Delhi English Edition 2021 01 26

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?=BQ =4F34;78 January 20 and the same was Monday that he had “no infor- involving casualties, it is impos-

resolved by local commanders mation to offer” on the reports sible for them not to be record-
hen India and China as per established protocols. of clashes. ed in the Chinese patrol logs.
W were preparing for talks Media is requested to refrain He also said the Chinese As regards the Corps

last week to defuse tension at from overplaying or exagger- troops are committed to main- Commander-level dialogue,
the border in Ladakh, the ating reports which are factu- taining peace at the border and the Indian delegation was
People’s Liberation Army ally incorrect.” urged India to meet China headed by 14 Corps chief Lt
(PLA) troops tried to breach Sources said the injuries halfway and refrain from any General PK Menon while
the Line of Actual Control
(LAC) in Sikkim leading to a
were insignificant and minor in
nature and roughly about 20
unilateral actions that may
exacerbate the border situation.
Major General Liu Lin led the
Chinese team.
GVVc4YR\cRe` medal, was conferred on five
other soldiers. All these sol-
minor face-off when Indian
Army intercepted the Chinese.
PLA soldiers and four Indians
were injured in the melee. The
The Chinese army mouth-
piece The Global Times termed
The statement said the two
countries also agreed to follow
SVT`_WVccVU`_& diers had died with Babu, the
commanding officer of the
Soldiers from both armies fracas took place when the the incident as fake news and the important consensus of ^RcejcVUd`]UZVcd 16 Bihar Regiment, in the
were injured. The situation Chinese patrol tried to enter said there is no record of this their state leaders, maintain the bloody clashes on June 15 in
was brought under control fol- Indian territory, they added. released here on Monday said incident had also taken place incident in the Chinese PLA good momentum of dialogue ?=BQ =4F34;78 Eastern Ladakh.
lowing the intervention of local The Naku La is located at a the two sides had a candid and last year on May 9 at Naku La front line patrol logs. and negotiation, and hold the The Chinese used nailed
commanders. height of more than 13,000 feet. in-depth exchange of views on when tension was building up In recent days, the focus of 10th round of the Corps olonel B Santosh Babu, batons and iron rods to attack
China on Monday, howev-
er, denied that such an incident
The latest stand-off
took place at a time when the
disengagement along the LAC.
The two sides agreed that
at the LAC in Eastern Ladakh.
Mountain pass is known as La
the military’s top leaders on
both sides has been on the
Commander-level meeting at
an early date to jointly advance
C who along with 19 other
Army personnel, was mar-
the Indian Army team. More
than 35 Chinese soldiers were
ever took place. The Indian Corps Commanders of the two the ninth round of meeting was in the Tibetan language. Even ninth round of Corps de-escalation. tyred in a brawl with the also killed in the free for all.
Army, on the other hand, con- armies were getting ready for positive, practical and con- then, the troops from both Commander-level talks, not a The two sides agreed to Chinese troops in the Galwan However, China is yet to
firmed the incident and said, the talks on Sunday. The talks structive, which further sides exchanged blows after new border clash, and the two continue their effective efforts valley last year, will be award- announce the number of casu-
“We have received several lasted more than 16 hours at enhanced mutual trust and jostling each other. The inter- sides have not been involved in in ensuring the restraint of the ed the Mahavir Chakra alties on its side.
queries regarding a face-off the Chushul-Moldo border understanding. The two sides vention of local commanders such clashes mentioned by the frontline troops, stabilise and posthumously on the occasion The Veer Chakra awardees
between Indian Army and PLA meeting point in Eastern agreed to push for an early dis- prevented the situation from Indian media, it said. control the situation along the of Republic Day this year. include Naib Subedar
troops in the Sikkim sector. It Ladakh. However, there was no engagement of the frontline escalating. There have been minor LAC in the Western Sector of This medal is the second high- Nuduram Soren, Havaldar K
is clarified that there was a tangible breakthrough in the troops. Chinese Foreign Ministry frictions between the frontline the China-India border, and est wartime gallantry medal. Palani, Havaldar Tejinder
minor face-off at the Naku La parleys. Talking about the latest Spokesman Zhao Lijian told a forces of the two countries, but jointly maintain peace and Veer Chakra, the third Singh, Naik Deepak Singh
area of North Sikkim on The joint statement face-off, an official said, such an daily briefing in Beijing on if there had been friction tranquility. highest wartime gallantry and Naik Gurtej Singh.

.LVDQWRPDUFKRQ3DUOLDPHQWRQ)HE H`c]U^VUZRe`T`gVcecRTe`ccR]]j <RX7XEHFKDQQHOV day on Monday. Post, the New York Times,
Eh`]R\YecRTe`cd The rally is planned to be
moved into the city from the
which this protest has been
happening for two months
been deployed by the Delhi
Police. Facial recognition sys- IURP8.86$
According to ground
reports, a large number of
Toronto Star, Reuters, the
Province, Hamilton Spectator, A4?D1;8230H
e`aRceZTZaReVZ_ Singhu, Tikri and Ghazipur
now. The agitation will con-
tinue until the government
tem of Delhi Police has also
been set up at vantage points
&DQDGDRQ'HOKL international media, both print
and TV, has assembled at three
CNN, CBC 24, Bloomberg,
the Guardian and the Sun,
ac`eVdecR]]j`_ Protesting farmer unions repeals these laws,” Balbir Singh for suspect identification. ERUGHUVIRUFRYHUDJH protests sites — Tikri Border, were concentrated only on the
opposing the three contentious Rajewal of Bharatiya Kisan A five-layer security cover Ghazipur Border and Singhu Singhu Border till date. Now
CVafS]ZT5Rj farm laws said their parade will
not enter central Delhi and it
Union said.
To maintain vigil, around
comprising border pickets,
inner, middle and outer secu-
A094B7:D<0AQ =4F34;78 Border — in the national
Capital to cover the tractor
they have set up their crew at
Ghazipur and Tikri borders.

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 will start only after the official 6,000 security personnel have rity has been deployed. esides Indian media, a large rally. This is for the first time Farmers’ leaders have reported

anyukt Kisan Morcha on

Republic Day parade con-
B number of foreign media
has also lined up to cover the
since Independence the farm-
ers will march in a unique kisan
to have approached a large
number of YouTube channels
S Monday announced that
they will march towards
Parliament from different loca-
“It will be big event in the
Indian democracy. We will cel-
ebrate Republic Day in its true 0e^XSa^dcTb^U\PaRW) “kisan parade” on January 26 in
the national Capital. A large
number of YouTube channels
parade with National Flags.
As thousands of farmers have
started marching towards Delhi
based in Canada, the USA, and
the UK to cover their events.
Foreign media is covering

tions on February 1 when the sense tomorrow. The way the from the UK, the USA, and borders to participate in the farmers’ protests in a promi- =Tf3T[WX)CWTU^a\Ta<X]XbcTa
annual Union Budget is sched- political leaders have played Canada are present to cover the tractor rally on Republic Day, nent way. Farmers’ protests ^U2^]bd\Ta0UUPXab5^^SP]S
uled to be presented. with the Constitution by con- tractor rally. agriculture organisations have are making headlines across the ?dQ[XR3XbcaXQdcX^][PcTAP\
“We will march towards stantly introducing amend- Farmers’ protests have decided to hold similar parades world. Recently, a Pakistani EX[Pb?PbfP]fPb^]<^]SPh
Parliament on foot from dif- ments that kept violating BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Kanjhawala Chowk, drawn attention from across at State and district headquar- singer Jawad Ahmed released W^]^daTSfXcW_aTbcXVX^db
ferent locations on the Budget human rights…we will con- Kutubgarh, Auchandi Border the world and foreign media ters across the country. an anthem inspired by the ?PS\P1WdbWP]
day on February 1. As far as tinue to demand that they be n order to ensure smooth and Kharkhoda Toll Plaza. has been highlighting the Foreign media, including protests and dedicated to the
tomorrow’s tractor rally is con-
cerned, it will give the
rectified. It is the same
Constitution in which they
flow of traffic movement
Delhi on Republic Day,
Continued on Page 2 protests which entered its 61st BBC, Al Jazeera, Washington farmers in India. Titled Kisana,
the song which was released in
Government an idea of our have introduced these three the Delhi Traffic Police on December 2020, has been 1P[Pb^aT) 8]SXP^]<^]SPh
strength and they will know the laws, which have created a Monday issued an advisory viewed thousands of times on bdRRTbbUd[[hcTbcUXaTScWT]Tf
agitation is not just limited to problem not just for the farm- regarding farmers’ tractors YouTube. Several reaction VT]TaPcX^]0ZPbW\XbbX[TUa^\
Haryana or Punjab but it is an ers but also for the entire pop- rally. Police asked commuters videos on the song have also P]X]cTVaPcTScTbcaP]VT^UUcWT
agitation of the whole country,” ulation of the country, against to avoid routes where farmers been released. The lyrics of the >SXbWPR^PbcP]^UUXRXP[
said Darshan Pal of the will conduct the parade. song say, “teri sohni dharti bcPcT\T]cbPXSCWTbdaUPRTc^
Krantikari Kisan Union.
“The farmers who have ?PfPa)5Pa\TabfX[[ According to Meenu
Chaudhar y, the Joint
maa, tu jag da palan har, hun
tu jeea hai (This beautiful 2WP]SX_da8CAX]cWT
come for the tractor parade will
not go back now and will join
STbca^hUPa\[Pfb Commissioner of Police, traf-
fic, the tractor rally will be
Earth belongs to you, you are
the patron of this Earth, rise

the protest. The agitation will Mumbai: The Centre may taken out on Tuesday from and live),” which roughly trans- 02CA4BB90H0B7A44
continue till our demands met. pass any law undermining three city borders and the traf- lates to peasants need to rise A0<08075>D=33403
Our stand remains the same,” the Constitution and on the fic will remain affected on and that they are the providers 1T]VP[dad):P]]PSPPRcaTbb
Pal told a press conference, back of its majority, but once these routes and the roads of the world. 9PhPbWaTTAP\PXPWfPbU^d]S
sharing the farmers’ plans to the common man and farm- leading to these routes. Last month, a group of STPSPcP]^[SPVTP]S
intensify the protest. ers rise, they will not keep “The first rally will start seven American lawmakers aTWPQX[XcPcX^]RT]caTX]cWTRXch
The farmers’ unions also quiet until the new farm from Singhu Border to Sanjay had written to then US ^]<^]SPh_^[XRTb^daRTbbPXS
claimed that around two lakh acts and the ruling party are Gandhi Transport Nagar, DTU, Secretar y of State Mike BWTfPbU^d]SWP]VX]VP]SXb
tractors are expected to par- destroyed, NCP president Shahabad Dairy, Barwala Pompeo to raise farmers’ issue bPXSc^WPeTSXTSQhbdXRXST
ticipate in their tractor rally on Sharad Pawar said on Village, Pooth Khurd Village, CaPRc^ab[X]TSd_^]cWT=PcX^]P[7XVWfPh##6CA^PSc^_PacXRX_PcTX]UPa\Tab´caPRc^aaP[[hPb_Pac^UcWTXa^]V^X]VPVXcPcX^] with his Indian counterpart. ^UUXRXP[bbPXSPSSX]VcWPc
the Republic Day in Delhi. Monday. Kanjhawala T-Point, PVPX]bcUPa\aTU^a\[Pfb]TPaBX]VWd1^aSTaX]B^]X_PcSXbcaXRc^]<^]SPh ?C8 Continued on Page 2 X]eTbcXVPcX^]XbV^X]V^]



utting the blame on “mis-

Regulatory Authority in the
country has found both the
vaccines safe and immuno-
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 afdYeYVZcaYRdV`fe
?=BQ =4F34;78 since the laws came into force
with the President of India’s
P information” for sluggish
vaccination drive that started
genic. However, it has been
reported that unfounded and he national Capital is head- ?=BQ =4F34;78 for Road Transport and

O pposition parties are like-

ly to meet on Thursday to
Sources in the Congress
on January 16, the Centre has
asked the States to take penal
misleading rumours are circu-
lating on social and other
T ling towards attaining herd
immunity against coronavirus he Centre is all set to
Highways Nitin Gadkari will
now go to the States for con-
strategise plans to corner the
Government in the Budget
and a couple of political parties
confirmed that the
action against those engaged in
media, creating doubt about
the safety and efficacy of these
infection as per the outcome of
the fifth round of sero-survey
T impose “Green Tax” on
older vehicles in an effort to
sultation before it is notified.
Hybrids, electric vehicles,
Session and force it to repeal Parliamentary floor leaders In a communication to vaccines. in the national Capital, sources reduce pollution by phasing out and those using cleaner fuels
the farm laws. Sources said will meet to deliberate upon a Chief Secretaries of all States “Such kind of rumour said on Monday. unfit and polluting vehicles. like CNG, ethanol, LPG will be
leaders of various political par- strategy for the session on and UTs, Union Home mongering, particularly by One district in Delhi has While commercial vehi- exempted from green tax.
ties, including the erstwhile Thursday. A bigger convention Secretary Ajay Bhalla also The Central Government, vested interests, can create shown sero positivity of over 60 cles older than eight years Similarly, vehicles used in farm-
NDA partner SAD, have got in of Opposition parties may also emphasised that the National in close collaboration with the unwarranted doubts among per cent, according to the 5th could be charged Green Tax at ing, such as tractor, harvestor,
touch to make a joint effort to take place thereafter. Regulatory Authority in the State Governments and UT people at large, and there is, sero survey. the time of renewal of fitness tiller too will be exempted.
repeal the three laws in the The SAD walked out of country has found that the two administrations, has launched therefore, a need to check all Experts say herd immu- certificate at the rate of 10 to 25 Public transport vehicles
forthcoming Budget Session NDA in protest against the vaccines — Covishield, manu- the inoculation drive of Covid- such kinds of unfounded scare nity is said to have been devel- per cent of road tax, personal will be charged lower green tax,
beginning on January 29. farm laws and its Lok Sabha factured by the Serum Institute 19 vaccination from January 16 mongering relating to the safe- oped in a population segment vehicles may be charged Green and higher green tax (50% of
The main aim of the MP Harsimrat Kaur resigned of India, and Covaxin, devel- across the country with the two ty and immunogenicity of the if 50-60 per cent of those are Tax at the time of renewal of Road Tax) will be slapped on
Opposition parties is to force from Prime Minister Narendra oped and manufactured by the vaccines. vaccines,” the communication found to have the presence of Registration Certification after vehicles registered in highly
the Government to repeal the Modi’s Council of Ministers. Bharat Biotech Limited — were “I would like to strongly said. antibodies in a sero-preva- 15 years. The proposal polluted cities.
law as it cannot be suspended Continued on Page 2 safe and immunogenic. emphasise that the National Continued on Page 2 lence survey. approved by Union Minister Continued on Page 2
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k90=D0AH !%!! ]PcX^]!

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 health infrastructure which is “The Delhi Government is "Our Corona warriors did warrior, be it police, In the last billing cycle, 38
why Delhi's health system was working on providing flats to a commendable job during the doctors, sanitation workers, lakh households got zero power
elhi Chief Minister Arvind intact even after a severe people living in slums and the pandemic. This pandemic loses their lives to Corona, the bills, while 14 lakh domestic
D Kejriwal commended the
contributions and
Corona outbreak unlike New
York where the health system
slum dwellers will be able to
have their own pucca houses
poses a lot of questions like the
implications of the infection, its
Delhi Government will provide
their families with the financial
consumers received zero bills
for water supply, he said at the
sacrifices made by the Corona had collapsed completely dur- soon. The Government is also seriousness, and the conse- assistance of Rs 1 crore," he Delhi Government function,
warriors during the Covid pan- ing the peak. going to issue health cards, quences it would have on our added. where he also unfurled the
demic and its successive The Chief Minister said under which all health records families. Our Corona warriors The Chief Minister said national flag.
lockdown. that the Delhi Government's of a person would be stored. also had the same concerns, but despite drying up of tax rev- Chief Minister Kejriwal
Addressing the public on dream initiative of providing Every person in Delhi will they put their lives at stake to enue due to the pandemic, the said the projects for cleaning of
72nd Republic Day celebrations door-step delivery of ration will have an e-health card by the serve the people. To salute the AAP Government managed to the Yamuna river were also
held at the Delhi secretariat, he be launched till March this year end of this year under our contributions of our Corona pay salaries to its employees running in time and the gov-
said that the people of Delhi which will be a revolutionary Health Information warriors, the Delhi Govern- and continue its flagship ernment would shift slum
and the Government have col- step in changing the ration sys- Management Scheme (HIMS) able to schedule ments to avoid queues,” he ment launched a unique schemes, including free power dwellers in flats in coming
lectively strengthened the tem in Delhi. and the patients will also be telephonic/online appoint- said. scheme wherein, if a Corona and electricity supply. years.

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 online courses on Teaching laboration, and other 21st
bd__^acUPa\Tab eputy Chief Minister
English for 21st Century and
Content-Language Integrated
Century skills. This new ini-
tiative will also incorporate
PVPX]bcUPa\[Pfb D Manish Sisodia and US
Embassy Minister Counselor
Learning Skills. Twenty U.S.
Department of State-funded
hands-on experience with new
classroom technologies, sup-
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 for Public Affairs David H. Virtual English Language porting teachers in addressing
Kennedy jointly launched Fellows will lead the ten-week some of the pandemic-related
group of people had gath- English teaching programme online courses until April 12, challenges they currently face.
A ered in central Delhi's
Connaught Place in support of
for 700 Pre -service teachers
from nine all women colleges
Minister Counselor for
Graduates will use the skills
they learn in the program to
farmers agitating against the of Delhi in the presence of Public Affairs David H. benefit tens of thousands of
Centre's new farm laws. Police senior officials of Education Kennedy acknowledged long students over the course of
said that the protesters were department of Delhi association of US Embassy their careers.
stopped near Shivaji Stadium Government and dignitaries with Delhi Government and Regional English Language
Metro Station and later dis- from US Embassy. appreciated the efforts taken by in English. Office of US Embassy has
persed peacefully. The Regional English Deputy CM in ensuring that The courses will promote trained around 800 teachers
According to a senior Language Office (RELO) of the teachers in Delhi learn from the reflective and learner-centered from Delhi government
police official, on Sunday at US Embassy in New Delhi best. pedagogy as mandated in the schools since 2017. They have
3:15 PM around 20 to 25 peo- which has been running virtu- The courses are designed NEP, and will enhance teach- worked on creating a pool of
ple gathered near the A and B al teacher training courses suc- to address some of the objec- ers’ abilities to support the master trainers who have sub-
Block of Connaught cessfully for Delhi government tives outlined in India’s new development of students’ sequently trained primary and
Place to protest in support of school educators, is the host of National Education Policy English language proficiency in secondary school teachers on
3T[WX2WXTU<X]XbcTa0aeX]S:TYaXfP[X]PdVdaPcTbcWT0bW^ZP?X[[Pa^]cWTTeT^U&!]SAT_dQ[XR3PhRT[TQaPcX^]bPc3T[WX farmers. this pre-service teachers. (NEP) and will help teachers all subject areas, as well as crit- innovative English teaching in
0bbT\Q[hX]=Tf3T[WX^]<^]SPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa “The protestors were not The program will have teach English as well as teach ical thinking, creativity, col- classrooms.

permitted there and were asked
to disperse peacefully, but they
wanted to go towards Bangla
Sahab Gurudwara via Baba
Kharag Singh Marg carrying
From Page 1
IMS College, Lal Kuan and
Ghazipur Border. No com-
mercial vehicles and buses will
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Pillar, which is a symbol of Delhi Assembly speaker pamphlets in support of The traffic going towards be allowed on NH-24 and From Page 1 Earlier this month, as many
national integrity, has Ram Niwas Goyal said, "We farmers,” said the senior police NH-44, GT Karnal Road will DND from Ring Road. Traffic Canadian Prime Minister as 100 Britain MPs, across
hief Minister Ar vind been installed in the Vidhan decided to establish the Ashoka official. be diverted from Singhu Shani on NH-24 from Nizamuddin Justin Trudeau was the first for- party lines, have urged Prime
C Kejriwal on Monday
unveiled the Ashoka Pillar on
The Chief Minister said
Chakra Pillar in the Vidhan
Sabha as it is our national
“They were stopped near
Shivaji Stadium metro station,
Mandir, Ashok Farm/Janti Tall,
Hamidpur, Sunderpur Majra,
Khatta side will be diverted on
Pusta Road near Akshardham
eign leader who supported the
farmers' cause and he raised the
Minister Boris Johnson to take
up the issue of the ongoing
the eve of the 72nd Republic that the Ashoka Chakra was symbol. I am glad that our BKS Road, Connaught Place. Zindopur Mukhmelpur, and Mother Dairy Road. No issue on several occasions farmers' protest in India with
Day celebrations inside the adopted in the form of the dream has come true. I also They were briefed about the Kadipur, Kushak Colony, traffic will be allowed towards despite India's warning. Prime Minister
premises of the Delhi national symbol of India on would like to welcome the law-and-order situation and Mukarba Chowk, GTK Depot,” NH-24 from paper market,” Australian parliamentarians Narendra Modi. In a letter, the
Assembly. 26th January 1950. people who have come from imposition of section 144 Code said the Joint CP. said the Joint CP. Rob Mitchell and Russell MPs have asked Johnson to
Marking the occasion of "I want to congratulate you the village of Raja Nahar Singh of Criminal Procedure (CrPC) “The traffic going towards “No traffic towards Road Wortley have joined several press for a "speedy resolution of
the 72nd Republic Day, all on the occasion of 72nd Ji for their setting up of Raja in the area. They were dis- Bawana Road will be diverted Number 56 from Hasanpur world leaders to urge the the current deadlock
Kejriwal congratulated the peo- Republic Day and Voter's Day," Nahar Singh Ji's painting in the persed peacefully,” the senior from Jail Road, KNK Marg, Depot, Patparganj Industrial Indian Government to show and the democratic human
ple and said that the Ashoka he said. Delhi Assembly. police official added. G3S Mall, Madhuban Chowk, Area, Ashoka Niketan, "restraint and compassion" to right of citizens to peacefully
Rohini East Metro Station, Vivekanand Mahila College, protesting farmers. protest"
Rithala Chowk, Pansali Chowk, ITI College, Ram Mandir Vivek
2SSSODQVWR The Opposition parties Sitaram Yechury, CPI general suspend these laws for 18 Helipad T-Point, Utsav Road, Vihar. Arrangements have been

From Page 1
have so far maintained a dis-
tance from the protest to pre-
secretary D Raja, CPI(ML) gen-
eral secy Dipankar Bhattacharya,
months. Acts that are legislat-
ed by Parliament, signed by the
DSIIDC Road Sector-4,
NarelaBawana Road, Chitra
made to manage traffic on
these routes starting Monday
8`ge@<¶d pollution level, and make the
polluter pay for pollution,’
“We are in touch with lead- serve its apolitical character. A All India Forward Bloc general President of India and notified Dharam Kanta, DSIIDC evening. Motorists are advised From Page 1 added the official.
ers of other political parties. senior Opposition leader said secretary Debabrata Biswas and by the Gazette are law of the Round about, Jhanda Chowk. to avoid the route of “kisan There is also a provision for Gadkari has also approved
Our party chief (Sonia Gandhi) parties will have to keep this Revolutionary Socialist Party land. They cannot be sus- The traffic going towards tractor rally,” she said. differential tax, depending on the policy of deregistration
has already mandated us to balance intact. At the same general secretary Manoj pended. Unless they are Kanjhawala Road will be On Sunday, the farmers’ the fuel (petrol/diesel) and and scrapping of vehicles
force the government to repeal time, we can’t be seen not Bhattacharya urging the repealed, they are enforceable,” diverted from Karala, union and the Delhi Police type of vehicle, said a senior owned by Government depart-
the laws and continue express- doing anything, he said. A joint Government to stop being the statement said. Kanjhawala Village, Jaunti Toll, senior police officials in a Road Ministry official. ment and PSU which are older
ing solidarity with the farmers delegation of Opposition par- “obstinate” and called the It is only reasonable for the Qutubgarh- Garhi Road,” said meeting finalised the tractor “Revenue collected from than15 years. It is to be notified
of the country. We will also try ties has already met President Government proposal to sus- Government to hold discus- the Joint CP. rally routes. Police had said that the Green Tax will be kept in a and will come into effect from
to work a joint front with Ram Nath Kovind on the issue. pend the laws for 18 months “a sions with farmers and other “The second rally will start the rally will be conducted in separate account and used for April 1, 2022.
other parties to take on the Left parties issued a joint farce”. stakeholders, including State from Tikri Border and pass three parts -- first from Singhu tackling pollution, and for It is estimated that com-
Government,” said a Congress statement on the issue signed by “Already the government governments, before bringing through Nangloi, Baprola Border which have 62 km States to set up state-of-art mercial vehicles, which consti-
MP of Rajya Sabha. CPI(M) general secretary has conveyed its willingness to in fresh bills, Left parties said. Village, Najafgarh excluding route, then from Tikri Border facilities for emission moni- tute about 5% of the total vehi-
Phirni Road, Jharoda Border, with around 60 km route and toring” added the official. cle fleet, contribute about 65-
Rohtak Bypass (Bahadurgarh) Ghazipur Border with 46 km Explaining the benefit of 70% of total vehicular pollu-
Af_ZdYcf^`fc^`_XVcdWVRcYRd and Asoda Toll Plaza. The
traffic will be diverted from dif-
“There are approximately
the Green Tax, an official in the
Transport Ministry said this
tion. The older fleet, typically
manufactured before the year
YZegRTTZ_ReZ`_+4V_ecVe`DeReVd ferent points. Traffic will not be
allowed to enter on Rohtak
12,000 to 13,000 tractors at var-
ious border -- around 7,000 to
could dissuade people from
using vehicles which damage
2000 constitutes less than 1 %
of the total fleet but contributes
From Page 1 cines as well as promptly dis- road from Kirari Mor and will 8,000 at Tikri, around 5,000 the environment and motivate around 15% of total vehicular
Urging the States and UTs seminate factual messages. be diverted towards Mangol at Singhu and around 1,000 them to switch to newer, less pollution. These older vehicles
to put in place an appropriate “Further, penal action may Puri. It will be diverted from at Ghazipur border which polluting vehicles. pollute 10-25 times more than
mechanism to check the spread be taken against the person/s or Ghevra mor towards is expected to go up in “Green tax will reduce the modern vehicles.
of such ill-informed rumours, organisation/s who is/ are Khanjawala etc,” said the Joint coming days,” police
Bhalla asked the chief secre- found to have indulged in such CP. said.
taries to direct all the State activities, under the relevant “The Ghazipur border rally Police said
authorities to take necessary provisions of the Disaster will reach to some portion of that the rally
measures to counter the spread Management Act. 2005 and the NH-24 from where it will take on Tuesday
of all such kind of “false infor- Indian Penal Code, 1860,” he right turn to Road Number 56, will be con-
mation” about Covid-19 vac- said. ISBT Anand Vihar, Apsara ducted amid
Border, Hapur Road, Bhopura, tight security
after the
Republic Day
conclude. The
Republic Day
parade will
start at 9:50 am
from Vijay
Chowk. The
function at
National War
Memorial will
take place at 9



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`Wµhc`_X¶3`dVa`cecRZe \XbP__aTWT]bX^]b)?aTi ?=BQ =4F34;78

rime Minister Narendra

Thirty-two children have
been chosen for the Pradhan
Mantri Bal Puraskar this year
acted with the children.
Jyoti Kumari, 16, cycled to
her native place Darbhanga dis-
lakh to the Ram temple the
President honours Netaji by
P Modi on Monday lauded
the contribution of children in
for displaying valour, excep-
tional abilities and outstanding
trict in Bihar from Gurgaon in
Haryana covering around 1,200
unveiling a portrait of raising awareness about hand- accomplishments in various km with her father on the rear
Prasenjit, the actor who played washing during the Covid-19 fields, including arts, culture, carrier amid the nationwide
him in biopic. God Save India pandemic, and said that a pro- archery and swimming. lockdown in May last year. She
(because this government cer- gramme tastes success if they Modi asked them to work has been awarded for her brav-
tainly can’t),” Moitra said. become part of it. In an inter- for the country, urging them to ery. “During the COVID-19
According to an official action with the ‘Pradhan think of what they can do as the lockdown, she traversed 1,200
statement, the portrait of Mantri Rashtriya Bal nation approaches the 75th kms from Sikandarpur in
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose Puraskar’awardees via video year of its Independence. The Haryana to Darbhanga in Bihar
was unveiled at the conferencing, Modi praised Prime Minister also asked them to reach home,” the citation
‘Rashtrapati Bhavan’ to mark the winners and said they to read biographies and said it issued for her by the Women
the beginning of year-long should never stop working and will keep inspiring them. Union and Child Development
celebrations to commemorate stay humble all the time. Minister Smriti Irani also inter- Ministry said.
his 125th birth anniversary. ?C8Q =4F34;78 The President said the path
The Government has to reforms in the initial stages

?=BQ =4F34;78 rate the freedom fighter’s

125th birth anniversary.
decided to observe January 23
as “Parakram Divas” to com-
memorate the birth anniver-
P resident Ram Nath Kovind
on Monday paid tributes to
farmers saying every Indian is
may cause misapprehensions,
but the government is devoted
to farmers’ welfare.
T he Centre on Monday
refuted the claim that the
portrait of Netaji Subhas
TMC MP Mahua Moitra,
however, claimed on Twitter
that there was a mix-up and
sary of Bose, who was born on
this day in 1897.
BJP sources said the photo
grateful to them for ensuring
food security in our vast and
populous country, and gave the
“Economic reforms have
continued apace and have been
supplemented by long-pending
Chandra Bose unveiled by that the portrait unveiled by was provided by Netaji’s fam- assurance that the Government reforms in the areas of labour ?=BQ =4F34;78 on the bus and Lal, it said. Andaman Nicobar and
President Ram Nath Kovind in the President was not of Netaji ily to famous Padma Shri is devoted to farmers’ welfare. and agriculture through legis- The Central Reserve Police Mizoram police, National
‘Rashtrapati Bhawan’ was “fake” but of actor Prosenjit. award-winning artist Paresh “Every Indian salutes our lation. The path to reform at RPF Assistant Sub Force (CRPF), the lead force for Human Rights Commission
and that of Bengali actor
Prosenjit Chatterjee, who had
Actor Prosenjit played
Bose in a 2019 Bengali film
Maity, who painted the por-
trait. “The photo does not
farmers, who have made our
vast and populous country
the initial stages may cause
C Inspector (ASI) Mohan Lal
who “chased and fired” at an
anti-Naxal operations and
counter-terrorist operations in
(NHRC) and the Central
Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
played the role of Bose in a Gumnaami, which deals with resemble Prosenjit at all. It is self-reliant in food-grains and However, it is beyond explosives-laden car that Jammu and Kashmir, also led In February, 2018, he was
film. the freedom fighter’s death an unnecessary controversy,” dairy products. Despite adver- doubt that the government rammed into a force bus in the gallantry medals tally with deputed in the CBI on the
This is yet another contro- mystery. the sources said. sities of nature, numerous other remains singularly devoted to Pulwama killing him and 39 a total 69 medals (1 PPMG and direction of Supreme Court to
versy over which BJP and TMC The ‘Gumnami Baba’, who Chandra Kumar Bose, challenges and the COVID-19 farmers’ welfare,” he said. troops onboard in 2019 has 68 PMG) followed by 52 associate with the investigation
have clashed with each other as lived in an out-house of ‘Ram- Netaji’s grand-nephew and a pandemic, our farmers sus- Kovind said the country’s been decorated with the high- earned by the JK Police, 20 by of alleged extra judicial killings
the latter charged the former Bhawan” at Faizabad, UP, member of the BJP, also post- tained the agricultural pro- farmers, soldiers and scientists est police medal for gallantry the Border Security Force, 17 and human rights violations by
with showing disrespect to since 1983, died in 1985, ed on the micro-blogging site duction,” he said in his address deserve special appreciation on the eve of the Republic Day by the Delhi Police and 13 by security forces in Manipur.
‘Netaji’. without anyone, outside his that the portrait was based on on the eve of the 72nd Republic and the entire nation is grate- on Monday. A total of 207 Maharashtra Police and others. BSF’s Assistant
Terming the debate as close followers, ever seeing the leader’s original photo- Day. ful to them. police bravery medals were Two personnel of the Indo- Commandant Gajender Singh,
“fake”, the C entral him. graph. “A grateful nation is fully “From space to the farms, declared by the Government Tibetan Border Police (ITBP) ASI Braj Kishore Yadav,
Government clarified that the It is claimed by some that In fact, Prosenjit also him- committed to the welfare of our from educational institutions to apart from 89 President’s police force, tasked to guard the Line Constables Amresh Kumar
portrait of Netaji in he was Netaji himself living in self tweeted to put the con- farmers. Just as our hardwork- hospitals, the community of medals for distinguished ser- of Actual Control with China, and Abhijit Nandy were
‘Rashtrapati Bhavan’ is based anonymity. After his death, troversy to rest: “Would like to ing farmers ensure food secu- scientists has enriched our life vice and 650 police medals for have also been given the police awarded gallantry awards
on an original photo of the bundles of The Pioneer daily, congratulate Paresh Maity for rity for the country, the brave and work. Our scientists have meritorious service, as per a list medal for gallantry. posthumously. Gallantr y
freedom fighter. “Shows how besides other things, were the wonderful piece of art in soldiers of the armed forces been working day and night for published by the Union Home Deputy Commandant awards were given to DIG
the entire debate is fake and also reportedly recovered remembrance of our National ensure security of our nation- decoding the Coronavirus and Ministry. Rajesh Kumar Luthra has been Surjeet Singh Guleria, DIG
based on poor research,” the from his mysterious dwelling. hero Netaji Subhas Chandra al boundaries amid severest they have succeeded in devel- Only two police personnel decorated for displaying Hari Lal and Assistant
Government said. The TMC MP not only Bose. As an Actor, I’m elated conditions,” Kovind said. oping the vaccine in record have been decorated with the courage and presence of mind Commandants Raman Gupta
President Kovind on attacked the Central govern- that people thought, that the The comments by the time. With this accomplish- top category President’s Police to defuse a faceoff with and Prateek Vashishth. Medals
January 23 unveiled a portrait ment over the alleged faux pas painting resembles my char- President come against the ment, our scientists have added Medal for Gallantry (PPMG) Chinese troops at Ladakh in for distinguished service were
of Bose at the Rashtrapati but also had a dig at the acter in Gumnami.” backdrop of the ongoing agi- a glorious chapter of contribu- this time, CRPF’s Lal and late July, 2019 while another offi- awarded to DIGs Umesh
Bhavan to mark the beginning President. The TMC MP TMC MP Moitra has since tation by farmers against three tion to the well-being of Jharkhand Police ASI Banua cer of the border guarding Kumar Nayal, Surjit Singh,
of celebrations to commemo- tweeted, “After donating C5 deleted her tweet. new farm laws. humanity. Oraon. As many as 205 per- force, Assistant Commandant Dharmendra Pareek, Ajit
sonnel have been decorated Anurag Kumar Singh, has Kumar Tete and Ranveer
with the second-highest police been given a gallantry medal Singh Shaktawat.
BdRRTbbUd[R^]SdRc^U_^[[bSdaX]V_P]ST\XR <^SX´bbX[T]RT^] 7Xbc^aXRP[\XbcPZT medal for gallantry or the
PMG. 50-year-old ASI Lal was
for the second time for under-
taking a counter-terrorist
Officers and personnel of
National Disaster Response

TgcaP^aSX]PahUTPc^U^daST\^RaPRh):^eX]S 2WX]TbTX]cadbX^] R^aaTRcTS^]3TR the picket commander of the

CRPF road opening party
operation in Jammu and
Kashmir in 2017.
Force (NDRF) have been
awarded with the prestigious

?=BQ =4F34;78 But after India earned its free- is an instrument which has [XUcbT]T\h´b % ((!)9PePSTZPa deployed on February 14, 2019
at milestone number 272 near
The other recipients from
ITBP include Inspector
‘Police Medal for Meritorious
Service’ on the occasion of

resident Ram Nath Kovind

dom, anyone of 21 years of age
and above were allowed to
given power to nearly all the
political formations of India in b_XaXcb)APWd[ ^]AP\cT\_[T the BSNL Tower in Lethpora,
Pulwama on the Jammu-
General (IG) Deepam Seth,
awarded the meritorious ser-
Republic Day-2021. The Police
Medal for Meritorious Service
P on Monday termed the suc-
cessful conduct of elections
vote which was later reduced to
18, he said. “We should always
different parts, in varying
degree,” he asked. Opposition New Delhi: Foreign invaders
Srinagar highway when the
dastardly terror attack was car-
vice medal, and Deputy IG
(veterinar y) Sudhakar
is awarded to the personnel of
Central police and security
during pandemic an extraor- respect the valuable right to leaders including Jairam chose Ram temple for demo- ried out by the Jaish-e- Natarajan who has been organization who have com-
dinary achievement of our vote. The right to vote is not a Ramesh of Congress and Derek lition because they knew that Mohammad terrorist outfit. bestowed the distinguished pleted a minimum service of 18
democracy and said that the simple right. People around the O’Brien of the Trinamool the soul of India resides there, The attack car was being service medal. Seth, a 1995- years. The medal is awarded to
right to vote must be respect- world have struggled a lot for Congress were present when said Union Minister Prakash driven by suicide bomber Adil batch Indian Police Service personnel for their commend-
ed, noting that people around this. Since Independence, our Prasad made these remarks. Javadekar on Sunday. Ahmed Dar with about 200 kgs officer of Uttarakhand cadre, able work whether operational
the world have struggled a lot Constitution has given equal Some parties have on mul- Speaking at a felicitation of explosives inside. The CRPF is heading the ITBP northwest or administrative. Love Kumar,
to earn this right. voting rights to all citizens tiple occasions questioned the event for donors of Shri Ram said Lal, after passing of few frontier formation based in Second-in-Command,
Addressing through vir- without any discrimination on reliability of the EVMs. The Janam Bhoomi Mandir Nidhi vehicles of the cavalcade, Ladakh since mid-2019. Surendra Kumar, Assistant
tual mode an event to celebrate the basis of merit, religion, race, Election Commission has all ?=BQ =4F34;78 Samarpan Abhiyan in Delhi, noticed this car “running Delhi Police officer Commandant, Inspector
the 11th National Voters’ Day, caste,” Kovind said. along maintained that the the Union Minister said that alongside the convoy and try- Mahesh Bhardwaj, deputed as Ramakant Singh and Assistant
Kovind said even in America, For his part, Law Minister machines are tamper-proof. he Congress on Monday a “historical mistake” was ing to enter between the con- Senior Superintendent of Sub-Inspector Moenuddin
one of the leading democracies
in the world, people had to
Ravi Shankar Prasad defended
the Electronic Voting Machine,
Prasad also launched the e-
EPIC programme and distrib-
T lashed out at Prime Minister
Narendra Modi stating that his
December 6, 1992, with the
on voy vehicles.” The brave official
“signalled and chased the car to
Police in the CBI to probe
extrajudicial killings in
Khan have been awarded with
the ‘Police Medal for
undertake decades of struggle describing it as an instrument uted e-EPICs and Elector alleged silence over the Chinese demolition of Babri Mosque stop but could not match its Manipur, has been awarded Meritorious Service’ in recog-
to get this right. In Britain, designed to empower the ordi- Photo Identity Cards to five encroachment in the country’s in Ayodhya. speed”. “Ultimately, finding no the President’ Police Medal for nition to their outstanding ser-
women got the right to vote nary Indian. “We can have new voters. Three publica- border, was increasing the When foreign invaders other option, he fired towards Distinguished Service on the vices. So far 10 NDRF
after a long fight, he said. difference of opinion on the use tions were also launched by enemy’s spirits. like Babur came to India, the suspicious car to stop but occasion of Republic Day. Officers/personnel have been
The condition was similar of electronic voting machine. Prasad. Taking to Twitter, former why did they choose the Ram the car rammed into a nearby Bhardwaj, who joined Delhi awarded with President’s Police
in India before Independence. But can we deny that the EVM The electronic version of Congress chief Rahul Gandhi temple for demolition because running CRPF bus and a huge Police as Assistant Medal for Distinguished Service
the voters’ photo identity card stated that China is expanding they knew that the soul of the blast took place,” the force Commissioner in the year and 74 personnel with Police
can be stored on mobile phones its occupation into the Indian country resides in Ram tem- said. The massive blast killed a 1993, has worked extensively Medal for Meritorious Service,
and downloaded on personal territory, while the Prime ple. total of 40 CRPF personnel, 39 with United Nations Police, said NDRF in statement.
computers. Minister has not said the word
Chief Election ‘China’ for months. Slamming
Commissioner Sunil Arora said
that the mock trials for remote
voting facility for electors
PM Modi, the Congress leader
said, “Mr 56-inch,” who had
promised to never compromise
would begin soon. A research
project on remote voting using
cutting-edge technology has
the border security, could start
by saying the word ‘China’.
Congress chief spokesper-
already begun, he revealed. son Randeep Surjewala also
attacked the Prime Minister, ?=BQ =4F34;78 Abe and noted archeologist former Chairman of Minorties
stating that his alleged silence B.B.Lal who headed excavation Commission, spiritual leader
over the Chinese encroach- resident Ram Nath Kovind of Ayodhya. Others are famous late Kalbe Sadiq, noted singer
ment in the country’s border,
was increasing the enemy’s spir-
P on Monday awarded
Padma Vibhushan awards to
doctor BM Hegde, spiritual
leader Maulana Wahinduddin
K.S. Chitra, Chandrasekhar
Kambara, writer from
its. He called on the government seven eminent persons includ- Khan, artist Sudarshan Sahoo Karnataka and industrialist RD
to come to clear the situation ing late singer SP and US based scientist late Shroff.
along the border and to take the Balasubramanian and Japan’s Narinder Singh Kapany. 102 persons are awarded
nation in confidence. former Prime Minister Shinzo 10 persons were awarded Padma Shri. “This year the
Padma Bhushan including late President has approved con-
Chief Ministers of Gujarat and ferment of 119 Padma Awards
Assam Keshubhai Patel and including 1 duo case (in a duo
Tarun Gogoi and former Union case, the Award is counted as
Minister late Ram Vilas one) as per list below. The list
Paswan. Former Lok Sabha comprises 7 Padma
Speaker Sumitra Mahajan and Vibhushan, 10 Padma categor y of
Nripendra Misra, former Bhushan and 102 Padma Shri Foreigners/NRI/PIO/OCI, 16
Principal Secretary of Prime Awards. 29 of the awardees are Posthumous awardees and 1
Minister. Other who got Padma women and the list also transgender awardee,” said
Bhushan are Tarlochan Singh, includes 10 persons from the Government in a statement.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k90=D0AH !%!! ]PcX^]$

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_aXb^]^]9P]!&)3WX]PZPaP] TQeWXdUbQ]_^W%2Q\
B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 to everyone … but what BJP “Will you invite me to your Ram slogans when her convoy would never be welcomed back, Chennai: Expelled AIADMK leader VK Sasikala, CXQ[dYQgQbTgY^^Ubc

case and presently under treatment for coron- Vb_]=QXQbQcXdbQ

supporters did in a bid to tease house for a dinner and then slap passed their areas during 2019 she said. serving a jail term in Bengaluru in a corruption
wo days after the Victoria me in front of the Prime me and turn me out … this is general elections. The BJP soon hit back at the
T Memorial incident when
Mamata Banerjee refused to
Minister has not only insulted
me but also Netaji and Bengal.”
what they did … They shouted
slogans --- which had no rela-
Attacking the turncoats
who were quitting the
Chief Minister saying she always
failed to appreciate in her
avirus, will be released from prison on
Wednesday “according to all our expectations,”
C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108

deliver a speech after being Terming the BJP as Bharat tion with Netaji’s anniversary - Trinamool Congress to join the urgency to play vote bank pol- her nephew T T V Dhinakaran said on Monday. aamya Karthikeyan, the teenaged daughter of
allegedly “teased” with Jai Shri
Ram slogans by BJP supporters
Jalao Party (Burn India Party)
Banerjee said that the BJP has
-- only to tease me… I was
insulted in front of the Prime
BJP, Banerjee said “these people
are leaving the party because
itics that Lord Rama had always
been an essential part of Indian
With the former aide of late Tamil Nadu
Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa recuperating in a
K Indian Navy Commander S Karthikeyan and
Lavanya, is among the five children from
the Bengal Chief Minister on been continuously insulting the Minister of the country… I they know that they will not get culture. Bengaluru hospital, her discharge from the med- Maharashtra chosen for the Pradhan Mantri
Monday attacked the saffron icons of Bengal, Netaji being the was invited to that programme ticket from TMC… I want “She is known for her ear- ical facility will be made known later, he said in Rashtriya Bal Shakti Puraskar (PMRBSP)-2021 on
leadership for not only insulting “latest addition to the list.” She … This is their culture … but more such people to quit the lier reactions to Lord Rama’s a tweet. the occasion of Republic Day.
her but also Netaji Subhas had earlier flayed the BJP this cannot be the culture of party early so that our work name … His name is taken “According all our expectations... She is the only girl among five children from
Chandra Bose in whose remem- national president JP Nadda for Bengal or our country,” Banerjee becomes easier.” whenever there is a festive occa- Chinnamma (Sasikala) will be released (from Maharashtra who have bagged the PMRBSP-2021
brance the grand event was insulting Rabindranath Tagore said adding she would have not About a dozen TMC min- sion … January 23 was a festive prison) day after tomorrow, 27-01-2021,” honour for their excellence in different fields. The
organized by the Union by wrongly quoting his place of objected had the slogans been isters, legislators and other func- occasion when we were cele- Dhinakaran said. other award winners are: Shreenabh Muojesh
Government. The programme birth and the saffron workers for raised hailing Netaji. tionaries like Suvendu Adhikari, brating Netaji … but she had to Independent legislator Dhinakaran, Sasikala's Agrawal, Kameshwar Jagannath Waghmare, Archit
was attended by Prime Minister vandalizing the statue of 19th Major controversy was Laxmi Ratan Shukla, Rajiv appease a section of people for nephew and founder of Amma Makkal Rahul Pani and Sonit Sisolekar. Thirteen-year-old
Narendra Modi. century reformer Ishwar sparked after Banerjee publicly Banerjee, Sunil Mandal, and vote bank politics and so this Munnetra Kazhagam (AMMK) said his aunt was Kaamya is studying in Class VIII of the Navy
Lashing out at the BJP Chandra Vidya Sagar during a chased BJP supporters, --- and others have either quit the controversy was created …she recuperating from coronavirus and that her dis- Children School here. She is awarded for her
Banerjee said “Netaji stood for 2019 political rally of Home threatened them with dire con- Cabinet or the party in the past could have ignored this,” BJP charge from the hospital will be made known later unprecedented feats in mountaineering and this is
communal unity … he belonged Minister Amit Shah. sequences --- who raised Jai Shri one month. The “betrayers,” leader Samik Bhattacharya said. after consulting doctors. PTI the highest award for citizens below 18 years.

2U^WQ\`_\\*<63_^W APYPbcWP]6^ecbcPUUcPZT^PcW 0a\hWT[XR^_cTaRaPbWX]9:^]T_X[^cSXTb <PWP6deWPbcX\TU^a:P]VP]P

c^\PX]cPX]2^eXS\TPbdaTb Jammu: Qdc]^cU^aUPa\TabbPhb?PfPa
Indian Army's Advanced inside an Army camp in
Light Helicopter (ALH) Dhruv Lakhanpur.
Jaipur : On made a forced landing after it The district authorities said,
?=B Q :>;:0C0 over. Monday, on the developed a technical snag in “The helicopter was on a routine C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 ers-that-be who are out to destroy
The Left had won about 7.5 occasion of Lakhanpur area of Kathua district reconnaissance sortie when it your lives, the Governor whom
fter failing to clinch a seat- percent vote share while the National Voters' late Monday evening. Two pilots abruptly developed a technical aharashtra Governor Bhagat you are scheduled to meet after
A sharing deal in earlier
rounds of talks the Left Front
Congress little more than 5
percent in the 2019 general
D a
y , received injuries.
One of the two seriously
snag and made a forced landing
inside an army area in
M Singh Koshyari found him-
self at the receiving end of farm-
this rally has gone away to Goa.
Maharashtra has not had such a
and Congress on Monday elections. Meanwhile, the Mahendra Soni injured pilots succumbed to his Lakhanpur”. ers’ protests in Mumbai on Governor as the current one in its
arrived at an understanding Election Commission of India at the injuries in the Military Base The injured pilots were rushed Monday, as NCP chief Sharad history. He has time to meet
over 77 seats, senior Left leader sources said that 1000 compa- Information and Hospital in Pathankot late to the military base hospital in Pawar charged that the Governor Bollywood actress Kangana
Biman Bose and his Congress nies of central forces would be Public Relations Headquarters at the Secretariat, said Monday evening while the con- Pathankot. Local media reports “has time to meet Bollywood Ranuat but has no time to meet
counterpart Pradip sent to Bengal for a peaceful that all the officers and employees of the department dition of the other pilot continues claimed eyewitness reports sug- actress Kangana Ranaut but not our farmers''.
Bhattacharya said. conduct of elections. In 2019 are fearless keeping the dignity of democratic tra- to be critical. gested soon after the helicopter our farmers” and the agitating “It was the Governor’s moral
“We have an understanding parliamentary polls 700 com- ditions and keeping the dignity of free, fair and peace- Official sources said the took off it crash landed inside the farmers tore down copies of responsibility to meet the agitat-
on 77 seats for the coming panies of CPF were deployed. ful elections intact. Sworn to exercise all his fran- other is struggling for life on the Army camp due to some techni- memorandum addressed Koshyari ing farmers and accept their mem-
Assembly elections and will According to sources the chise without being influenced by class, caste, com- ventilator support. Meanwhile, cal snag. The Army authorities are demanding the repeal of three orandum. He was expected to
hold talks on the remaining 217 ECI which had a full bench munity, language or any other inducement. district authorities in Kathua who expected to announce a formal controversial farm laws in protest come face to face with the farm-
seats on January 28,” the Left visit of Bengal last week may Taking the oath, Covid-19 safety standards were rushed to the spot confirmed, the inquiry to ascertain the exact against his failure to meet ers (who have marched from var-
leaders said adding by February announces elections in the first enforced collectively by all officers and Army helicopter made a forced reason behind the forced them. ious districts of the state to meet
2 the seat-sharing talks would be half of February. employees. landing around 7.10-715 p.m landing. PNS Anger erupted among the agi- him). But he had no decency to
tating farmers gathered at the meet them. At least he should have
historic Azad maidan when they been staying put at Raj Bhavan to
5Pa\TabR^d[SWPeTRW^bT]P]h^cWTaSPhX]bcTPS^U >eTa ($;WTP[cWRPaTf^aZTab heard from Pawar about the
unavailability of the Governor for
receive the farmers’ memoran-
dum,” Pawar said.
9P]dPah!%)=PaT]SaPBX]VWC^\Pa^]caPRc^aaP[[h ePRRX]PcTSPVPX]bc2^eXSb^UPa a meeting with their leaders.
During his address to the farm-
Ticked off by the “shocking”
absence of the Governor in
New Delhi: Ahead of the tractor some other day instead of January was rejected by the unions. In the New Delhi: On the tenth day of the nation- Union Health Ministry. ers, Pawar disclosed that Koshyari Mumbai at a time when they
rally, Union Agriculture Minister 26 for the tractor rally. 11th round of discussion, the wide vaccination against Covid-19 was Final reports would be completed for the had left for Goa without bother- were go and meet him, the farmer
Narendra Singh Tomar on The talks between the gov- government asked unions to launched on January 16, as many as 3,34,679 day by late tonight, said an official from the ing to meet them and charged that and political leaders –led by All
Monday termed the ernment and 41 protesting farm reconsider the proposal and con- beneficiaries were given the anti-pathogen jab Ministry. On the tenth day, 348 AEFIs have the latter had neither “moral India Kisan Sabha (AIKS)
Government's proposal to sus- unions have remained inconclu- vey their final decision. “The gov- through 7,171 sessions till 7.10 pm on been reported till 7.10 pm following the vac- responsibility” or “decency” to President Dr. Ashok Dhawale and
pend new farm laws for 1-1.5 sive even after 11 rounds of dis- ernment has given the best offer Monday. cination drive. live up as a person holding the Mumbai Congress’ new president
years as the “best offer” and cussions. to farmers' unions. I am hopeful As a result, the cumulative number of Meanwhile, India’s active caseload has fall- gubernatorial office. Bjhai Jagtap – tore copies of mem-
hoped that the protesting farm- During the 10th round of that they will convey their deci- healthcare workers vaccinated against Covid- en to 1.84 lakh (1,84,182) on Monday. The Mincing no words in his attack orandum demanding the repeal of
ers' unions will soon reconsider talks, the government had sion to us after discussing it 19 has crossed 19.5 lakh till date. A total of share of active cases in the total positive cases against the Governor, Pawar told three farm bills, that they were car-
it and convey their decision. The climbed down and offered a among themselves. Once they 19,50,183 beneficiaries (till 7.10 pm today) has further shrunk to 1.73 per cent. A bulk the famers’ gathering: “While I rying with them to submit to
Minister also said that the agi- proposal to keep the new laws in communicate, we will take it for- were vaccinated through 35,785 sessions, as of the active cases is contributed by merely two appreciate you for your mammoth Koshyari in protest against the lat-
tating farmers could have chosen abeyance for 1-1.5 years, but it ward,” Tomar said. PNS per the provisional report available from the States. PNS show of strength against the pow- ter’s failure to meet them.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k90=D0AH !%!!


UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa

'RQDOG7UXPS 455@1;B8=70

F President Donald
Trump’s blatant disre-
gard for all norms of
civilised behaviour, his
overt racism combined with an
outsized ego and the propensi-
ty to lie — 21 per day during his
— are well known. Yet, despite
EDFNGURSRIWKHRXWEUHDNRIDQHZ&29,'VWUDLQDW this, or the 400,000 pandemic
KRPH%HIRUHWKLV,QGLDGLGQ·WKDYHDFKLHIJXHVW deaths directly attributable to his
IRUWKH5'D\SDUDGHLQDQGLQ lack of leadership, or his futile
6HFRQGGXHWR&29,'UHVWULFWLRQVWKHURXWHRIWKH and rather ludicrous attempts to
overturn the election results, he
1DWLRQDO6WDGLXP ,QGLD*DWH LQVWHDGRIWKH5HG)RUW cent of the population as per the
This is indeed intriguing, and
WKHUHZLOOEHQRJUDYLW\GHI\LQJVWXQWVE\WKHPRWRU to racism, bigotry and illiteracy, it
that was probably the game-
WRWKHSDQGHPLF$OOWKLVKDVEHHQGRQHWRHQVXUHWKDWWKHVRFLDOGLVWDQFLQJSURWR changer. Unfortunately, while his sion”. It is derived from the its deep roots stretching back more circumspect and less
FROLVDGKHUHGWR(YHQWKHQXPEHURIVSHFWDWRUVKDVEHHQEURXJKWGRZQWR brash and uncouth ways may have experiment conducted in 1997 244 years, has survived a direct colourful — has been just as
IURPODNKODVW\HDU made him a laughing stock inter- by Nathan Zohner, a 14-year- assault on its very foundation damaging for our democracy.
7KHWDEOHDXRIWKH8QLRQ7HUULWRU\RI/DGDNKZLOOSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHSDUDGHIRUWKHILUVW nationally, it also made for a very old student, who gathered by Trump and his acolytes by Our secular traditions are in tat-
dangerous and unstable world, in petitions to ban “DHMO”, or a hair’s breadth. Thanks, in no ters, empathetic behaviour for-
WLPHIHDWXULQJWKH,QGLDQ$VWURQRPLFDO2EVHUYDWRU\ORFDWHGDW+DQOHQHDU/HKRQHRI which America had abdicated its Dihydrogen Monoxide, as the small measure, to the strength gotten and democratic institu-
WKHZRUOG·VKLJKHVWVLWHVIRURSWLFDOLQIUDUHGDQGJDPPDUD\WHOHVFRSHV$PRQJWKH role as the beacon of democratic basis of his science project, of its democratic institutions tions have all but crumbled,
RWKHUILUVWVZLOOEHWKHSDUWLFLSDWLRQRIWKHFRXQWU\·VILUVWZRPDQILJKWHUSLORW)OLJKW/LHXWHQDQW norms and human decency. titled “How Gullible Are We?” and the upstanding character of lacking even a shred of credi-
%KDZDQD.DQWKDQGDIO\SDVWZLWKWKHQHZO\LQGXFWHG5DIDOHMHWVWKDWZLOOEHSDUWRI Worse, he became the poster boy The experiment involved call- the people who run these. An bility. A vast majority of our
for a cohort of other tinpot dic- ing water by an unfamiliar sci- outstanding example, but not media have become willing
GLIIHUHQWIRUPDWLRQVGXULQJWKHIO\SDVW,Q\HWDQRWKHUILUVWDWOHDVWVROGLHUVRIWKH tators and autocrats globally, sud- entific name and listing some the only one, being that of for- handmaidens of the
%DQJODGHVK$UPHG)RUFHVZLOOWDNHSDUWLQWKH5'D\SDUDGH5HSRUWHGO\WKLVLVRQO\ denly free to do as they pleased, of its effects in a particularly mer Vice-President Mike Government. The military is
WKHWKLUGWLPHVLQFH,QGHSHQGHQFHWKDWDIRUHLJQPLOLWDU\FRQWLQJHQWKDVEHHQLQYLWHGWR with little fear of retribution. alarming manner, such as Pence, who did not let his being incrementally politicised
and keep repeating it, people will
causing burns when in a
gaseous form, accelerating cor-
H4C7>?4B?A8=6B unswerving support and loyal-
ty to President Trump get in the
and even our final bulwark, the
judiciary, especially the apex
,QGLD·VVWUHQJWKLQWKHSDUDGHOHGE\WKHRQO\ZRPDQFRQWLQJHQWFRPPDQGHUIURPWKH eventually come to believe it,” said rosion and causing suffocation! 4C4A=0;05C4A way of doing the right thing, court, is perceived to be func-
$UP\,QDQRWKHUILUVW8WWDU3UDGHVK·VWDEOHDXZLOOVKRZFDVHDUHSOLFDRIWKH5DP7HPSOH Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister Incidentally, Zohner con- 0;;F470E49DBC despite intense pressure to sub- tioning in tandem with the
LQ$\RGK\D,WZLOODOVRGLVSOD\WKHFXOWXUHDQGWUDGLWLRQUHODWHGWRWKHDQFLHQWWHPSOHWRZQ for Propaganda. However, he did vinced 86 per cent of his class- vert the constitutional process. Government. Worst of all, we
2QWKHRWKHUKDQGWKH5HSXEOLF'D\³ZKLFKLVFHOHEUDWHGZLWKSDWULRWLVPDQGIHUYRXU add a caveat: “The lie can be main- mates to sign the petition call- F8C=4BB430 The other institution that have no Opposition leadership
tained only for such time as the ing for its ban, which tells us H>D=6D=C4BC43 deserves accolades, surviving worth the name, debilitated by
State can shield the people from a lot about human nature. with its dignity and reputation the cancer of dynastic ambition.
the political, economic and/or Trump used this phenom- 8=380=2A82:4C intact, was the judiciary. Trump Yet, hope springs eternal.
military consequences of the lie. enon to good effect. While had expected that having After all, we have just witnessed
It thus becomes vitally important
for the State to use all of its pow-
established media outlets may
not have fully played along, ?7>4=8G5A><C74 appointed a total of 200 Federal
Judges with lifetime tenures,
a young untested Indian crick-
et team rise like a phoenix from
ers to repress dissent, for the truth the conservative and extreme 0B74B>58CB including two to the Supreme the ashes of its worst defeat.
is the mortal enemy of the lie and
thus, by extension, the truth is the
Right-wing media outlets, like
Fox News and One America F>ABC34540C Court, they would remain
beholden to him and act in a
Despite being deprived of its
charismatic leader, another
greatest enemy of the State.” It’s News Network, did broadcast F4C>>B7>D;3 manner to support his agenda. stepped up from the shadows,
something every autocrat and dic-
tator instinctively understands.
his lies and conspiracy theo-
ries with telling effect. The dig-
B7D=540A0=3 He was, therefore, understand-
ably shocked and disappointed
doing the impossible and lead-
ing the team to victory.
While swatting flies with a ital social media platforms too, 3>C74A867C when nearly all of his 60-plus Similarly, we too should shun
sledgehammer has its advan-
tages, there are those who have
such as Facebook and Twitter,
were no less complicit in
C78=6*C74A4BC challenges to the election results
were summarily rejected by the
fear and do the right thing; the
rest will follow.
understood and utilised the con- spreading his message of hate F8;;5>;;>F courts, including two by the (The writer is a military
cept of “Zohnerism” to their till they finally banned him for Supreme Court. veteran, who is a consultant
benefit. The term, coined by jour- inciting violence. While Trumpism may be with the Observer Research
nalist James Glassman, refers to After what we have wit- on the decline in America, it is Foundation and Senior Visiting
“the use of true facts to lead a sci- nessed during his presidency, it alive and flourishing here in Fellow with The Peninsula
entifically and mathematically would be fair to say that the India. Make no mistake, the Foundation, Chennai. The
ignorant public to a false conclu- American democracy, despite current dispensation — while views expressed are personal.)

2:@µC@?<<79==93;9>G5CD25>71< CWT;35
Sir — The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is
playing dirty politics in West Bengal. The
3_^WbUccVQSUc8_Rc_^µcSX_YSU 6^eTa]\T]caTR

party and its leaders are trying to gain sym- ?Pach19?PccWT]PcX^]P[[TeT[Xb]^cWX]VQdc
pathy of voters by portaying that they are PY^ZT _^[XcXRP[eT]STccP
the only ones who really respect the great =^fX]bcTPS^Uf^aZX]Vd_^]cWTT[TRc^aP[ 8P]S\h_PachR^[[TPVdTbPaT
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and his ide- RWP[[T]VTb^UcWT0bbT\Q[h_^[[b^eTacWT]Tgc ]^cPUaPXS^UcWTX]`dXah
Bengal on the 125th birth anniversary of
fX[[ QT \d[[X]V ^eTa cWT SXaTRcX^] cWT _Pach 5^a\Ta:TaP[P2WXTU<X]XbcTa
VOHDUQWRUHVSHFWZRPHQDOORWKHUGD\VWRR Bose on January 23 was only a political bW^d[ScPZTX]Xcb[TPSTabWX_RW^XRTb5^aPbTR

stunt with an eye on the forthcoming cX^]^UcWT_Pach³bf^aZTabcWTUTPa^U_PbcUPR
ed of such great leaders only at the time
2>E83 (ePRRX]T
The ruling party leaders are trying to 4eT]XUcWPcR^\TbPccWTR^bc^UcWT_Pach
fool the people but the voters of West

Bengal are wise enough not to fall into WXbaTUTabc^cWTTSXc^aXP[²<XbbX]VR^WT XcXRbcWT[PRZ^UP[cTa]PcXeT[TPSTabWX_bcX[[\PZTb
&RPPLVVLRQDV-DQXDU\LVFHOHEUDWHGDVWKH1DWLRQDO*LUO&KLOG'D\VLQFH the BJP leaders can go up to any extent just cT]daT^UcWT2^]VaTbb_PachbX]cTaX\_aTb X]PQX[Xchc^UX]SP]PST_c[TPSTabWX_Xb]^c^][h <XRa^b^UcU^d]STa
for the sake of winning the elections. The XST]cB^]XP6P]SWXfX[[QT[^]VTacWP]cWPc^U _dbWX]VcWT_PachX]c^XaaT[TeP]RTQdcP[b^RPdb ¯1X[[6PcTb
State can even be plunged into widespread
VWHSVIRUFKHFNLQJWKHPLJUDWLRQRI\RXWKHVSHFLDO violence for the sake of politics. The BJP B^]XP6P]SWXc^bTTWTab^]APWd[PaT[dRcP]c X]VPUaTTad]c^cWTad[X]V19?6^eTa]\T]cPc 8Z]^f_T^_[T[^eT
O\IURPWKHUXUDODUHDVDQGH[SUHVVHGFRQFHUQRYHU will gain votes by creating a law and order _^[XcXRXP]PccWTWT[\^UPUUPXab^UcWTVaP]S cWT2T]caT \T8VTcc^Z]^f
WKHJURZLQJLQVWDQFHVRIGUXJSHGGOLQJLQWKH6WDWH situation. It is high time that the BJP con- ^[S_Pach¯P]ScWTXSTPc^QdX[ScWT_PachPb PQ^dcXccWa^dVW
centrated on the real issues confronting the P]P[cTa]PcXeTc^cWT\XVWch1WPaPcXhP9P]PcP N Sadhasiva Reddy | Bengaluru b^RXP[\TSXP
State and its people rather than showing
IURPHGXFDWLRQDOLQVWLWXWHV7DONLQJDERXWWKHLQHYLWDEOH pling with poverty, unemployment, illit- that a decision to retreat after accepting the zones. It will take some more time for all PUXgTSST_^bXcfXcW\TP]S8WPeT
offer could prove costly for them eventu- the countries to recover from the unwel- c^_PhcWT\QPRZfXcWX]cTaTbc
FRPSDULVRQVZLWK$QLO.DSRRUVWDUUHU1D\DNDFRQ eracy and several other problems besides
ally. come guest’s impact. At this juncture, the
COVID. Both the Centre and the State 1^[[hf^^SPRc^a
ILGHQWORRNLQJ6ULVKWLZKRVHIDWKHULVDVKRSNHHSHU An argument advanced against giv- decision to supply millions of COVID-19 ¯?P]ZPYCaX_PcWX
Government must focus on the real issues
VDLG´+H $QLO.DSRRU ZDVDUHHOOLIHQD\DN+HUH troubling the people and not on poll gim- ing legal status to the Minimum Support vaccines free of cost from India to multi-
,EHFDPHDUHDOOLIHQD\DNDQG,ZLVKWRFRQWLQXHRQ Price (MSP) is that it would put a heavy ple countries like Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, CWTQTbc4]V[P]S
micks. _[PhTabfX[[fP]cc^
burden on the national exchequer. It runs Myanmar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Brazil,
counter to the repeated assertions that Morocco and so on is really laudable. The _[PhPb\P]h
2IFRXUVHWKHGHYHORSPHQWLVODUJHO\V\PEROLF farmers are free to sell their produce any- UK, Dominica, South Africa, Kenya, VP\TbPb_^bbXQ[T
DQGVHHPLQJO\DLPHGDWZRRLQJWKH6WDWH·VZRPHQ Sir — India is all set to witness a majestic where in the country. Here, wouldn’t the Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are PVPX]bc8]SXPX]
envisioned higher prices for agricultural some other countries interested in 8]SXP?XRZcWT\CWT]cWThV^
YRWHUV,WUHPLQGVRQHRIVHHNLQJWKHEOHVVLQJVRI march past at the Rajpath and a mammoth c^8?;P]STPa]TeTahcWX]VcWTh
produce in the market — being ‘opened COVID-19 vaccines from India as these
up’ now — reduce the dependence on the vaccines are safe and cost-effective with- STbTaeT
attract wide attention. The farmers have MSP and lessen the burden on the Budget? out compromising on safety standards. 5^a\Ta4]V[P]SRaXRZTcTa
SHRSOHWUHDWWKHIDLUJHQGHUIDLUO\DQGDVDQDEVROXWHHTXDO7KHVNHZHGJHQGHUUDWLR reiterated that repeal of the laws is the only Farmers have deciphered the intentions India is clearly upstaging China in the ¯:TeX]?XTcTabT]
QHHGVWREHEDODQFHGDQGLPSURYHG:RPHQPD\EHHPSRZHUHGE\HGXFDWLQJWKHP acceptable proposition for withdrawal of and the arguments. COVID vaccines’ supply. India is planning
Haridasan Rajan | Kozhikode to vaccinate its 300 million people, almost CWTaTXbPSTUTRc
the population of the US. Indians should X]cWT3=0^U
D1;5D85:126?B85B49==E>9DI dismiss all their apprehensions in taking
18 months itself is illogical as the Supreme P]SbWTWPX[bUa^\
W\7KHUHDUHYDULHGZD\VWRHPSRZHUZRPHQRWKHUWKDQV\PEROLFDOO\PDNLQJWKHP Court has already stayed their implemen- Sir — In 2020, all the countries includ- vaccine jabs. We must come forward to PST\^]Tbb
WKH&KLHI0LQLVWHU7KRXJKLWZDVGRQHLQDQREOHVSLULWWKHWUXVWHHVDUHQRWDXWKR tation until further orders. However, the ing India faced an unprecedented chal- make the inoculation drive successful. Rd[cdaT=^ST\^]
lenge in the form of the COVID-19 pan- V Nagendra Kumar | Hyderabad RP][^eT;^aSAP\1P]TaYTTXbP
demic. In some countries like the UK and
laws will come into force immediately. SXbW^]TbcP]STeX[_Tab^]
Faced with such vagueness, farmers fear DccPa?aPSTbW19?<;0
*LPPLFNVGRQ·WZRUNDQ\PRUH2QO\SHUIRUPDQFHFRXQWV head and hospitals are looking like war [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ¯BdaT]SaPBX]VW
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k90=D0AH !%!!

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa


he Indian Constitution came into effect on

T January 26, 1950 and the Constituent

Assembly first met on December 9, 1946 to
draft it in the Constitution Hall, now known as the
Central Hall of the Parliament. The Constituent
;1<I1>9 B70=:0A Assembly firmly resolved to mould the dreams and

LOOWKH*DQGKLIDPLO\FRQWLQXHWRFRQWUROWKHRYHU aspirations of Indians after the freedom struggle.
\HDUROG&RQJUHVV3DUW\":LOOLWVKULQNIXUWKHU"7KLVDUH Historical background: Since the beginning,
WKHTXHVWLRQVERWKHULQJQRWMXVW&RQJUHVVOHDGHUVEXW the Constitution makers were transparent and knew
their purpose and direction. Pandit Jawaharlal
ODUJHUPDODLVH1RZLWKDVUHDFKHGDVWDJHZKHUHVRPHVHQLRU words but this Resolution is something higher than
ODVW$XJXVW&RQJUHVVOHDGHUVLQFOXGLQJWKH/HDGHURIWKH to treat the Objectives Resolution as a declaration,
2SSRVLWLRQLQWKH5DM\D6DEKD*KXODP1DEL$]DGKLVGHSXW\ an undertaking and a pledge to achieve what they
promised the people of India and the yet unborn
$QDQG6KDUPDDQGVRPHIRUPHU&RQJUHVV&KLHI0LQLVWHUVKDG citizens: A Constitution to call their own.
D´IXOOWLPHµOHDGHUVKLSGLVVROXWLRQRISRZHUWR6WDWHXQLWVDQG independent, sovereign, republic. Pandit Nehru said:
UHYDPSLQJWKH&RQJUHVV:RUNLQJ&RPPLWWHH &:& LQOLQHZLWK “India is bound to be sovereign, it is bound to be
WKHSDUW\·VFRQVWLWXWLRQ7KRXJK6RQLDPDQDJHGWRGRXVHWKH independent, and it is bound to be a republic.”
&:&PHHWLQJZKHUHWKHUHZDVDSXEOLFVSDWEHWZHHQWKH¶ROG to end the monarchical system. The debates and
deliberations in the House led to the Objective
JXDUG·DQGWKH*DQGKLV7KHOHDGHUVUHDOLVHWKDWMXVW0RGLEDVK Resolution taking the form of the Preamble of the
LQJ RU WKH SDVW JORU\ RI WKH SDUW\ DUH QRW HQRXJK WR JHW WKH Constitution. However, the ‘Mountbatten plan’
&RQJUHVVEDFNLQSRZHU$GGHGWRWKDWDUHFRQFHUQVRYHUWDO divided India into two new dominions on June 3,
D \RXQJ OHDGHU OLNH -\RWLUDGLW\D 6FLQGLD ZKR ZDV FORVH WR Assembly. Thus, the Resolution needed amendment 5A0C4A=8CH
&RQJUHVVVFLRQ5DKXO*DQGKLOHIWWKHSDUW\WRMRLQWKH%-3 to factor in the changed political context. <DBC14 a trinity and not as separate and Minister’s National Relief Fund cited social, economic and political justice
On August 29, 1947, the Constituent Assembly B44=8= mutually exclusive items. They must the explanation given by Ambedkar for all who live in India, we would not
formed the Drafting Committee, of which BR be seen as enforcing elements that on Fraternity. The court said that have achieved human dignity for our
:LWKWKHG\QDVWVXQDEOHWRJHWWKHSDUW\EDFNWRSRZHUIRUWZR Ambedkar was the convenor. The Drafting 4=02C<4=CB cannot be divorced from each other. “fraternity means a sense of common citizens, nor would we be able to pro-
FRQVHFXWLYHWHUPVWKHIDPLO\DQGFRQVHTXHQWO\WKHSDUW\KDV Committee rendered meaning and form to the 1H?0A;80<4=C He said: “They form a union of trin- brotherhood of all Indians. In a coun- mote fraternity among groups of
EHFRPHZHDN$VIRUWKHOHDGHUVKLSFULVLV6RQLDKDVKDGKHU Preamble and incorporated other matters in the 0=3C74 ity in the sense that to divorce one try like ours with disruptive forces of them. Policies that run counter to that
LQQLQJV5DKXOKDVIDLOHGWZLFHDQGWKH3UL\DQND*DQGKL9DGUD body of the Constitution. It took two years, 11 ;468B;0CDA4 from the other is to defeat the very regionalism, communalism and lin- essential truth destroy national unity
PDJLFKDVQRWZRUNHGLQ8WWDU3UDGHVK$ERYHDOOWKH*DQGKLV months and 17 days to complete the historic task 5A0C4A=8CH purpose of democracy. Liberty can- guism, it is necessary to emphasise and integrity.” The court said that the
ZDQWWRFRQWLQXHLQSRZHUVRWKHUH·VQRSRVVLELOLW\RIIUHVKEORRG of drafting the Constitution of India. <DBC?4A2>;0C4 not be divorced from equality, equal- and re-emphasise that the unity and Constitution casts a positive obliga-
OHDGLQJWKHJUDQGROGSDUW\ Preamble: Ambedkar’s new preamble defined 8=C>?4>?;4³B ity cannot be divorced from liberty. integrity of India can be preserved tion on the State to take necessary
the essential features of the Indian State and its socio- ;8E4BC>D?7>;3 Nor can liberty and equality be only by a spirit of brotherhood. India steps to protect the fundamental
political objectives. While drafting the Constitution, 0B4=B4>5 divorced from fraternity. Without has one common citizenship and rights of all citizens. The State is oblig-
the makers imagined an egalitarian society built on 1A>C74A7>>3 equality, liberty would produce the every citizen should feel that s/he is ed to secure conditions where digni-
the values and the spirit embodied in the Resolution. C70CC74 supremacy of the few over the many. Indian first, irrespective of other ty of its citizens is protected to
Pandit Thakur Das Bhargav, a member of the 2>=BC8CDC8>= Equality without liberty would kill basis. In this view, any measure at enable all to live in conditions of fra-
Constituent Assembly, said: “The Preamble is the <0:4AB individual initiative. Without frater- bringing about equality should be ternity. Fraternity not only acts as the
most precious part of the Constitution. It is the soul 4=E8B8>=43 nity, liberty would produce the welcome.” The court relied on binding element between unity and
of the Constitution. It is the key to the Constitution. 5>A8=380C74 supremacy of the few over the many. ‘Fraternity’ in the Preamble and equality, it gives birth to new rights
It is a jewel set in the Constitution. It is a proper Equality without liberty would kill Ambedkar’s speech on obligations which facilitate the constitutional goal
yardstick with which one can measure the worth 8340;B>5 individual initiative. Without frater- imposed under the Fundamental of an egalitarian society. The right to
of the Constitution.” ;814ACH nity, liberty and equality could not Duties chapter, which do not other- live with dignity and respect, free
The trinity of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity: 4@D0;8CH become a natural course of things. It wise have any legal sanction. from oppression and untouchabili-
6RLQRUGHUWRFXUHWKHVLFNQHVVLQWKH&RQJUHVVRQHKDV The egalitarian society the founding fathers 0=35A0C4A=8CH would require a constable to enforce In the Prathvi Raj Chauhan vs ty. The fundamental rights granted
WR GLDJQRVH WKH URRW FDXVH ILUVW :KLOH WKH $. $QWRQ\ envisioned, rests on four pillars established in the 0A42>4G8BC4=C them.” Union of India case, addressing the in the Constitution are structured on
Preamble: The pillars of Justice, Liberty, Equality and 8=C4A34?4=34=C Ambedkar pointed to the exist- SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities) the principles liberty, equality, and
WKHUHSRUWZHUHQHYHUHYHQGLVFXVVHGLQWKHSDUW\$IWHULWVORVV Fraternity. However, the word ‘Fraternity’ is men- ing social and economic inequality Act, Justice Ravindra Bhat of the fraternity. These ideals are inscribed
tioned in the Constitution only once. Also in Indian society and the significance Supreme Court said that fraternity in the Constitution’s Preamble. The
LQWKHSDUW\GLGQ·WHYHQERWKHUWRJRWKURXJKWKHPRWLRQV “Fraternity” and has not occupied much space in of the ideals of Liberty, Equality and holds a crucial a place in the scheme Universal Declaration of Human
RIVHWWLQJXSDFRPPLWWHH7KHQWKHUHLVWKHODFNRIDVPRRWK judicial discourse by the Supreme Court compared Fraternity to eliminate those inequal- of our nation’s consciousness and Rights,1948, which is contemporane-
JHQHUDWLRQDOFKDQJHLQWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQ:KLOH6RQLDZDVDEOH to Justice, Liberty and Equality. The French ities. On October 17, 1949, Acharya polity. However, he said that ous with the Indian Constitution,
WRLQVWDOOKHUVRQDVWKHSDUW\FKLHIDQGLQGXFWKHUGDXJKWHUDV Revolution inspired the Drafting Committee to Kripalani applauded the inclusion of ‘Fraternity’ is one of the lesser recognises inherent dignity and the
JHQHUDOVHFUHWDU\VKHFRXOGQRWFKHFNWKHSDUW\·VHURVLRQRU adopt the trinitarian concept of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity in the Preamble. “Again I explored areas in the Constitutional equal and inalienable rights of all
EXLOGWUXVWLQWKHDSSUHKHQVLYHROGJXDUG:KHQ5DKXOWRRNFRP Fraternity preceded by Justice. The French were the come to the great doctrine of frater- discourse of the judiciary. The court members of the human family. This
SOHWHFKDUJHEHWZHHQDQGKLVHYLGHQWGLVFRPIRUW first to raise the slogan, “Liberty! Equality! nity, which is allied with democra- observed that, “The Fraternity is the foundation of freedom, justice
Fraternity!” against oppression by the State, to cy. It means that we are sons of the assured by the Preamble is not a dec- and peace in the world.
ZLWKWKHVHQLRUVDQGWKHODWWHU·VDQLPRVLW\DJDLQVW¶7HDP5DKXO· demand political participation and to promote same God, as the religious would say, laration of a ritual handshake or cor- Thus, the Constitutional value of
ZDVYHU\HYLGHQW7KLVPXVWFKDQJH brotherhood. Of the three revolutionary slogans, fra- but as the mystic would say, that there diality between communities that are ‘Fraternity’ must be palpably seen in
3OXVWKHSDUW\PXVWJREDFNWRJUDVVURRWVSROLWLFVDQGSUH ternité, called for unity and solidarity, to be bound is one life pulsating through us all, or diverse and have occupied different the actions of the State and
SDUHWKHFDGUHZKLFKZLOOZRUNGXULQJWKHHOHFWLRQV7KLVLVYLWDO as citizens of one nation. In his concluding remarks as the Holy Bible says, ‘We are one of spaces: It is far more.” Constitutional functionaries.
DVWKH&RQJUHVVKDVORVWFRQWDFWZLWKWKHSHRSOH$OVRWKHUHLV on November 25, 1949, Ambedkar said: “We must another’. There can be no fraternity While evaluating the constitu- Fraternity must be seen in the laws
DQHHGIRUGHFHQWUDOLVDWLRQRIDXWKRULW\LQRUGHUWRHPSRZHU6WDWH make our political democracy a social democracy without this.” tional validity of the appointment of and enactments by Parliament and
as well. Political democracy cannot last unless there Courts on fraternity: The local tribals as special police officers the Legislature. Fraternity must per-
DQGGLVWULFWOHYHOOHDGHUVDQGJLYHXS'HOKLFHQWULFIXQFWLRQLQJ lies at the base of it social democracy. What does Bombay High Court in the Indian in Maoist-hit regions of Chhattisgarh colate into people’s lives to uphold a
7KHSDUW\PXVWDOVRGHYHORSVHFRQGUXQJOHDGHUV7KHUHZDV social democracy mean? It means a way of life which National Mines Overmen vs Western in the Nandini Sundar vs State of sense of brotherhood that the
The writer is Advocate,
DWLPHZKHQWKH6WDWHVKDGVWURQJ&KLHI0LQLVWHUVDQGWKHSUHV recognises liberty, equality and fraternity as the prin- Supreme Court of India, Coalfields Limited case, challenging Chhattisgarh case, the apex court Constitution makers envisioned for
LGHQWVRIYDULRXV3UDGHVK&RQJUHVV&RPPLWWHHV 3&&V ZLHOG ciples of life.” and partner, Dua the compulsory deduction of C50 stressed on the importance of frater- India. The ideals of Liberty, Equality
HGSRZHU,QVXFKDVLWXDWLRQLIWKHSDUW\ORVWLQDUHJLRQWKHQ Ambedkar asserted that the principles of Associates. The views from the salary/wages of its employ- nity. It said, “Our Constitution posits and Fraternity are coexistent, inter-
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity are to be treated as expressed are personal. ees for transfer to the Prime that unless we secure ... conditions of dependent and inseparable.

ow when the Union tion of the Gross Domestic More allocation must for Responsibility funds for devel- ture and capacity for collecting

N Budget 2021-22 is
around the corner, in the
midst of one of the worst pub-
Product (GDP). The gap is so
large and the population so
underserved that this would
infrastructure and skill devel-
opment: It is another key area
that the Government should
opment of healthcare infra-
structure and capacity building.
Expansion of digital
and analysing data.
Need to expand the ambit
of medical insurance: The
lic health emergencies faced by have to be done for several years prioritise. India has less than a healthcare must be the focus of annual financial statement 2021 2T[TQaXchPRcXeXb\XbP
humanity in recent memory, it in succession to alleviate the sit- bed and a doctor per 1,000 pop- the Union Budget: The coun- also needs to ensure that med- \Xb]^\TaX]?PZXbcP]
is high time for the healthcare uation. ulation, far lower than the try needs connected health- ical insurance is extended as <TC^^ Tg_^bTSbTgdP[
industry to articulate its con- The forthcoming financial World Health Organisation’s care — a digital ecosystem much as possible to drive the
cerns and expectations. Only a 7EB@B55D B0=37D statement should focus on sig- (WHO’s) standards. We need to where real-time data from top idea of universal healthcare in R^TaRX^]Qh\TSXP\^Vd[b
well-formulated and balanced nificantly higher allocations for invest in setting up an increased Government and private hospi- the country. Treatments like fW^R^]ca^[[TSf^\T]³b
annual financial statement with Research & Development number of medical colleges tals and diagnostic centres flows dental procedures, mental RPaTTabP]SaTeTP[TSW^f
adequate allocation and focus (R&D) in biotechnology, epi- with requisite infrastructure into a data centre that tracks, healthcare and homecare for the _^fTa^UcWT_Ta_TcaPc^a
on all critical segments, as well demiology and pharmaceuticals while giving due importance to monitors and predicts changes sick need to be included as part PaTSaXeTab^UbTgRaX\Tb
as on secondary aspects, can including vaccines and in build- key departments which play a improvement in overall out- in disease patterns, so that time- of health insurance policies. <^aT^eTaXcXb^][h
prepare the country to improve ing healthcare infrastructure. significant role in preventing comes. If the Centre truly seeks ly action can be initiated to obvi- Therefore, the Union _^bbXQ[Tc^VTcYdbcXRTU^a
its health services and meet the The ongoing pandemic reiter- infections in hospital environ- to involve private capital it must ate the expensive follow-on Budget must be a well-thought
challenges of inoculating such a
The writer is president,
ates the need for increased pub- ments, apart from the operating relax unrealistic price restric- treatment. In this context, the out document from the health- cWT^UUT]RTX]cWTU^a\P[
Council of Healthcare
large population as ours. and Pharma, lic spending on healthcare rooms and Intensive Care Units tions and do away with outdat- National Digital Health Mission care sector’s perspective and the f^aZ_[PRTCWTTgR[dbX^]^U
Need to address poor and founder Reva which is still in the range of 1.3 (ICUs). There is also a pressing ed rules. One initiative that can is a step in the right direction. allocation of 1.6 per cent of the bcdST]cbP]SX]U^a\P[
spending on healthcare: There Pharma. per cent of the GDP, far lower need to contain the problem of be taken is to ask the medical It needs to be strengthened GDP in the previous Budget f^aZTabUa^\_a^cTRcX^]Xb
The views expressed
is an urgent need to raise the are personal. than what has been stated and antibiotic and antimicrobial and pharmaceutical companies and investments are required to must be improved under all cir- PcaPeTbch3Pf] TSXc^aXP[
allocation on health as a propor- promised. resistance for getting the desired to direct their Corporate Social be made to create the infrastruc- cumstances.
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k90=D0AH !%!! f^a[S'


e`DV_ReV8@A`aa`dVdecZR] caP]bVT]STaQP] LQ$PHULFD
Washington: As the House prepares to do it” because he believes it would be Capitol and trying to overturn Joe Washington: President Joe Biden is set to issue an exec-
bring the impeachment charge against bad for the country and further inflame Biden's election. utive order to reverse a Pentagon policy that largely bars Washington:US President Joe Biden a way to proactively invest in American
Donald Trump to the Senate for trial, partisan divisions. The proceedings will also force transgender individuals from joining the military, dump- will sign a series of executive orders on industry so it can continue to lead in
a growing number of Republican sen- Trump is the first former president Democrats, who have a full sweep of ing a ban ordered by President Donald Trump in a tweet Monday to promote “Made in America” the global marketplace, the White
ators say they are opposed to the pro- to face impeachment trial, and it will test party control of the White House and during his first year in office, a person briefed on the deci- products and strengthen supply chains, House said.
ceeding, dimming the chances that his grip on the Republican Party as well Congress, to balance their promise to sion tells The Associated Press. senior officials said, asserting that the For the executive order, Made in
former president will be convicted on as the legacy of his tenure, which came hold the former president accountable Biden has been widely expected to overturn the new administration remains commit- America refers to domestic preferences
the charge that he incited a siege of the to a close as a mob of loyal supporters while also rushing to deliver on Biden's Trump policy in his early days in office. ted to working with partners and allies related to federal procurement, feder-
US Capitol. heeded his rally cry by storming the priorities. AP The White House could announce the move as early to modernise international trade rules. al grants, and other forms of federal
House Democrats will carry the sole as Monday, according to the person briefed on the deci- Prominent among the executive assistance. Buy American and Buy
impeachment charge of “incitement of
insurrection” across the Capitol late
Monday evening, a rare and ceremoni-
/DZPDNHUVWKUHDWHQHG sion who spoke on the condition of anonymity to dis-
cuss the order.
The move to reverse the policy has the support of
orders include a strict enforcement of
procuring products made inside the
country by federal agencies. This is very
America refers to the specific statutes
that go by those names, it said.
The executive order to be signed by
al walk to the Senate by the prosecutors
who will argue their case. They are hop-
ing that strong Republican denuncia-
DKHDGRILPSHDFKPHQWWULDO Biden's newly confirmed defense secretary, retired Army
Gen. Lloyd Austin, who spoke of the need to overturn
it during his Senate confirmation hearing last week.
significant given that contracting alone
accounts for nearly USD 600 billion in
federal spending.
Biden at the White House, directs agen-
cies to close current loopholes in how
domestic content is measured and
tions of Trump after the Jan. 6 riot will Washington: Federal law enforcement Washington as the Senate moves for- “I support the president's plan or plan to overturn Biden is taking action to reset the increase domestic content require-
translate into a conviction and a sepa- officials are examining a number of ward with plans for Trump's trial, the the ban,” Austin said. “If you're fit and you're qualified US government's longstanding ments and appoints a new senior
rate vote to bar Trump from holding threats aimed at members of Congress official said. to serve and you can maintain the standards, you should approach to domestic preferences to leader in the Executive Office of the
office again. as the second trial of former President The shocking insurrection at the be allowed to serve.” create an approach that will remain President in charge of the government's
But instead, GOP passions appear Donald Trump nears, including omi- Capitol by a pro-Trump mob prompt- The decision comes as Biden plans to turn his atten- durable for years to come and grow Made in America policy approach.
to have cooled since the insurrection. nous chatter about killing legislators or ed federal officials to rethink security tion to equity issues that he believes continue to shad- quality, union jobs, according to a This order creates a central review
Now that Trump's presidency is over, attacking them outside of the U.S. in and around its landmarks, resulting ow nearly all aspects of American life. Ahead of his inau- senior administration official. of agency waivers of 'Buy American'
Republican senators who will serve as Capitol, a U.S. Official told The in an unprecedented lockdown for guration, Biden's transition team circulated a memo from It is long overdue that the US gov- requirements, fulfilling the president's
jurors in the trial are rallying to his legal Associated Press. Biden's inauguration. Ron Klain, now the White House chief of staff, that ernment utilises the full force of cur- commitment to crack down on unnec-
defense, as they did during his first The threats, and concerns that Though the event went off with- sketched out Biden's plan to use his first full week as pres- rent domestic preferences to support essary waivers. It also directs the
impeachment trial last year. armed protesters could return to sack out any problems and armed protests ident “to advance equity and support communities of color America's workers and businesses, General Services Administration to
“I think the trial is stupid, I think the Capitol anew, have prompted the around the country did not material- and other underserved communities.” strengthening the economy, workers, publish relevant waivers on a publicly
it's counterproductive,” said Sen. Marco U.S. Capitol Police and other federal law ize, the threats to lawmakers ahead of The move to overturn the transgender ban is also the and communities across the country, available website.
Rubio, R-Fla.. He said that “the first enforcement to insist thousands of Trump's trial exemplified the contin- latest example of Biden using executive authority in his first the official said. President will continue to be a
chance I get to vote to end this trial, I'll National Guard troops remain in ued potential for danger. AP days as president to dismantle Trump's legacy. AP The President's Executive Order strong advocate for the Jones Act and
establishes the goals and standards nec- its mandate that only US-flag vessels
essary to use federal purchasing, and carry cargo between US ports, which
4DfTXVWbaTb_^]bT 'LVLQIRUPDWLRQEHLQJXVHG ?PZXbcP]XSXbbXST]c1P[^RWPRcXeXbc other forms of federal assistance with
domestic preference requirements, as
supports American production and
America's workers. PTI
Islamabad: The body of Karima of protests by the Baloch national-
Brussels: European Union for- Baloch, a 37-year-old Pakistani dis- ists who cherished her as their
eign Ministers on Monday sident from the ethnic Baloch com- leader. Her supporters claimed on
debated the 27-nation bloc's ?C8Q D=8C43=0C8>=B disinformation rests on the complex munity and a prominent women's social media that the village was vir-
response to the arrest of interaction between data sets, algo- rights activist, who died in mysteri- tually sealed off so that people from
Russian opposition leader other areas could not attend the
Alexei Navalny and a weekend
police crackdown that saw
Icyndia has called on technology
companies to ensure transparen-
and a check on misinformation
rithms and information infra-
structure built by technology com-
panies. These algorithms govern
ous circumstances while in exile in
Canada, was brought home and
buried in her village in the restive
In some videos, people are seen
thousands taken into custody on their platforms, cautioning that not just what information is avail- Balochistan province amid tight requesting security forces to allow
during protests in support of there is a growing tendency of for- able to different populations, but security, officials said on Monday. them to attend the funeral prayers.
President Vladimir Putin's eign interference in the internal also to whom, and with what fre- Karima, who was highly criti- Security sources said that the
most well-known critic. affairs of other countries through quency,” Naidu said. cal of Pakistan's security agencies and mobile phone services were sus-
“This wave of detention is disinformation campaigns. “As such, tech companies have campaigned extensively against dis- pended in the area to avoid any unto-
something that worries us a lot, Addressing the Arria-formu- the obligation to make sure that the appearances and human rights vio- ward incidents as militants often use
as well as the detention of Mr la meeting on media freedom in platforms they have deployed are lations in the troubled Balochistan it to carry out acts of sabotage.
Navalny,” EU foreign policy Belarus organised by the Estonian transparent and their users are not province, was found dead in Toronto Toronto police have not treated
chief Josep Borrell said as he Permanent Mission on Friday, misinformed,” he said. downtown waterfront on December her death as suspicious though there
arrived to chair the ministeri- India's Deputy Permanent Sounding a note of caution, 22. were allegations by her supporters
al meeting in Brussels. More Representative to the UN Naidu said there is also a “growing Officials said that her immedi- that she was killed.
than 3,500 people were report- Ambassador K. Nagaraj Naidu said tendency of foreign interference in ate family was present at the funer- Her family members are not
edly taken into custody during that the information revolution the internal affairs of other coun- al on Sunday in the Tump village of sure what happened. According to
the nationwide protests. AP has both benefited and weakened tries through use of disinformation the Keach area of the restive police in Toronto, her body was
media systems. campaigns to advance ulterior polit- province. found near Lake Ontario, but no fur-
“Today, the global economy of ical agendas.” Security was tight due to the fear ther details were given. PTI

Washington: Joe Biden sought to mend and bol-
ster US' strained ties with France in his first phone
call as American President to his French coun-
terpart Emmanuel Macron, as the two leaders
pledged to work together on shared foreign pol-
icy priorities, including China, and fight the
Covid-19 pandemic and climate change.
Biden called Macron on Sunday and
expressed his desire to strengthen bilateral ties. He
also stressed his commitment to bolstering the
transatlantic relationship, including through
NATO and the United States' partnership with the
European Union, the White House said.
“The leaders agreed on the need for close
coordination, including through multilateral
organisations, in tackling common challenges such
as climate change, Covid-19 and the global eco-
nomic recovery,” it said in a statement. PTI

Mexico City (Mexico): Mexican President
Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said that he
has tested positive for Covid-19 and that the
symptoms are mild.
Mexico's president, who has been criticised
for his handling of his country's pandemic and
for not setting an example of prevention in pub-
lic, said on his official Twitter account that he
is under medical treatment.
“I regret to inform you that I am infected
with Covid-19,” he tweeted. “The symptoms are
mild but I am already under medical
treatment. AP
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k90=D0AH !%!!

E4D`_TVRXRZ_ 6^ec\PhcfTPZ A18aTUdcTbaT_^acb 8=1A845


^[SC C C$


?C8Q =4F34;78 high of C3,345.25 during the
?C8Q =4F34;78
?C8Q <D<108

day. <B4=3?>;82HF8;;?A>E4C>14060<4270=64A)2<
ountry’s largest software Shares of RIL declined 5.36 he Government may tweak he Reserve Bank of India 9PX_da)2WXTU<X]XbcTa0bW^Z6TW[^cbPXScWPccWTBcPcT6^eTa]\T]c
C exporter Tata Consultancy
Services (TCS) on Monday
per cent to close at C1,939.70 on
the BSE after its earnings failed
T customs duties in the
Budget next week on several
T (RBI) on Monday refuted
reports of withdrawal of old
surpassed Reliance Industries to cheer investors. goods, including furniture raw series of C100, C10 and C5 cur- cWTSXaTRcX^]fX[[_a^eTc^QTPVP\TRWP]VTaCWTh
Ltd to become the country’s In March last year also, materials, copper scrap, certain rency notes. BPXScWPcSdTc^cWXb\dRWPfPXcTS_^[XRhdbT^U<bP]SP]SXcb
most valued firm by market TCS had reclaimed the status chemicals, telecom equipment “With regard to reports in _a^SdRcX^]X]cWTbcPcTFX[[X]RaTPbTP]S^daST_T]ST]RT^]VaPeT[
capitalisation. of the country’s most valued and rubber products, to pro- certain sections of media on R^\X]V^dc^UaXeTabfX[[STRaTPbT0[^]VfXcWcWXbcWTb^[dcX^]^UcWT
In another milestone, TCS firm by market valuation. mote domestic manufacturing withdrawal of old series of _a^Q[T\^UfPbcTR^\X]V^dc^UcWT\X]TbX]cWT\X]X]VPaTPb^UcWT
also emerged as the most val- So far this month, TCS and exports, sources said. C100, C10 & C5 banknotes bcPcT0]ScWTaTfX[[QTT\_[^h\T]c^__^acd]XcXTbPccWT[^RP[[TeT[SdT
ued IT company in the world shares have gained nearly 13 They said that while from circulation in near future, c^cWT[PaVT]d\QTa^U<BT]Sd]XcbX]bcP[[TSFX[[QTQ^a]
as its market valuation went per cent on the BSE. import duties could be tweaked it is clarified that such reports BWaX6TW[^cX]PdVdaPcTS<BT]S?^[XRh!!Pc2WXTU<X]XbcTa³b
past that of Accenture. Multinational tech firm on over 20 products such as cut are incorrect,” the RBI said in aTbXST]RT^]<^]SPhFTaTPSSaTbbX]VcWT_a^VaP\
During the close of trade, Accenture’s market capitalisa- and polished diamonds, rubber a tweet.
the market valuation of TCS tion was at USD 168.44 billion goods, leather garments, tele- While announcing the 18:4A0;;H>=C74>220B8>=>5=0C8>=0;C>DA8B<30H
was at C12,34,609.62 crore as of Friday close on the NYSE. com equipment and carpet, the issuance of new C100 denom- C^RT[TQaPcTcWT=PcX^]P[C^daXb\3Ph!! PQXZTaP[[hfPb
while that of Reliance As of Monday, TCS valuation customs duties could be ination banknotes with base ^aVP]XbTSQh3XaTRc^aPcT^UC^daXb\9P\\dCWTaP[[hfPbU[PVVTS^UU
Industries Ltd (RIL) stood at C in dollar terms was at USD removed on select raw materi- colour Lavender in July 2018, Qh2WP]STa<^WP]6d_cP<Ph^a9P\\d<d]XRX_P[2^a_^aPcX^]P]S
12,29,661.32 crore on the BSE. 169.26 billion. Tech giant SAP’s als (like wood in rough, swan RBI had said banknotes in the BWA::Pc^RW3XaTRc^aC^daXb\9P\\dUa^\9P\\dCPfX6^[U
TCS dipped 0.40 per cent market valuation was at USD wood and hard board) used for denomination of C100 issued 2^dabTX]fWXRWPa^d]S$QXZTab_PacXRX_PcTSCWT1XZTAP[[hfX[[
to close at C3,290.20 after gain- 155.50 billion and that of IBM furniture manufacturing and by it in the earlier series will R^eTac^daXbcSTbcX]PcX^]b^UBdaX]bPa<P]bPa<PW^aTVPaW5^acP]S
ing 1.26 per cent to its one-year was at USD 105.69 billion. copper concentrate. continue to be legal tender. 2WXRWX<PcP<P]SXa

CU^cUhdQ^[c%#!`dc+U^UbWi 0\Pi^]UX[Tb_[TPfXcW 8]R[dbXeT5X]P]RT

9Dcd_S[c`\Qic`_Y\c`_bd 3T[WX72c^T]U^aRT 8]SXP0fPaSb
?C8Q <D<108 index to the session’s lowest
point at 48,274.92.
C aXbTbU^a$cW B802X]cTaX\^aSTa New Delhi: With an aim to cel-
ebrate and encourage deserving
institutions to continue to
he benchmark Sensex The broader NSE Nifty bTbbX^]bTcc[Tb" ?C8Q =4F34;78 The move comes just days enhance outreach to the poor
T dived nearly 531 points to
close at 48,348 on Monday,
plunged 133 points or 0.93 per
cent to end the session at _PXbTWXVWTaPc&!(# S online retail giant
after the Future-RIL deal
received nod from market reg-
by way of motivating manage-
ment and staff through recog-
extending its losses to the third
straight session due to massive
Over the last three ses-
Mumbai:The rupee rose by
3 paise to settle at 72.94
U Amazon has moved Delhi
High Court to block partner
ulator SEBI and bourses.
In its latest petition,
nition to their painstaking
efforts and enhancing credi-
selling in energy and IT stocks. sions, the BSE Sensex has lost against the US dollar on Future Group from selling Amazon has said the interim bility of the institution, the
After swinging nearly 1,444.53 points or 2.90 per cent Monday, extending its gains retail assets to Reliance injunctions granted by the Inclusive Finance India Awards
1,000 points during the session, and the NSE Nifty has shed for the fifth straight session Industries that had received a Emergency Arbitrator (EA) were constituted by ACCESS
the BSE benchmark settled 405.80 points or 2.77 per cent. despite heavy selling in the nod from market regulator are enforceable under the Development Services in part-
with a loss of 530.95 points or “Domestic equities were domestic equity market. At SEBI and stock exchanges. Indian laws under the nership with HSBC India
1.09 per cent at 48,347.59. quite volatile today and gave up the interbank forex market, The e-commerce giant is Arbitration and Conciliation recently in Delhi. The winners
The 30-share index all early hours’ gains. the rupee opened at 72.95 seeking enforcement of the Act as the order is deemed to were felicitated by Union
opened over 375 points high- Investors continued to against the American cur- Singapore arbitrator’s interim be an order of the Court and is Minister of State for Finance
er and hit the day’s high of prefer in taking profits off the rency, and hit an intra-day order to stall C24,713-crore enforceable under the Code of Anurag Singh Thakur and
49,263.15 before succumbing to table ahead of union budget high of 72.89 and a low of Future-Reliance Industries Ltd Civil Procedure. NABARD Chairman GR
selling pressure that took the and F&O expiry. 72.96 in day trade. (RIL) deal. Chintala.
SLRQHHU C74?8>=44A
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k90=D0AH !%!! 
cTbcTS_^bXcXeTU^acWT2^eXS (X]B^dcW

Xb]^cP_aX\PahR^]RTa]PcP[[U^a\P]h3AC0=E8?0A:0A cT[[bh^d URXWLQHLV
fWh\PX]cPX]X]VST]cP[WhVXT]TXbYdbcPbX\_^acP]cPb^eTaP[[WhVXT]T '5$-$<


lmost one month into the New

A Year, it is high time to make a rou-

tine for your skin and make sure you
follow it. Morning is the best time to start
taking care of your skin. Your skin is fresh
from a goodnight’s sleep and you should
make sure to prepare it up before you begin
your day. Everyday our face faces a lot of
dust, sun rays, UV rays, pollution. hence,
having a proper skincare routine in the
morning is of utmost importance.
Here are a few tips to make your skin
glowing this year:
Cleanse with water: Cleansing your
face with water is the first and the foremost
step for the glowing skin. Our face needs
the right amount of water so that all the dry-
ness from the night is removed.
Use a toner: The next big step is to use
a toner. Toning your face is very important.
A good toner helps to remove any remain-
ing bits of oil and dirt left behind by a
ost of us tend to believe that not smoking a cigarette will cleanser. It also shrinks the pores. Toners
M insure us against lung cancer. Unfortunately, this is not true.
A growing number of non-smokers in India are reporting lung
prevent the skin from producing excess oil.
Serum: After you are done using a
cancer today. What’s worse is the fact that the disease in non- toner, get ready to use a serum. The serum
smokers shows more subtle symptoms that are often difficult to is specifically made to handle all your skin
diagnose initially. Non-smokers also tend to write off the pos- problems. Take a few drops of the serum
sibility of contracting this disease as they believe they do not run and warm it up by rubbing it in between
its risk. your palms. Apply the serum on the skin,
While it is true that smoking tobacco is the most significant he stress and anxiety relat- temic diseases: A lot of systemic Alteration in the quantity and com- starting from the nose, and work your way
risk factor for lung cancer, not all people who get the disease have
smoked. The American Cancer Society estimates that around 20
per cent of people who die from lung cancer in the US every year
have never consumed tobacco is any form. While we do not have
any such consolidated estimates for India, Oncologists are report-
T ed to the infection coupled
with the mental fatigue of
calibrating oneself to the
new normal, has made people
realise the importance of mental
diseases have oral manifestations.
These include diabetes, certain
infections, gastrointestinal problems
as well as nutritional deficiencies.
Entry to the digestive system:
position of saliva also leads to loss
or altered taste.
Mask mouth: Wearing mask
for prolonged duration results in
decreased salivation or dry mouth
outwards. Leave it on for two-three minutes
to absorb into the skin.
Always remove your makeup: It is very
important to remove the makeup, no mat-
ter where you are, before you go to bed, or
ing a clear trend of rising disease incidence among non-smok-
wellness. To add to these, news of
celebrities breathing their last
The oral cavity is the portal to the
digestive system. It is here that food
BHBC4<8C8B that results in cavities, gum disease
and sour breath.
if you have been wearing it for a very long
time. It is important that you give time to
Interestingly, it has been observed that lung cancers in smok- owing to mental illness, has put is tasted and enjoyed, masticated 74A4C70C5>>3 Loss of teeth in long haulers: your skin to breathe. Use a good water
ers and non-smokers are different on genetic and molecular lev- this issue in the limelight. As we with the teeth and mixed with sali- A phenomenon where idiopathic makeup cleanser, and remove all the layers.
els. In fact, a bulk of the non-smokers who report lung cancer browse along the myriad of dis- va to form a bolus — an ingestible 8BC0BC430=3 bone loss and falling out of teeth Skincare routines are incomplete
are women. A number of factors can trigger lung cancer in non-
smokers; these include expo-
courses on wellbeing, we quickly
can realise that dental health is not
and digestible form of food that
enters the oesophagus. It is also in
4=9>H43 have been reported by few people
who have been experiencing
without the use of a moisturiser:
Moisturise your skin with a dermatologist-
8cWPbQTT]^QbTaeTS sure to carcinogens in some considered as significant as men- the mouth that the food is mixed <0BC820C43F8C7 COVID-19 symptoms for a very recommended moisturiser as often as you
form or certain gene changes. tal health, in fact dental health is with digestible enzymes from the long time. Although a thorough can Based on your skin type.
cWPc[d]VRP]RTa Non-smoking lung cancer not a primary concern at all. saliva for easy digestion. C74C44C70=3 research and more evidence is Clean the makeup brushes regularly:
X]b\^ZTabP]S patients are also found to be rel- Oral cavity is one of the most Workplace grooming and hal-
<8G43F8C7 required to substantiate this phe- It is important to clean your makeup
]^]b\^ZTabXb atively younger. important parts of our bodies that itosis: We are supposed to meet a nomenon, it is speculated that the brushes to avoid a buildup of makeup
Lung cancers in smoking
SXUUTaT]c^]VT]TcXR and non-smoking individuals
dentists dedicate five years of their lot of people for work related mat- B0;8E0C>5>A< infection caused inflammation that residue and bacteria. Use a shampoo and
lives learning. The fact that they ters. These could be bosses, co- could attack the gums and mouth, conditioner to clean your brushes, as you
P]S\^[TRd[Pa[TeT[b not only get triggered different- spend most of their curricular time workers, clients, and other people. 01>;DB¯ 0= which might be able to trigger tooth do with your hair. Cleaning brushes helps
8]UPRcPQd[Z^U ly but also tend to develop dif- (even more by post-graduates), on It is expected that we are well
8=64BC81;40=3 loss.
As we can observe from the
to smooth and even apply makeup every
]^]b\^ZTabfW^ ferently. Lung adenocarcinomas such a small part of the body, itself, groomed and follow etiquettedur- time.
which are a type of non-small
aT_^ac[d]VRP]RTaPaT cell lung cancer are the most
makes it so significant. Sadly, this ing our meetings. One of the impor- 3864BC81;45>A< above, oral care plays a vital role in Apply sunscreen: Don’t forget to use
seems to be a trivial subject for tant aspects of this is oral hygiene. the overall health or a person. This sunscreen before you head out. Wear a good
f^\T]6T]TRWP]VTb common type of cancers found many. Maybe they feel that dentists It is not necessary that we must go >55>>3C70C has become crucial in the pandem- sunscreen with SPF of 40 or higher and try
^aTg_^bdaTc^ in non-smoking people. Most
commonly, adenocarcinomas
shall only talk about brushing twice
a day which is covered by a tooth-
for a celebrity level smile design,
however, it is pertinent that we do 4=C4ABC74 ic times. Dental treatments are
currently not covered in most
to avoid the sun as much as possible.
Lip moisturiser: Using a lip moisturis-
RPaRX]^VT]bRP] tend to grow in the outer paste as it is, so what’s more to it?? not show the food that’s stuck in our >4B>?706DB insurance programmes in the coun- er would be a good idea. During the win-
caXVVTa[d]VRP]RTaX] regions of the lungs unlike The relevance of dental health and teeth while we are talking or smil- try. Ergo, oral health needs to be an ter season, our lips tend to get really dry,
]^]b\^ZTab small cell cancers and squa- why it should be a part of workplace ing. Halitosis or bad breath is also verting enzyme 2) receptors, which important aspect of workplace well- because of which we sometimes develop the
mous cell cancers which grow wellbeing programme is what is dis- one of the concerns and a huge turn are used by SARS-CoV-2 virus to ness since education, awareness habit of licking our lips. This can lead to der-
near the airways. cussed in the article. off whileinteracting socially. enter epithelial cells. In addition, and early detection are key to good matitis around the mouth. In order to avoid
While most lung cancers are treated in a similar way, Some of the significant aspects Significance of oral health in SARS-CoV RNA can be detected in outcomes. As the famous saying this, even using a basic moisturizer like
Oncologists are now developing a deeper understanding of the of oral cavity and dental health are COVID-19 situation: saliva before lung lesions appear. goes, “Dentistry is not expensive, Vaseline would help.
genetic differences and triggers of different types of cancers. as follows: Nasopharynx and orophar- This may explain the presence of neglect is!”, we must ensure that we Take multivitamins and antioxidants:
Patients with genetic cancer triggers such as EGFR mutation and Functions of oral cavity: The ynx: The oral cavity is an entrance asymptomatic infections. Thus, the always maintain good oral hygiene. Not getting enough sun causes a dip in your
ALK (anaplastic lymphoma kinase) gene rearrangements oral cavity and its components to the respiratory tract and main- potential infectivity of saliva alone In conclusion, we must provide Vitamin D levels, so adding Vitamin C and
respond better to a different line of treatment than chemother- have various functions like chewing taining good oral hygiene can pre- must not be ignored. equal attention to dental health as D to the supplements, in addition to
apy. Most commonly, these gene mutations are responsible for food, enabling us to pronounce vent COVID-19 infection. Xerostomia and dysgeusia: we provide to mental health in the omega fatty acid supplements. Avoid tak-
triggering cancers in non-smokers. words, and giving shape and form Saliva and oral mucosa: The The inflammation caused by the workplace. ing sugar and alcohol.
Never ignore these symptoms: As mentioned above lung to the face. oral mucosa and salivary glands are viral infection leads to reduced sali- CWTfaXcTaXb7TP[cWAXbZ<P]PVT\T]c CWTfaXcTaXb3Ta\Pc^[^VXbc0TbcWTcXR?WhbXRXP]P]S
cancers in non-smokers are often different as compare to the dis- Oral manifestations of sys- lined with ACE2 (angiotensin con- vary secretions and dry mouth. 2^]bd[cP]c0]eXcX8]bdaP]RT1a^ZTab cWT5^d]STa3XaTRc^a^U8;0<43
ease type in smokers. This is why sometimes, the disease man-

ifests differently in these two sub categories of patients. People
who do not smoke may present with more subtle symptoms such
as shortness of breath, fatigue, pain in the back along with cough. 'DGL.D.HKQD
Sometimes, these symptoms may initially be taken for any other
condition, delaying the disease diagnosis and treatment. Motion sickness or infections
Whether you smoke or not, it is important not to take any
aberration in the respiratory health lightly. Always report to the can result in nausea. While
doctor if you experience the following symptoms: it is not painful, it is 6:$0,08.81'$1$1'$WHOOV\RXKRZEHKDYLRXUDOPRPHQWXP
Q A cough that lasts more than 2 weeks
Q Shortness of breath
definitely uncomfortable.
Q Chronic fatigue or malaise accompanied by respiratory
distress remedies that can help ife presents us with an our human nature wants Interestingly, the same This explains why
Q Experiencing pain while breathing
Q Recurrent chest infections.
relieve it L array of choices. We
select our thoughts, pri-
quick fixes-excellence
without toil, and perfec-
phenomenon applies to
human behaviour as well.
the most difficult part of
any behavioural modifi-
ausea can happen Control your breath- orities, emotions, and tion without practice. But As you strive to improve cation is the initial phase.
274AAH) If one wants to go Due to their potent anti-
N because of several
reasons. If one has
taken pills on an empty
ing. Taking slow, deep
breaths can also help reduce
behaviours. Regardless
of how good or bad we
may presently be, we can
life mastery and enlight-
enment are not cheap
bargains. They are
yourself, the velocity of
your self-transformation
keeps speeding up. The
It is when our brain is
breaking the neural path-
ways of old habits and
for both health and taste, inflammatory effects, cherries stomach, motion sickness Certain spices like fen- always choose to make achieved through sacri- reason is that any learned establishing circuitry for
then cherry is here to their may reduce symptoms of and infections are the most nel powder, cinnamon and our future better. fice, dedication, and per- behaviour becomes eas- new ones. Once the
rescue. They are high in arthritis and gout, a type of common triggers for cumin extract also helps Regrettably, we also have severance. ier with every repetition, behavioural momentum
antioxidants and anti- arthritis caused by a buildup of nausea. reducing nausea. the option of choosing to The good news is until it finally becomes a builds up, we reach the
inflammatory compounds, uric acid that can lead to Here are a Fennel powder make our future worse. that the level of difficul- habit. auto mode and enjoy the
which may reduce chronic extreme swelling, inflamma- few tips that may reduce Nowadays, there is ty does not remain the Slowly, the choices, ride, because progress in
disease risk and promote tion and pain in your joints. can help. menstrual no dearth of advertise- same throughout the which we keep repeating, life has almost reached
overall health. It can also That’s not all. Cherries While symptoms, ments promising you an journey. In fact, every begin pushing it. Initially, grow onto us and the automatic level.
help relieve exercise- contain melatonin, a substance eating ginger including annual income of two incremental step your every muscle gets become a part of us. That In his latest book, 7
induced muscle pain, that helps regulate your sleep- is synony- nausea, and crores, if you simply becomes easier than the exerted to overcome the is why it is said: “First we Divine Laws to Awaken
damage, and inflammation. wake cycle. mous to help women spend two hours daily on previous one. Social sci- vehicle’s static inertia. make choices and then Your Best Self, he discuss-
Increasing your intake of And last but not catching experience the internet; a weight entists have discovered a But slowly, the move- the choices make us.” es the most important
nutrient-dense fruits like cher- the least, cherries are cold, there is shorter periods loss of twenty kilos by concept called behav- ment begins and then Now, if our choices are divine laws of life. What
ries is a tasty also good for your lot more that Cinnamon wearing a special belt; ioural momentum. keeps picking speed. harmful, the momentum are these laws? How can
way to protect skin. So if you this herb can do. may reduce the and perfection in medi- We are familiar with When the driver sees the will build up in the our life be enriched by
your heart. want to have that Experts believe that severity of nausea that tation if you take initia- the momentum of solid car has gathered enough wrong direction and their knowledge and
Many studies glowing skin, compounds in ginger may women experience during tion in a particular objects. You may have momentum, she releases work to our detriment. application? This joyous
show that diets just grab a work in a similar way to menstruation. Cumin mantra. Surprisingly, had the experience of the clutch, to engage the But if we keep repeating journey is accomplished
rich in fruits bowl of anti-nausea medication. In extract may help improve people are willing to get pushing someone’s car. engine with a jerk and good choices, the impe- through the seven chap-
are associat- cherries. fact, several studies agree symptoms such as abdom- duped into believing When the engine does kick start it. tus will develop in the ters of the book.
ed with a that ginger is effective at inal pain, nausea, constipa- these alluring marketing not turn on with the This is an illustration beneficial direction and CWTfaXcTaXbV[^QP[b_XaXcdP[
reduced risk reducing nausea in various tion and diarrhea in individ- lines. ignition switch, passen- of the momentum of will work to our advan- [TPSTaQTbcbT[[X]VPdcW^aP]S
of heart disease. situations. uals suffering from IBS. The problem is that gers get out of the car and physical objects. tage. ETSXRbRW^[Pa
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k90=D0AH !%!! eXePRXch
A4?D1;82 30H B?4280;

bcP]SfWPcXc\TP]bc^QTPbcPa LPSRUWDQW"([SHUWVVSHDN%\&+$+$. 0,77$/
_T^_[T[^eTWX\cWa^dVWb^RXP[ 5VgUfeeAReeR_RZ\2feY`cR_U:]]fdecRe`c+
\TSXPaTPRcX^]b t is a modern-day standing up while organisations such as natural phenomenon
ritual designed to
the idea of
singing National
Anthem is a ritual.
tribe and nation. They
help bind people
but cultural myths,
i.e. people's truths. It
S^]cZ]^ffWPcXcb[XZTc^ a nation-state. Just as Through rituals and together, grant pride is what humans do to
the flag is a modern- symbols were con- and identity to a peo- establish a commu-
QTPbcPa8S^]cWPeTP] day symbol and struct ideas that create ple. These are not a nity.
he idea of republic another. We all define equality is the key for dict by the Supreme
T is basically an oath
to the Constitution,
equality in the ways
we perceive it. The
a society to perform
well and excel. It
Court, decriminalis-
ing Section 377, a lot
XccWa^dVWb^RXP[\TSXP agnificent marches by besides inconveniencing a large part of which strives to see all idea of equality too is might be different for changed and I think
M the regiments of the
Indian Army, Navy, Air
Force, Police and
Paramilitary forces, dis-
play of the Indian Defence prowess, lat-
est missiles, aircrafts, weapon systems,
the populace in the capital? Does it still
have some importance among the cit-
izens of India or is it merely a public
holiday for them? We might find the
tricolour at a roadside vendor’s shop
or children selling them at traffic sig-
of us as equals. The
truth is that we are dis-
tinct and completely
different from one
different for every-
body. Hence, this
Republic Day, it’s time
to remember that
various sections of the
society, including the
marginalised one.
After the historic ver-
now, the LGBTQIA+
community is very
much a part of the

colourful tableaus showcasing the
beauty of different states of India — the
Republic Day parade in Delhi has
nals only to be trampled upon later.
We speak to experts from various
fields to know how the idea of Republic
>RjRDYRc^RBfVVc2TeZgZde+ 5c3YfgR_=R]]2feY`c+
always been a visual treat. But beyond Day has changed over the years and oday, the idea of Ambedkar. I feel, that over
³8bcX[[aT\T\QTa\TTcX]V appearances, what does the idea of cel-
ebrating this day holds out for people
what it means now. T Republic has translat-
ed, rather seeped, into our
the years, the meaning of
Republic also lost the
cWXbZXSEPad]3WPfP]X] ordinary lives in an extra- powerful values enshrined
V^P;^]VWPXaQXVSaTP\b ordinarily historical way. in our Constitution. But
X]WXbThTbP]SPbfPVcWPc With a massive number of whatever be the odds,
fPbfPXcX]Vc^ people supporting and GST, VAW, CAA laws and
Tg_[^ST^] joining the Kisan Rally, it’s divisive politics — these
RT[[d[^XS0UTf a proud, uplifting have brought people
hTPab[PcTaWTfPb moment. It’s like a dream together with compassion
finding feet. I, and sever- like never before. How
\h0bbXbcP]c^] al others, incredible it is. What an
<=8:<h=P\T8b experience of freedom, s a biographer of Netaji Subhas
dissent, diversity, respect
and equity that our gener-
A Chandra Bose, over the years, I
have observed that the respect he
cWTUXabccX\T8STeT[^_TS ation born post- gained from ordinary Indians, most of
P]X\\TSXPcT[h_a^cTRcXeT bow to our daughters and Independence is experi- whom were born post-1947, is incred-
sons of the soil for this encing! ible. This Republic Day, we need to
UTT[X]V^U[^eTP]SRPaTU^a emergence of a We, the people of remember that people like him and our
WX\0]ScWPcUTT[X]Vc^SPh ‘Republic’ that was India, this January 26, Armed Forces in difficult terrains and
RP\TP[XeTX]PQd]SP]RTPb conceived by our 2021, resolve to give to inhospitable weather conditions, con-
8bPfWX\fP[ZfXcWWXb founding mothers ourselves the values of tinuously defending and standing up
[^eTS^]TPa^d]ScWTW^[h and fathers and Constitution all over for the biggest democracy in the world.
UXaT^UcadbcP]S Dr Bhim Rao again. Jai Hind!
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k90=D0AH !%!! b_^ac !

4YV]dVRdRT\ 6_X]R_UhYZeVhRdY=R_\R
game average of 1.67 is the
274;B40<0=064AB fourth-lowest of any perma-
?A4<84A;406D4 nent Chelsea manager in the

?>8=CB?4A60<4 Premier League.
Tuchel only became avail-
0eaP\6aP]c !" able a month ago when he left Leach and Sibley took four
PSG, less than five months wickets each to set up England’s
! 9^bT<^daX]W^ ! ( after taking them to the win.
" 0]c^]X^2^]cT ! # Champions League final, The hosts started their sec-
which they lost to Bayern ond innings early in the day
# 2Pa[^0]RT[^ccX !& Munich. with a lead of 37 but it all came
$ ;dXi5T[X_TBR^[PaX (% The 47-year-old German to an end in the afternoon ses-
won back-to-back league titles sion.
% 6ddb7XSSX]Z (# with PSG, but that was not Number 10 Embuldeniya
& <PdaXiX^BPaaX '# enough to satisfy the club’s top-scored with 40, after taking
Qatari owners, who replaced seven wickets with his left-arm
05?Q ;>=3>= Chelsea said in a statement. ' A^QTac^3X<PcT^ '" him with former Tottenham spin to end England’s first
“However, recent results ( 2[PdSX^AP]XTaX '! manager Mauricio Pochettino. innings on 344. He was the
helsea sacked manager and performances have not Prior to PSG, Tuchel only batsman to score more

C Frank L ampard on
Monday after 18
months in charge, with former
met the club’s expectations,
leaving the club mid-table
without any clear path to sus-
impressed at B orussia
Dortmund, having started his
managerial career with
than 20 as Sri Lanka collapsed
from 29 for one in their second
Paris Saint-Germain boss tained improvement.” Augsburg and then Mainz. Embuldeniya put up some
Thomas Tuchel reportedly set The club’s Russian owner French champions in Lampard is Chelsea’s resistance with a ninth-wicket
to replace him at Stamford Roman Abramovich said: December, is in line to take record goalscorer and won stand of 48 with Suranga
Bridge. “This was a very difficult over, reports said. three Premier League titles Lakmal, who made 11 not out,
Sunday’s 3-1 FA Cup decision for the club, not Chelsea are struggling in during his glittering playing 9^TA^^cW^[SbfX]]Tab´ca^_WhPUcTa4]V[P]SQTPcBaX;P]ZPX]!]SCTbc /822
before Root took the final two
fourth-round win against least because I have an ninth place in the Premier career at Stamford Bridge, as wickets with his off-spin.
Championship side excellent personal League table, 11 points behind well as the Champions and 05?Q 60;;4 spinners Jack Leach and Dom Leach’s left-arm spin got
Luton was not relationship with leaders Manchester United. Europa Leagues and other Bess skittled out Sri Lanka for Kusal Perera trapped lbw for
enough to save Frank and I have They have lost five of domestic honours. om Sibley and Jos Buttler 126 in their second innings. 14, and off-spinner Bess sent
Lampard, whose
team have
the utmost respect
for him.
their past eight Premier
League matches after a good
His first managerial post-
ing was at Championship club
D anchored a run chase after
a jittery start as England beat
Left-arm spinner Lasith
Embuldeniya claimed three
back Oshada Fernando for
three in the first session. First-
slumped to ninth “He is a man start to the season. Derby. In his one season in Sri Lanka by six wickets on wickets that gave Sri Lanka innings centurion Angelo
place in the of great integri- Lampard signed a three- charge, they reached the Monday in the second Test to hope and helped him to his Test- Mathews was then bowled by
Premier League. ty and has the year deal in 2019 and despite Championship play-off final, sweep the series 2-0. best match figures of 10-200. Bess for five and Chandimal fell
Chelsea said highest of work a transfer ban, led them to the where they lost to Aston Villa. Sibley and Buttler put on Debutant spinner Ramesh to Leach, with James Anderson
it had been a e t h i c s . FA Cup final and a fourth- Lampard then became the an unbeaten 75-run stand as Mendis got the key wicket of taking a superb running catch.
“ver y difficult Howe ve r, place finish in his first man- 10th full-time manager England, who were struggling skipper Joe Root, who scored Earlier Dilruwan Perera
decision” to part under cur- agerial campaign at Stamford appointed by Abramovich at 89/4, got to their target of 164 11 after his 186 in England’s trapped overnight batsman
ways with the 42- rent circum- Bridge. since the billionaire bought in an extended final session on first innings total of 344, to add Leach lbw for one on just the
year-old, who stances we But a huge outlay of the club in 2003. the fourth day in Galle. to the scare given to the 11th ball of the day after
replaced Maurizio believe it is around £220 million on new “He is an important icon The result gave England a tourists. Embuldeniya took England resumed on 339 for
Sarri in July 2019. best to change players including Ben Chilwell of this great club and his sta- second successive Test white- Zak Crawley for 13 and then nine in Galle.
“We are grateful managers.” and German attackers Kai tus here remains undimin- wash in Sri Lanka after winning ended Jonny Bairstow’s stay England now head to India
to Frank for what he Former Havertz and Timo Werner ished,” said Abramovich. “He all three matches in the island after a quickfire 29, putting for a four-Test series starting
has achieved in his PSG boss Tuchel, has failed to translate into will always be warmly wel- nation in 2018. England’s nerves on edge, but February 5 in Chennai. The
time as head coach who was abruptly improved results. comed back at Stamford England were given a dead- Sibley calmly moved to his first two Tests will be played to
of the club,” sacked by the Lampard’s points-per- Bridge.” line to finish in the day after third Test half-century. empty stadiums.


05?Q <03A83 Simeone after assisting Suarez

and scoring a goal for himself
uis Suarez scored a bril- that should send a message to
L liant team goal as Atletico
Madrid came from behind to
his coach, who has handed
the 21-year-old a spell on the
beat Valencia 3-1 on Sunday bench in recent weeks.
and move seven points clear “It’s not written that foot-
at the top of La Liga. ballers have to play 90 min-
After Real Madrid utes,” said Simeone. “Joao
thrashed Alaves on Saturday, scored a goal, made an assist,
Barca had earlier followed suit he came off and on came
with a scrappy victory over Correa, who scored a goal
Elche. and was close to anoth-
But Atletico were er. The competition is
undeterred in the cap- healthy.”
ital, as their consider- Simeone knows
able advantage was the pressure will
restored again, with a mount as the La Liga
game in hand. trophy comes more
“We don’t get car- into view, yet his team
ried away or think too far are showing an assuredness
ahead, we think about getting now that is offering little
better,” said Atletico coach encouragement for Barcelona
Diego Simeone. and Real Madrid.
Suarez finished off a flow- Earlier, Frenkie de Jong
ing move that had started scored in the 39th and set up
almost on Atletico’s goal-line Riqui Puig’s 89th-minute goal
before substitute Angel to give Barcelona its fourth
Correa capped another slick league win in a row as Messi
string of passes to end served the second of his two-
Valencia’s resistance. game suspension for hitting
The visitors had taken an an opponent.
early lead in stunning fashion, The Catalan club moved
Uros Racic curling into the a point in front of Sevilla,
top corner from 35 yards but which on Saturday beat Cádiz
Joao Felix equalised and 3-0.
Atletico came back, in a way It was the first time
that has begun to feel expect- Barcelona won four consecu-
ed. tive league matches this sea-
Felix was replaced by son, with all four victories
Correa after an hour by coming in away matches.

New Delhi: The start of the inaugural World Test
Championship final has been pushed back by eight days and
will now begin at Lord’s on June 18, keeping in mind the
proximity with the next IPL’s summit showdown.
The final of the inaugural championship was tentative-
ly scheduled to begin on June 10 at the iconic venue in
However, since the Indian Premier League final is also
expected to be played around the same dates, it could have
complicated the quarantine schedule of the participating play-
“The WTC Final will now be played from June 18-22
and June 23 will be the reserve day. As background we pushed
it back to allow for any quarantine that may be imposed, par-
ticularly given the close proximity to the end of the IPL and
the original dates) so driven by quarantine,” a BCCI source
The IPL schedule has not been finalised as yet but it is
expected to conclude towards the end the May.
There is a close fight between India, Australia and New
Zealand to compete for the title. India are leading the table
with 430 points (PCT 71.7), followed by New Zealand (420,
PCT 70) and Australia (332, PCT 69.2). PTI

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