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Each color of one point represents a particular object(25 different color are there)
These figures can be seen cleaner in matlab .fig file
Eigenvalues of each component
Explained variances of Principal Components
Scores(Feature Values) for first 4 component As expected the first component has the largest variance
Next five slide is same figures but with transformed data as 475(iterates in each 19 row)x31: means not calculated
• Adjectives with Cronbach’s Alpha less than 7 and
greater 6

6 15 17 18 27 28 31

et gibi kaygan nemli odunsu toz gibi tüylü yumuşak

• Adjectives with Cronbach’s Alpha less than 6

2 8 10 11 14 16 23 24 25 29 30

derimsi hamursu ipeksi jölemsi kadifemsi kum gibi sümüksü süngerimsi tanecikli vıcık yapışkan

• All the graphics above created with excluding variables Cronbach’s Alpha less than 6
Component Loadings
biçimlenebilir -0,24511 -0,04886 0,332281 -0,39372
dokulu -0,07337 -0,28795 -0,03094 -0,01809
esnek -0,34496 0,002209 0,221722 0,013351
esnemez 0,45244 0,197426 -0,06013 -0,09529
et gibi -0,07544 -0,01144 0,050353 0,292216
güç uygulanabilir -0,0974 0,042869 0,485037 -0,17155
hassas -0,16244 0,282202 0,007427 -0,08419
kabarık -0,05956 -0,10942 -0,05955 0,013146
kabuklu 0,142023 -0,12164 0,142774 0,145041
kaygan -0,18586 0,333972 0,030212 0,392483
nemli -0,1896 0,033294 0,101624 0,597327
odunsu 0,302356 -0,30752 0,598075 0,194403
parlak -0,00671 0,569753 -0,00137 0,071562
pul 0,020079 -0,11263 -0,1907 0,061453
pürüzlü 0,052117 -0,38734 -0,19607 0,277859
sert 0,519125 0,195565 0,16487 0,152459
tiril -0,05602 -0,06033 -0,13417 -0,04387
toz gibi 0,005887 -0,11154 -0,23364 0,036793
tüylü -0,05093 -0,12761 -0,14851 -0,07484
yumuşak -0,32438 -0,04668 0,092212 0,159423

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