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Special Edition

Stud ent's Book

John and Liz Soa rs


am/are/is, my/your
1 Hello! I'm Pablo.

My name's Nawaf

p6 What's your name? p6

This;s ...
This is Ben.
Nice to meet you. p7

he/she/they, his/her
2 Your world He's from the United States.

Her name's Karima. p13

pI2 They 're on holiday. p16

What's his name?

Where 's she from? p13

3 All about you We're all students. p20
pI8 She isn't a nurse. p1S

I'm not from Scotland. p20

They aren't from Ireland. p20

What 's his address? Howald is he?

Is he married? p19

Short answers
Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. p20

Possessive adjectives
4 Family and friends my, your, our, their p24
Possessive 's
p24 Fatima's husband Adel's office p24
I have a small hotel. She has a job.

We have three sons. p27

Adjective + noun
a small hotel a big house a good job p27

Present Simple I/you/we/they

5 The way I live I like ice-cream. I don't like tennis.
Do you like f ootball? p33
p32 Where do you work? Do you live in Dundee? p34
In Portugal they speak Portuguese. p36
a and an

a waiter, an engineer, an Italian restaurant p34

Adjective + noun
a German car Spanish oranges p37

Present Simple he/ she

6 Every day He gets up at 6.00.

He has lunch in his office. p42

p40 She lives in a small house. p44

Questions and negatives

What time does he have breakfast?

He doesn 't live in London. p43

Adverbs of frequency
He always works late.

H e never goes out. p42

Question words
7 My favourites who, where, why, how p4S

p48 Subject/Object/Possessive

lime/ my we/ us/our they/them/ their p49

this and that
I like this coat. Who's that? pSO


How are you? Speaking Good morning!

How are you? Fine, thanks.
Introductions p6-? Goodbye!

Very well, thank you. p8

Good morning! What a lovely day!

What's this in English? Practising conversations p9 See you later!

It's a photograph.
A cup of tea, please.

a computer, a camera, a bag plO

Have a nice day.

Numbers 1-10 and plurals Good night! p9

three houses fffl students pll

Countries Reading and speaking Numbers 11-30

France, China, Spain pl2 Where are they from? fifteen

Adjectives Two people on holiday in New York pl6 twenty-one pi?

awful, really good, fantastic, beautiful pl6

centre, hospital, building, park pl6

Jobs Reading and listening Social Expressions (1)

a police officer, a nurse pl8 Hello! We're on a mountain! I'm sorry.

Personal information An interview with st udents on a charity That's OK.

surname, first name, address, walk p22 Excuse me!

phone number, married pl9 Roleplay I don't understand.

Interview on a mountain p22 I don't know. p23

The fa mily
Reading and writing The alphabet
mother, son, wife, ... p25
My best friend a, b, c ...

Describing a friend A description of a friend p28 How do you spell ... ? p30

very beautiful, really funny, listening On the phone

a lot offriends , her favourite team p28 Who are they? Good morning. Laxcon International.

Listen and identify the people p25, p29 The Manager, please.

Sam Benting speaking. p31

Saying email addresses p3l

Sports/ Food/ Drinks Listening How much is it?

tennis, swimming burgers, oranges Where is Colin? Who is he with? p35 Numbers1-100
tea, coffee, juice p32 Listening and speaking 30, 40, 50 ... p39
Adjectives At a dinner Prices
exciting, delicious, great p33 Two people meet and talk p38 75p £20 £50 $100

Verbs Roleplay How much is .. . ? p39

live, work, come, play, speak, want p34 At a dinner

Languages and nationalities
German, Japanese p36

The ti me Speaking Days of the week

It's nine o'clock. It's ten fifteen. Lifestyle questionnaire Monday, Tuesday ...

What time is it? p40 Do you get up early? today, tomorrow

Verbs and nouns Do you go shopping at the weekend? p46 Prepositions of time
have breakfast leave school get home p41 on Sunday

Verbs at nine o'clock

cook, listen, play p44 in the morning p4?

eggs, toast, beach p44
Words that go together
get up early, watch TV p46

Adjectives Reading and writing Can I. .. ?

lovely, terrible p52 A postcard from San Francisco Can I have a return ticket?
comfortable, friendly p53 A holiday postcard p53 Can I tryon this jumper, please? p54
Opposite adjectives Roleplay
new/old, big/small p52 Conversations in town p55
railway station, chemist p55


There is/ore ...

8 Where I live There's an old sofa.
Are there any armchairs?
p56 There are some books. p57
in, on, under, next to pS8

was/were born
9 Times past When were you born?
I was born in 1996. p65
p64 Past Simple - irregular verbs
went, came, saw

She went shopping. p68

Past Simple - regular and irregular

10 We had a great time! played, got, watched, did p72
p72 What did you do?
Did you go out? p73
They didn't go to work. p73
I went to Rome ten years ago. p78

11 I can do that! He can speak French. I can't draw.
Can she run fast? p80
p80 Adverbs
I can cook a little bit. I can't cook at all.
really well, fluently p82
Requests and offers
Can you tell me the time? Can I help you? p83

I'd like ...

12 Please and thank you J'd like some chicken.
How much would you like? p8S
p88 some and any
J'd like some cheese.
Do you have any Emmental?
I don't have any apple juice. p89
like and would like
I like cola.
I like going to the mall.
l'd like to go out. p91

Present Continuous
13 Here and now He's wearing a T-s hirt.

What's he doing? p97

p96 Present Simple and Present Continuous

He lives in London.

They're not staying in a hotel. p99

Future plans
14 It's time to go! They're going on holiday.

Which countries are you going to visit?

pl04 I'm leaving on Tuesday.


Question words - when, where, who, how p106

Tenses - present, past, and future tenses plIO

Tapescripts p1l2 Grammar Reference p123 Word list pl3Q


Rooms and furniture Reading and vocabulary Directions

living room, bedroom
Vancouver - the best city in the world
Turn right.

cooker, sofa pS6

What to do and where to go p60
Go straight on.

In and out of town listening and writing Is there a ... near here? p63

mountain, beach, ferry, fishing, sailing p6G My horne town

post office, hospital, castle p63 Steve talks about living in Vancouver

Write about a town you know p62

Saying years Listening and speaking When's your date of birth?

2010, 1996 p64 Magalie Dromard Months

People and jobs Magalie talks about her family

January, February. .. p71

politician surgeon writer p66 Talk about your family p6S

Ordinal numbers

Irregular verbs Reading and speaking first, fifth, tenth .. . p71

had, made, bought p68 Two Saudi boys find an antique vase
Saying dates

have, do, go Telling a story from pictures p68

the sixth ofApril p71

have lunch, do homework, go shopping p70

Weekend activities Speaking Making conversation - showing interest

go to the mall, have a meal,
Did you have a good weekend? Really? Oh! Good! Mmm! p75
see your friends p75
A questionnaire. p74 Going sightseeing
Time expressions Listening and speaking Can I have a map of the town?

at 8 o'clock, on Monday, last night p7S Jack and Millie Parker's holiday We want to go on a bus tour.

Sports and leisure A couple talk about their holidays p77 How much is it to get in? p79

tennis, skiing, windsurfing p76 Asking about holidays p77

ploy or go? Speaking and writing
play tennis, go skiing p76 My last holiday
Seasons W hat is your favourite kind of holiday?
winter, summer p77 Where did you go on your last holiday? p78

Verbs Reading and listening Everyday problems

draw, run, drive, use a computer pSG The Internet I can't get on the Intern et!

Verb + noun What can you do on the Internet? p84 I'm lost!

listen to the radio chat to friends p84 Five people talk about what they do on This machine doesn't work!

Adjective + noun the Internet p8S Tu rn everything off... p87

fast car, busy city, dangerous sport p86

Opposite adjectives
dangerous/safe, old/modern, old/young p86

Shopping listeni ng Roleplay

bread, milk, fruit, stamps, shampoo, cheese, Conversations with Adam p89 Making offers to guests
chicken, conditioner pS8 Good luck! Would you like a cold drink? What would
Food What people would like to do after an you like?
cereal, salad, pasta, fish p92 exam p90 Would you like to watch the football? p9G
In arestaurant Reading and speaking Signs all around
menu, starter, dessert
You are what you eat Where can you see these signs?
soup, salmon, mixed salad p94
People from different parts of the world Way in

Roleplay describe what they eat p92 No entry

Ordering a meal
Discussion - what is a good diet? p92 Push

Are you ready to order? p94

Queue here p9S

Colours Reading and listening What's the matter?

blue, red, green p96 This week is different I'm tired/ thirsty/bored.

Clothes Colin, a millionaire, gives money to

She has a headache/a cold.

jacket, trousers, shoes and socks p96 homeless teenagers plOG

Why don 't you ... ?

Opposite verbs Conversations with Colin plOl

That's a good idea. plO3

buy/sell!' love/hate, openklose plO2

Transport Reading and speaking Social expressions (2)

travel by bus, coach, motorbike, plane plO4 Life's big events Good luck in the exam!

Revision Three people talk about their past,

Don 't worry!

Words that go together

present, and future pl08
It doesn't matter!

pay bills, menu/waiter plO7

Amini autobiography That's so kind ofyou!

Which word is different?

I was born in .. .
Thanks for everything!

train bus bridge p107

I grew up in .. .
It was a pleasure. pIll

Pronu nciation I'm studying .. .

Two and three syllables - married vegetable I want to be a .. .

Words that rhyme - some!come plO7 I'm going to ... pl09

Pairwork pages p140 Irregular verbs p142 Phonetic symbols p143


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