Buletin Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Impor Desember 2019

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Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

HS Uraian Komoditi/Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif
Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date

23021000 Of maize (corn) 0 1 000 0 3 959

23023010 Bran and pollard 61 450 6 453 590 13 207 1 367 105
23023090 oth than bran and pollard 0 7 0 121
23024010 Of rice 0 24 121 0 33 842
23024090 oth than rice 2 15 801 967 54 3 616 857
23025000 Of leguminous plants 332 500 3 384 654 119 757 1 218 725
23031010 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues of manioc 0 15 904 948 0 2 755 160
23031090 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues oth than manioc 17 722 760 271 400 677 9 150 596 140 137 556
23032000 Beetpulp, bagasse and oth waste of sugar manufacture 2 130 4 735 7 263 19 298
23033000 Brewing or distilling dregs and waste 48 577 977 857 554 281 10 477 619 195 023 626
23040010 Defatted soya-bean flour, fit for human consumption 743 450 6 416 975 432 558 3 611 975
23040090 Oth than defatted soya-bean flour, fit for human consumption 455 339 806 4 398 512 772 166 515 106 1 655 137 370
23050000 Oil-cake & oth solid residues, won ground or in the form of pellets, 1 89 281 126 42 622
23063000 Oil-cake & oth solid residues, won ground or in the form of pellets, 527 250 10 305 322 136 471 2 767 967
23064110 Of low erucic acid rape seeds 0 14 713 992 0 3 723 493
23064910 Of oth rape seeds 0 11 471 865 0 2 766 650
23064920 Of oth colza seeds 0 182 640 0 46 299
23065000 Of coconut or copra 100 000 1 252 000 11 050 143 707
23069010 Maize (corn) germ 0 314 612 0 175 043
23069090 oth than maize (corn) germ 380 004 9 475 378 111 804 2 316 162

23070000 Wine lees, argol 12 000 12 002 16 800 16 871
23080000 Veg materials,waste, residues, won in the form of pellets, of a kind 1 6 404 515 30 1 907 884
23091010 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale, containing meat 4 736 126 55 725 636 6 631 136 74 941 212

23091090 Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale, not containing meat 1 281 635 16 335 490 1 584 017 19 823 228

23099011 Complete feed of a kind suitable for poultry ps 330 084 2 639 714 234 244 2 150 289
23099012 Complete feed of a kind suitable for swine 10 030 282 108 802 166 3 972 475 42 736 484
23099013 Complete feed of a kind suitable for prawns 5 797 465 46 228 838 5 321 996 43 368 859
23099014 Complete feed of a kind suitable for primates 45 145 263 1 194

23099019 oth than HS 23099011 - 23019014 387 064 5 450 499 638 759 8 453 602

23099020 Premixes, feed supplements or feed additives 2 548 902 39 265 999 9 133 768 128 477 105
23099090 oth than premixes, feed supplements or feed additives 444 549 3 717 328 1 146 601 8 093 791

24011010 Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped, virginia type flue-cured' 13 858 1 021 781 514 915 7 616 878

24011040 Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped, burley type 0 1 662 0 15 446

24011050 Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped, oth than virginia and burley type 100 430 615 661 3 345 147

24011090 oth than HS 24011010 - 24011050 115 981 6 367 795 2 059 209 61 478 105

24012010 Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped , virginia type, flue- 8 757 847 65 361 763 42 006 178 348 604 762

24012020 Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, virginia type, oth than 0 330 406 0 1 204 518
24012030 Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, oriental type 147 647 9 810 475 539 627 64 706 793

24012040 Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, burley type 540 680 6 432 099 1 852 826 30 294 896
24012050 Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped, oth than virginia, 137 40 837 868 269 080
24012090 Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped,oth than HS 24012010 - 325 526 4 579 865 2 915 214 50 965 059
24013010 Tobacco stems 242 463 14 257 230 134 694 9 779 331
24013090 oth than tobacco stems 119 938 2 288 444 80 809 2 079 856
24021000 Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco 21 573 190 505 214 657 2 284 197
24022010 Cigarettes containing tobacco,beedies 77 2 891 3 297 134 516
24022020 Cigarettes containing tobacco,clove cigarettes 140 870 832 661 1 381 002 10 002 609
24022090 Cigarettes containing tobacco, oth than beedies and clove cigarettes 68 816 1 185 156 1 534 446 26 082 146
24029010 Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos of tobacco substitutes 2 20 70 437
24029020 Cigarettes of tobacco substitutes 0 10 637 0 503 763
24031100 Water pipe tobacco specified in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter 0 23 462 0 84 345
24031911 Other Water pipe tobacco specified in Subheading Note 1 to this 0 15 0 180
24031919 Other Water pipe tobacco specified in Subheading Note 1 to this 5 3 048 25 78 552
24031920 Oth Water pipe tobacco specified in Subhead Note 1 this Chap,Oth 566 657 8 803 006 3 054 122 52 553 990
24031999 Other Water pipe tobacco specified in Subheading Note 1 to this 28 421 280 082 28 191 1 677 224
24039110 “Homogenised’’ or “reconstituted” tobacco,packed for retail sale 0 23 0 103
24039190 “Homogenised’’ or “reconstituted” tobacco,oth than packed for retail 118 946 1 204 495 373 050 3 599 391
24039910 oth than “homogenised’’ or “reconstituted” tobacco extracts and 343 19 549 61 331 1 529 975
24039930 Oth than “homogenised’’ or “reconstituted” manufactured tobacco 0 63 0 2 131
24039940 Oth than “homogenised’’ or “reconstituted” tobacco snuff, whether 0 1 0 51
24039950 Oth than “homogenised’’ or “reconstituted” chewing and sucking 1 1 75 75
24039990 Oth manufactured tobacco&substitutes,homogenised/reconstituted 74 635 793 866 1 169 618 10 840 500
25010010 Table salt 30 012 1 132 645 5 204 132 796
25010020 Unprocessed rock salt 0 8 0 121
25010050 Sea water 27 108 102 484 1 084 19 193
25010091 Other salt with sodium chloride content more than >60 %&<97 %, 196 439 2 482 6 790
25010092 Other salt with sodium chloride content >97 % &< 999 %, calculated 488 190 329 2 593 624 150 16 967 259 95 106 580


Berat Bersih / Net Weight (Kg) Nilai / Value C.I.F (US$)

HS Uraian Komoditi/Commodity Description Bulan ini Kumulatif Bulan ini Kumulatif
Current Month Cum.Jan. to date Current Month Cum.Jan. to date

25010099 Other salt with sodium chloride content <=60, calculated on a dry 133 772 537 529 78 176 256 941
25020000 Unroasted iron pyrites 150 000 60 134 416 30 602 5 967 524
25030000 Sulphur of all kinds, other than sublimed sulphur, precipitated 19 171 366 769 726 102 2 034 871 95 057 317
25041000 Natural graphite in powder or in flakes 205 402 1 619 813 200 511 2 224 402
25049000 Other than natural graphite in powder or in flakes 26 740 501 571 22 500 471 145
25051000 Silica sands and quartz sands 1 132 149 24 584 789 197 333 4 073 209
25059000 Other than silica sands and quartz sands 4 571 883 75 399 787 99 535 1 601 201
25061000 Quartz 5 388 855 31 756 348 561 093 3 852 345
25062000 Quartzite 94 195 72 820 578 38 272 4 448 379
25070000 Kaolin and other kaolinic clays, whether or not calcined 6 701 849 87 656 303 1 949 582 26 146 489
25081000 Bentonite 17 682 841 374 872 414 1 721 471 29 082 812
25083000 Fire-clay 476 490 15 493 942 273 484 6 796 211
25084010 Fuller's earth 3 270 133 17 118 171 716 692 3 349 592
25084090 Other clays than fuller's earth 3 063 736 57 639 850 2 467 052 38 746 760
25085000 Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite 187 301 2 176 585 79 999 1 015 458
25086000 Mullite 308 668 3 395 676 164 816 1 778 481
25087000 Chamotte or dinas earths 422 283 1 256 832 193 742 733 003
25090000 Chalk 24 338 744 587 9 059 262 493
25101010 Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates 0 733 404 0 851 060
25101090 Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates 0 9 800 0 10 742

25102010 Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates 0 4 200 002 0 586 766
25102090 Natural calcium phosphates, natural aluminium calcium phosphates 124 240 000 1 751 875 957 14 489 714 193 129 146
25111000 Natural barium sulphate (barytes) 23 623 129 89 503 528 3 304 403 14 172 420

25112000 Natural barium carbonate (witherite) 100 124 135 5 123

25120000 Siliceous fossil meals & similar siliceous earths,whether or not
ps 326 719 27 583 669 255 206 5 656 099
25131000 Pumice stone 108 126 720 211 40 747 286 067
25132000 Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives 434 929 13 340 202 196 464 4 431 530
25140000 Slate, whether/not roughly trimmed/merely cut, by 18 840 179 223 9 326 84 985

25151100 Marble and travertine crude or roughly trimmed 726 240 2 101 178 183 535 636 924

25151210 Marble & travertine,Merely cut,by sawing/otherwise,into blocks a 948 970 17 395 904 337 339 5 885 710
25151220 Marble & travertine,Merely cut,by sawing/otherwise,into slabs of a 233 713 6 460 827 168 654 4 177 440

25152000 Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone, 0 64 982 0 21 167

25161100 Granite crude or roughly trimmed 24 146 370 456 64 401

25161210 Granite merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a 442 290 6 421 063 142 945 2 046 562

25161220 Granite merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of a 165 245 1 291 294 50 137 471 752

25162010 Sandstone crude or roughly trimmed 0 353 302 0 67 584


25162020 Sandstone merely cut, by sawing or otherwise, into blocks or slabs of 20 383 130 208 10 845 57 292
25169000 Other monumental or building stone 0 133 420 0 35 090

25171000 Pebbles,gravel,broken/crushed stone,for road metalling/for 39 083 325 245 718 249 913 214 4 659 002
25172000 Macadam of slag, dross or similar industrial waste, whether/not 0 58 0 295
25173000 Tarred macadam 0 25 000 0 4 250
25174100 Granules, chippings and powder, of stones of heading 2515 or 2516, 119 1 149 439 475 289 871
25174900 Granules, chippings and powder, of stones of heading 2515 or 2516, 6 743 621 24 201 292 91 850 478 516
25181000 Dolomite, not calcined or sintered 21 719 000 34 230 279 456 007 1 468 731
25182000 Calcined or sintered dolomite 72 096 386 433 19 827 95 582
25183000 Dolomite ramming mix 264 400 3 362 716 24 032 314 103
25191000 Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) 132 147 791 462 26 700 246 307
25199010 Fused magnesia, dead-burned (sintered) magnesia 6 154 235 116 292 442 1 298 450 29 009 492
25199090 Other than fused magnesia, dead-burned (sintered) magnesia 242 245 19 202 253 229 267 7 711 422
25201000 Gypsum, anhydrite 319 767 309 2 598 128 082 9 114 521 77 100 738
25202010 Plasters of a kind suitable for use in dentistry 41 001 155 919 30 675 140 596
25202090 Other Plasters 1 372 424 19 729 977 357 030 5 117 999
25210000 Limestone flux, limestone and other calcareous stone, of a kind used 190 685 701 1 364 057 802 3 719 529 28 828 767
25221000 Quicklime 9 620 598 243 752 052 943 793 20 928 258
25222000 Slaked lime 124 470 3 884 958 41 871 851 646
25223000 Hydraulic lime 89 800 461 910 17 819 90 413
25231010 Cement clinkers of a kind used in the manufacture of white cement 0 1 000 0 3 650
25231090 Other cement clinkers 22 150 575 1 903 20 789
25232100 Portland cement, white cement, whether or not artificially coloured 0 69 151 0 23 250
25232990 Other Portland white cement 43 61 3 889 9 185
25233000 Aluminous cement 371 365 3 825 121 193 115 2 711 814
25239000 Other hydraulic cements 0 39 575 0 30 239
25249000 Other Asbestos 8 546 000 122 141 500 4 090 013 58 099 947
25251000 Crude mica and mica rifted into sheets or splittings 59 34 565 1 889 102 659
25252000 Mica powder 181 407 2 420 031 303 247 4 685 751
25253000 Mica waste 0 2 0 45


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