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PracticeExercise71 Harmonicsynthesis withcomplexwaveforms(Answersonpage 839)

1. A complex current waveform i comprises a fundamental current of 50Arms and frequency

100Hz, together with a 24% third harmonic, both being in phase with each other at zero time. (a) Write

down an expression to represent current i. (b) Sketch the complex

waveformofcurrentusingharmonicsynthesis over one cycle of the fundamental.

2. A complex voltage waveform v comprises of a 212.1Vrms fundamental voltage at a frequency

of 50Hz, a 30% second harmonic component lagging by π/2rad, and a 10% fourth harmonic component

leading by π/3rad. (a) Write down an expression to represent voltage v. (b) Sketch the complex voltage

waveform using harmonic synthesis over one cycle of the fundamental waveform.

3. A voltage waveform is represented by: v =20+50sinωt + 20sin(2ωt−π/2)volts.

Drawthecomplexwaveformoveronecycleof the fundamentalby using harmonic synthesis.

4. Write down an expression representing a current i having a fundamental component of

amplitude 16A and frequency 1kHz, together withitsthirdandfifthharmonicsbeingrespectively one-fifth

and one-tenth the amplitude of the fundamental, all components being in

phaseatzerotime.Sketchthecomplexcurrent waveform for one cycle of the fundamental using harmonic


5. A voltage waveform is described by v =200sin377t+80sin1131t+ π 4

+ 20sin1885t− π 3

Determine (a) the fundamental and harmonic frequencies of the waveform, (b) the percentage

third harmonic and (c) the percentage fifth harmonic. Sketch the voltage waveform

usingharmonicsynthesisoveronecycleofthe fundamental.

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