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Together By Gretchen Sherrill

Photos courtesy of Dr. James Rakocy, University of the Virgin Islands

Heads of lettuce grown in a raft hydroponic system wait for harvest at the University of the Virgin Islands on St. Croix. The lettuce is fed from water from the system’s aquaculture
tanks, which is then recirculated back to the fish.

The tiny, tranquil Caribbean island of St of UVI to learn firsthand about this long- sparked university interest, but the territory
Croix, part of the U.S. Virgin Islands, may running and remarkably efficient program. had no aquaculture industry. Lacking an
seem an unlikely place to find the world’s established industry in search of immediate
most established aquaponics program. But History and System Overview answers to commercial questions, Rakocy
almost three decades of research have yielded enjoyed, “a luxury of a long, long period of
a nearly flawless production system and a The globally recognized program began time to develop these systems.”
wealth of experience to share. in earnest 27 years ago when Rakocy, then The system began as three and one-half oil
Dr. James Rakocy, director of the University conducting aquaponics research with aquatic barrels, two dedicated to production, on the
of the Virgin Islands Agricultural Experi- plants at Auburn University in Alabama, back porch of Building E, the Agricultural
ment Station, believes the effectiveness of joined UVI charged with developing aqua- Experiment Station headquarters. Yet in a
the aquaponics system illustrates the best ponic systems appropriate for the U.S. Virgin little more than four months this small set
of both hydroponics and aquaculture but is Islands. up generated more than 100 pounds of food:
simpler to operate than either. Like many island paradises in the Carib- 30 pounds of fish, 8 pounds of lettuce and 64
“I like to call raft aquaponics the lazy man’s bean, St Croix has no lakes or rivers. It depen- pounds of tomatoes.
hydroponics,” said Rakocy with a laugh. dends on stored rainwater for its freshwater “The basic design that we hit on then is the
Of course sloth has not been part of the needs. The island also has limited agricul- design that we’ve followed ever since,” said
research process for the UVI aquaponics tural land. In addition to the need to create Rakocy.
team, which through trial and error devel- a system viable for an area with restricted Following this early success, the team
oped a system that conserves both water and land and water, Rakocy wanted to be able to experimented with adjustments in size and
land resources. Now the team is sharing its recycle nutrients, since discharge of potential ratio of fish to plants. Early problems such
successes with others. Academics, entrepre- pollutants is also a sensitive issue for island as nutrient accumulation, clogging from
neurs and enthusiasts from across the globe ecosystems. incorrect pipe size and poor drainage were
are making the trek to the St Croix campus Specific needs and burgeoning research corrected during these trials. The implemen-

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tation of raft hydroponics resulted from prob- the water, cleaning it for the fish.
lems with gravel which accumulated solids, The water then passes back through
clogged and became a source of ammonia. the system to the fish. Fish produc-
In addition, gravel requires construction of tion is staggered with a harvest
heavy support structures to hold the extra every six weeks.
weight. The raft system, comprised of float- The UVI system employs addi-
ing sheets of polystyrene set with net pots, tional tilapia fingerlings to keep
solved the gravel problems and combined the the clarifier sides and drain lines
biofiltration and hydroponic requirements. clean – a job that would otherwise
During this research and development have to be done manually.
period, Rakocy devoted his time to field work The ratio of fish to plant pro-
construction, “digging holes and trenches.” duction has been calculated to
Building an aquaponics system requires balance nutrient generation from
construction skills and the work may be fish with nutrient removal by
off-putting to some. As Rakocy admits, the plants. The ratio is expressed as
building the system is “much more advanced the weight of feed given to fish on
than installing a home aquarium or backyard a daily basis relative to the plant
garden.” growing area. The optimum ratio
Following several scale-ups and a half is 60-100 grams per square meter
dozen more iterations to work out the remain- of plant growing area per day. By
ing structural and organizational kinks, the applying this ratio and attending
team developed the current commercial-size to minor general maintenance the
system that Rakocy says leaves little room for system can operate uninterrupted
improvement. for years, another key to success.
The system they’ve hit on consists of four A new aquaponics system requires
Dr. Rakocy with a fish from the aquaponics system he helped
aquaculture tanks in which tilapia are raised. an establishment time of 6 weeks
design and build.
Tilapia are fast growing, can tolerate a wide for essential bacteria and 18 weeks
variety of environmental conditions and until all four fish rearing tanks are
robust and simple to operate, especially in
have firm white meat. The water from the stocked.
comparison to hydroponics and aquaculture
aquaculture tank then feeds through sump, Due to the required establishment time,
clarifier and degassing tanks that remove Rakocy warns, “Once you start it, you never
most of the solids from the fish waste. The want to stop the system.”
water is then pumped into six hydroponic Rakocy refers to the UVI aquaponic
System Advantages
tanks that are fed by effluent lines. The crops system not as high tech but as “appropriate
Aquaponic systems retain water for long
growing hydroponically take nutrients from technology.” He considers the system reliable,
periods of time, require less monitoring, and
provide free nutrients.
Rakocy believes UVI’s aquaponic system
encounters fewer pest and disease problems
than traditional hydroponic systems due
to the amount of organic material in the
water. In contrast to the sought after ster-
ile environment of hydroponics, the UVI
aquaponics system thrives on a diversity of
bacteria – bacteria that can be antagonistic
to pathogens and bacteria that boost plants’
immune systems. In fact, the UVI aquaponics
system has operated for several years without
changing the water.
“We like to go dirty,” chuckles Rakocy.
Other than pH tests, the UVI aquaponic
system’s water is tested only once per year
when experiments are not being conducted.
Water pH must be monitored daily and base
added to maintain a neutral 7.0. The base
added to maintain pH serves a dual purpose
as a nutrient supplement.

W W W. G ROW I N G E D G E . C O M M a r c h / A p r i l 2 0 0 8 T H E G ROW I N G E D G E 2 5
system water daily due to organic could be worked out,” Schultz said,
excess nitrate accumula- “and the produce tastes so delicious and that’s
tion. UVI’s system uses a fact.”
nitrates and other nutrients Of course not all plants grow well in the
for plant growth, so it dis- UVI aquaponics system. The raft system does
charges less than one per- not accommodate root crops, and certain
cent of system water daily, crops, such as spinach, prefer a cooler, less
alleviating the potential for tropical climate than that of St Croix. Even
The fish-rearing tanks, foreground, and their related pumps and filters are under
pollution related to water among the current crop of cantaloupe, the
cover, while the lettuce growing in a raft hydroponic system stretches out beyond
them in the sunlight. discharge. vine variety thrived while the bush variety
The UVI system not only did not. Research specialist Donald Bailey
recovers nutrients lost as sees this disappointing bush crop as a valu-
Aquaponics short waste in traditional aquaculture systems but able lesson.
course brings the world also produces the valuable by-product of “We teach with examples and with this
to St. Croix plants, which typically generate more income varietal difference, we can inform farmers
Each summer since 1999 the University of the than the fish. In contrast to aquaculture, the and save them production dollars,” explains
Virgin Islands aquaponics short course draws plants serve as the biofilter, eliminating that Bailey.
people from all around the world to the island maintenance expense. In fact, a goal for the research team is to
of St. Croix for an intensive one-week session “Aquaponics is the only system in the world increase profits for farmers. These findings
on aquaponics. that has a biofilter that makes money,” Rakocy will be shared as part of the UVI aquaponics
This year from June 15 through 21 aquapon-
said. short course, developed and administered by
ics enthusiasts will receive hands-on training,
On one-eighth of an acre of land the UVI Rakocy and his staff. The short course has
aquaponic system produces an estimated more than doubled in attendance and gained
detailed procedures manuals and advice on daily
25,000 pounds of food per year. One acre global attention in just a few years.
would have the potential yield of 200,000
The UVI team has trained 271 students from
pounds of food per year. Aquaponics’ Future
four U.S. territories, 35 states, 35 countries and
In contrast to dirt-grown field crops, plants
all seven continents.
grown in aquaponic systems tend to grow New technologies take time to be accepted
No more than 64 students are accepted into
more rapidly, have ample water and nutrients, and implemented. However, global water
the course each year, the number capped to allow and enjoy a weed-free environment, Rakocy shortages have created a more urgent interest
for small groups during hands-on sessions. said. In experiments comparing the two, the in aquaponics, one of the most water-efficient
“They shared everything they did wrong. UVI aquaponics system yielded three times systems in the world, Rakocy said.
Instead of burying mistakes they freely shared more basil and seventeen times more okra UVI’s success and lengthy track record
them and probably saved me $30,000 in failed than field crops. of research has generated interest and led
experiments,” said Tim Mann of Hawaii, who However, vegetable production is never to the implementation of similar systems
participated in 2007. foolproof: insect damage and disease occur. in several locations in the U.S. and abroad
Enrollment in the 2008 program is open. The Aquaponic growers can’t use the pesticides – including the New Jersey EcoComplex at
course costs $920 for early registration (by May and insecticides that traditional agriculture Rutgers University and the Crop Diversifica-
16) and $1,020 for late registrations. Information employs. In aquaponic systems of interde- tion Center South in Alberta, Canada. The
on the course and online registration can be pendent fish and plants, treatment of one Canadian system has produced more than
obtained at the program’s Web site: http://rps. might harm the other. Aquaponics depends 60 types of vegetables. on biologic control methods and is therefore Raocy cites planned multimillion-dollar
html. guaranteed to be pesticide free. commercial projects in Australia and the U.S.
UVI’s aquaponics team members Charlie as evidence of recent investment growth in
Unlike traditional hydroponic solutions Schultz, a research analyst, and Jason Dana- the aquaponics industry.
that require a complete nutrient mix, the her say aquaponics might be the answer to When thinking back to beginning of his
UVI system’s tilapia provide adequate growers seeking to market organic produce. career in the late 1970s, Rakocy said that
amounts of 10 of the 13 nutrients essential Research specialist Danaher cites growing he and other aquaponic proponents were
to plants. Only potassium, calcium and iron aquaculture industry interest in developing considered “on the lunatic fringe.”
must be supplemented. And to maintain the methods to certify products organic and sell With the completion of the UVI com-
proper pH level the operators add either them as such. Schultz believes aquaponics mercial-scale aquaponic system and the
calcium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, offers a solution to the need for an organic- implementation of the short course, Rakocy
which provide the missing potassium and based fertilizer for hydroponics production has connected with a growing mainstream
calcium nutrients. Iron is added separately. and an antidote to the rising expense of commercial and academic interest in aqua-
Normal recirculating aquaculture systems utilizing petroleum-based products. ponics. An interest he finds as an amazing
discharge an estimated five to ten percent of “Our system has the potential to be a very and personally gratifying acceptance of a life’s
big leader, if interest in certifying it to be work.

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