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Part | Physics 4, A straight wire of mass 200 g and length 1.5 m carries a current of 2A. It is suspended in mid-air by a uniform horizontal magnetic field B. The magnitude of B (in tesla) is (assume g = 9.8 ms) (a)2 (15 @055 (@) 0.65 2 In the circuit shown the value of I in ampere is av 162 @1 060 04 (15 3. When light of wavelength 300 nm falls ona photoelectric emitter, photoelectrons are liberated. For another emitter, light of wavelength 600 nm is sufficient for liberating photoelectrons. The ratio of the work function of the two emitters is (a) 1:2 (b) 2:1 (c) 4:1 (d) i: |. A monatomic gas is suddenly compressed to (1/8)th of its initial volume adiabatically. The ratio of its final pressure to the initial pressure is (Given, the ratio of the specific heats of the given gas to be 5/3) (a) 32 (b) 40/3 (©) 24/5 @) 8 S AV BITSAT « Sched Paper 2012 5. The intensity of the magnetic ination field atthe cena of single turn cle of ras § em carving current of OB AME @) 36107 Tb) 9x10 (©) 36n410°T @) 9x 10 T 8. A capacitor of capacity 0.1 nF connected im series to a resistor of 10 M Q is charged 19.8 certain potential and then made 1 ‘ discharge through resistor. The time in : (b) 2 which the potential will take to fall to half ‘ {td} 2 its original value is 2 (Given, logy 2= 0.3010) el (a) 2s (b) 0.6935 iad (©) 05s @) Los is ag 7. If the force is given by F = ar + be? withe ats ao as time, The dimensions of a and b are (@) [MLT™1, [MET™] b) (MLT*], (MLT] () (PT), (MT) (a) (M0?T), (MET) 4. A ray of light is incident on the interface between water and glass a an anglei and refracted parallel 10 rhe water surface, chen value oft, will be va m4 1 (a) (4/3) sini Chee 4 = 1 des (d) 9, Abody is moved in straight line by constant ‘power of machine. What will be the relation between the travelling distance: 1.4 fank has two ho! ascetic si ‘from the top and the others « of radius R ata depth 4y completely andl eh (a) 3? » 4% sc ete any {A} set? , omen of bar isM, The ae ee toe co carn Oe Wa Lua | work Br aa * aie : 7 *. a %6 The maximum current that can be measured bya galvanometer of resistance 40.Q is 10 mA. It is converted into a voltmeter that ean read upto 50 V. The resistance to be connected in series with the galvanometer (in ohms) is (@) 2010 (b) 4950. (©) S040 (d) 4960 12. For a given velocity, a projectile has the same range R for two angles of projection if t and, are the time of flight in the two cases, then (@) tty &R (b) tity = R? 1 1 Onan Wnts 18, A sample of ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cycle ABCA as shown in the figure, The work done during the cycle is 2.9) : one ae (apy (©) zero (9) 9py @ 6pv TEA sound source is moving cowards “Stationary listener with a othe speed of sound. The ratio of apparent to real frequency ie f ( eee (2) @ ic) Use a5 BO aa 7. A satellite is in a circular orbit round the farther an-altitude R above the earth’s turface, where R is the radius of the earth, Af is the acceleration due to gravity on the furfice of the eurth, the speed of the Se 41.4 10 kg stone is suspended with a rope of breaking strength 30 kg-wt. The minimum Ume in which the stone can be raised trough a height 10 m starting from rest is (aking g = 10Nkg') @ oss ()) 105 (2 © gs {@) 208 2. How much work must be done by a force ‘on 50 keg body in order to aceelerate it from rest to 20 m/s in 10 5? @) 1074 (b) 10% 5 © 2x10 5 (@ 4x10t 3 2 A and B are (wo metals with threshold frequencies 1.8 x 10! Hz and 2.2x10" Hz, Two identical photons of energy 0.825 eVeach are incident on them. ‘Then photoelectrons are emitted by (Taking k = 6.610 Js) (@) Balone (b) Aalone (©) Neither A nor B (@) Both A and & 24, The square of resultant of two equal forces is three times their product. Angle between the forces is x ® x Or OF OF @F 25, An object placed on a geound is in stable ‘equilibrium, If the objects is given a slight push, then initially the position of centre of gravity (a) moves nearer to ground (b) rises higher above the ground (0) remains as such {d) may remain at same level 26 The maximum height auained by 3 projectile when thrown ar an angle 8.with the horizontal ts found 6 be. half the horizontal range. Then, @ ls equal to. (a) tan "(2) he ie | x oF 4] Bitsar « seed Paper 2012 21. A shell of mass 20 kg at rest explodes intl two fragments whose masses area the ratio The smaller fragment moves ‘with a velocity of 6 ms’'. The kinetic ‘nergy ofthe larger fragment (a) 965 b) 2165 (©) 144g (4) 360) 28. If the displacement of simple pendulum at any tie is 0.02 m ond eceteraion 2 m/s*, then in this time angular velocity will be (@) 100 rad/s (b) 10 rads (© 1 rad/s @ 0.1 rad/s 23, Which is constant, the carth revolving around the sun? (@) Angular momentum (b) Linear momentum (©) Rotational kinetic energy (@) Kinetic energy 3%. In non-clastic collision, (@) momentwin is conserved (©) energy is conserved (© momentum and energy are conserved @momentum and eneigy ate non-conserved ‘A mica slit of thickness ¢ an¢l refroctive index wt is introduced in the ray from the first source S;. By how much distance of fringes pattern will be displaced? @su-ve © Fun a D ae ey 2 Eire Oe agian The refractive index oF water ie 4/3 and that of glass is 5/3. Whal will be the eritical angle for the ray of light entering water from the glass? a(S fa ani) (b) ain’ §) if (2 (c) sin (5) (a) sir (7) rayain ponography are = emer) ee es (a) ultra 4 {e) sound waves rok seeandtary of primar, , 3 Ta Oh eastormer WAL tha HA applied fo the primary, «iy currence xecerndary will he (ay 8A (H) 2A 1A td) O54 ‘the miglinam force require! = Peiyup unde plan 1 minimus force required to prev. aliding down the plane. If che c:. friction between the body and ti is ee, the angle of rh Bland og ra the ang! b plane is (a) 60° tb) 4 (o) 30° (a) 15 36, If, und respectively are effec fonstant in serfes aid parallel combi of springs ns showin figure, find * 9 3 7 es 31. Vie power dissipared across 10! Which Heouneered across 9 potential ¥ ip PL If ysintans fa) then the pewer beco (3) a th) 2 fc) 14 2 3B A Dodyimaves with unilorn « them WIHIEN of thie fatiowing comrecry fa) 39. The rate which a black body emits radiation at a temperature is proportional to @) i wT or @t ‘40, Two equal changes qare kept fixed ataand +a along the axis. A particle of mass Chemistry 41. The ionie conductance of Ba”* and Cl; are respectively 127 and 762" cm? at infinite dilution, The —_ equivalent conductance (in Q~ cm*) of Bac infinite dilution will be (@) 330 (b) 203 ©1395 @s1 #2, If the elevation in boiling point of a solution of 10 g of solute (mol. wt. = 100) in 100 g of water is AT, the ebullioseopic coast ‘water is eee @) 10 (©) 10ST, 4. Given that; HOH" (aq) + OF (aqy, AH = 57.32k) HyGl+ 50x66) —> 010; ‘AH == 256.021) ‘Then calculate the enthalpy of formation bfOH™ at 25°C, Wy 228.8 (b) = $43:52 5) (c)+ 228.8 (@) $343.52 0 M, Calculate the amount of heat evolved when S00 am” of 0.1 MHCLis mixed with 200em* 9f0.2M NaOH. «W578 () 2.865 kd fo229210 (4) 0.573 «5 ‘of the folloyring will be the most the coagulation of Fe(OH), sol? (b) AT, (a) 100.47, BITSAT » Soived Paper 2012 | & mand charge tis Drought to the origin and given a small displacement along the axis, then. (a) che particle executes éscillatory morion (b) the partiele remisins (©) the particle executes, SHM along x-axis {(@) the particle executes SHIM along y-axus (@) Mgg(PO4),—(b)) BaCl (© Nacl (@) KON 46, Wentify ‘Cin the following reaction; NO2 Nat ra een w (@) benzamide _(b) benzoie acid (e) chlorobenzene (4) aniline 47, ‘The following reaction is known as ae OH ae ee Cos Or OH cooH (a) Friedel-Craft reaction (b) Kolbe reaction (o) Reimer-Tiemann reqeviog (4) Wittig sesction 48, Which of the following is isoelectronic of farbon? (a) Nav “(OYA (1.0% (a) N* 49. In which of the following species only one type of hybridisation is present? (3) CH), CH=CH, (b) CH —CH=cH—cH, (©) GH. ==Cl—CH=cH, (d) CH, ~CH=CH—CH, BROMO; + SH0, + 68" — 22+ 50, + 8Hy0 Identify Z in the above reaction {a) Mn (b) Mn" (© Mn @ MnO, 51. In the titration of NaOH and HCl, which oF the following indicator will be used? (@) Methyl orange (b) Methyl red (© Both (a) and.) - 23°C (@ None of (a) and (b) {250°C 3°C S2, Which of the following is correct TUPAC 55 foe SN rtg) =—* 2NOCG) ~ bx fame for K ,[Cx(CN),0,(0),NH3] ? Pana (a) Potassiusm amminecyanoperoxodioxo- equilibrium, Py, = © and p i chromatic (IV) = c. ie (b) Potassium amminecyanoperoxodioxo- P. chromium (V) presse, the ratio=? will be (©) Potassium amminecyanoperoxodioxo- chromium (V1) @, 8 oF 0: (4) Potassium = amminedicyanodioxoper = -oxochromate (VI) 60. The eecapetaen temperatan 53. Which of the following is process used for the preperation of acetone? (b) Caco, (@) Waber process {d) Srco; (b) Wacker process Me amount of zinc > © (c) Wolf-Kishner reduction eT With excess of sulphuric (d) Gattermann-Koch synthesis and. "Of sodium hydroxide « ‘the ratio hydrogen 54, Lindane can be obtained by the reaction of Hamesothydrogen F benzene with a @) WW yrs 2:1 v2 (G) CH,CV/anhydrous AlCl, (A) when treated (b) C,H;Vanhydrous AIC), t nia gave (8) () CH,COCVanhydrous AICI, (@ Gly in sunlight 55, The structure of cis-bis (propenyl) ethene is H (0,7 F ors (©) i > (OS Neen 5 56. 5 moles of Ba(OH), are treated with excess ofCO, How much BaCO , willbe formed? (2)39.4 5 (0) 197s (c) 5918 (@) 985 2 il the main uct when. Het oe iegoras sc @ ‘Trichloro acetaldehyde (b) Acetaldehye {©) Dichloro acetaldehyde (@) Chiore acetaldehyde 65. Barium titanate has. the periovskire structure, i-e.,acubic lattice with Ba* ions atthe corners of the unit cell, oxicle ions at the face cents and titanium fons at the body centre, The molecular formula of Darium civanate is (a) BaTiO, (b) aT, (c) Bari BaTiO, &. Which of the following hormone, is se of) aap fe] aly MS. tf Ssin! x4 cos"? x = m, then wis equal to 49} 2 1 a PAABC = 2 b=3 and sind = whe BITSAT » SoWed Paper 202 | 11 M17. The veeror equation rai 23j-k+0(6)-k) represents a straighe line passing shrough the points (NGG, 6 ~1Yand (1 y (b)(0, 6 ~1) and (=1, = = 2) (OG, -2,—Vand (1, 4, =2) (0-2 Hand (6. ~ 6,1) 118. The work done’by the force 4i ~ 3j + 2kein moving particle along.a stralghe line from the point (3, 2, ~1)to(2 -1, 4)is (@) Ounirs (b) 4 units 0) 15 units (@) 19 units 119, fay [2 OSI ad Bets) is equal 0 G@)sin2 (8) cos2 @ aces sh 120. If fx) 2 ig continuous at x =0,then f[0)is equal ro Jn (12 WF WO 121 ly emeansred in deg, then -& fos 0s sunita otiine |g 2Bane 5 ee (sine m (2) oer seex- ienadf telat asec Gieoetrne (c) see (0) see x — varie 103. Ife = cos! Wand y=sin* 8 then 1+ (4 is eal, on} (b) cor! 8. serfec (aeosee* 0 rah = a, = 24 iY sequal a neh i 1,8 Gy 90-51 to i 8, TTB SAT » Soived Paper 2012 125, ifthe rate of eh circumference ol ScteicatO. om then the ate oF shane {the ares of the cite shen ther oe mis {a)1.5sqemis ©)0.5 sacs Saas (23 s< cays 126. fy = x8 — ax? + 48x +7 ib an increasing function for all real values of x, then a lies in (1414) 12, 12) (2-36 16) C21, 20) 127. Rolle's theorem is not applicable for the function /(x)=[x] in the interval (1, cea because ha (2) #Q) does not exist a oo (IFA dos not exist aay quadrats Rego euisnanuaeteed the quadratic equa ‘o/s avonanie Gis equal Os 4 ett rey ee i c Oe 1 Ort? Ope 28 aap Om ey” is equal ro ea W418) eo cy aera 3 tat wo x (0 to 20, uff cos!” xd is equal to sam Gf, # ferme of the series @)1 @1+2" ton terms is equal 139, 0.24 0.22 + 0.222 +... t aeg-(g)e-™ 140, The number of ways in which a team of 1 players can be selected from 22 players including 2 of them and excluding 4 of them is @*cy ) ¥C, "Cy @) ®Cy. The number of ways four boys can be seated around a cound table in four chairs of different colours is @24 @ 12 O23 aes ‘M2. Ifthe coefficient of second, third and fourth terms in the expansion of (1-+.x)" are in AP, then mis equal to 1m. 7 4 ©5 @6 cas ba i044 A=|1 bb) =Ka-b)(b-c)(e-a), fic 2 ‘then Kis equal to (e)~2 wn foe (Gabe wee Wo wre &. |iscqualto bc bee /*_ 105. 148, 141. 148. 149. BITSAT + Soved Paper 2012 | 13 (a) dabe (b)abe (a? (€) 4a%be xab te Hay =6 x ajandAy=\" are the a bx hs given determinants, then (@)ay = 39)” a ofS (2) (a= 314)" (ay = HAa)*? The.system: x4 4y = 2 = 3.9K 4 4S =7 and 2r + 3y 42 = Shae (a) infinite number of solutions (@)uunique solation (c) erivial solution {d)no solution Wf the three points (K, 28), 2k, 38D, (3.1) ave collinear, then Kis equal to (a=2 (1 : i fat 2 3 @ ia The foot of the gas from the point (3, 4) on the line 3x —4y + 5 oa) oes of 8) of hg ‘A kite is ying at an inclination of Gu? with the horizontal. Ifthe lense of the rhea is 120'm, then the height of the kite s (@so/sm (b) 60m o° se (20m Afthe focus of parabola fs wt (0 ~ 3)and its directs py = 3 then its equarion ts ) oy

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