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Tugas Kelompok Kesetimbangan Kimia

Petunjuk pengerjaan soal:

Kerjakan soal-soal ini secara berkelompok. Jawaban ditulis dalam kertas folio bergaris dan
dikumpulkan maksimal hari Senin, 29 Februari 2016 pukul 10.00 di TU Jurusan Kimia Lantai 2. Pada
pertemuan Minggu ke-4 (Selasa, 1 Maret 2016) salah satu orang dari perwakilan kelompok akan
ditunjuk secara acak (tidak semua kelompok) untuk mengerjakan soal di depan kelas. Performa
mahasiswa yang ditunjuk itu akan mewakili performa (nilai) dalam satu kelompok.

1. The dehydrogenation of benzyl alcohol to make the flavoring agent benzaldehyde is an
equilibrium process described by the equation

C6H5CH2OH(g) C6H5CHO(g) + H2(g)

At 523 K, the value of its equilibrium constant is K = 0.558.

a. Suppose 1.20 g of benzyl alcohol is placed in a 2.00-L vessel and heated to 523 K. What is the
partial pressure of benzaldehyde when equilibrium is attained?

b. What fraction of benzyl alcohol is dissociated into products at equilibrium?

2. A weighed quantity of PCl5(s) is sealed in a 100.0 cm3 glass bulb to which a pressure gauge is
attached. The bulb is heated to 250°C, and the gauge shows that the pressure in the bulb rises to
0.895 atm. At this temperature, the solid PCl5 is all vaporized and also partially dissociated into
Cl2(g) and PCl3(g) according to the equation

PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)

At 250°C, K = 2.15 for this reaction. Assume that the contents of the bulb are at equilibrium and
calculate the partial pressure of the three different chemical species in the vessel.

3. The equilibrium constant at 350 K for the reaction

Br2(g) + I2(g) 2 IBr(g)

has a value of 322. Bromine at an initial partial pressure of 0.0500 atm is mixed with iodine at an
initial partial pressure of 0.0400 atm and held at 350 K until equilibrium is reached. Calculate the
equilibrium partial pressure of each of the gases.

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