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Results were generated with the finite element program FE/Pipe®.

Stress results are post-processed in accordance with the rules specified in
ASME Section III and ASME Section VIII, Division 2.

List of Contents:

Model Notes
Input Data Echo
Load Case Report
Solution Data
Beam Detailed Results
ASME Code Stress Output Plots
Region Data
Stress Results - Notes
B31 Expansion Stresses
ASME Overstressed Areas
Highest Primary Stress Ratios
Highest Secondary Stress Ratios
Highest Fatigue Stress Ratios
Highest Stress Ratios Per Region
Highest Stresses Per Load Case 1
Highest Stresses Per Load Case 2
Stress Intensification Factors
Allowable Loads

Model Notes

Input Echo:

Model Type : Cylindrical Shell

Parent Geometry
Parent Outside Diam. : 3994.000 mm.
Thickness : 13.000 mm.
Fillet Along Shell : 9.000 mm.

Parent Properties:
Cold Allowable : 138.0 MPa
Hot Allowable : 138.0 MPa
Material ID #1 : Low Carbon Steel
Yield Strength (Amb) : 241.0 MPa
Yield Strength (Hot) : 241.0 MPa
Elastic Modulus (Amb) : 202705.9 MPa
Poissons Ratio : 0.300
Expansion Coefficient : 0.1182E-04 mm./mm./deg.
Weight Density : 0.7601E-04 N /

Nozzle Geometry
Nozzle Outside Diam. : 273.050 mm.
Thickness : 10.202 mm.
Length : 246.300 mm.
Nozzle Weld Length : 9.000 mm.
RePad Width : 120.000 mm.
RePad Thickness : 16.000 mm.
Insert Length : 167.200 mm.
Insert Thickness : 10.202 mm.
Nozzle Tilt Angle : 0.000 deg.
Distance from Top : 0.000 mm.
Distance from Bottom : 0.000 mm.

Nozzle Properties
Cold Allowable : 117.9 MPa
Hot Allowable : 117.9 MPa
Material ID #1 : Low Carbon Steel
Yield Strength (Amb) : 222.0 MPa
Yield Strength (Hot) : 222.0 MPa
Elastic Modulus (Amb) : 202705.9 MPa
Poissons Ratio : 0.300
Expansion Coefficient : 0.1182E-04 mm./mm./deg.
Weight Density : 0.7601E-04 N /

Design Operating Cycles : 0.

Ambient Temperature (Deg.) : 21.11

Uniform thermal expansion produces no stress in this geometry.

Any thermal loads will come through operating forces and
moments applied through the nozzle.

Nozzle Inside Temperature : -17.78 deg.

Nozzle Outside Temperature : -17.78 deg.
Vessel Inside Temperature : -17.78 deg.
Vessel Outside Temperature : -17.78 deg.

Nozzle Pressure : 0.850 MPa

Vessel Pressure : 0.850 MPa

No external forces or bending moments were included in this analysis.

Both ends of the model are "fixed," except that one end
is free axially so that longitudinal pressure stresses
may be developed in the geometry.

Stresses ARE nodally AVERAGED.

No pad weld dimensions have been given for the pad

connection to the shell. Few correlations have been
performed to investigate the sensitivity of peak stresses
to this value. Reasonable lengths have been assumed.

The cylinder length or nozzle/branch location was adjusted

so that a better mesh could be generated at each end of the
cylinder. The nozzle is now located 955.67 mm.
down the length of the cylinder and the total cylinder length
is 1911.35 mm.

Vessel Centerline Vector : 0.000 0.000 0.000

Nozzle Orientation Vector : 1.000 0.000 0.000

Input Data Echo


1 SuperElement (NOT AVAILABLE)

2 <---- 2 FE/PIPE Analysis
3 WRC 297 Analysis
4 WRC 107 Analysis
<---- FFS Quick Calc Popup (Y/F1)
<---- High Temp Quick Calc Popup (Y/F2)
1 <---- Number of Operating Load Cycles
1 <---- Number of Occasional Load Cycles

YES <---- Compute Intersection Sif's and Stiffnesses

(YES/NO/RUN) If RUN then compute Sif's and
Stiffnesses for loads thru the run pipe.

---------------------------- REFERENCE ORIENTATIONS ---------------------

- 0.000, 0.000, 0.000 <---- Header/Vessel Orientation (vx, vy, vz) -
- 1.000, 0.000, 0.000 <---- Branch/Nozzle Orientation (vx, vy, vz) -


0.0000E+00 <---- Inplane attached pipe length (mm.)
0.0000E+00 <---- Outplane attached pipe length (mm.)
0.0000E+00 <---- Axial attached pipe length (mm.)

21.11 <---- Ambient Temperature


Y <---- Place Hole in Header/Vessel (Branch is pressurized)

NO <---- Display Stresses for Non-Discontinuity Areas

YES - Include Weight Loads (Y/N)
0,-1,0 - Direction of Gravity (vx,vy,vz)
YES - Include Pressure Loads (Y/N)
YES - Include Thermal Loads (Y/N)
NO - Include Wind Loads (Y/N)
OCC - Include Wind in Which Load Cases ?
1,0,0 - Wind Direction (wx,wy,wz)
- Elev.(mm.), Pressure ( N /
- Elev.(mm.), Pressure ( N /
Enter Insulation/Refractory Data Below: (mm.) and ( N per
Insulation Thick. --> - Insul. Density -->
Refractory Thick. --> - Refrt. Density -->
- Use 3D refractory Model? (Y/N)
- Use Non-Linear Refractory (only with 3D model)
- Non-Linear Refractory Load Case Number
- Non-Linear Refractory Interation Limit
- Refractory Nodes thru Thickness
- 3d Refractory Input screen
- Refractory Brick Option
NO <---- Save Stiffness Matrix
NO <---- Reuse Saved Stiffness Matrix (Only Loads Changed)

Branch Properties

------------------ Dimensions -------------------------------------------

273.050 <---- Branch Pipe Outside Diameter (mm.)

10.2016 <---- Branch Wall Thickness (mm.)
90.000 <---- Branch Angle from Horizontal

167.200 <---- Insert Branch Length (mm.)

10.2016 <---- Optional Thickness of Branch Insert (mm.)
<---- Refractory Thickness (3d model) (mm.)
<---- Refractory ID Branch (3d model)

------------------ Material/Temperature/Pressure -------------------------

117.900 <---- Cold Allowable Stress (MPa)

117.900 <---- Hot Allowable Stress (MPa)
<---- Lookup Material Database (Y/No)
21.111 <---- Branch Temperature (Inner)
21.111 <---- Branch Temperature (Outer)

0.850 <---- Branch Pressure ( N /


YES <---- Add Tensile Loads Due To Pressure

1. <---- Material No. for Fatigue Calculations:

1-Low Carbon Steel (I-9.1 5-110.1)

2-Low Alloy Steels (I-9.1 5-110.1)
3-High Tensile Steels (I-9.1 5-110.1)
4-Austenitic Stls, Ni-Cr-Fe, Ni-Cu (I-9.2 5-110.2)
5-70Cu-30Ni Alloys (I-9.3 5-110.3)
6-Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe Alloys (I-9.5 5-110.4)

0.000 <---- Tensile Strength at Room Temperature (MPa)

221.985 <---- Yield Strength at Room Temperature (MPa)
221.985 <---- Yield Strength at Operating Temperature (MPa)

0.203E+06 <---- Modulus of Elasticity COLD (MPa)

0.199E+06 <---- Modulus of Elasticity HOT (Not used) (MPa)

0.300 <---- Poissons Ratio

0.118E-04 <---- Branch Expansion Coefficient (mm./mm./deg.)
0.760E-04 <---- Density of Branch pipe ( N./

Branch Reinforcement (Optional)

------------------ Reinforced Branch Geometry -----------------------------

"Leave this entire block blank if there is no

thickening of the branch at junction of the
branch and the header or vessel."

273.050 <---- Branch Outside Diameter at the Junction (mm.)

10.2016 <---- Branch Wall Thickness at the Junction (mm.)

103.100 <---- Axial Length of the thicker section (mm.)

71.600 <---- Axial Length of transition between the thicker

and thinner pipes forming the branch piping (mm.)

1.0 <---- Stress Concentration in the Transition area

Header/Vessel/Pad Properties

------------------ Dimensions ---------------------------------------------

3994.000 <---- Header Outside Diameter (mm.)

13.0000 <---- Header Wall Thickness (mm.)
<---- Lookup Material Database (Y/No)
120.000 <---- Pad Width (mm.)

16.0000 <---- Pad Thickness (mm.)

<---- Refractory Thickness (3d model) (mm.)
<---- Refractory ID Header (3d model)

------------------ Material/Temperature/Pressure --------------------------

"Only enter these properties if they are

different from those entered for the
branch piping."

137.995 <---- Cold Allowable Stress (MPa)

137.995 <---- Hot Allowable Stress (MPa)

21.111 <---- Header Temperature (Inner)

21.111 <---- Header Temperature (Outer)

0.850 <---- Header Pressure ( N /

1. <---- Material No. for Fatigue Calculations:

1-Low Carbon Steel (I-9.1 5-110.1)

2-Low Alloy Steels (I-9.1 5-110.1)
3-High Tensile Steels (I-9.1 5-110.1)
4-Austenitic Stls, Ni-Cr-Fe, Ni-Cu (I-9.2 5-110.2)
5-70Cu-30Ni Alloys (I-9.3 5-110.3)
6-Ni-Cr-Mo-Fe Alloys (I-9.5 5-110.4)

0.000 <---- Tensile Strength at Room Temperature (MPa)

240.992 <---- Yield Strength at Room Temperature (MPa)
240.992 <---- Yield Strength at Operating Temperature (MPa)

0.203E+06 <---- Modulus of Elasticity COLD (MPa)

0.199E+06 <---- Modulus of Elasticity HOT (Not Used) (MPa)

0.118E-04 <---- Header Expansion Coefficient (mm./mm./deg.)

0.300 <---- Poissons Ratio
0.760E-04 <---- Density of Header Pipe ( N./

Weld Details

------------------ Dimensions ---------------------------------------------

12.000 <---- Pad Edge Fillet Leg length (mm.)

9.0000 <---- Fillet Leg length along Branch (mm.)
9.0000 <---- Fillet Weld Leg Length along Header/Vessel (mm.)

<---- Outside Weld Radius (mm.)

(Enter if a smooth, round contoured surface is ground
into the outside weld at the intersection.)

<---- Inside Intersection Radius (mm.)

(Enter if a contoured radius is provided at the
inside surface at the intersection.)

<---- Number of Nodes Along Weld Section of Branch (Optional)

<---- Number of Nodes Along Weld Section of Header (Optional)

------------------ Stress Concentration Factors ---------------------------

1.350 <---- Weld Stress Concentration at the Pad Edge Weld

1.350 <---- Weld Stress Concentration on the Branch
1.350 <---- Weld Stress Concentration on the Header/Vessel


3 <---- Loads Entered below act:

1 - At the branch/header centerline intersection

2 - At the surface of the header/vessel
3 - At the end of the branch

G <---- Loads Entered in (L)ocal or (G)lobal coordinates


Axial Inplane Outplane Torsion In-plane Outplane
N N N mm. N mm. N mm. N
.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00 WEIGHT
.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00 OPERATING
.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00 OCCASIONAL
.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00,.0000E+00 THERMAL

Node ID's

0 <---- Node Number for Branch End

0 <---- Node Number for +Z Header End

0 <---- Node Number for -Z Header End


Adjustments for Default Dimensions
71.600 <---- Axial Length of Nominal Branch Pipe (mm.)
955.675 <---- Length of Header along +Outplane Axis (mm.)
955.675 <---- Length of Header along -Outplane Axis (mm.)

<---- Length of Branch to Remove for Join (mm.)


<---- Length of +Outplane to Remove for Join (mm.)

<---- Length of -Outplane to Remove for Join (mm.)

NO <---- Taper Pad

<---- Crack Depth along Pad Weld (mm.)

<---- Crack Length along Pad Weld (mm.)
LEFM <---- Fracture Method (LEFM, EPFM, or LIMIT)
<---- Number of Elements Along Crack (Optional)

P <---- Analyze Occasional Loads as (P)rimary or (F)atigue

-1 <---- Relative Stiffness (to branch) of Loading Ring

NO <----
Free +Outplane end of Header/Vessel (YES..NO..RIGID)
NO <----
Free -Outplane end of Header/Vessel (YES..NO..RIGID)
NO <----
Use Head BC for Any Free End (YES..NO )
Nodal Stress Calculation: AVERAGED/NOTAVERAGED/
<---- Nominal Stress computed at (S)urface or (C)enterline
NO <---- Compute Stress in Weld Elements
YES <---- Shift Pad Area Midsurface
N <---- Remove Backside of Header Away from Nozzle (YES/NO)
0.000 <---- Angular Size of Header to Keep (Deg.)
4 <---- Unzipped Nodes Validation Option (1-5)

Mesh Control Parameters
0 <---- Density Index for Nodes at Intersection
( > 0 for more elements at the intersection)

1.150 <---- Global Mesh Multiplier Override

0.000E+00 <---- Merge Nodes Override

0 <---- Intersection Tolerance Override
YES <---- Adjust Determinant of Jacobian for Poorly Shaped
Elements. (Should be used with caution. Stiffnesses
of poorly shaped elements computed approximately.)

<---- Fine Mesh Patch Size Multiplier

YES <---- Parametrically Pave the Patch Towards Intersection
NO <---- Smooth Mesh Layout Outside Pad Area

<---- Number of Circumferential Nodes at Penetration

1 <---- Number of Nodes Along Branch Junction

2 <---- Number of Nodes Along Branch Transition
2 <---- Number of Nodes Along Branch Nominal
<---- Number of Nodes Along Branch Insert

<---- Number of Radial Pad Nodes

<---- Number of Radial Nodes On Outer Pad Edge Weld
<---- Number of Radial Patch Nodes Outside of Pad

<---- Number of Nodes in (+Z) Extended Length

<---- Number of Nodes in (-Z) Extended Length

<---- Number of Nodes on Bottom Half of Header

<---- Number of Nodes on Side of Header

Database Operations

0 <---- Database "Read/Write" Option

0 - No Database Operation
1 - Write Out Database for this Job for later "Reading"
2 - Read In Database(s) to "Include" with this Job

Enter the node numbers in this model that will be connected to

nodes in another database. The node number may correspond to
any element end. This list is used with database options 1 or 2.
- 1 -

Enter the names of the jobs whose databases are to be read into
and "INCLUDED" with this job. (These jobs must already have had
their databases written to the hard disk.) These names are only
used with database option 2.
(Optional See ?-Help)
JOBNAMES Coordinate Shift (X,Y,Z) (mm.)
-------------------- ----------------------------------
- . - - -
- . - - -
- . - - -
- . - - -
- . - - -
- . - - -
- . - - -
- . - - -
- . - - -
- . - - -
-------------------- -----------,----------,-----------

FFS Calc Option Screen


Flaw Description FFS
Null 1 FFS
NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS
------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS
1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS

.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS

--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS
ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS
0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS
CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS
.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS
UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads
-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS


Flaw Description FFS
Null 2 FFS
NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS
------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS
1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS
ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS
0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS
CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS
.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS
UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads
-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS


Flaw Description FFS
Null 3 FFS
NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS
------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS
1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS
ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS
0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS
CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS
.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS
UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads
-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS


Flaw Description FFS
Null 4 FFS
NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS
------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS
1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS

ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS

0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS
CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS
.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS
UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads
-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS


Flaw Description FFS
Null 5 FFS
NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS
------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS
1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS
ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS
0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS
CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS
.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS
UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads
-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS


Flaw Description FFS
Null 6 FFS

NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS

------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS
1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS
ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS
0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS
CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS
.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS
UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads
-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS


Flaw Description FFS
Null 7 FFS
NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS
------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS
1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS
ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS
0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS

CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS

.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS
UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads
-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS


Flaw Description FFS
Null 8 FFS
NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS
------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS
1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS
ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS
0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS
CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS
.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS
UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads
-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS


Flaw Description FFS
Null 9 FFS
NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS
------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS

0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS

1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS
ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS
0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS
CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS
.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS
UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads
-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS


Flaw Description FFS
Null 10 FFS
NO <---- Evaluate this flaw? (YES/NO) FFS
------------------Flaw Center Location------------------- FFS
0 <---- Flaw X-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Y-coord (mm.) FFS
0 <---- Flaw Z-coord (mm.) FFS
1000 <---- Midsurface Radius at flaw (mm.) FFS
AUTOSELECT <---- Nozzle Region (optional) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
1 <---- Flaw Material Number FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Average Temperature (Deg) FFS
.1 <---- Pressure at Flaw ( N FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Depth (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw Radius (mm.) FFS
.1 <---- Flaw length (mm.) FFS
--------------------------------------------------------- FFS
Base_Metal <---- Proximity to Weld (Base_Metal/Weld_HAZ) FFS
NO <---- Unprotected in Marine environment (YES/NO) FFS
ELLIPTIC <---- Flaw Profile (elliptic/flat) FFS
0.70 <---- Joint Efficiency at Flaw FFS
NO <---- Ignore PSF (YES/NO) FFS
CRACK <---- Flaw type FFS
.1 <---- local thickness (mm.) FFS
NO <---- Dynamic Load (YES/NO) FFS
2STDDEV <---- Probability of failure (Risk assessment) FFS

UNCERTAIN <---- Certainty of loads

-------------------OPTIONAL INPUT------------------------ FFS
0 <---- Dynamic Load Ramp Time (sec.) FFS
<---- STATIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
<----DYNAMIC Critical fracture toughness at Operating Temp FFS
0 <---- "J" Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- CTOD Value to generate KIC FFS
0 <---- Nil Ductility Temp FFS
0 <---- Charpy Test at operating Temp FFS

High Temp (NH) Calc Screen


--------------------------------------------------------- NH
NO <---- Perform High Temperature Calcs (YES/NO) NH
0 <---- Cycle Duration (hrs) NH
0 <---- Number of High Temp Cycles NH
MEDIAN <---- Data Scatter NH
BRITTLE <---- Material Behavior NH
ASME <---- Fatigue Method (ASME/API 579) NH
Class63 <---- API 579 Weld Class(with API Fatigue) NH
--------------------------------------------------------- NH

3D refractory Model

1 <---- Insulation/Refractory Property ID

0 7.83E-5 Weight per Volume ( N./
<---- Conductivity
<---- Specific Heat
<---- Allowable Stress in Tension (MPa
<---- Allowable Stress in Compression (MPa
<---- Elastic Modulus (MPa
0.3 <---- Poisson's Ratio
<---- Refractory Inner Temperature (deg)
<---- Refractory Outer Temperature (deg)
<---- Thermal Expansion Coefficient (per deg)

Load Case Report

Inner and outer element temperatures are the same
throughout the model. No thermal ratcheting
calculations will be performed.



Sustained case run to satisfy local primary

membrane and bending stress limits.

/-------- Loads in Case 1

Pressure Case 1

2 OPERATING (Fatigue Calc Performed)

Case run to compute the operating stresses used in

secondary, peak and range calculations as needed.

/-------- Loads in Case 2

Pressure Case 1

3 Program Generated -- Force Only

Case run to compute sif's and flexibilities.

/-------- Loads in Case 3
Loads from (Axial)

4 Program Generated -- Force Only

Case run to compute sif's and flexibilities.

/-------- Loads in Case 4
Loads from (Inplane)

5 Program Generated -- Force Only

Case run to compute sif's and flexibilities.

/-------- Loads in Case 5
Loads from (Outplane)

6 Program Generated -- Force Only

Case run to compute sif's and flexibilities.

/-------- Loads in Case 6
Loads from (Torsion)

7 Program Generated -- Force Only

Case run to compute sif's and flexibilities.

/-------- Loads in Case 7
Pressure Case 1

Solution Data

Maximum Solution Row Size = 960

Number of Nodes = 3223
Number of Elements = 1044
Number of Solution Cases = 7

Summation of Loads per Case

Case # FX FY FZ

1 -3511. 0. 10511535.
2 -3511. 0. 10511535.
3 1161650. -1. 0.
4 0. 0. 1.
5 0. 1. 0.
6 0. 0. 0.
7 -3511. 0. 10511535.

Beam Detailed Results


For pipe, there are five stress values printed for

each end node on an 18dof element: Saa, Sab, Sac, Scc, and SI.
Saa = Axial stress
Sab = Shear stress normal to the pipe skin
Sac = Shear stress along circumferential direction
Scc = Hoop stress
SI = Stress intensity

If an element is lined with refractory layers, four stress

values are printed for each layer of refractory at each
element end node.
MxPr = Maximum principal stress
MnPr = Minimum principal stress
SI = Stress intensity
Se = von Mises stress

LOAD CASE 1 --> (Pr Only)







ASME Code Stress Output Plots

1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1

2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1

3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1

4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1

5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1

6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2

7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2

11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2

12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2

13) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (SIF,Outside) Case 3

14) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (SIF,Outside) Case 4

15) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (SIF,Outside) Case 5

16) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (SIF,Outside) Case 6

17) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (SIF,Outside) Case 7

Region Data

Pad/Header at Junction

Cold Allowable ........... 138. MPa

Cold Elasic Modulus ...... 203000. MPa
Cold Yield Stress ........ 241. MPa
Hot Allowable @ 21 deg .. 138. MPa
Hot Yield Stress ......... 241. MPa
Hot Elastic Modulus ...... 199000. MPa
Case 1
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 2
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 3
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 4
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 5
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 6
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 7
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 131. MPa
Smallest Thickness ....... 10.202 mm.
Stress Concentration ..... 1.350

Branch at Junction

Cold Allowable ........... 118. MPa

Cold Elasic Modulus ...... 203000. MPa
Cold Yield Stress ........ 222. MPa
Hot Allowable @ 21 deg .. 118. MPa
Hot Yield Stress ......... 222. MPa
Hot Elastic Modulus ...... 199000. MPa
Case 1
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 2
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 3

Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa

Case 4
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 5
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 6
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 7
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 131. MPa
Smallest Thickness ....... 10.202 mm.
Stress Concentration ..... 1.350

Branch Transition

Cold Allowable ........... 118. MPa

Cold Elasic Modulus ...... 203000. MPa
Cold Yield Stress ........ 222. MPa
Hot Allowable @ 21 deg .. 118. MPa
Hot Yield Stress ......... 222. MPa
Hot Elastic Modulus ...... 199000. MPa
Case 1
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 2
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 3
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 4
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 5
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 6
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 7
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 131. MPa
Smallest Thickness ....... 10.202 mm.
Stress Concentration ..... 1.000

Pad Outer Edge Weld

Cold Allowable ........... 138. MPa

Cold Elasic Modulus ...... 203000. MPa
Cold Yield Stress ........ 241. MPa
Hot Allowable @ 21 deg .. 138. MPa
Hot Yield Stress ......... 241. MPa
Hot Elastic Modulus ...... 199000. MPa
Case 1
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 2
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 3
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 4
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 5
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 6
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 7
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 131. MPa
Smallest Thickness ....... 10.202 mm.
Stress Concentration ..... 1.350

Header Outside Pad Area

Cold Allowable ........... 138. MPa

Cold Elasic Modulus ...... 203000. MPa
Cold Yield Stress ........ 241. MPa
Hot Allowable @ 21 deg .. 138. MPa
Hot Yield Stress ......... 241. MPa
Hot Elastic Modulus ...... 199000. MPa
Case 1
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 2
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 3
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 4
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 5
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 6
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 7
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 131. MPa
Smallest Thickness ....... 10.202 mm.
Stress Concentration ..... 1.000

Branch removed from Junction

Cold Allowable ........... 118. MPa

Cold Elasic Modulus ...... 203000. MPa
Cold Yield Stress ........ 222. MPa
Hot Allowable @ 21 deg .. 118. MPa
Hot Yield Stress ......... 222. MPa
Hot Elastic Modulus ...... 199000. MPa
Case 1
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 2
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 3
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 4
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 5
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 6
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 7
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 131. MPa
Smallest Thickness ....... 10.202 mm.
Stress Concentration ..... 1.000

Pad removed from Junction

Cold Allowable ........... 138. MPa

Cold Elasic Modulus ...... 203000. MPa
Cold Yield Stress ........ 241. MPa
Hot Allowable @ 21 deg .. 138. MPa
Hot Yield Stress ......... 241. MPa
Hot Elastic Modulus ...... 199000. MPa
Case 1
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa
Case 2
Pressure Stress (Pd/2t) .. 131. MPa

Case 3
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 4
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 5
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 6
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 138. MPa
Case 7
Nominal Stress (M/Z) ... 131. MPa
Smallest Thickness ....... 10.202 mm.
Stress Concentration ..... 1.000

Stress Results - Notes

- Results in this analysis were generated using the finite

element solution method.

- Using 2013-2017 ASME Section VIII Division 2

- Use Polished Bar fatigue curve.

- Ratio between Operating and Design Pressure = 1.000000

Assume pressure increases all other stresses.

- Assume free end displacements of attached pipe

(e.g. thermal loads) are secondary within the limits
of nozzle reinforcement.

- Use Equivalent Stress (Von Mises).

- Include S1+S2+S3 evaluation for operating stress.

Include S1+S2+S3 evaluation in primary case evaluation.
Assume bending stress not local primary for S1+S2+S3.

- Use local tensor values for averaged and not

averaged stresses.

B31 Expansion Stresses

98. 345. 12423. 1689. Pad/Header at Junction
Load Case 2, Inner, Plot 8

114. 345. 12423. 1689. Pad Outer Edge Weld

Load Case 2, Outer, Plot 9

65. 345. 12423. 1689. Header Outside Pad Area

Load Case 2, Outer, Plot 9

129. 295. 12423. 1689. Branch at Junction

Load Case 2, Outer, Plot 9

18. 295. 12423. 1689. Branch Transition

Load Case 2, Inner, Plot 8

ASME Overstressed Areas



Highest Primary Stress Ratios

Pad/Header at Junction

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

92 241 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Branch at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

191 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


Branch Transition

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

31 222 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

126 241 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Header Outside Pad Area

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

115 241 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Highest Secondary Stress Ratios

Pad/Header at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

145 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

145 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Branch at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

191 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

191 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Branch Transition

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

35 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

35 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

169 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

169 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Header Outside Pad Area

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

130 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2


130 482 Plot Reference:

MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Highest Fatigue Stress Ratios

Pad/Header at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

98 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.008 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 364,105.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 902,567.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 209,675.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 291,107.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 183,933.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 1.566
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.390
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Branch at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

129 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.010 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 118,218.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 941,551.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 218,731.
1% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 303,680.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 98,530.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.184
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.845
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Branch Transition

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

18 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.001 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.0000E11
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 1.5132E8
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 35,153,556.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 48,806,288.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 21,244,588.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 2.364
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.297
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

114 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.009 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 185,140.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 984,262.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 228,653.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 317,456.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 143,144.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 1.344
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.427
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Header Outside Pad Area

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

65 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.005 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.9113E8
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 2,177,984.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 505,966.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 702,470.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 317,253.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 7.025
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.125
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Highest Stress Ratios Per Region

Pad/Header at Junction

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

92 241 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

81 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

145 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

78 482 Plot Reference:

MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1

136 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

145 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

78 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

98 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.008 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 364,105.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 902,567.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 209,675.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 291,107.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 183,933.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 1.566
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.390
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

53 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.004 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.3206E10
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 8,151,536.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 1,893,676.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 2,629,130.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 1,181,165.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.470
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.680
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

92 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

81 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2

136 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Branch at Junction

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

91 222 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

178 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

169 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

191 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1

96 472 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

169 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

191 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

114 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.009 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 184,501.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 1,521,734.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 353,513.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 490,808.

BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 142,732.

Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.184
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.845
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

129 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.010 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 118,218.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 941,551.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 218,731.
1% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 303,680.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 98,530.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.184
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.845
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

91 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

178 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2

96 472 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Branch Transition

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

31 222 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

15 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

35 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

33 444 Plot Reference:

MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1

42 472 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

35 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

33 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

18 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.001 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.0000E11
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 1.5132E8
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 35,153,556.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 48,806,288.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 21,244,588.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 2.364
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.297
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

17 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.001 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.0000E11
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 1.7929E8
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 41,651,724.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 57,828,176.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 28,519,826.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 5.610
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.151
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

31 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

15 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2

42 472 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

126 241 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

74 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

137 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

169 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1

202 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

137 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

169 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

92 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.007 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 477,785.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 1,855,000.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 430,933.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 598,297.

BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 270,503.

Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 4.348
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.187
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

114 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.009 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 185,140.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 984,262.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 228,653.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 317,456.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 143,144.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 1.344
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.427
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

126 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

74 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2

202 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Header Outside Pad Area

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

115 241 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

16 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

124 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

130 482 Plot Reference:

MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1

204 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

124 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

130 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

62 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.005 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 4.2505E8
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 2,470,296.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 573,872.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 796,749.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 358,652.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 9.957
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.091
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

65 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.005 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.9113E8
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 2,177,984.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 505,966.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 702,470.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 317,253.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 7.025
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.125
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

115 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

16 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2

204 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Highest Stresses Per Load Case 1

Pad/Header at Junction

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

92 241 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Pad/Header at Junction

Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

81 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Pad/Header at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

145 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Pad/Header at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

78 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


Pad/Header at Junction

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1

136 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

126 241 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

74 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

137 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

169 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


Pad Outer Edge Weld

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1

202 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Header Outside Pad Area

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

115 241 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Header Outside Pad Area

Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

16 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Header Outside Pad Area

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

124 482 Plot Reference:

MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Header Outside Pad Area

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

130 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


Header Outside Pad Area

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1

204 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Branch at Junction

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

91 222 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Branch at Junction

Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

178 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Branch at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

169 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Branch at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

191 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


Branch at Junction

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1


96 472 Plot Reference:

MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Branch Transition

Pl SPL Primary Membrane Load Case 1

31 222 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 1) Pl < SPL (SUS,Membrane) Case 1


Branch Transition

Qb SPS Primary Bending Load Case 1

15 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 2) Qb < SPS (SUS,Bending) Case 1


Branch Transition

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 1

35 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 3) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Inside) Case 1


Branch Transition

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 1

33 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 4) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (SUS,Outside) Case 1


Branch Transition

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 1

42 472 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 5) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (SUS,S1+S2+S3) Case 1


Highest Stresses Per Load Case 2

Pad/Header at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

145 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Pad/Header at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

78 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Pad/Header at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

98 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.008 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 364,105.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 902,567.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 209,675.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 291,107.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 183,933.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 1.566
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.390
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Pad/Header at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

53 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.004 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.3206E10
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 8,151,536.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 1,893,676.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 2,629,130.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 1,181,165.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.470
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.680
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Pad/Header at Junction

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

92 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Pad/Header at Junction

Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

81 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


Pad/Header at Junction

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2

136 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

137 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

169 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

92 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.007 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 477,785.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 1,855,000.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 430,933.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 598,297.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 270,503.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 4.348
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.187
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Pad Outer Edge Weld

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

114 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.009 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 185,140.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 984,262.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 228,653.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 317,456.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 143,144.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 1.344
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.427
Plot Reference:

9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Pad Outer Edge Weld

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

126 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Pad Outer Edge Weld

Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

74 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


Pad Outer Edge Weld

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2

202 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Header Outside Pad Area

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

124 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Header Outside Pad Area

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

130 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Header Outside Pad Area

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

62 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.005 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 4.2505E8
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 2,470,296.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 573,872.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 796,749.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 358,652.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 9.957
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.091

Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Header Outside Pad Area

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

65 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.005 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.9113E8
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 345.0
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 2,177,984.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 505,966.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 702,470.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 317,253.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 7.025
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.125
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Header Outside Pad Area

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

115 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Header Outside Pad Area

Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

16 482 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


Header Outside Pad Area

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2

204 552 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Branch at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

169 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Branch at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

191 444 Plot Reference:

MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Branch at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

114 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.009 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 184,501.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 1,521,734.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 353,513.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 490,808.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 142,732.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.184
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.845
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Branch at Junction

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

129 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.350
MPa 0.010 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 118,218.
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 941,551.
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 218,731.
1% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 303,680.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 98,530.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 0.184
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.845
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Branch at Junction

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

91 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Branch at Junction

Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

178 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


Branch at Junction

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2


96 472 Plot Reference:

MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Branch Transition

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Inner) Load Case 2

35 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 6) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Inside) Case 2


Branch Transition

Pl+Pb+Q SPS Primary+Secondary (Outer) Load Case 2

33 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 7) Pl+Pb+Q < SPS (OPE,Outside) Case 2


Branch Transition

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Inner) Load Case 2

18 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.001 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.0000E11
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 1.5132E8
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 35,153,556.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 48,806,288.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 21,244,588.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 2.364
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.297
Plot Reference:
8) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Inside) Case 2

Branch Transition

Pl+Pb+Q+F Damage Ratio Primary+Secondary+Peak (Outer) Load Case 2

17 0.000 Life Stress Concentration Factor = 1.000
MPa 0.001 Stress Strain Concentration Factor = 1.000
Cycles Allowed for this Stress = 1.0000E11
Allowable "B31" Fatigue Stress Allowable = 294.8
12,423.1 Markl Fatigue Stress Allowable = 1689.2
MPa WRC 474 Mean Cycles to Failure = 1.7929E8
WRC 474 99% Probability Cycles = 41,651,724.
0% WRC 474 95% Probability Cycles = 57,828,176.
BS5500 Allowed Cycles(Curve F) = 28,519,826.
Membrane-to-Bending Ratio = 5.610
Bending-to-PL+PB+Q Ratio = 0.151
Plot Reference:
9) Pl+Pb+Q+F < Sa (EXP,Outside) Case 2

Branch Transition

Membrane User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

31 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 10) Membrane < User (OPE,Membrane) Case 2


Branch Transition

Bending User Component Evaluation Load Case 2

15 444 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 11) Bending < User (OPE,Bending) Case 2


Branch Transition

S1+S2+S3 4S Part 5 (5.3.2) Load Case 2

42 472 Plot Reference:
MPa MPa 12) S1+S2+S3 < 4S (OPE,S1+S2+S3) Case 2


Stress Intensification Factors

Branch/Nozzle Sif Summary

Peak Primary Secondary SSI

Axial : 11.022 8.164 16.329 1.737
Inplane : 3.779 2.799 5.598 1.557
Outplane: 5.044 3.736 7.472 1.451
Torsion : 0.621 0.888 0.919 0.788
Pressure: 0.989 0.963 1.466 0.998

The above stress intensification factors are to be used

in a beam-type analysis of the piping system. Inplane,
Outplane and Torsional sif's should be used with the
matching branch pipe whose diameter and thickness is given
below. The axial sif should be used to intensify the
axial stress in the branch pipe calculated by F/A. The
pressure sif should be used to intensify the nominal
pressure stress in the PARENT or HEADER, calculated
from PDo/2T. B31 calculations use mean diameters and
Section VIII calculations use outside diameters. SSIs are
based on peak stress factors and correlated test results.

Pipe OD : 273.050 mm.

Pipe Thk: 10.202 mm.
Z approx: 553564.812
Z exact : 533685.375

(SSI = SIF^x) Axial Inpl Outpl Tors Pres

SIF/SSI Exponents: 0.875 0.774 0.815 0.249 3.531

SIF/SSI exponent based on relationship between primary and

peak stress factors from the finite element analysis.

B31.3 Branch Pressure i-factor = 23.596

Header Pressure i-factor = 1.985

The B31.3 pressure i-factors should be used with with

F/A, where F is the axial force due to pressure, and
A is the area of the pipe wall. This is equivalent to
finding the pressure stress from (ip)(PD/4T).

B31.3 (Branch)
Peak Stress Sif .... 0.000 Axial
7.013 Inplane
9.089 Outplane
1.000 Torsional
B31.1 (Branch)
Peak Stress Sif .... 0.000 Axial
9.089 Inplane
9.089 Outplane
9.089 Torsional
WRC 330 (Branch)
Peak Stress Sif .... 0.000 Axial
11.582 Inplane
9.089 Outplane
11.582 Torsional

Allowable Loads

SECONDARY Maximum Conservative Realistic

Load Type (Range): Individual Simultaneous Simultaneous
Occuring Occuring Occuring
Axial Force ( N ) 229049. 43436. 65153.
Inplane Moment (mm. N ) 42325356. 5675479. 12039508.
Outplane Moment (mm. N ) 31711042. 4252188. 9020251.
Torsional Moment (mm. N ) 257734000. 48875204. 73312808.
Pressure (MPa ) 1.97 0.85 0.85

PRIMARY Maximum Conservative Realistic

Load Type: Individual Simultaneous Simultaneous
Occuring Occuring Occuring
Axial Force ( N ) 229049. 43436. 65153.
Inplane Moment (mm. N ) 42325356. 5675479. 12039508.
Outplane Moment (mm. N ) 31711042. 4252188. 9020251.
Torsional Moment (mm. N ) 133405224. 25406894. 38110340.
Pressure (MPa ) 1.63 0.85 0.85


1) Maximum Individual Occuring Loads are the maximum

allowed values of the respective loads if all other
load components are zero, i.e. the listed axial force
may be applied if the inplane, outplane and torsional
moments, and the pressure are zero.

2) The Conservative Allowable Simultaneous loads are

the maximum loads that can be applied simultaneously.
A conservative stress combination equation is used
that typically produces stresses within 50-70% of the
allowable stress.

3) The Realistic Allowable Simultaneous loads are the

maximum loads that can be applied simultaneously. A
more realistic stress combination equation is used

based on experience at Paulin Research. Stresses are

typically produced within 80-105% of the allowable.

4) Secondary allowable loads are limits for expansion

and operating piping loads.

5) Primary allowable loads are limits for weight,

primary and sustained type piping loads.


The following stiffnesses should be used in a piping,

"beam-type" analysis of the intersection. The stiff-
nesses should be inserted at the surface of the
branch/header or nozzle/vessel junction. The general
characteristics used for the branch pipe should be:

Outside Diameter = 273.050 mm.

Wall Thickness = 10.202 mm.

Axial Translational Stiffness = 63845. N /mm.

Inplane Rotational Stiffness = 90079296. mm. N /deg
Outplane Rotational Stiffness = 35035168. mm. N /deg
Torsional Rotational Stiffness = 9065600000. mm. N /deg

Intersection Flexibility Factors for Branch/Nozzle

Find axial stiffness: K = 3EI/(kd)^3 N /mm.

Find bending and torsional stiffnesses: K = EI/(kd) mm. N per radian.
The EI product is 0.14791E+14 N mm.^2
The value of (d) to use is: 262.848 mm..
The resulting bending stiffness is in units of force x length per radian.

Axial Flexibility Factor (k) = 3.370

Inplane Flexibility Factor (k) = 10.903
Outplane Flexibility Factor (k) = 28.032
Torsional Flexibility Factor (k) = 0.108

EA results courtesy of the FePipe/NozzlePro program by Paulin Research Group ©.

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