Mathematics 33

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Problem 12.

Show that th2 x+sech2 x=1 LHS=th2 x+sech2 x = sh2 x ch2 x + 1 ch2 x

sh2 x+1 ch2 x Since ch2 x−sh2 x=1 then 1+sh2 x=ch2 x


sh2 x+1 ch2 x =

ch2 x ch2 x =1=RHS Problem 13. Given Aex+Be−x≡4chx−5shx, determine the values of A and B.

Aex +Be−x ≡4chx −5shx =4 ex +e−x 2 −5 ex −e−x 2 =2ex +2e−x − 5 2 ex + 5 2 e−x

=− 1 2

ex + 9 2


Equating coefficients gives: A=−


and B=4

1 2 Problem 14. If 4ex−3e−x≡Pshx+Qchx, determine the values of P and Q 4ex −3e−x ≡ P

shx+Qchx = P ex −e−x 2 +Q ex +e−x 2


ex −

e−x + Q 2

ex +



P+Q 2

ex +Q−P 2


Equating coefficients gives:


P+Q 2


Q−P 2 i.e. P+Q=8( 1 ) −P+Q=−6( 2 ) Adding equations (1) and (2) gives: 2Q=2, i.e. Q=1 Substituting

in equation (1) gives: P=7

Now try the following Practice Exercise

PracticeExercise73 Hyperbolicidentities (Answersonpage840)

In Problems 1 to 4, prove the given identities. 1. (a) ch(P−Q)≡ch P ch Q−sh P sh Q (b) ch2x≡ch2

x+sh2 x 2. (a) cothx≡2cosech2x+thx (b) ch2θ−1≡2sh2θ 3. (a) th(A−B)≡ th A−th B 1−th Ath B (b)

sh2A≡2shAch A 4. (a) sh(A+B)≡sh Ach B+ch Ash B


sh2 x+ch2 x−1 2ch2 x coth2 x ≡tanh4 x 5. Given Pex−Qe−x≡6chx−2shx, findP and Q 6. If

5ex−4e−x≡Ashx+B chx, findA and B.

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