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A systematic review of ordinal scales used to classify the eating

and drinking abilities of individuals with cerebral palsy
1 Chailey Heritage Clinical Services, Sussex Community NHS Trust, Brighton; 2 Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne;
3 Eastbourne Doctoral College, University of Brighton, Brighton; 4 University of Exeter Medical School, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.
Correspondence to Diane Sellers, Research Department, Chailey Heritage Clinical Services, Beggars Wood Road, North Chailey, East Sussex BN8 4JN, UK. E-mail:

PUBLICATION DATA AIM The aim of this review was to examine systematically the scope, validity, and reliability
Accepted for publication 18th August 2013. of ordinal scales used to classify the eating and drinking ability of people with cerebral palsy
Published online 15th October 2013 (CP).
METHOD Six electronic databases were searched to identify measures used to classify eating
ABBREVIATIONS and drinking ability; in addition, two databases were used to track citations of key texts. The
ICF International Classification of constructs assessed by each measure were examined in relation to the World Health
Functioning, Disability and Organization International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Evidence of
Health validity and reliability of the identified scales was appraised from peer-reviewed studies
PEDI Pediatric Evaluation of Disabil- using standard criteria.
ity Inventory RESULTS Fifteen scales were identified in 23 papers. Clinician or researcher assessment was
required for 13 scales; nine scales made use of information from parents and carers through
interviews or questionnaires. Eight scales used the terms mild, moderate, and severe (with
varying definitions) to describe different aspects of eating and drinking impairment. There
was an assessment of either content validity and/or reliability for five scales; however, none
met the recommended psychometric quality standards.
INTERPRETATION Currently, there is a lack of evidence of the validity and reliability of ordinal
scales of functional eating and drinking abilities of people with CP.

Individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) experience activity data using 11 different measures.22 The use of a consistent
limitations including limitations in sitting, standing, walk- indicator of eating and drinking ability would enable more
ing, handling objects, and speaking. Impairments can also rigorous investigation of the prevalence of feeding disor-
interfere with the oral functions required for eating, drink- ders, and of associations between the severity of eating and
ing, and swallowing,1,2 and the ability to bring food and drinking limitations and other health indicators such as
drink to the mouth.3 Limitations in the ability to bite, growth, respiratory health, and gastrostomy use.23
chew and swallow, and self-feed are often associated with A recent systematic review examined the psychometric
prolonged mealtimes and loss of both food and fluid from performance and clinical utility of quantitative measures of
the mouth; this can lead to insufficient food and fluid oropharyngeal dysphagia in children with neurodevelop-
intake to ensure growth and good health,3–7 as well as mental disabilities.21 The aim of the current review was to
adverse respiratory consequences such as episodes of examine the evidence for the validity and reliability of
choking and aspiration.1,8–10 descriptive ordinal scales used to classify the eating and
The prevalence of eating and drinking difficulties in drinking ability of individuals with CP. These scales could
individuals with CP is unclear.11 Estimates range from then potentially be adopted in clinical and population-
27%12 to 90%,13 depending on the definitions and mea- based research.
surement tools used. It has been proposed that prevalence
is related to the severity of motor impairment,14 although METHOD
eating and drinking difficulties also occur in individuals Search strategy
with mildly affected gross motor function.5,15 A systematic search was conducted using bibliographic
Although valid and reliable systems are available to clas- databases MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO,
sify movement,16,17 manual,18 and communication ability19 BNI, and AMED. An example of the search strategy used
in CP, there is inconsistent use of the measures of eating, in MEDLINE and modified for other databases is given in
drinking, and feeding difficulties.3,20,21 A survey of interna- Table SI (online supporting information). The searches
tional CP surveillance registers revealed that, in 2009, 13 were conducted up to 14 June 2013. Additionally, forward
out of 21 active CP registries collected eating and drinking chasing of citations of key texts (listed in Table SII, online

© 2013 Mac Keith Press DOI: 10.1111/dmcn.12313 313

supporting information) was tracked through Web of What this paper adds
Knowledge and Scirus; backward chasing (two generations) • Currently, no valid and reliable scale exists to classify the functional eating
of references cited in these key texts was also performed.24 and drinking abilities of people with CP.
• Validity and reliability need to be evaluated when classifying eating and
Inclusion and exclusion criteria drinking in both clinical and research contexts.
Studies were included in the review if they described an
reference to kappa25,31 and intraclass correlation coefficients
ordinal scale used to classify the eating and drinking ability
(ICCs).28 Reliability was considered satisfactory for popula-
of people with CP. An ‘ordinal scale’ was identified when
tion-based research if the ICC (or weighted kappa) was at
descriptions of eating and drinking ability were placed in
least 0.7 in a sample size of at least 50 patients.27
three or more ordered categories. Ordinal scales were eli-
gible whether they were derived from clinical or technical
assessments, surveys, or generic classification systems. RESULTS
Papers were excluded if they were not related to individu- The search identified 6299 references after duplicates were
als with CP. We excluded scales if an English-language removed. After screening, 722 full-text papers were
version of the instrument was not reported. obtained, of which 464 papers were excluded. In total, 254
papers detailed clinical, instrumental, and patient- or
Study selection proxy-reported measures. From this group, 23 papers
Titles and abstracts were screened by one author (DS); full describing 15 ordinal-scale measures used to classify the
texts of papers that appeared to meet the inclusion criteria eating and drinking ability of people with CP were identi-
were retrieved and reviewed by one reviewer (DS), and fied (Fig. 1). Agreement between reviewers was 98%
15% were checked independently by a second reviewer (kappa=0.95).
(LP). Agreement between reviewers was checked for qual- Overall, 13 of the 15 measures were developed as clinical
ity assurance; absolute agreement and chance-corrected assessments by health professionals;3,6,8,13,20,32–39 nine of
agreement (kappa)25 were calculated. Authors were con- the measures made use of information gathered in inter-
tacted for further information about the instruments if views or questionnaires from parents of children with CP
details were not explicit in the source papers. or developmental disabilities.3,6,20,33,35,37,38,40,41 One
study42 made use of a single item taken from the Pediatric
Data extraction Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI).41 One scale was
Candidate measures were checked to ensure that they met developed for use in the context of a CP surveillance
the requirements of ordinal scales. programme.40 Two measures were used in conjunction
Each identified measure was classified according to its with videofluoroscopic examinations of swallowing.8,39
type:26 (1) clinical measures – clinician-administered assess- All measures were developed for use with children rang-
ments and checklists; (2) technical measures such as the ing in age from 5 months to 18 years. All participants
dynamic fluoroscopic imaging of swallowing (videofluoros- reported eating and drinking performance, that is what a
copy), electromyography, flexible endoscopic evaluation of person actually does in their current environment, rather
swallowing, or measures of respiration; or (3) patient- than capacity, which is their highest level of functioning.
reported measures such as patient and/or proxy question- The measures reported the range of ability utilizing three
naires. to six different categories. The age ranges and constructs
covered by each of the measures are provided in Table II.
Appraisal Seven of the measures included information about
The validity and reliability of the selected measures were whether a child is fed via a tube.3,6,20,32,33,38,40 Seven
examined using defined quality criteria.27–29 Evidence of measures included information about food texture or fluid
the psychometric properties of scales was eligible for consistency managed by the child.3,33,34,36,38,40,41 Seven
appraisal if results were published in peer-reviewed publi- measures included details about swallowing3,32,33,36–38,40
cations. The scope and content of the included instruments and five scales included information about the oral skills
were coded with reference to a core set of identified required to bite and chew food.3,32,36,38,40 Five scales
categories defined within the World Health Organization reported ‘feeding dysfunction’ or ‘difficulties’, although
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and these were not defined.3,13,33,36,37 The safety of oral feed-
Health (ICF;30 Table I). ing was included in six scales3,32,37–40 with aspiration being
Content validity was considered satisfactory if the pur- specifically noted by two measures.8,39 Respiratory function
pose of assessment, the target population, and the concepts or respiratory illness was included in three measures.3,8,38
being measured were clearly identified; content should have Four measures included details about the level of assistance
been identified with input from the target population as well required by the child to eat or drink.6,20,35,40 Three mea-
as experts and investigators. Construct validity was assessed sures made use of the time taken or the duration in order
through hypothesis testing with related instruments, using a to define the categories assigned to a child;6,34,40 two of
priori estimations of the direction and magnitude of statisti- these measures used duration of mealtimes as an indication
cal association.27 Measures of reliability were examined with of severity.6,40

314 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2014, 56: 313–322

Table I: World Health Organization International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) domains and categories relating to eating and

ICF domain Categories

Body structure (s) s320: Structure of mouth including teeth

Body function (b) b510: Ingestion functions. Functions related to taking in and manipulating solids or liquids through the mouth into the
body including b5100, sucking; b5101, biting; b5102, chewing; b5103, manipulation of food in the mouth; b5104,
salivation; and b5106, regurgitation or vomiting
b5105: Swallowing. Functions of clearing the food and drink through the oral cavity, pharynx, and oesophagus into the
stomach at an appropriate rate and speed
b535: Sensations associated with the digestive system
b539: Functions related to the digestive system, including feeding tube
b440: Respiration functions. Functions of inhaling air into the lungs, the exchange of gases between air and blood, and
exhaling air, including aspiration
b450: Additional respiratory functions. Additional functions related to breathing, such as coughing, sneezing, and
b126: Temperament and personality functions including attention and awareness. General mental functions of
constitutional disposition of the individual to react in a particular way to situations, including the set of mental
characteristics that makes the individual distinct from others
b130: Energy and drive functions including appetite. General mental functions of physiological and psychological
mechanisms that cause the individual to move towards satisfying specific needs and general goals in a persistent
b152: Emotional functions. Specific mental functions related to the feeling and affective components of the processes
of the mind
Activity (d) d550: Eating. Carrying out the coordinated tasks and actions of eating food that has been served, bringing it to the
mouth and consuming it in culturally acceptable ways, cutting or breaking food into pieces, opening bottles and
cans, using eating implements, having meals, feasting, or dining
d560: Drinking. Taking hold of a drink, bringing it to the mouth, and consuming the drink in culturally acceptable ways,
mixing, stirring and pouring liquids for drinking, opening bottles and cans, drinking through a straw or drinking
running water such as from a tap or a spring; feeding from the breast
d660: Assisting others with their learning, communicating, self-care, movement, within the house or outside;
including self-care, movement, nutrition and health
Participation (d) d9205: Socializing. Engaging in informal or casual gatherings with others, such as visiting friends or relatives or
meeting informally in public places
Environmental e110: Products or substances for personal consumption. Any natural or human-made object or substance gathered,
factors (e) processed, or manufactured for ingestion
e1151: Assistive products and technology for personal use in daily living
e340: Personal care providers and personal assistants
e410: Individual attitudes of immediate family members
e5800: Health services and programmes at a local, community, regional, state, or national level, aimed at delivering
interventions to individuals for their physical, psychological, and social well-being

The number of constructs assessed to assign a classifica- Alphonce Classification system34 explicitly states that the
tion category in the different measures ranged from 1, such source of content for the ordinal scale is laboratory-based
as the level of assistance required35 or number of chest studies. Eating curves were developed for the typically
infections,8 to 15.38 The content assessed by the included developing population based on the time taken to swallow
measures were coded with reference to the ICF30 a specified quantity of three different food textures;44,45 the
(Table I). Table III shows the frequency of use of ICF cat- categories of the ordinal scale were based on standard devi-
egories across all identified measures. Six of the identified ations. The validity and reliability of the single item used
measures included more than one category within each by Weir et al.42 taken from the PEDI (self-care domain
level, creating the potential to assign a child to more than item A)41 have not been reported. The content of the Dys-
one category.3,6,20,33,38,40 For example, children able to phagia Severity Scale32 was derived from the Dysphagia
swallow safely and self-feed but who also received some of Disorders Survey,46 a detailed measure of oropharyngeal
their nutrition by tube would not be easily categorized. dysphagia; correlations between the two instruments were
One measure identified the ability to feed oneself and the low to moderate (r= 0.18 to 0.46). In the case of the
ability to bite, chew, and swallow safely as distinct skills;38 remaining 11 measures, content validity was not
one measure combined the level of assistance required with reported.6,8,13,20,33,35–40 For only one scale40 were measures
swallowing safety, assuming close correspondence of these of reliability when used by different observers reported
constructs with increasing severity.40 The terms ‘mild’, (n=30; kappa values=0.43 – 0.61).
‘moderate’, and ‘severe’ were used by eight different scales, Eleven of these measures were found only in
each with a different definition.3,13,32–34,36,38,39 peer-reviewed publications by the research groups who
The available evidence of the validity and reliability of developed the scales. Two6,34 of the remaining four scales
the different scales is summarized in Table II. The scale are cited once each by research teams other than the origi-
from the North American Growth Project3 was derived nal developers.47,48 Use of the Dysphagia Management
from acknowledged expert sources.13,43 The Gisel and Staging Scale38 is restricted to clinicians who have attended

Review 315
time taken to eat. By limiting the number of constructs
Articles identified using
used, scales suitable for use in population studies have
search strategy: n=6998
been positively applied.8,20,34,35 However, significant infor-
mation related to the safety of eating and drinking is
Papers excluded using title
omitted from these scales. It may be possible to categorize
and abstract: n=6220
Full-text articles eating and drinking ability by food textures that can be
obtained: n=778 ‘managed’ by an individual with CP, although the defini-
tion of ‘managed’ needs clarification: someone may ‘man-
Papers excluded - search
criteria not met: n=514
age’ chopped food with occasional episodes of choking
requiring intervention from others, whilst another individ-
Reviews - excluded but
ual may eat the same food textures with minimal risk of
relevant tools sought: n=4 choking; someone may be able to eat a roughly mashed
diet and drink thin fluids but experience regular respira-
Measures - nominal data: tory illnesses associated with primary aspiration, while
n=186 someone else may be able to ingest the same diet without
respiratory compromise.
Measures - ratio/interval When different constructs are combined within distinct
data: n=74 categories of an ordinal scale, it is not always possible to
make clear distinctions between levels. For example, when
Measures - ordinal, not the need for assistance in bringing food and drink to the
classifications: n=7 mouth is categorized together with the oral skills required
Identified ordinal
classification systems:
to bite, chew, and swallow, severely limited performance
n=23 reporting on 15 in one construct will mask the classification of relatively
measures unaffected performance in another area. People with CP
may require assistance to bring food and drink to the
mouth but have the oral skills required to bite, chew, and
swallow a full range of foods. The reverse can also be
Figure 1: The process of identification of ordinal scales used to classify
observed, most notably in the case of people with
eating and drinking abilities of people with cerebral palsy.
Worster-Drought syndrome, in whom the oral skills
required to bite, chew, and swallow safely are limited but
certification workshops; the PEDI41 has been used widely who suffer no limitations in bringing food and fluid to
in research, but more specifically to examine eating and the mouth.15 The relationship between eating and drink-
drinking ability of individuals with CP in only four ing ability and other aspects of function such as gross
papers.42,49–51 motor function or hand-to-mouth function cannot be clar-
ified when these functions are combined in the same ordi-
DISCUSSION nal scale. In the same way, whilst eating and drinking
Fifteen ordinal scales used to classify the eating and drink- ability will have an impact upon intake of food and fluid,
ing ability of people with CP were identified in this sys- it may not be helpful to combine eating and drinking
tematic review. Eight of the scales utilized the terms mild, ability with the ability to meet nutrition and hydration
moderate, and severe; however, each measure defined these needs. The nutritional and hydrational requirements of
terms in different ways. The terms ‘feeding problem’ or one person with CP will be different from another’s, even
‘feeding dysfunction’ also lacked precise definition, and though they may have similar eating and drinking abili-
might refer to limitations in the ability to bring food and ties. Another assumption present in some of the scales is
drink to the mouth, or limitations in the ability to bite, that there will always be an association between the pres-
chew, and swallow. There appears to be a dearth of ence of a feeding tube and the greatest limitations to eat-
evidence to support the validity and reliability of any of ing and drinking ability.20,32,33,40
the published scales. The authors of the measures take different viewpoints
Attempts to provide simple objective measures of the on the question of who is best placed to report a child’s
severity of limitations to eating and drinking, such as eating and drinking ability across a range of foods and
mealtime duration, have been challenged because of the environmental settings: six measures8,13,32,34,36,39 are based
multidimensional nature of the activity.52,53 Some of the on information available to healthcare professionals or
included measures use no more than two constructs, such investigators, whilst the remaining nine measures make use
as time taken, food texture, or the ability to self-feed, to of information from parents; only two have the potential
clearly define the distinct categories of the ordinal scale. to be used by both parents and healthcare profession-
An individual’s ability to bite, chew, move food and fluid als.40,41 The most comprehensive measure is derived from
in the mouth, and swallow will impact on the food tex- a clinical assessment tool for use only by clinicians who
tures and fluid consistencies that can be managed and the have attended certification workshops.38 Disagreements

316 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2014, 56: 313–322

Table II: Ordinal measures used to classify eating and drinking performance for people with cerebral palsy: content, structure, validity, and reliability

Scale/author Scale User Sampling frame ICF category Content validity Reliability

Da Graca Five-level ordinal scale (I–V) Speech and language Children with CP; n=30; Total=6: b440 safety; b510 oral None reported n=30 children
Andrada with increasing limitations therapists, healthcare spastic bilateral, spastic skills; b5105 swallowing; with CP;
et al.40 – to performance for each professionals, and unilateral, dyskinetic, b539 tube feeding; d550/d560 kappa=0.43
Portuguese construct within each parents ataxic, unspecified assistance required; e110 healthcare
survey of CP level. Ability to bring food severity; age 4–7y; food textures; unspecified professionals
in Europe and drink to the mouth, on Portuguese CP ‘duration’ vs parents;
scale ability to chew and surveillance register kappa=0.56
swallow, and time taken speech and
for meals are assumed to language
all be related; tube therapists vs
feeding occurs in level V parents;
speech and
therapists vs
Calis Four levels linked to DDS46 Clinician/researcher Individuals with CP; n=166; Total=8: b126 awareness; None reported None reported
et al.32 – DSS part 2 scores: (1) no qualified to use GMFCS level IV or V; age b440 aspiration; b510
dysphagia; (2) mild DDS range 2y 1mo–19y 1mo, loss of food; b510 oral
dysphagia; (3) moderate mean age 9y 4mo; skills; b510 safety of
to severe dysphagia; and attending specialized day oral feeding; b5105
(4) profound dysphagia care, residential, and swallowing; b539
(nil by mouth) educational centres in gastro-oesophageal
Western region of the signs; b539 tube
Netherlands feeding
Dahlseng Five-point ordinal scale Paediatric neurologist Children with CP; n=661; Total=2: b539 tube None reported None reported
et al.20 – (1) independent; (2) in with parents using GMFCS levels I–V; age feeding; d550/d560
Norwegian need of some assistance; registration form range 3y 8mo – 10y assistance required
survey (3) totally dependent 5mo; on Norwegian CP
of CP in upon assistance not tube surveillance register
Europe feeding; (4) partly tube
scale fed; and (5) mainly tube
fed. Levels 1 and 2 are
children with no ‘feeding
problems’; levels 3–5 are
children with ‘feeding
Erkin Four levels defined by food Clinician/researcher Children with CP; n=120; Total=5: s320 structure None reported None reported
et al.33 textures managed: normal, from maternal GMFCS level I to V; age of the mouth; b510
mild dysfunction, moderate interview range 2–18y; attending ingestion ‘feeding
dysfunction, or severe Ankara Physical Medicine difficulty’; b5105
dysfunction (tube fed) and Rehabilitation swallowing; b539
Education and Research tube feeding; e110
Hospital food textures and
fluid consistencies

Table II: Continued

Scale/author Scale User Sampling frame ICF category Content validity Reliability

Fung Four levels defined by food Clinician/researcher Children with CP; n=230; Total=6: b440 respiratory illness; None reported None reported
et al.3 – North textures managed: normal, from parent GMFCS level III to V; b450 coughing, safety; b510
American mild, moderate, or severe questionnaire age range 5–14y; recruited ingestion oral skills, ‘feeding
growth feeding dysfunction from six centres in the dysfunction’; b5105
project USA and Canada swallowing; b539 tube
questionnaire feeding; e110 food textures
and fluid consistencies
Gisel and Three levels defined by Clinician/researcher Individuals with CP; Total=3: b510 duration Chewing cycle None reported
Alphonce34 standard deviation from n=100; range of of ingestion; b5105 curves
Classification chewing norms based on severity of CP; age swallowing; e110 developed
System length of time between range 2–16y; from food textures for typical
specified food textures Montreal area population
entering mouth and first in laboratory
swallow: mild, moderate, (n=103, age
or severe range 2–8y)
Haley et al.41 – Four levels defined by food Clinician/researcher Children with CP; n=170; Total=2: b510 ingestion; e110 Item A in self-care Reliability
PEDI textures managed: (1) from parent report GMFCS level I–V; age food textures domain of PEDI; reported for
pureed/blended; (2) range 1y 6mo–3y; concurrent Norwegian

318 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2014, 56: 313–322

ground/lumpy; (3) cut recruited across validity reported version of
up/chunky; and (4) all food Queensland and for whole whole
textures Victoria in Australia instrument not instrument,
individual item not individual
Hung Three levels defined by level Clinician/researcher Children with CP; n=75; Total=1: d550/d560 level None reported None reported
et al.35 of assistance: (1) totally from parent report age range 5mo–10y; of assistance
dependent upon caretaker; quadriplegia vs hemi- vs
(2) partially dependent (some diplegia, wheelchair
help required); and (3) totally bound vs community
independent in feeding walker; attending
rehabilitation centre,
Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, Kaohsiung
Morton Three levels defined by Clinician/researcher Children with CP; n=26; Total=1: b440 None reported None
et al.8 respiratory illness: (1) no spastic quadriplegia, respiratory illness reported
respiratory infection; (2) minor unspecified severity;
respiratory infections requiring age range 7mo – 16y;
one course of antibiotics; attending Derbyshire
and (3) recurrent respiratory Children’s Hospital
tract infections with two or
more courses of antibiotics
Reilly Four levels defined: (1) no Clinician/researcher Children with CP; n=30; Total=3: b510 unspecified None reported None reported
et al.36 apparent feeding problem; spastic or athetoid, ‘feeding difficulty’; b5105
(2) mild swallowing /feeding unspecified severity; age swallowing; e110 food textures
difficulty; (3) moderate range 4y 4mo –17y and fluid consistency
swallowing or feeding 11mo; attending
difficulty; and (4) severe one special school for
swallowing and feeding children with motor
problems disability
Table II: Continued

Scale/author Scale User Sampling frame ICF category Content validity Reliability

Reilly Four categories of oral motor Clinician/researcher Children with CP; n=49; Total=1: b510 ingestion; None reported None reported
et al.13 dysfunction: none, mild, range of severity and unspecified ‘feeding
moderate, and severe type of CP; age range dysfunction’
1–6y; from two inner
London district health
Selley et al.37 – Five groups defined: (1) general Clinician/researcher Children with CP; n=117; Total=5: b153 fear of None reported None reported
Feeding mealtime difficulties; (2) saliva from parent report range of severity and choking; b440 choking;
Difficulty control problem only; type of CP; age b450 coughing; b510
Symptom (3) swallowing difficulty; range 1–18y, mean age saliva control; b5105
Score (4) fear of choking or coughing, 8y 7mo; attending swallowing; unspecified
with or without a saliva control Feeding and Swallowing ‘general mealtime
problem; and (5) both Advisory Centre at difficulties’
swallowing difficulty and fear Vranch House Special
of choking or coughing School, Exeter
Sheppard38 – Five levels: (1) no symptoms; Clinician/researcher None reported Total=15: b126, b130, and b152 None reported None reported
Dysphagia (2) mild; (3) moderate; (4) qualified to use mealtime behaviours; b535
Management severe; and (5) profound DDS;46 information gastro-oesophageal signs;
Staging swallowing or feeding disorder. taken from parent b539 tube feeding; b440
Scale Ability to bring food and drink questionnaire respiratory function; b450
to the mouth is considered safety; b510 ingestion oral
separately; number of skills; b510 saliva control;
management strategies used b5105 swallowing; d660
(linked to DDS assessment) nutrition/hydration
determines severity rating adequacy; e1151
postural management
strategies; e110 food
textures and fluid
consistencies; e340
special techniques;
e5800 management strategies
Sullivan Six levels defined: (1) always Clinician/researcher Children with neurological Total=2: b539 tube feeding; None reported None reported
et al.6 – needs help; (2) some difficulty from parent impairment; n=100; mild, d550/d560 assistance
Oxford needs help; (3) can feed but questionnaire moderate, severe CP; age required, duration, and
feeding slow and messy – help given; range 4–13y, mean age 9y messiness associated
study (4) tube fed or not fed by SD 2y 5mo; from four with self-feeding
mouth; (5) some difficulty, no counties of UK region
help; and (6) self-feeds
Zerilli Three groups defined: Clinician/researcher Children with CP; n=11; Total=3: b440 aspiration; None reported None reported
et al.39 (1) minimal or no risk of unspecified severity or b5105 safety; e5800
aspiration; (2) moderate type of CP; age range special techniques
risk of aspiration; and 11mo–13y; attending C.S.
(3) no oral feeding owing Mott Children’s Hospital,
to excessive risk of Michigan, USA

ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health; CP, cerebral palsy; DSS, Dysphagia Severity Score; GMFCS, Gross Motor Function Classification System; PEDI, Pediatric

Evaluation of Disability Inventory.

Table III: Frequency of International Classification of Functioning, Disabil-
videofluoroscopic examination of swallowing, have been
ity and Health (ICF) categories associated with constructs of identified
documented.1,9,55 ‘Silent aspiration’, aspiration that takes
ordinal scales
place without the usual outward signs such as coughing, has
also been documented.8–10 Only six of the scales refer to
ICF categories Total aspiration or the consequences of aspiration presenting as
Body structure respiratory illness;3,8,32,38–40 two of these scales have been
s320: Structure of mouth 133 developed for use in the context of videofluoroscopy.8,39
Body function
There are limitations to this systematic review in that
b510: Ingestion functions 103,13,32–34,36–38,40,41
b5105: Swallowing 93,32–34,36–40 only those scales that had been produced or translated into
b535: Sensations associated with 138 English were included. Evidence of measures of reliability
digestive system
and validity of the included scales was considered only if it
b539: Functions related to the digestive 73,6,20,32,33,38,40
system, including feeding tube had been published in peer-reviewed studies. Scales used
b440: Respiration functions, 63,8,32,38–40 within CP surveillance registers22 were included only if
including aspiration
published. Scales assessing emotional and behavioural dis-
b450: Additional respiratory functions, 33,37,38
including coughing turbances to eating and drinking function occurring in the
b126: Temperament and personality 232,38 paediatric population were not included. There may be
functions, including attention
unpublished data regarding validity and reliability of scales,
and awareness
b130: Energy and drive functions, 138 and contact with the developers of the Dysphagia Disor-
including appetite ders Survey46 suggests that this may be the case. However,
b152: Emotional functions 237,38
we preferred to include data only from peer-reviewed pub-
d550: Eating; and d560: Drinking 46,20,35,40 lications so that an appraisal of the methodological quality
d660: Assisting others including 138 of those studies could be examined. We considered using
nutrition and health
the COSMIN checklist to appraise methodological quality
d9205: Socializing 0 of studies examining validity and reliability,56 but data
Environment emerging in the review were too limited to warrant the
e110: Products or substances for 73,33,34,36,38,40,41
personal consumption including food
textures and fluid consistency
e1151: Assistive products and technology 138 Conclusion
for personal use in daily living
38 None of the scales identified in this review can be con-
e340: Personal care providers and 1
personal assistants sidered as valid and reliable ordinal classification systems
e410: Individual attitudes of immediate 0 of eating and drinking ability for people with CP. This
family members
systematic review supports the development of a new sys-
e5800: Health services including 238,39
delivering interventions tem to classify eating and drinking through rigorous and
robust methods, as have been applied to other classifica-
tion systems.16–19 The Gross Motor Function Classifica-
between parent judgements about aspects of their chil- tion System and other functional classification systems
dren’s eating and drinking ability and judgements made by have had a profound impact upon research and clinical
healthcare professionals have been explicitly identified at practice.16–18 A valid and reliable classification system of
the level of mealtime duration, eating and drinking diffi- eating and drinking ability would enable more rigorous
culty, and food texture safety.13,32 Concerns about the investigation of prevalence and an exploration of associa-
potential discrepancy between parents’ judgements about tions between limitations to eating and drinking ability
their children’s eating and drinking ability expressed and other health-related concerns. Development of classi-
through questionnaires and judgements made by specially fication systems and measures should include consultation
trained healthcare professionals have been acknowledged.3,5 with potential users to ensure content validity. The
Categorization of eating and drinking ability on the basis adoption of such a system by clinical and research com-
of questionnaire data collected from parents was success- munities would be enhanced by attention being paid to
fully applied in two large-scale population studies.3,6 None levels of consensus about its content and the reliability
of the identified measures allow for a direct comparison of its use. A classification system of eating and drinking
between ratings made by people themselves or by parents for use by parents and healthcare professionals would
and professionals. have the potential to facilitate working in partnership57
Direct observation of eating and drinking is limited and facilitate more robust clinical and population-based
because much activity takes place within the oral cavity, research.
pharynx, and larynx, out of view. Inferences about eating
and drinking ability can be drawn from observation of sub- A CK N O W L E D G E M E N T S
tle clinical signs.54 Potentially harmful limitations to eating This article presents independent research commissioned by the
and drinking leading to aspiration of food and fluid into National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under the
the lungs, visible through instrumental means such as Research for Patient Benefit programme. The views expressed in

320 Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 2014, 56: 313–322

this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily those SUPPORTING INFORMATION
of the NHS, the NIHR, or the Department of Health. This sys- The following additional material may be found online:
tematic review and protocol was registered on the Prospero data- Table SI: Example of search strategy used with MEDLINE.
base ( registration Table SII: Identified key texts and number of papers from for-
no. CRD42013003701). Particular thanks are given to Sarah Ford, ward chasing and backward chasing of citations using Web of
Sarah Butler, and staff at the Library and Knowledge Service, Knowledge and Scirus.
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust.

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