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Objections are Opportunities for you to build a relationship / rapport / understand your prospects needs.
When faced with an objection, most often the objection is not the real reason. It’s important to get your
prospect talking to qualify the objection to see if its the real reason. Most often it’s your prospect thinking /
feeling “Can I do this”, “Do I want to do this”, or “Can I be successful”.

As you review the suggestions below for some of the most common objections you’ll face within our profession,
think about whether objections are about yourself or the Network Marketing industry.

Here are some key things to consider when addressing any objection;
• Build rapport first by finding commonalities; family, recreational, work. Mention the person who referred you
to them. Mention why you thought of them. Talk about family. 

• Find out why they’re interested in looking at new opportunities / products / service. What’s their pain? 

• Use your own personality and style when responding. 

• Be genuine. Care about their circumstance. 

• Listen. And know when to stop talking and let them talk. Give them time to process. 

• Avoid being confrontational. Starting with “Of course” generally will neutralize any potential argument

• Come from a Servant Leader position. You’re there to serve them. 

• Feel, Felt, Found is a solid approach for most objections. But be careful to not overuse it! 

#1 - I’M TOO BUSY: You may get this objection because someone doesn’t
believe in their ability to do it, or it was presented in a way they don’t feel is duplicable. It’s
important to ask questions. What is it that doesn’t allow them time? Do they have a plan to
change their situation? To have free time to themselves?

Feel-Felt-Found: I understand how you feel. I felt the same way… I was… But what I found was…

“Would you like to change that?” “Do you like being busy?

“Aside from the time, do you see an opportunity here?”

How much time do you think it would take?

How much extra time do you currently have in a week?

Would you be willing to trade time for something that can provide you income for life / financial security?

If I can show you a way to get your time back by…would you be open?

 leveraging the efforts of others

 With only 15 minutes a day?
 Helping other people?
 Without it interfering with what you are doing today

How does that make you feel?

"If we could find a few extra hours to work with now so you could have more free time in the next 12-24
months, what would you need to make on a monthly basis to make this worth your time?”

“I appreciate you sharing that with me.... how do you mean?” Listen… “How long do you have to do that for?”
or “is that something you’d like to change?”

If they say NO… that’s alright. Move on. That said, ask if you can keep them in the loop or who they might
know that could benefit from your products/services or opportunity.

If they say YES.... “Awesome and I want you to know that I’m here to help you.... Based on your busy schedule
what’s the most you could put into this a week?”

“Okay and with those 3 hours a week what would you like to see income wise on a monthly basis to make this
worth it to you?” “Okay and how long would you like it to take to reach that?”

Reassure them…” That’s very realistic (Insert relevant story) and if I’m willing to help you do that starting
today.... is there anything else that you need to know before I start going to work with you to help you solve
that ‘No time’ issue? Let’s rock and roll.”
#2 – I DON’T HAVE THE MONEY: You may get this objection
because you’ve not done a good job sharing the value of what you are offering. You may need
to compare it to something they can understand, based on their needs.

If I took money off the table would you be ready to launch your business today?
If yes…great, what if I showed you a way to get the funds you need, would be ready run with me?

Feel…Felt…Found; I get it. Money is tight. It was for me too but I realized that in order for money to no
longer be a concern I needed to do something different.

“Is money REALLY your concern? Or is that your polite way of saying ‘No?’ ... Do you really want to do this?”

It sounds like that’s a good reason to get started today. Are you telling me that as a reason or an excuse…

If you did have the money, what would that money do for you?” (Spend more time with family, quit job...)

If I could teach you a simple way to make the money back with our bonuses during your first month, would
you be interested?

If this is an opportunity that could change your future, could you find a way to come up with the money?

Let’s get you out of financial jail.

If I could show you how to make an extra $500, 1k, or even 5k extra a month for you and your family, how
soon could you come up with the money to get started?”

Tell a story, ask a question. “I get it, at the end of the money, I had too much month. It’s a struggle to pay
the bills nowadays. I realized, looking at my life, if I didn’t change, I was going to look at the next 5 years like
I look at the last 5 years... I found a way. I realized it wasn’t about the money. It was about my belief. So let
me ask you a question. If you could change your life, could you come up with the money?”

“How do you mean?” Get them talking to qualify the objection to see if it’s true and valid.
Feel Felt Found: “Gosh, I totally understand your position. When I first saw this (insert your story or
someone else’s) I was tight on the funds too and I felt the same way about parting with the investment, but
here’s what I found.... The position I was in at 34 years old wasn’t going to change if I kept doing the same
thing, in fact, the excuse that I didn’t have the money became the reason why I said yes and came up with
the funds. In my first 2 weeks I made my investment back and in my first 2 months I was profitable in my
business!" "So Joe, how about I help you do the same thing so we never have to say that we can’t afford
something again?”
Individuals who make this statement may have had a bad experience at one point with
network marketing, know someone who has, or they were told inaccurate information about
the industry.
Remember that if your posture and belief in the profession is strong then this
objection will rarely come up.
“Interesting, how do you mean?” or “What do you mean by that” or “No. Why do you ask?”
Pause. Get them to explain to you what they believe it to mean.
“The people at the top started just like you right now. But they took a chance, learned to become experts,
and are now helping others on their team become successful.”

“I’m sorry to hear you had a bad experience, what happened?”

“It sounds like you have a story. I’d love to hear it.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m curious. Would you mind sharing what your experiences have been with MLM’s

“I’m sorry to hear you had the experience you did however, I look at it like this. Have you ever gone to a
restaurant and had a bad meal? Did you decide not to go to restaurants anymore because of it?”

“You never know unless you give it a try. You’ve never done Network Marketing with me. Why don’t you
give it a shot?”

“Network Marketing is about bringing products and services direct to the consumer. There’s nothing illegal
about it.”

“I’m glad you asked this because this business is for people who aren’t into illegal pyramid schemes.”

“Pyramids are illegal. There is no exchange of goods or services. We offer products of the highest quality
and have ‘X#’ loyal and raving fan customers and distributors.”

“Haha. “I thought the same thing when I started out. Thanks to leaders in the industry, Network Marketing
is now becoming not only validated, but focused on being professional business owners.” 

“With Network Marketing, you can start a big business with little investment.” 

“Who has said this to you?” [My brother-in-law]. “Is he wealthy?” [No] “Does he own his own business?”
[No] “Would you consider him a credible expert on any subject?” [Not really]. “Robert Kiyosaki, Warren
Buffet, Tony Robbins, and Richard Branson are big supporters of Network Marketing. Would you consider
them credible experts?” 

“What if you tried the product for 30 days, 45 days, 6 months etc. and felt no different, would you still see
the value in the opportunity?”

“What are you hoping / expecting to feel after taking the products for 30 days, 45 days etc.?” Listen. Set
realistic expectations, if needed. “So are you saying if you feel (what they expect) that you will then be
ready to launch your business?” (YES) “Great! I look forward to us running together.”
(NO) “That’s alright. I understand this business is not for everyone but we love customers too and I’m
excited you’ve decided to take steps to improve your health.”

“I understand where you’re coming from. I come across many folks that feel the same way. It’s important
that you experience the benefits. What if I drop o /send some samples, so you can see why I am so
passionate about what I do. And then let me know what you think.”

“Which products are most interested in?” Listen. “Wonderful! A start-up package is a great way to sample
all of those products. That way, you can learn as you earn. And we have a resource center so you can find
out what’s in the products and the benefits, and also get compelling testimonials that you can use.”

“Our company has had a proven track record for (X) years. When you purchase our products as a consultant,
you’ll receive below wholesale pricing. You can sample them while you earn.”

Find out their needs and offer some sample products. Let them know you’ll follow up with them. Have them
join you as a customer and be your product ambassador.

I NEED TO CHECK WITH MY PARTNER / SPOUSE: Ideally, you want to do all you can to
meet with couples at the same time.

“Of course. Let’s all meet for coffee, because this benefits both of you and your family. Let me show your
spouse how you can both reach the life and financial dreams you desire.”

“Are you going for support or permission to get started?” This can help isolate the objection.

“I understand. Obviously you want to talk with your spouse. When can we set up a time for me to share this
opportunity with your spouse?” Suggest a time. They will see it for what it is vs. relying on the client to
convey it.

Isolate the objection. “If your spouse were here, would you be ready to move forward?” [No, it’s really
about the money, time, etc.] Then you can address the real reason for not getting started.
I NEED TO “THINK” ABOUT IT / DO MY “RESEARCH”: When people want to think about it or
do research, it’s usually because they have questions or don’t quite understand.

Alright…How do you mean?

“Alright, let me ask though, do you see the opportunity or is this your polite way of saying no?”

Alright…what questions can I answer to help you in making your decision. Yes or No.
“Alright, I’d like to help you get the information you need to make your decision easier. What do you want
to do more research on?? 

Would you agree that the decisions you make now will impact your life several years from now?” 

“What could change in your mind between today and tomorrow? 

“Where will you be doing your research about my company?” [Google] “As you know, anyone can post
anything on Google. If you’re going to go to Google to find out about our company, then maybe this isn’t
right for you.” (The gutsy approach) 

Feel-Felt-Found: "I know exactly how you feel. When this was shared with me I had some questions going
on in my head too. The biggest thing I wanted to know was 'is this as good as it sounds?' I wanted to know if
the compensation plan was something I could work into my busy schedule and I wanted to know if the
products were as good as they say they are because I’m putting my personal recommendation on them. So
here’s what I found, I knew that the only real way to test it, was to TEST IT from the inside.

So I launched my biz and started to learn. I mean $500 isn’t much to see if this idea was as good as they say
it was. After 2 weeks (insert product and/or money testimonial) I had more energy, I was waking up earlier
and I fell in love with the product. So I did my research from the inside like any smart Entrepreneur would.
So how about I help you do your research, you try the product, if you love it like I think you will... we’ll take
the next step.”

Great. This isn’t about sales. It’s about sharing / educating others about these incredible products and an
opportunity to change the quality of your life and those you care about.

I’m not a salesperson either. All I do is share a short video with people and I let them make a decision on
whether it’s a good fit or not. Does this sound like something you can do?

You’re going to refer someone to look at something, like a movie or restaurant. Have you ever gotten paid
for recommending a movie?

Do you think you can invite a friend to coffee, a call, a Zoom? If you can, you can be successful here.”

“Oh my gosh I’m so happy to hear you say that!... I’ve found is that sales people mess this all up!” Laugh and
make light of the objection “Sales People try to convince people and we all know that people like to naturally
buy things they love right?” Let them agree “And most people hate being pushed into a sale right?”
I totally get it! I don’t want that for you, either. I use the referral approach to ask who they know who could
benefit from these products or our opportunity. You’re sharing something they need, so it’s not bugging
them; it’s helping them. It’s our job to share. It’s their job to decide.

Do you know anyone who needs (to improve their health, extra income for their family, etc.) that you could
help with this product or opportunity?

If I could show you a way to help improve the quality of life for those that matter most to you, would you
like to hear more?


Start Asking Questions:

 How many Facebook friends do you have? 

 Who do you know that’s just not happy where they are at (financially, job, time)? 

 How many people do you know that could benefit from improving their health? 

 How many people do you know that are business / entrepreneurially minded? 

 How many people do you know that are absolutely sick of their job and looking for something else?

What’s great about this business is, it’s not about who you know. It’s about the great people you’ll meet and
who they may know. We’ll provide the tools to help you reach out to people you don’t even know.

This business was an amazing way to meet new people. Not only did my business grow, but my social circle

Let’s sit down together and write down the names of the people you interact with whether it be at work, in
the community, or even the gym!”

The world is changing. You could build a group of followers and fans through social media, without knowing
them personally at first.
HOW MUCH MONEY ARE YOU MAKING: Don’t be afraid to share a good third party
story until you have your own, e.g., your up line. Focus shifts to your mentors. If you’re making
a good income in your business, feel free to share it with them.

My goal is to be earning 7-figures within two years by growing my business with help of leaders who have
what I want.

The question you should be asking is what I do. If you’re not going to do what I do to earn what I earn, then
what I make doesn’t matter.

It sounds like you’re interested in the money part of what you just saw. Am I right on that? About how much
extra would you like to make on a monthly basis?

I don’t know. I’m not finished earning it yet.

What I make now is just a stepping stone to what I am going to be making in the future. As I build my
business, the possibilities will be endless.


You never know what can happen in today’s economy. Would you be interested in exploring a Plan B?

There are a lot of professionals such as doctors and lawyers who are in Network Marketing in addition to
their practices. Would you like to find out why they are leveraging this business for their future?

Is there anything in your current job you’d like to change?

How often do you get increases in pay? What is the average increase each year? Do you feel you are limited
by the amount of income you can earn?”


I get it. It can be tough hearing someone you care about telling you know. It’s important to understand their
decision is not a reflection on you personally. It just means they are saying no to themselves.
It’s a choice whether you let rejection impact you negatively or not.

A key reason people fear rejection is because they don’t have anyone in the pipeline. The solution is to set
up multiple appointments after this one. This will take away the fear of speaking, asking, closing.

Top earners in Network Marketing have learned to have zero emotional attachment to rejection. The more
‘no’s,’ the more successful you can be. Embrace rejection!

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