Assignment in PA

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Rocel Marie S.


1- - What is definition of crisis?

As defined Wagnalls, crisis is a turning point in the progress of an affair or a series of
events.  It is a time of great danger, difficulty, or confusion when problems must be solved or
important decisions must be made.
 For me, a crisis is a critical situation that leaves people with difficult decision making
options that could either be a basis of recovery or failure. It is an instance where
resources or options are limited and time is of great essence. Crisis is unexpected and
overwhelms ones capacity to manage, this is why every action or intervention during a
crisis is crucial.

2-– What is the difference among the following terms of Crisis,

Emergency and Disaster?
CRISIS-a time when a difficult or important decision must be made.
EMERGENCY -serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.
DISASTER- a sudden event, such as an accident or a natural catastrophe, that causes great
damage or loss of life.
 The difference among the three terms is that, when we refer to crisis, the situation
can either be progressing and then a TURNING POINT happens which creates a crisis
and CRUCIAL DECISION MAKING IS NECESSARY that could either result to recovery or
failure. As for emergency, time is crucial and it requires an IMMEDIATE RESPONSE, its
result can also be positive or a failure. On the other hand, a disaster is a sudden or
unexpected event that despite intervention, result is still loss or great damage.

3- – What is considered a crisis situation? Give five (5) examples with a

brief narrative and why it is considered as such.
Terroristic activities (jolo twin bombing)- 2 bombs exploded within an hour in jolo sulu. 1 st one
was a bomb attached to a motor cycle while the other was brought by a suicide bomber.15
were reportedly killed and 75 were wounded. “the unlawful use of force or violence against
persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any
segment thereof in furtherance of political or social objectives”. Terrorism inflicts danger and
violence, loss of property and or death, it also creates terror or fear, and it poses great danger
in the security of the public which drives the government or the authorities to make decisions
and implement actions to imprison the perpetrators help the wounded, pacify the public and
revive peace and order.
Fire/ (ozone disco fire)-considered as the worst fire in the Philippines that killed 162 people.
The main cause of crisis was the stampede brought about by the panic of people. . Results to
damage or loss of property and life. Creates chaos and physical and psychological trauma to the
populace. Authorities need to intervene and create plans to help and restore stability among
affected populace.

Food Scarcity/famine( North Korean famine)  mass starvation together with a

general economic crisis from 1994 to 1998 in North Korea somewhere between 240,000 and
3,500,000 North Koreans died from starvation or hunger-related illnesses,.- a very difficult
situation to face among people, it reflects very poor economic stability, reflects poverty and
creates a chain of problems such as malnourishment, sickness and disease spread as well as
poses danger of violence robbery and death of millions. Needs definite solutions and

Volcanic Eruption (TAAL Volcano eruption 2000) - The eruption blanketed in ash the areas on
the windfall of Taal Volcano, with many people exposed to the health risk of inhaling ash
particles as well as injuries and other health issues. More than 2000 patients were said to be
seen and treated for health issues, exhausting resources of the medical team. Poses great
physical and health dangers. Would need management for evacuation, relocation, provision of
basic needs for the masses affected, and security within vicinity and outside. A total crisis for
the affected populace of losing livelihood and homes.

Epidemic- (COVID 19 Epidemic) Covid 19 a severe acute respiratory syndrome , an

international crisis that affected not only a country but the world. Created panic and chaos in
the economic and health status of the people. A great health and physical threat to every
nation, requires the use of calamity funds and resources as well as demands immediate solid
solutions to help control such event.
4- – Discuss the conceptual framework to address crisis situations and
its accessory activities and factors to be considered.

Crisis administration has 2 phases, the Proactive Phase , which is consist of the 3 P’S,Predict, ,
Prevent, and Prepare.The 2nd phase is the Reactive Phase which includes the last P IN THE 4P’S

 Prediction involves foretelling the likelihood of crisis through continuous assessment of

threat groups, events and incidents. Prediction can be made through updated inputs from
intelligence reports. FACTORS TO CONSIDER: Intel confluence of related events, threat
groups, probable targets and vulnerabilities must also be taken into note.
 Prevention involves the institution of passive and active security measures, as well as the
remedy or solution of destabilizing factors and insecurity flaws leading to such
FACTORS TO CONSIDER: Operations Security, Personnel Security (Pers Threat
Assessment/Scty Program Prep), Physical Security
 Preparation entails planning, organizing, training and stockpiling of supplies and
equipment needed for crisis or emergency.

 Performance which is under the REACTIVE PHASE is the actual execution or

implementation of the contingency plan when a crisis occur despite the proactive measures.
1 INITIAL ACTION- the initial action includes monitoring of the progress of the incident,
securing the scene, protecting itself, establishing perimeter security, evacuating innocent
civilians, if possible, preventing the escape of the perpetrators, until the designated security
and tactical elements\units augment its unit as they arrive.
2. ACTION- the action phase consists of two distinct activities: negotiation and tactical
intervention which may take place independently either simultaneously or in succession: in any
case, however, both activities are under the complete control and supervision of the on-scene
3. POST ACTION- stage begins as soon as the perpetrators surrender, or when they are
captured or neutralized and the crisis situation is deemed cleared. Includes: Processing And
Debriefing Protection Of The Incident Scene, Investigation Of The Incident, Documentation,
Filing And Prosecution Of Cases, Training And, Retraining, Damage Compensation And

5-- Discuss how the conceptual framework of crisis administration

model was applied in handling the Luneta Hostage Crisis and the crisis
incident that you have chosen for a position paper.
In the proactive phase, the PNP are trained and equipped to handle situation such as hostage
taking incidents. However since the incident is unexpected, intelligence is used to gather
information about the hostage taker to know possible demands and cause of situation. The
family was also called up to the scene to help prevent escalation and help convince the hostage
taker to surrender.
During the Reactive phase,
As the Initial action, upon hearing about the incident, Mayor lim instructed Gutierrez to cordon
the area and isolate the bus. He also instructed Vice Mayor Isko Moreno to proceed to the
scene and assess the situation in order to determine the assistance the city government may
provide. The DILG and Malacanang was also informed and I on close monitoring.
Police Chief Supt. Rodolfo Magtibay MPD director went to the scene area where he set up an
Advanced Command Post (ACP) at the Luneta Police Community Precinct (PCP).
In the Action phase - Police Supt. Orlando Yebra to acted as negotiator in the incident.
Crisis Management Committee was created under theorders of the PNP Chief, police have
taken position around the area . Negotiations began that lead to the release of 6 hostages.
Negotiations were made and demands were heard, the letter from ombudsman was given
tothehostage taker however he was not satisfied. Mendoza’s brother, Gregorio was called for
to help in the negotiation. , butted in and complained that his service firearm had been
confiscated by the police and urged him not to cut a deal with negotiators until his gun was
returned. This made a turn of events.
As Yebra, Salvador and Gregorio Mendoza were walking back to the command post, Mendoza
fired a warning shot. At the command post, Yebra reported to Lim and Magtibay what Gregorio
Mendoza did and said that Gregorio Mendoza should be charged as accessory for the hostage-
While Gregorio Mendoza was being escorted out of the Luneta PCP, he managed to elude his
escorts and dashed toward a pack of media men. He was joined by his family who locked arms
with him and cried that they would not allow the police to remove him from the area. As the
police tried to forcibly put him inside a police car, footage of the scene was televised.
In the incident under review, there was a direct command to use the SAf from the NCRPO as
instructed by the President himself. However, it appears that Gen. Magtibay, the asc, did not
follow that order. It was only when the assault was stalled from 7:35 to 8:11 p.m. that Col.
Medina went to Gen. Magtibay and informed him that he was taking over upon the orders of
Gen. Santiago and even told Gen. Magtibay to move back from the line of fire.Medina then
ordered the SWAT to assault the bus from the front, while the SAF-CRG would assault the bus
from the back.Tear gas cannisters were thrown into the bus. Consequently, Mendoza was
forced to move to the front of the bus, where he was killed by sniper fire. After this, the 8
survivors were led out of and the bodies of the 7 dead hostages were taken from the tourist
bus. One of the survivors would later succumb to his injuries and pass away.

Post Action phase, survivors were brought to the hospital. Protection of the Incident Scene was
made, thorough investigation was started. Processing And Debriefing were supposedly made.
Documentation, Filing and Prosecution of Cases were done, coordination with the Hong Kong
police were also done to ensure transparency of investigation. Damage Compensation and
Rehabilitation was then organized. Training and, Retraining were also put into place.


In this situation, I could say that there was a total failure in the part of the management. No
PROPER preparedness and prevention strategies and facilities were put in to place. There was
negligence in the part of the management and authorities in predicting danger since building
permits were issued even if the area was not able to comply with the standard protocols. There
was a lot of violations in the building code and no safety equipment are available like fire
extinguishers, alarms exits.
During the incident, a faulty electrical system started the fire, this is due to the lack of routine
inspections for safety. Fire extinguishers were not functional and the emergency exit was
blocked by a newly built building beside. Due to over capacity of more than 400 people inside
which was supposedly 35 person only in capacity, a stampede was inevitable due to panic and
fear, adding up that the only exit left is the front door with an inside swing and was closed from
outside by the guards due to the thought of a riot has taken place. The place was easily eaten
up by fire due to light materials used as decoration in the ceiling and walls.
In the Reactive action phase were the fire fighters came to put off the fire , it was already too
late, when they were able to open the door a waist high of bodies were lining up the corridor
leading to the only exit. 160 died and 310 person were injured and 15 million worth of damage
to property was reported. Post action phase, a thorough investigation was made and cases
were filed to the management and officials who has issued permits to the operation including
the Quezon City Government.

6-– What are the key obstacles likely to emerge during the performance
phase of a crisis?
The key obstacles that are likely to emerge during the reactive phase of a crisis are as follows:
1. Miscommunication among the respondents in the crisis. This may lead to failure of
2. Ineffectiveness of the negotiator to handle the situation. When the negotiator fails to
satisfy the demands and considerations asked by the perpetrators, due to unavailability
or impossibility of demands, this can escalate the situation and lead to failure.
3. Training of the respondents are mainly important as well. If the people deployed to
handle the crisis are not fully knowledgeable of the situation, it can lead to failure and
wrong turn.
4. Availability of Communications
5. Time 'and distance from military/police installations able to lend assistance
6. Geographical regions
7. Access to installations
8. Weather is an uncontrollable obstacle that can hinder effective negotiations or tactical
9. Relations with Civilian Community, this can influence effectiveness of response of the
authorities when the civilian population is pro perpetrators, they can be an obstacle to
their arrest.
10. Nationality of Population , there should be considerations when perpetrators are of
different nationality, language is one obstacle, policies protecting the perpetrator as a
foreigner is another.
7- - How does a crisis affect the people who are responding to it?
When responding to a crisis, the emergency services will deal with a wide range of
psychological and social problems. Problems can occur slowly over time or suddenly. When
people face a crisis, they can experience a range of psychological and physical symptoms, as
well as changes in their relationship and routines. The main effect of crisis to the responders is
stress. The pressure of time and value to save lives builds that anxiety inside an individual
responding to the scene. The law enforcement officers, paramedics, EMT's and fire fighters are
the usual first line responders and crisis could affect them physically by tiring them from loads
of work in a crisis situation. Not only victims suffer trauma but also responders. This is known as
the POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER. This is the reason why counselling and debriefing are
in order not just for victims but as well as the responders.

8-– In a crisis, does performance typically rise to the occasion or

subside? Why?
In my point of view, performance or the reactive phase is set to rise to the occasion or meet the
challenge of the event. Performance is part of a well-constructed crisis management strategy
that aims to control the outcome of the crisis and help limit the impact of the event. If well
executed, reactive phase strategy like negotiation and tactical actions are expected to solve the
crisis and yield a positive outcome. However, based on observation, most of the crisis events
that has happened in the past typically results to tragedies like loss of life. Especially in
occasions were negotiations are ineffective and tactical strategies fail, the impact of the crisis is
usually devastating and the only control happens post action phase. This is why good execution
of PERFORMANCE PHASE is necessary always. The proactive phase must also be followed and
practiced to ensure preparedness and hopefully prevent the event from escalation. The totality
of good management will determine the success of the outcome in a crisis situation.

9- – In Zamboanga City siege, what do you see as the drivers of those

aspects of the government’s response that were successful? Of those
that were less successful?
 For me the driver of government’s successful response is the preparedness and availability
of back up, equipment and fighting force. Though it took days and weeks before the AFP and
other special forces to gain an edge against the rebels it was still considerably a good and
positive move for the government force, considering that the AFP is not well oriented in the
urbanized area. There good moves were:
1. Early Declaration of no class no work in the area and shutting down of all flights
operating to and from the city is a good call by the government to limit movement
within he area.
2. Deployment of a larger force in the city and a naval blockade was set, more troops and
units were deployed, including four units of elite troops from the Naval Special Operations
Group, this has made the city police prevent 30 members of the MNLF from joining the
main force.
3. Air strikes with 520MG McDonnell Douglas MD 500 Defender attack helicopters and SIAI-
Marchetti SF.260 counter-insurgency planes started, firing their guns and rockets against
alleged MNLF positions in the city. A total of three rocket rounds from a 520MG of the Air
Force struck unspecified enemy stronghold. 33 hostages were released.
4. Deployment of negotiator. Zamboanga City police chief Jose Chiquito Malayo who tried
to negotiate with the rebels to release more hostages was reportedly abducted and held
hostage by the rebels. Later in the day, he was freed, bringing 23 rebels who had
5. Gaining control over Sumatra Island, which is part of Barangay Talon-Talon and was a
strategic landing point used by MNLF fighters. They have also seized 5 water vessels, one
motor launch and four jungkungs (motorboat). The motor launch has a capacity of more
than 100 people, while each jungkung can carry 30 people. Ammunition, food, MNLF
uniforms and vital documents were also recovered from the island.

 For me the driver of less successful move is having to trust the word of a known leader like
Nor Misuari. It is not idealistic to rely on peaceful talks when an attack has already been
started. Trustworthiness at this time is crucial. Zamboanga City Mayor Climaco finally
contacted Nur Misuari through telephone on Thursday. Mayor Climaco asked Misuari to call
off the attack but Misuari claimed that he has no hand at the situation and distanced himself
from Commander Habier Malik, and his follower’s action. This contradicts to what MNLF
spokesman, Emmanuel Fontanilla, said earlier. The spokesman said that Misuari was leading
the MNLF militants in Zamboanga City. Vice President of the Philippines Jejomar Binay had
spoken by telephone to Nur Misuari, and they agreed on a ceasefire. Nur Misauri's
spokesperson Rev. Absalom Cerveza said that the current situation in Zamboanga city is
a war of independence and denied that the MNLF came to Zamboanga for a peace caravan.
"If you win in the war, you will gain your independence. So it happened. MNLF followed this
track to gain its independence," he said. The spokesman also denied earlier reports that
Misuari disowned Commander Habier Malik.
10- – What wider lessons would you draw from the Zamboanga City
siege experience about preparation in advance and about response in
the moment of crisis?
The lesson that I draw from the Zamboanga City Siege experience about the preparation in advance and
about response in the moment of crisis is versatility and being fully equipped, as well as good
coordination between agencies.

At the beginning of the incident AFP were deployed on the area however since it is an
urbanized area rather than terrain, the AFP were not well oriented of the geographical setting,
their trainings are not well directed in the setting, good thing they were able to come up with
strategies and overcome the deficits in the long run. This means that a flexibility in training
must be incorporated and be focused upon because it is not all the time that settings and
situations are aligned on one’s specialty. Every division must be acquainted with the different
strategies applicable to the different set up.
The Local Government of Zamboanga City should also strengthen the ties between its local Law
Enforcement Agencies to include the PNP, AFP, BFP, PCG, BJMP and other government agencies like the
DOH and DSWD etc. These relationship among government agencies will create a strong communication
and collaboration in strengthening the Zamboanga City Security operations and readiness. Security
threat meetings and other security plans should be discussed among these agencies to have an updates
and find solution to possible threats in the future. Being fully equipped is one good example on
preparation and response, making use of every facility and power and strategies to help gain an
advantage in the fight.

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