Mathematics 34

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Equations such as sinhx=3.25 or cothx=3.478 may be determined using a calculator.

This is

demonstrated in Problems 15 to 21.

Problem 15. Solve the equation sh x=3, correct to 4 significant figures.

If sinhx =3, then x =sinh−1 3 This can be determined by calculator.

(i) Press hyp (ii) Choose 4, which is sinh−1 (iii) Type in 3 (iv) Close bracket ) (v) Press=and the

answer is 1.818448459 i.e. the solution of sh x =3 is:x=1.818, correct to 4 significant figures.

Problem 16. Solve the equation ch x =1.52, correct to 3 decimal places.


Hyperbolicfunctions 185

Using a calculator with a similar procedure as in Problem 15, check that: x =0.980, correct to 3

decimal places. With reference to Fig. 16.2, it can be seen that there will be two values corresponding to

y =coshx=1.52. Hence, x=±0.980 Problem 17. Solve the equation tanhθ= 0.256, correct to 4 significant


Using a calculator with a similar procedure as in Problem 15, check that θ =0.2618, correct to 4

significant figures. Problem 18. Solve the equation sechx =0.4562, correct to 3 decimal places.

If sechx =0.4562, then x =sech−10.4562= cosh−1 1 0.4562 since cosh= 1 sech i.e. x =1.421,

correct to 3 decimal places. With referenceto the graphof y =sechx in Fig. 16.4, it can be seen that there

will be two values corresponding to y =sechx =0.4562 Hence, x=±1.421

Problem 19. Solve the equation cosech y=−0.4458, correct to 4 significant figures. If cosech

y=−0.4458, then y=cosech−1(−0.4458) =sinh−1 1 −0.4458 since sinh= 1 cosech i.e. y=−1.547, correct to 4

significant figures.

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