydrates as well as fats. It is a misconception that fats, whether good or
bad, are always harmful for your body. Not all fats are bad for health: There are some types
of fats that are essential for the body as well. To make sure that your heart keeps healthy all
the time, have a wholesome meal. By doing this you will also have a healthy brain and a good
immune system.

3. Burning of calories is also very necessary for good health. For this, you will have to plan
your schedule and give some time for exercises every day. This proves to be very beneficial in
maintaining the wear and tear of all your body muscles. Another important point that you
should always keep in mind is that you cannot stay healthy, by skipping meals. Have your
food at proper time intervals and avoid starvation. Instead of eating a large quantity of food
at one single time, try to have 6 to 7 small courses of meals at regular intervals. This will
help you maintain proper functioning of your digestive system.

4. Apart from the solid food, you must also pay attention towards liquids. Include beverages
such as coconut water, fruit juices, and especially water. You must drink at least 10 to 12
glasses of water in the entire day. This maintains a very good rate of metabolism.

5. Sleep is another important factor with regard to health. Along with proper liquid and solid
food you also need a sound and sufficient sleep to keep you fresh all day. If you do not have
a sound sleep of 6 to 7 hours at night then you will feel tired and lazy all day and this will
also affect your mood.

On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer the following: (10x1=10marks)

i. What do you understand by the term ‘being healthy?

(a) Being physically good (b) Following healthy food habits
(c) Physical, mental and emotional well-being (d) Proper growth of body tissues
ii. The essential nutrients required for proper growth of our body tissues are
(a) intake of all beverages
(b) good sleep and eating
(c) vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrate as well as good fats.
(d) calcium
iii. Exercise provides
(a) height (b) weight (c) good health (d) peaceful sleep
iv. To maintain a good rate of metabolism one need to include
(a) packaged juices (b) coconut water, fresh fruit juices, and especially water
(c) beverages like tea and coffee (d) instant powder juice
v. As per the passage, which is right?
(a) all fats are not bad


(b) some types of fats are essential for the body
(c) it is a misconception that fats good or bad are harmful for your body
(d) all of the above
vi. Along with sufficient liquid intake, proper food, this is also important:
(a) starve yourself sometimes (b) 6 to 7 hours sound sleep at night
(c) skip your breakfast (d) eat in between the meals
vii. ________help us in keeping good health in multiple ways.
(a) Exercises (b) Fasting (c) Eating junk food (d) Eating large quantity of food
viii. Find the word from para 2 which means the same as “wrong notion’
(a) Metabolism (b) consumption (c) Misconception (d) wholesome meal
ix. Pick out the word from para4 which means the same as ‘the organic processes in
a cell that are necessary for life’
(a)Solid foods (b) liquids (c) Beverages (d) metabolism
x. This passage is about
(a)Guidelines to stay fit and fine (b) good habits
(c) Health and hygiene (d) physical growth
xi. The phrase ‘mental and emotional well-being’ in para1 refers to
(a) psychological well-being (b) physical well-being
(c) material well-being (d) None of the above
xii. Taking food at proper time intervals and avoiding starvation will help you
maintain proper functioning of your____________
(a) respiratory system (b) digestive system
(c) muscular system (d) nervous system

3.Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions
that follow. (5x1=5 marks)
A.“I hope my dress will be ready in time for the state ball”, she said. “I have ordered
flowers to be embroidered on it, but the seamstresses are so lazy”
i. Who is the speaker?
(a) The maid of honor of the Queen (b) The Queen
(c) The Princess (d) A rich lady
ii. Who is she talking to?
(a) The Prince (b) The King
(c) The servant maid (d) Her lover
iii. She calls the seamstresses lazy because
(a) the seamstresses were not doing their work properly
(b) she lacks an understanding of the sufferings of the poor
(c) the seamstresses are very slow in their work
(d )they are really lazy
iv. What is the reason for the delay in the completion of order in time?
(a) Laziness (b) Hunger, cold and fatigue
(c) Negligence (d) Forgot to stitch

v. Name the lesson

(a) The Kingdom of Fools (b) The last leaf
(c) The Happy Prince (d) The Bond of Love
(B) She was delighted! She at once put a colored ribbon around its neck and after discovering
the cub was a ‘boy’, she christened it Bruno.
i. Who is ‘She’?
(a) Author’s wife (b) Mother of the bear cub
(c) Author’s mother (d) Bear cub
ii. She was delighted because her husband presented her _______
(a) a colored ribbon (b) a beautiful dress
(c) a young sloth bear (d) a young polar bear
iii. What does this extract reveal about her character?
(a) Fear for animals (b) Tender heart full of love for animals
(c) Hatred towards animals (d) crazy about animals
iv. How did she show her affection towards Bruno?
(a) She fed the animal
(b) She chained it
(c) She caged the animal
(d) She put a colored ribbon around its neck and christened as Bruno
v. Find the word which means the same as ‘christened’
(a) delighted (b) discovered
(c) named (d) scolded
4. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE, by answering the questions
that follow. (5x1=5 marks)
A. Now you shall build as the birds do,
And shall get your scanty food
By boring, and boring,
All day in the hard, dry wood
Then up she went through the chimney,
Never speaking a word,
And out of the top flew a woodpecker.
i. Name the poem and the poet
(a) Wind by Subramania Bharathiyar
(b) A legend of the Northland by Phoebe Cary
(c) A snake trying by W.W.E. Ross
(d) Rain on the roof by Coates Kinney
ii. How did Saint Peter punish the woman?
(a) He cursed her to be changed into a bird
(b) He cursed her to starve for ever
(c) He cursed her to be changed into an animal
(d) He cursed her to be changed into an ugly woman
iii. What shall she do to get her scanty food?
(a) Dig the earth (b) Prey on other animals
(c) Dive into water (d) Bore the wood all day
iv. Where did she fly out?
(a) She flew out through the window (b) She flew out through the front door
(c) She flew out of the chimney (d) She flew out of the open roof top

v. ‘By boring, and boring,’-Name the poetical device used in this line.
(a) Refrain (b) Repetition (c) Onomatopoeia (d) Anaphora
B. He won’t do what you tell him
So come, let’s build strong homes
Let’s joint the doors firmly
Practice to firm the body
Make the heart steadfast
Do this, and he will be friend to us
i. Why does the poet asks to make strong houses?
(a) As a defense against the wind
(b) To be happy inside the strong house
(c) To make us feel proud of our house
(d) To make the wind envy us
ii. What should we do to our hearts and bodies?
(a) Make the heart and bodies tiresome
(b) Make them feel fresh and happy
(c) Make the bodies and heart weak
(d) Make the bodies firm and hearts steadfast
iii. When will the wind be our friend?
(a) When we are timid (b) When we are weak
(c) When we are strong (d) When we are sad
iv. “He won’t do what you tell him”
Name the poetical device used in these lines
(a) Anaphora (b) Personification (c) Repetition (d) Imagery
v. Find the word which means the same as ‘steadfast’
(a) Movable (b) not firm (c) determined (d) irresolute
GRAMMAR (10 marks)
6. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for ANY FOUR of the six
sentences given below (4x1=4marks)
i. Ruchika said that there were many people who ___________ her.
(a) know (b) knows (c) knew (d) were knowing
ii. Aida __________painting her room for the past five hours.
(a) has been (b) will be (c) is being (d) had been
iii. He was happy and contented, _______ he was poor.
(a) so (b) but (c) so that (d) as
iv. I have forgotten _______ details.
(a) little (b) some more (c) some (d) a lot of
v. They didn’t make ________ progress.
(a) many (b) few (c) much (d) more
vi. One of the boys ______guilty
(a) are (b) is (c) were (d) have
6. Choose the most suitable word to complete the paragraph (3x1=3marks)
If the modern man wants tips ___(i)____ good child care, he could observe at a couple of
frogs in Papua New Guinea. The remarkable behavior of two species___(ii)__ which
males not only bear the sole responsibility for looking after their offspring but also take
the entire family for piggy-back rides ____(iii)___ the forest, came to light recently.
i. (a) regard (b) regards (c) regarding (d) regarded
ii. (a) at (b) on (c) under (d) in
iii. (a) in (b) through (c) upon (d) over
7. Read the dialogue and complete the passage that follows (3x1=3marks)
Shilpa: Can I borrow your English textbook?
Jaya: Sure you can. But when will you return it?
Shilpa: I will return it to you after two days from today.
Jaya: Please do as I have to prepare for the exams.
Shilpa asked Jaya ______(i)________Jaya replied that she could and asked her when she
would return it. Shilpa said she_______(ii)______ Jaya urged her to do that since
i.(a) if she could borrow her English textbook.
(b) if she will borrow her English textbook.
(c) if she could borrow her English textbook.
(d) if she could borrow his English book.
ii.(a) should return it to her after two days from that day.
(b) could return it to her after two days from that day.
(c) would return it to him after two days from that day.
(d) would return it to her after two days from that day
iii.(a) has to prepare for the exams (b) had to prepare for the exams.
(c) have to prepare for the exams. (d) had to prepared for the exam
PART B-Subjective Questions
8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (1x5=5marks)
A. You are Ramya/Ramesh, a resident of Mathura Colony, Lucknow. Over the last few
weeks, more than a dozen trees have been cut in your area to make space for a local
market. Write a letter to the Editor of Lucknow Times, drawing attention to this
indiscriminate cutting of trees. And raise a question as to how such a action could be
permitted by the authorities.
B. You were walking on the road when you saw some boys pelting stones at a puppy. You
saved the puppy from the bullies and took it to an animal shelter. Write a diary entry about
the incident.
9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (1x5=5 marks)
A. Write a story with the following beginning.
It was festival time. There was a lot of excitement in the air. The sound of crackers could be
heard every all around. All of a sudden in the corner of the street……..

B. On the basis of the clipping shown below, write a story with a suitable title.

LITERATURE (30 marks)

10. Answer ANY TWO questions in 20-30 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively.
(A) (Answer any two)
i. Who was the intruder? Why did he break into Gerrard’s house?
ii. How many characters are there in the narrative ‘Packing’? Name them.
iii. Where was the snake before anyone saw it and where did it disappear?
(B) (Answer any two)
i. Where did Sue and Johnsy stay? What was their profession?
ii. How does the dancing girl save herself from the punishment of the king?
iii. Describe the attitude of the Mayor and the Town Councilors towards the shabby
looking, Happy Prince statue?
11. Answer ANY TWO questions in 40-50 words each, from (A) and (B) respectively.
(4x3=12 marks)
(A) (Answer any two)
i. ‘One day an accident befell him’. What accident befell Bruno?
ii. ‘You are too selfish to dwell in a human form’. Who said this and to whom? Why did he
say so?
iii. What do the following phrases mean?
a) Humid shadows b) Starry spheres
(B) (Answer any two)
i. How does the beggar react to Sergei’s offer to chop wood for him in return for money?
ii. Why did grandfather decide to take Toto to Saharanpur?
iii. Why does the swallow say that he had a golden bedroom?
12. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words (5x1=5marks)
A. Kezia’s sensitivity not only made her terribly scared of her father, it also helped her to
finally understand him. Elaborate.
B. Briefly narrate the legend of the old woman and St. Peter.
13. Answer ANY ONE of the following in 100-120 words. (5x1=5 marks)
A. Why has the story been called ‘The Last Leaf’? Do you think it is appropriate?
Give reasons for your answer.
B. Fools cannot continue with their follies for long. How can you justify this statement with
reference to the story ‘The Kingdom of Fools’?


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