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The sum and substance of

1. The sum and

main idea the whole story is that
Gloucester was banished.
Take his story with a grain
2. Through and through completely of salt as he is a liar through
and through.
She remained loyal to her
3. Through thick and thin in spite of all difficulties husband through thick and
He robbed me of my
4. Throw dust in
to deceive someone money by throwing dust in
someone's eyes
my eyes.
He threw light on the whole
5. Throw light on explain
He requested me time and
6. Time and again again and again again to lend him some
Time and tide wait for
7. Time and tide no wait
He tore my shirt, so I Put
8. Tit for tat a blow for blow ink on his suit. That is tit for
tat. 553
He kept walking to and fro
9. To and fro backward and forward
in confusion.
to make mistakes is To err is human, to forgive
10. To err is human
human nature is divine.
Our leader is getting
11. To have the gift of the to have the ability to
popular as he has the gift of
gab speak confidently
the gab.
She finally hit the mark by
to succeed in an attempt
12. To hit the mark getting the job of the
to do something
manager in the firm.
to say or do exactly the Your analysis really hit the
13. To hit the nail on head
right thing nail on the head.
I said I would met the
14. To keep one's word to fulfil one's promise deadline, and I kept my
15. To lick the dust/to bite to die, fail, or be His plan to win the race bit
the dust defeated the dust.
16. To rain cats and dogs / We cannot go out as it is
rain heavily
To rain buckets raining cats and dogs.
to suddenly stop from He stopped short of calling
17. To stop short of
doing something his master cruel.
He insulted her to the
18. To the extent of up to a certain limit
extent that she slapped him.
You have performed
19. To work/ perform to achieve a very good
miracles by getting a first in
miracles result
the race.
We will fight tooth and nail
20. Tooth and nail with full force
to defend Pakistan.
21. Turn a deaf ear to to ignore refuse to listen)

a man who very often

Do not trust him as he is a
22. Turn coat changes his course of
turn coat.
get away from
Do not turn your back upon
23. Turn one's back upon something or someone,
avoid something
After his failure, he turned
adopt different life style,
24. Turn over a new leaf over a new leaf and began
start in a different way
to work hard.
Success has not turned her
to make someone feel
25. Turn somebody's head head, she is still as humble
as before.
to run away from He turned tail when he saw
26. Turn tail
difficulty a big snake.
He will turn the tables on
27. Turn the tables on to reverse a situation
you one day, and he will be
somebody completely
the boss.
The boat turned turtle in the
28. Turn Turtle turn upside down
mid of the river.
Someone stole some
money at work, and now
29. Under a cloud under suspicion
everyone is under a cloud of
The plan for the escape
30. Under cover secretly
was made under cover.
of an acceptable This book is really up to the
31. Up to the mark
standard mark.
times of good and bad All people have their ups
32. Ups and downs
luck and downs.
He published an up-to-date
33. Up-to-date latest
edition of the book
34. Vain of proud a She is vain of her beauty.
35. Wash one's hands of We should wash our hands
to get rid of by
sth or sb of the selfish friends.
materials available for He uses all the ways and
36. Ways and means
doing something means of getting money.
37. We should keep our
houses shipshape.
38. we should replace it.
minor damage from The sofa shows a lot of
39. Wear and tear
frequent use wear and tear
someone who spoils
As he is a wet blanket, he
40. Wet blanket other people's
is not invited to the parties.
I you work hard you will win
41. Win/gain one's laurels gain fame and honour
your laurels.
He is a proud man and
42. With a high head proudly always walks with high
He went there with a view
43. With a view to with the intention of
to seeing her.
He tried to lift the stone
with all power and
44. With might and main with might and main but in
They went into the deal
45. With one's eyes open to be especially alert
with their eyes open.
They welcomed their
46. With open arms in a very friendly way
guests with open arms.
The hospital is within a
47. Within a stone's throw at a short distance
stones throw from here.
John visits his mother
48. Without fail with certainty
every day without fail.
If you do not do your job
49. Worth one's salt / true deserving the pay that
properly, you are not worth
to one's salt one gets
your salt.
A cruel person has no
50. Your own flesh and someone who is a part
affection even for his own
blood of your family
flesh and blood.

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