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Q1 - LESSON 2Student’s name:.................................................Class:8A.................

Corrector’s name:......................................

Questions 11-20. Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND OR A NUMBER
for each answer.
Title of the lecture: (11) ……………….
9:00 am Main Hall
Lecturer: John Smith from the (12)
10:30 am Presentation of papers Garden Room on the ground floor

11:15 am Coffee break Main Hall

Sea View Restaurant on the (13)
1:00 pm Lunch
The lift on the (14) …………………….
2:00 pm Presentation of further papers Ballroom

(15)……………….. pm Afternoon tea Ballroom

5:00 pm Conference will be finished Main Hall

5:10 – 6:10 pm Informal reception (16) ………………………………………

Questions 17 – 20. Choose the correct letter A, B, or C

17. Tickets are available
A. only at the reception desk. B. tomorrow evening. C. at any time before the reception.
18. The delegates will be charged ………… for lunch.
A. $6.50 B. $15.00 C. $25.00
19. The restaurant is famous for
A. steak. B. fish. C. barbecue.
20. The trip on Sunday costs
A. $35 in total. B. $35 plus entrance fees. C. $35 plus lunch.


25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 1
I. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group.
1. A. pressure B. medical C. immortal D. lightning
2. A. language B. lyrical C. evidence D. disadvantage
3. A. secondary B. available C. additional D. majority
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
4. A. inconsistent B. instant C. resistance D. information
5. A. anger B. damage C. message D. germ
6. A. pronounce B. face C. vocabulary D. ceremony

I. Rewrite the sentences. Use the words in brackets.
~ You can start training a few weeks before the marathon providing you’ve been running regularly for at least a
year before that. (on condition that)
...You can start training a few weeks before the marathon on condition that you’ve been running regularly for at
least a year before that…
7. Don’t consider running a marathon if you aren’t in good physical condition. (unless)
8. Don’t leave training until just before the marathon because you might injure yourself. (in case)
9. Take time off from running every week or else your body will not have a chance to rest. (otherwise)
10. Provided that you train carefully, you can avoid injury. (as long as)
11. If you are sensible, you should run a marathon safely and successfully. (assuming)

II. Underline the correct answer.

12. If she didn’t die / hadn’t died so young, she would be / would have been a famous musician now.
13. You should relax. If you didn’t work / hadn’t worked so hard all the time, you wouldn’t be / wouldn’t
have been ill last year.
14. If he didn’t waste / hadn’t wasted so much money in his youth, he could be / could have been a wealthy
man now.
15. If I have been / were a more sensitive person, I wouldn’t upset / wouldn’t have upset her in the way that
I did.
16. If they really want / wanted to emigrate, they would move / would have movedto another country by now.
17. If he worked / had worked harder last month, he wouldn’t be / wouldn’t have been so busy now.
18. I wouldn’t be doing / wouldn’t have been doing this job today if I knew / had known how boring it would
19. If the train wasn’t delayed / hadn’t been delayed, we will be / would be there now.
20. If the passenger didn’t forget / hadn’t forgotten her passport, she would be boarding / would have
been boarding the plane now.
21. If you followed / had followed the diet your doctor gave you, you might not be / might not have been ill
III. Complete the conversations. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box.

not have not spend


25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 2
A: What’s wrong? You look worried.
B: I am, but I’ve only got myself to blame. If I (0) …… hadn’t spent ….. so much money, I (22)
…………………………………………. such a big credit card bill to pay next month.
be  not have  take out not sit

A: Is Lars a careful driver?

B: No, he isn’t. If he (23) ……………………………..……, he (24) ………….…….………………… that nasty
accident last month. And if he (25) ………….…….…………………betterinsurance, his car (26) ………….…….
……………… in the garage at this moment. As it is, he can’t afford to have it repaired.

be setset offtell
A: Are we nearly at Lan and Jinhai’s house?
B: No, we’ve still got a long way to go. But if we (27) …………………………………………. an hour earlier, we
(28) …………………………………………. nearly there now.
A: I’m sorry, but if you (29) …………………………………………. me yesterday that you wanted to
leave at eight, I (30) …………………………………………. my alarm for seven.
B: How was I to know that you get up so late in the mornings?

be beginnot weigh
A: How are things?
B: They’ve been better. I’m on a diet and I joined a fitness centre last week. If I (31)
………………………………. the diet and joined the centre six months ago, I (32) ……………………………. so
much now and I (33) ………………………………. also ………………………………. a lot fitter.

IV. Complete the sentences using one of the following pairs of verbs. Use the present simple or present
perfect in the if-clause, and give alternatives. Notice any possible differences in meaning when these
tenses are used.
not fill in – need not help – go leave – meet
not arrive – give study – know break – have to
0. If you ….. have studied / study ….. Macbeth, you’ll ….. know ….. the scene with the witches.
34. If you ……………………………… home before I get there, I’ll ……………………………… you at the airport.
35. If you ………………………………… the window, you’ll ………………………………… pay for it.
36. If the taxi ………………………… by 10 o’clock, I’ll ………………………… you a lift to the station.
37. If you ………………………………… in an application form, you will ………………………………… to do so
before you can be considered for the job.
38. If the antibiotics ………………………………… by the end of the week, I’ll ………………………………… to
the hospital.

I. Complete the sentences using words in the box. Mind the form of the verbs.
assess depend on fall hold offer
nutritional sentimental novelty shock
39. The value of most cars depreciates quite quickly, but sports cars tend to …………………………… their
value well.
40. Everything is included in the price. This holiday certainly …………………………… value for money.
41. The exact value of the vase will …………………………… its condition. You can expect around £3000 if it’s
in perfect condition.
42. When we decided to sell our house, an estate agent came round to …………………………… the value of
the property.
43. The value of the pound …………………………… against the dollar and other major currencies yesterday.


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44. It’s a not an expensive watch, but it’s of great …………………………… value to me. It belonged to my
45. A lot of junk food is tasty, but much of it has no …………………………… value whatsoever.
46. The game has a certain …………………………… value - it’s new and interesting - but I think people will get
bored with it quite quickly.
47. The violence wasn’t necessary in the film. I think it was included purely for its ……………………… value.

II. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that
fits in the gap in the same line.
With its (48) …………………………….. sunshine, clear, blue water and the warm TROPIC
welcome you will receive, this island is hard to beat as a holiday destination.
The island has something for everyone, but the (49) …………………………….. west DELIGHT
coastis the perfect (50) ………………………….……….. for people who love water CHOOSE
sports,such as water-skiing and windsurfing. For those who prefer a more relaxing holiday,
there are beaches of fine, white sand, facing the calm Caribbean Sea and also an (51)
………………………….……….. selection of restaurants,where the local seafood is (52) IMPRESS
………………………….……….. recommended. HIGH
Among the many other (53) …………………………….. on the island are trips in a ATTRACT
submarine, which allow you to explore the island’s fascinating coral reefs - Caribbean
dancing and a jazz festival held (54) …………………………….. early in January. It is also ANNUAL
worthtravelling along the wild east coast, where, because it faces the Atlantic Ocean, the
weather is often (55) …………………………….. Sadly, this makes the coast rather (56) STORM
…………………………….. for swimming, in contrast to the calmer beaches on the SUITABLE
westcoast. Getting round the island is not difficult, as car and bicycle hire is (57)
…………………………….. arranged, and there is an excellent road system, with a very EASY
(58) …………………………….. bus service. RELY

You are going to read an article in which five people talk about why they enjoy camping. For questions
59 – 73 choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more than once. When more than one
answer is required, they may be given in any order.
Which person or people
likes being in the open air surrounded by wildlife? 59.
gives some advice on things you should take with you? 60.
gives an example of people working together to solve a difficult situation? 61.
is looking for variety when he/she goes on holiday? 62.
doesn’t want to meet the people he/she works with when on holiday? 63.
mentions something you can’t do on campsites? 64.
has enjoyed camping for many years? 65.
likes to make last-minute decisions about where to go on holiday? 66. 67.
talks about making friends while staying at campsites? 68. 69.
mentions a possible problem when arriving at campsites? 70.
says they can’t choose when they go away on holiday? 71.
has been to the same campsite more than once? 72.
sees price as a main priority? 73.


Camping has been a popular choice for holiday accommodation for a long time but it seems that now its
popularity is on the increase. Kate Reilly speaks to 5 dedicated campers and finds out why they prefer to pitch
their tents or park their camper vans rather than stay in hotels or rent apartments.


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A. Ben: a teacher
For Ben the most important thing is to find a cheap and affordable option during the busy school holidays.
‘Because I have to go away during the peak season when all the schools are on holiday it’s often difficult to find
cheap hotel deals or holidays flats for rent,’ he explains. In addition to this he enjoys the flexibility camping
offers. ‘I’m not that good at planning ahead and like to be spontaneous with my travel plans. The fact that it’s not
usually necessary to pre-book to stay at a campsite suits me very well. I also like that I can go away to more
obscure and remote places and get away from the students I spend all year in the classroom with.
B. Cathy: finance director
Cathy is looking for a contrast from her stressful working life when she goes on holiday. She says, ‘I love being
outside and the freedom camping offers. I spend all day in the office when I'm at work and have to be very
organised to meet tight deadlines, so when I'm on holiday I like to be in the fresh air and be able to do exactly
what I want when I want; camping is perfect for that. Of course there are some rules you have to respect like
you’re not allowed to make noise after 11 or 12 at night but I like that. I love going to sleep listening to the
insects in the trees or the waves on the beach.’
C. Matt: IT engineer
Matt likes to spend his holiday seeing lots of different places. ‘I’m a restless person so when I go away on
holiday I don’t like to be tied down to one place; camping means you can stay for two nights in one place then
pack up the tent, jump in the car and stay somewhere else for the next night or two and so on with no need to
book ahead. It’s a great way to see lots of different places in a short period of time.’ He also points out that, ‘You
obviously need a car to really be able to make the most of your time and make sure you have a good map and a
good up-to-date campsite guide with clear directions to help you find the different campsites. Campsites are
often not well signposted and there is nothing more frustrating than driving around for hours looking for a
campsite when you’d rather be relaxing on the beach.’
D. Eli and Catriona: doctor and medical researcher
Eli and Catriona explain why camping is the perfect holiday for families. ‘We used to go camping when we were
much younger, before we had children and loved it but now we have the boys it makes even more sense. There
are so many child-friendly campsites with swimming pools and special activities for kids. It’s so nice for them to
have lots of space to run around in and other children to play with. It also means we have time to ourselves to
really relax. We’ve actually been to the same campsite for 2 years in a row now as we all had such a good time
there the first year. The boys are still in touch with friends they made there last year so we might well go back
again this year too.’
E. Melissa and Stefano: salon manager and marketing director
For Melissa and Stefano it’s the friendly atmosphere that means they keep going back to campsites year after
year. ‘We’ve travelled around the whole of Europe in our campervan and every year we meet so many
interesting people and make friends with people from all over the world. Everyone is always so helpful when you
stay on a campsite. If you need to borrow something like matches your neighbours will always help you out.
One year we got the back wheels of the campervan stuck in the sand and it took ten of our new neighbours to
help push it out. Everyone came rushing over to help as soon as they saw there was a problem and most of us
didn’t even speak the same language. It was a wonderful feeling; you don’t get that in hotels.’


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25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 6
Q1 - LESSON 2Student’s name:.............................................Class: 8A...............
Corrector’s name:...................................

I. Fill in with Present Perfect of Past Simple.
A. The president (0) ...has announced… (announce) the introduction of a new set of measures to deal with
unemployment. The problem (1)…………had become……………………….. (become) worse in recent
months, and yesterday the president (2)……………has stated…………………….. (state) that action must
be taken now. She actually (3)………has singed ………………………….. (sign) the new bill during this
morning’s session of Parliament.
B. Clare (4) …………has been………………….. (be) in New York for almost a year now. I (5) …………had
gone ………………….. (go) to visit her last month and I have to say I (6) …………have been
……………………….. (be) very impressed. I (7) …………had visit ………………….. (visit) most of the major
cities in Europe but I (8) ……………have never seen ……………….. (never/see) any place as exciting as
the Big Apple.

II. You are going to read an article about a bird called the kingfisher. Seven sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9-15). There is
one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
Wildlife photographer Charlie James is an expert on the kingfisher: a beautiful blue-green bird that lives near
streams and rivers, feeding on fish.
Old trees overhang the stream, half shading shallow water. Soft greens, mud browns and the many
different yellows of sunlight are the main colours, as soft as the sounds of water in the breeze. The bird cuts like
a laser through the scene, straight and fast, a slice of light and motion so striking you almost feel it. It has gone
in a split second, but a trace of the image lingers, its power out of proportion to its size.
Charlie James fell in love with kingfishers at an early age. (9) CA sure sign of his depth of feeling for this little
bird is his inability to identify just what it is that draws him to it.……… After all, it is the stuff of legend. Greek
myth makes the kingfisher a moon goddess who turned into a bird. Another tale tells how the kingfisher flew so
high that its upper body took on the blue of the sky, while its underparts were scorched by the sun.

(10) ……H…There is some scientific truth in that story. For despite the many different blues that appear in their
coats, kingfishers have no blue pigment at all in their feathers. Rather, the structure of their upper feathers
scatters light and strongly reflects blue.

(11) A This is why a kingfisher may appear to change from bright blue to rich emerald green with only a
slight change in the angle at which light falls on it.……… It’s small wonder that some wildlife photographers get
so enthusiastic about them. Couple the colours with the fact that kingfishers, though shy of direct human
approach, can be easy to watch from a hideout, and you have a recipe for a lifelong passion.
Charlie James’s first hideout was an old blanket which he put over his head while he waited near a kingfisher’s
favourite spot. (12) ……EThe bird came back within minutes and sat only a metre away. … But it took another
four years, he reckons, before he got his first decent picture. In the meantime, the European kingfisher had
begun to dominate his life. He spent all the time he could by a kingfisher-rich woodland stream.

The trouble was, school cut the time available to be with the birds. So he missed lessons, becoming what he
describes as an ‘academic failure’. (13) …BBut his interest in this, the world’s most widespread kingfisher and
the only member of its cosmopolitan family to breed in Europe, was getting noticed.……

At 16, he was hired as an advisor for a nature magazine. Work as an assistant to the editor followed, then a
gradual move to life as a freelance wildlife film cameraman. What he’d really like to do now is make the ultimate


25N7A&27N7A dãy 2 đường Nguyễn Thị Thập, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội – 0961 779 366 7
kingfisher film. (14) …G‘No speech, just beautiful images which say it all.” he says. …… “I’m attracted to the
simple approach. I like to photograph parts of kingfisher wings...’

The sentence trails off to nothing. He’s thinking of those colours of the bird he’s spent more than half his life
getting close to, yet which still excites interest.(15) …FThe photographs succeed in communicating something
of his feelings. …… But, as Charlie knows, there’s so much more to his relationship with the kingfisher than his
work can ever show.

A This is why a kingfisher may appear to change E. The bird came back within minutes and sat
. from bright blue to rich emerald green with only a only a metre away.
slight change in the angle at which light falls on it.
B But his interest in this, the world’s most F. The photographs succeed in communicating
. widespread kingfisher and the only member of its something of his feelings.
cosmopolitan family to breed in Europe, was
getting noticed.
C A sure sign of his depth of feeling for this little bird G ‘No speech, just beautiful images which say
. is his inability to identify just what it is that draws . it all.” he says.
him to it.
D The movement sends a highly visible signal to H. There is some scientific truth in that story.
. rivals, both males and females, as it defends its
stretch of water against neighbours.

I. Questions 11-13. Choose THREE letter, A-G.
Which THREE things did the presenter say he enjoyed about his holiday?
A. the food D. the journey
B. the weather E. the people he met
C. the nightlife F. His children had a good time

Questions 14-16. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Which THREE radio shows does the presenter recommend Sally listen to?
(14) …………………classical music……………
(15) ………………late night music show………………
(16) ……………history of jazz …………………

Questions 17-18. Choose the correct letter A, B or C Which TWO things does Clive want to hear more of
17. What does John object to? on the radio station?
A. the time of day the programs are on A. young guests
B. the lack of time guests have to answer questions B. music for older people
C. the interviewers’ questions C. consumer issues for older people
18. How does John think the problem could be solved? D. older presenters
A. have further live radio shows E. health problems faced by older
B. put the radio shows on at different times people
C. extend the show on the internet

Questions 19-20. Choose TWO letter, A-E


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