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Name : Jimiludin

NPM : 18231042
Class : B

Assignment: Teaching Listening

1. In Foreign language learning, vocabulary mastery is the most important aspect, so that
is why listening is almost neglected in the teaching and learning.
Agree or disagree?
I agree, because I think the first step in learning a foreign language is that we have to memorize
vocabulary first, by learning vocabulary we can speak a foreign language and can communicate
well. because even if you listen to a foreign language every day without knowing what it means
it doesn't mean anything.

2. There are so many listening activities you can apply in the teaching and learning
process. Read page 84-90 and choose one of them to apply in your class room. Prepare
a short material of the activities. Put it here.

Oral Cloze


This is an example of an oral cloze activity : I went to sleep with gum in my [mouth] and now
there’s gum in my [hair]. And when I got out of [bed] this morning I tripped on the [skateboard]
and by mistake I dropped my [sweater] in the [sink] while the [water] was running and I could tell
it was going to be a terrible, horrible, no good, very [bad] day.

My bath was too [hot]. I got soap in my [eyes], my marble went down the [drain], and I had to
wear my railroad-train [pajamas]. I hate my [railroad-train] pajamas.

3. Design a listening test to measure your students’ listening competence. Choose one of
the listening tests on page 91-92. Put it on the page below.

Patrial Dictation

Listen to a short story from the teacher and fill in the blanks.
The Two Friends and the Bear
John and James were two friends who were crossing a 1…. Suddenly, they hit a huge black 2
…. Imagine how terrified they were. They tried to run but the bear 3 … them. 4 … managed to
climb up into a tree but, 5 … fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. He knew that a bear
will only attack something if it is 6 ….
The bear 7 … him all over, while the man tried to hold his breath as best he could, hoping that
the animal would not discover the pretence. Finally, the bear must have thought that the man
really was 8 ….
Finally, the danger over, John came down from the tree and asked his friend, “Well, what did the
bear 9 … into your ear?”. The bear 10 …., “It would be good if you fell from the tree and
pretended to be dead with me!”

The Two Friends and the Bear
John and James were two friends who were crossing a 1 forest. Suddenly, they hit a huge black
2 bear. Imagine how terrified they were. They tried to run but the bear 3 chased them. 4 John
managed to climb up into a tree but, 5James fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. He
knew that a bear will only attack something if it is 6 alive.
The bear 7 smelled him all over, while the man tried to hold his breath as best he could, hoping
that the animal would not discover the pretence. Finally, the bear must have thought that the
man really was 8 dead.
Finally, the danger over. John came down from the tree and asked his friend, “Well, what did the
bear 9 whisper into your ear?” The bear 10said,“That it would be good if you fell from the tree
and pretended to be dead with me!”

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