MGT 368 Final Exam

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North South university

Spring 2021

Assignment for Final Exam

Submitted by Submitted to
Naushin Fariha Jalal Hamida Mosharraf Moniea (HMM1)
ID: 1821146630 Lecturer, Management Department

Course: MGT 368

School of Business, North South
Section: 10 University
MGT 368 Final Exam (Assignment)

Answer to the question no: 1

Mama Halim is a very popular and eminent Halim shop in Bangladesh and it is located in

Kalabagan, Dhaka. Mama Halim mainly sells 3 types of Halim such as beef Halim, mutton

Halim and chicken Halim. Mama Halim wants to expand internationally, more precisely to

New Delhi, India. The Indian restaurant industry is undoubtedly a thriving industry with

immense growth potential. Mama Halim wants to grab this market. Before starting discussion

about marketing mix, we need to know who will be the target customer of Mama Halim.

Mama Halim’s target customer will be working people, students and Muslim people. The

marketing mix of Mama Halim is given below:

1.      Product: Before entering in Indian Restaurant industry, Mama Halim has to consider

the Indian culture and food habits. In India we see that there are 2 types of food habits, one is

vegetarian and another one is non-vegetarian. But most of the non-vegetarian people don’t eat

beef because of Hindu culturalism. Goat, lamb and mutton are the most commonly eaten

meats in India. Muslims and Christians might eat beef as well. Most states that prohibit cattle

slaughter can arrest an alleged perpetrator without a warrant and New Delhi is one those

states (India: Cattle Slaughter Legislations, 2021). As Mama Halim wants to expand its

business in New Delhi, so can’t sell beef Halim in New Delhi, but it can offer it’s other 2

Halim (such as mutton Halim and chicken Halim) and it will provide high quality healthy and

hygienic Halim. Brand name will be Mama Halim. New Delhi had plans to ban single-use

plastic and plastic with thickness of 50 microns, or less, was banned by the Delhi Pollution

Control Committee (Khanna, 2020). Mama Halim will use eco-friendly boxes, plates for

serving and packaging of foods. These eco-friendly boxes and plates will be made by banana

leaves and this can reduce packaging cost.

1. Price: As Mama Halim is new restaurant in New Delhi, so at first 3 years it will use

marketing penetration pricing approach to draw customer’s attraction by delivering

cheaper prices for increased revenue and by using this approach Mama Halim can

take over the industry by undercutting its competitors (such as canteens and

restaurants who sell Halim). When Mama Halim will gain a trustworthy consumer

base then Mana Halim will bring more diversified Halim and gradually increase the

prices of food items. Thus Mama Halim can create a strong footing in the restaurant

industry. Mama Halim will sell the Halim on cash and give discounts on various


Name Quantit Price Image

y/ Size Rupee (
Single 65
Couple 90
Chicke pack
Halim Family 130
Single 75
Couple 100

Family 140

2. Place: At the initial stage, Mama Halim will open a small restaurant and it will have a

small kitchen and medium dining space. Halim will cook in the restaurant kitchen so

that it can serve hot and fresh Halim to the people and people can enjoy Halim by

sitting in the dining area. People can also take parcels if they want. The restaurant will

be in a busy roadside area of New Delhi so that people can easily find the place

3. Promotion: marketing is very important for any type of industry. There will be some

marketing strategy for Mama Halim Restaurant such as:

Seasonal Offers

Social Share Marketing


Youtube Marketing
Seasonal Offers (Offline Marketing): There are so many festivals in India and at that time

people usually go to restaurants with their family and that time restaurant sales increase a lot.

In order to increase sales, Mama Halim will give seasonal offers on various festivals.

Social Share Marketing (Online Marketing): Mama Halim Restaurant will have a social

account on social media by its name. Customers who tag the restaurant on their social media

(such as Facebook, Instagram, twitter) will get an instant discount on their food. This will

increase the restaurant’s reputation as well as sales.

Brochure (Offline Marketing): Brochure is one of the most famous marketing tools that is

used to publicize any business. It is a great way to introduce new business products and

services to new customers. We will distribute our brochures every shops, university, college,

school, workplace, Muslim area and every people who will pass from Mama Halim


YouTube Marketing: Indian YouTube food bloggers will be asked to come to the Mama

Halim Restaurant and give food reviews.

Marketing Mix OF Mama Halim Restaurant

Place Near busy roadside area of New Delhi, cooking place, dinning place.
Product Chicken Halim, Mutton Halim
Price Size or quantity, price per pack, discount for
Promotion Seasonal Offers, Social Share Marketing (Online Marketing,

Brochure (Offline Marketing and YouTube Marketing.

Answer to the question no: 02

Haji biryani is one of the oldest restaurants serving chevon biryani in the old Dhaka,

Bangladesh. The restaurant is also offered borhani as a soft drink. Haji Mohammad Hossain

established the restaurant as a roadside food stall in 1939.  Haji Biryani is a family business

and Haji Mohammad Hossain's family members are still doing this restaurant business. This

restaurant is now looking to expand abroad, specifically to New York. South Asians are

among the fastest-growing immigrant groups in New York City. Haji biryani wishes to seize

this market.

To explain the restaurant industry of New York City at first I draw the upside-down pyramid

approach in the below:

General environmental and Demographic Trends: We began the process by evaluating

general environmental and demographic trends. This would include household income trends,

population shifts, food consumption habits and trends, travel, and employment trends of the

United States (Hisrich, 2017).  

·         Millennials are the largest adult generation in the United States, but they are

starting to share the spotlight with Generation Z. This year, Millennials,

those ages 23 to 38, will outnumber Baby Boomers (ages 55 to 73) (Cilluffo,


·         The immigrant share of the U.S. population is approaching a record high

but remains below that of many other country;es. The 44 million foreign-born

people living in the U.S. in 2017 accounted for 13.6% of the population (Cilluffo,


·         The U.S. unauthorized immigrant population is at its lowest level in more

than a decade. There were 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S.

(Cilluffo, 2019).

·         Incomes are rising in the U.S., but the increase is not being felt equally by

all Americans. Household income in the U.S. is at or near the highest level it has

been in the last 50 years (Cilluffo, 2019).

This data proved that the United States is one of the richest counties in the world and the

environmental and demographic trends are in favor of the restaurant industry.

2.      National Restaurant Industry Trends:

Economy: According to world bank in 2019 Gross domestic product: 21.43 trillion USD

(2019) World Bank the Gross national income was 21.69 trillion PPP dollars, GNI per

capita: 66,080 PPP dollars, GDP per capita: 65,297.52 USD, Unemployment rate: 10.2%

(Jul 2020), Eurostat GDP growth rate: 2.2% annual change that proves that United States’

economy is very strong compare to the other country of the world.

Culture: The culture of the United States of America is primarily of Western origin, but is

influenced by a multicultural ethos that includes African, Native American, Asian, Pacific
Island, and Latin American people and their cultures. Food habits are mostly fast-food but

they have diversified food.

Technology: The technological and industrial history of the United States outlined the

country's emergence as one of the most technologically sophisticated countries in the world.

Most of the restaurants use sophisticated technology to enhance revenue.

Restaurant Demand: In the United States food demand is very high because most of the

people do jobs and don’t have enough time to cook. That's why the restaurant demand in the

United States is very high compared to other countries.

3.      Local Environment and demographic trends: Haji Biryani wants to expand its

business in new work, so the demographic area of Haji Biryani Restaurant is New

York. Haji Biryani Restaurant's target market is Asian immigrant population.

According to U.S. Census report 2019 the total 12.8 million among that population

around 8,175,133 Asian immigrant people are in New Work City.

4.      Local restaurant industry trends: Contactless ordering and delivery is here to

build strong customer relationships. More restaurants will diversify revenue streams

to survive in the restaurant industry. Restaurateurs are investing more in digital

technology to improve back and give priority on Kitchen automation. More direct

orders coming through online ordering and delivery in 2021 and decrease reliance on

third parties. Enhancing experiences to build customer loyalty.

5.      Local competition and weakness:  From the perspective of the traditional and quick

service segment restaurant, Quick service segment offers a strong substitute choice over the

traditional restaurant. Consumers are in a strong position with many choices in the

industry. There is pressure from new ventures, there is supply pressure from wages and

wholesale food prices, and there is pressure from rivalry among competing sellers based upon
the large number of restaurants in the industry. Taken to together, costs are being forced

higher and prices are being forced lower, putting pressure on profits.

While at the same rivalry, new entrants, and substitutes are putting pressure on restaurants

to gain and maintain customers. Overall, the profit outlook for the traditional restaurant

segment is not favorable. So, Haji Biryani has to take a strong marketing strategy to take

a position in the restaurant industry.

6.      Market Positioning: To enter and hold a position in the New York restaurant industry

Haji Biryani has to make a strong marketing strategy. The marketing strategy of Haji biryani


                                i.            Appearance in Social Media: Most of the people

use social media (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). Haji Biryani will

open an account in social media by its name. so that people can easily find the

restaurant. Customers tag the restaurant on their social media and will get an

instant 5% discount on their food and this strategy will help Haji Biryani to

establish brand image in social media.

                              ii.            YouTube Marketing:  Haji Biryani can invite food

bloggers to its restaurant so that they can eat the food and give reviews on it.

This will help Haji Biryani to establish its reputation on YouTube.

                            iii.            Holidays Offers: Holidays are very special for the

restaurant industry because at this time many customers come to the

restaurants with family, friends. Considering holidays, Haji Biryani will offer

a 10% discount on its food.

                            iv.            App-based Marketing: Haji Biryani will open an

account in a food app so that people can easily order food from restaurants

online and this will increase the revenue of the restaurant.

7.       Market objectives: In this part Haji Biryani has to select its location in New York. Haji

Biryani will serve mutton biryani and borhani. The foods have to be best quality and Haji

Biryani has to serve hygienic food. Food prices will have to be lower compared to other

rivals and this low price will help Haji Biryani to draw customer attraction easily. If Haji

Biryani maintains the all point of the upside-down pyramid approach, then it can do business

in the International restaurant industry.

Upside-down pyramid approach for Haji Biryani Restaurant

General environment and demographic Population, age, income rate, immigrant
trends share of the U.S. population.
National restaurant industry trends Economy, technology, restaurant demand,
Local environment and demographic Asian immigrant population, income,
trends geographic area.
Local restaurant industry trends Kitchen automation, Contactless ordering
and delivery, Customer loyalty.
Local competition and weakness Quick service segment, rival pressure.
Market positioning App-based Marketing, Appearance in Social
Media, YouTube Marketing, holiday offers.
Market objectives Location, product items, price of the foods,
hygienic and quality foods.

Answer to the question no: 03

Before starting any type of business it’s important to decide the legal form of business.

Without defining the legal form of business, it’s not possible to decide ownership, equity and
liability. So before starting the business. The three students have to decide the legal form of

business. In the question it's mentioned that the three students are pooling their resources to

open a restaurant near North South University. Which means that they want to do business

together. In this case they can form partnership businesses or corporations. As they are new

in business and they don’t have much knowledge about business so they can choose

partnership business.

In the question, it also mentioned that one of the students doesn't want to take part in daily

business activities. This type of partner is called a silent partner. Silent partner is who gives

capital in business and shares the partnership's profits and losses but is not involved in active

management of the business. For this reason, a silent partner will not be responsible for the

failure of managerial decisions and will not bear the liability for this failure. So, the student

can form the limited liability partnership business. A Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) is a

partnership in which some or all partners have limited liability (Why your Startup should be

an LLP. , 2015). In this case, the students can form Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

business where that partner will have limited liability in the restaurant business.

Reference List:
Mama Halim of Kalabagan. Online Dhaka Guide.


India: Cattle Slaughter Legislations. (March 6, 2021). Beef 2 Live.
Khanna, S. P., How covid-19 is reversing the ban on single-use plastic across India, (July

2,2020). Mint.


Why your Startup should be an LLP. (May27,2015). The Economic Times.


Cilluffo, A. C. (2019, April 11). 6 demographic trends shaping the U.S. and the world in
2019. Retrieved from Pew Research Center:

Hisrich, R. P. (2017). Entrepreneurship. In R. P. Hisrich, Entrepreneurship. McGraw-Hill


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