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Indigenous Science Why teach Indigenous

Knowledge in Science?
Indigenous Science as - - is the process by which
Science Indigenous people build their
empirical knowledge of their Students will have an increased
natural environment. awareness of Aboriginal culture
It is a broad category that includes and identity
everything from metaphysics to
philosophy to various practical modern day environmental
technologies practiced by Indigenous problems have social and
cultural dimensions which
peoples past and present.
benefit from perspectives other
than Western science.

It relates only to
particular people science focuses on
and their the component
understanding of parts
the world.

information KNOWLEDGE universal
about the and
world in a unifying.
holistic way.

Indigenous knowledge advances China has charted a different

course, with the government
modern science and technology supporting the development of
both Western and traditional
medicine in its healthcare system
through research on what is called
Indigenous people have 'integrative medicine'.
been responsible for the
development of many
technologies and have
substantially contributed to researchers have used Inuit
science. TEK to establish historical
changes in an Arctic tundra
Maasai pastoralists in Tanzania caribou population (Rangijer
TEK of indigenous people in the used TEK about indicator plant tarandus) in remote regions of
Solomon Islands identified species to assess rangeland Canada (Ferguson and Messier
sensitive habitats for the health and classify landscape 1997) and to monitor
vulnerable bumphead parrotfish features, resulting in grazing migratory birds (Gilchrist et al.
and led to the creation of two and cropping practices that 2005).
marine protected areas to conserve improved biodiversity at macro
fish populations (Aswani and and micro-landscape scales
Hamilton 2004). (Mapinduzi et al. 2003).

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