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Se a 10. Trial of the Eucharist - Practiced in European countries. = This trial is reserved for the clergy, and administered with pomp and ceremony. = If the accused was guilty, the Angel Gabriel will descend from heaven and prevent the accused from swallowing the food given to him. 11. Ordeal of the Bler - Practiced in Australian and European Countries. = The corpse was brought on a bier of boughs after which the natives would ask the corpse if it has been bewitched. = If the victim died by witchcraft, the bier was supposed to know more and if the sorcerer show killed him was present, the corpse will touch him. o 12. Ordeal by heat and fire - Practiced in East Germany, early Scandinavian Countries, and early England = The accused was compelled to walk bare footed through a fire; if he remains unhurt then he is innocent. 13. Ordeal of Boiling Oil or Water - Practiced in Asian Countries. = The accused was forced to dip his hands into the boiling water or oil and ask to pick up stone in it. = If he remains unhurt then he Is innocent. 14. Ordeal of Red hot Needle - Practiced in Wanaka, East Africa. = Red hot needle was drawn through the lips of the accused, if innocent; no blood will be seen flowing out. 15. Ordeal of the Tiger - Practical in Siam. = Accuser and accused were placed together in the same and a tiger set loose upon them. = If both were spared, further elimination followed. = With such means of redress, there were probably not very many plaintiffs. 16. Ordeal by Combat - Practiced in England, time of “King Henry III”. = Accuser and accused report to a duel where the winner was adjudged innocent. = Those not proficient in weapons and those who could not afford to do so could hire champions in the field to do the fighting for them. = This type of ordeal is vividly dramatized in the movie “Ivanhoe” based on the novel of the same title (became the only legal ordeal) 17. Test of the Cross ordeal - Practiced in Europe. = The accuser and accused each were made to stand with arms crossed on their breasts. = The one who endured the longest was deemed to have told the truth, the other, is the liar. 18. Donkey’s Tail Ordeal - Psychological theory, the donkey placed in one room alone and observed it, and if the donkey cried is a judged of guilty of crimes, because deep in side and conscience he is guilty. OTHER COUNTRIES WHICH PRACTICED ORDEALS: G ee = The accuser and accused were given each identical candle and both were lightened at the ime. 172

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