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PART I: You will hear a speech about SARS CoV-2 which is now a serious

pandemic over the world. For questions 1-, complete the sentences with NO
MORE THAN 3 WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write
your answer in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.
This is SARS CoV-2. It belongs to the family of coronaviruses, named for 1.
________ on their surfaces. SARS CoV-2 can cause COVID-19, a 2. ________
infection that attacks your throat and lungs. An outer envelope allows the virus
to infect cells by merging with the cell's outer membrane.Both a 3. ________
virus and the new coronavirus use their spikes like a key to get inside a cell in
your body, where it takes over its 4. ________ , repurposing it to build the
components of new viruses. One spike on the virus inserts into a 5. ________
on your healthy cell membrane like a key in a lock. A typical flu virus would
travel inside a sack made from your cell membrane to your cell's nucleus that
where your cell houses all its 6. ________. The coronavirus, on the other hand,
doesn't need to enter the host 7. ________. It can access parts of the host cell,
called Ribosomes. A new virus begins to 8. ________ from the membrane.
Your answer:
1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

PART 2: For questions 11-15, you will continue hearing the speech. Listen
and decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F). Write
your answer in the corresponding box below.
9. As you inhale, each air sac diminishes like a small balloon.
10. Small blood vessels, known as capillaries, pervade your alveoli.
11. The respiratory system could be affected by irritants you breathe in,
including viruses or bacteria that cause infection.

12. That one lobe of your lungs is influenced could eventuate in lobar
pneumonia and bronchopneumonia.
13. Medical device companies currently support the production ramp-up in
some machines like a ventilator to help you breathe.
Your answer:
9 10 11 12 13
PART 3: For questions 15-20, listen to the rest of the speech. Answer the
questions below. Write NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS taken from the
recording for each answer.
14. What is researchers’ presumption about those recuperating from
Coronavirus when investigating the disease?
15. What does a vaccine do to trigger immunization?
16. What do Antibodies stick to Covid 19 for?
17. What if people get infected with Sars-CoV-2 afterwards?
18. How long did people develop vaccines for Ebola?
Your answer:





***THE END***

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