M.P.A - Theatre Arts - 2020

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Duration: 2 hours Max. Marks : 50

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L Write your Hall Ticket No. in the OMR Answer Sheet given to you. Also, write your
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2. Each question carries one mark and there is Neeative narkins of 0.33 for each wrong

3. Answers are to be marked on the OMR Answer Sheet following the instructions
provided thereon.

4. Please handover the OMR Answer Sheet at the end oflhe examinalion to the Invigilator.
You may take the Question Paper after the examinations is over.

5. No additioial sheet will be provided. Rough work can be done in the Qu€stion paper

1. Peter Brook's intercultural theatre production.

A) Shakuntalarn B). Mother courage

C) Mahabharata D) Constant Prince

2. Kuthambalam is traditionally corlsidered to be the peformance space for

A) Krishnaattam B) Kutiyaattam

C) Ramanaattam D) Oilaattam
3. Which is the Oscar award winning film for the year 2019?

A) Parasite B) Black Panther

C) Neighbour's Window D) Joker

4. According to Natyasastra, Naataka is one t]?e of

A)Arthaprakiti B) Uparoopaka

C) Dasaroopaka D) Karana

5. The play directed by the noted dircctor Ratan Thiyydn based on the story ofemperor
Ashoka is

A) Chakravl,uha B) Kalingayuddha

C) Devanaampiya D) Uttara Priyadarshi

6. Kerala Kalamandalam was founded by?

A) Amrnatuloor Manimadhava Chakyar B) Vallathol Narayana Menon

C) G. Shanham Pillai D) K.N. Panikkar

7. The Sanskrit play, "Daridra Charudattam', was written by _

A) Sudraka B) Bhavabhuti

C) Bhasa D) Visakhadatta

8. The treatise on arr ideal society, "The Republic', was written by

A) Amob Goswami B) Aristotle

C) Dukheim D) Plato
9. The play "Playboy ofthe Westem World" was written by _
A) J.M. Slnge B) W.B..Yeats

C) Jonathan Swift D) Oscar Wilde

10. The Marathi play, "Natsamraat" was written by

A) Vijay Tendulkar B) Mahesh Elkunchwar

C) V.V. Shirwadkar D) G.P Deshpande

11. The Bhojpuri music genre, known as "Chutney Music,, originated in

A) New Zealand B) Malaysia

c) Trinidad and Tobago D) Indonesia

12. Which kind ofmasks was used in commedia dell'arte in ltalv/France?

A) Full mask B) Half Mask

C) Hand-held Mask D) Mask-Makeup

13. Habib Tanvir's play Charan Das Choor is based on a story written by

A) Rabindnnath Tagore B) Vijaydan Detha

C) Sivaji Sawant D) Maheshweta Devi

14. Girish Kamad's famous Kannada play ftgila4 was hanslated into Hindustani by _
A) Mohan Rakesh B) B.V Karanth

C) Nemichandra Jain D) Vasant Dev

15. Silambam, a form of mafiial arts developed in the state of

A) Karnataka B) Andhra Pradesh

C) Kemla D) Tamil Nadu

16. The narne ofthe group founded by Utpal Dutt is

A) Little theatre B) Naya theatre

C) Bohurupee . D) Theatre Unit

l/. Narayan Shripad Rajhans is a famous singer actor better known as

A) Sundari B) Kumar Gandharva

C) Bal Gandharva D) Arnasaheb

18. Ihe play Jasma Odan is wrinen b1 _

A) Shanta Gokhale It) Mahashweta Devi

C) Shanta Gandhi D) Vijaya Mehta

19. The actor known for portrayal ofPebet and Dropdi in Kalakshetra productions

A) Mallika Sarabhai B) Heisnam Sabitd

C) Kalirani D) Jayashree

20. The Greek plalwright who has \,vTiften plays like The Clouds, The Frogs and The Wasps?

A) Aristophanes B) Sophocles
C) Euripides D) Aeschylus

2l. The 'Psychological Gesture' a concept in acting is developed by _

A) Anton ) Yevgeny Vallrtangov

C) Stanislavsky D) Michael Chekhov

22. 'Tomentor' is a technical word used in wb.ich area oftheatre?

A) Music B) Liehts

C) Stage D) Costumes

23. Which amongst these pla'.wrights does not come under the geffe .the theaae ofthe

A) HaroldPinter B) Eugene Ionesco

C) Jean Genet D) Oscar Wilde

24. Which ofthe following is not one ofthe forms use.d by Augusto Boal in his practice of
the Theate ofthe Oppressed.

A) Poor Theatre B) Forum theatre

C) Invisible theatre D) Legislative theatre

25. In Classical Greek theatre, which portion ofthe theatron is assigned to the actom?

A) Orchestra . B) Diazoma

. C) Skene D) Parodos

26. The theorist who analysed the role ofaction, use ofspace, r\thm and lighting in modem
stagecraft is

A) Adolph Appia B) Konstantin Stanislavsky

C) Andre Antoine D) Richard Wagner

27. Bhagoriya Dance is practiced by which Indian tribal community?

A) Bega B) Bheet

C) Gond D) Korku

28. Which Architect designed Bharat Bhavan, Bhopal?

A) Peter Cook B) Rustam Barucha

C) Larry Baker D) Charles Corea

29. Who wrote the play "Respectable Prostitute"?

A) Harold Pinter B) Peter Hall

C) Jean-Paul Sartre D) Tom Stoppard

30. One ofthe earliest classical /Sanskrit pJays, written by Ashwaghosh?

A) Sariputra Pmkaran B) Naganada

C) Ratnavali D) Abhigyan Shakuntalam

31. Who among the following is known as Shakespeare ofPani theatre?

A) Agha Hashr Kashmiri B) Bharatendu Harischandra

C) Radheshyam Kathavaachak D) Rangey Raghav

32. The noted director who first presented Dharmaveer Bharati's Aadha Yug on stage

A) E. Alkaz i B) Satyadev Dubey

C) B. V. Karanth D) Ratan Thiyam

33. 'Golden Threshold' is a collection ofpoems written by

A) Annie Besant B) Vijyalakshmi Pandit

C) Aluna Asaf Ali D) Sarojini Naidu

34. Who was the founder ofRangakarmee, a Kolkata theatre group in 1976?

A) Shyamnand Jalan B) Usha Ganguly

C) Arun Mukh€rjee D) Uma Jhunj hunrmla

35. The play Rakshasa Tangadi is written by

A) Mahesh Dattani B) P. Lankesh

C) Swadesh Deepak D) Girish Kamad

36. Author ofthe book "When the Body Becomes all Eyes" is
A) Eugenio Barba B) TadaShi Suzuki

C) Philip Zanilli D) Ananda Coomaraswamy

37. "Cat-Walk" in a theatre auditorium refe6 to

A) Walkway under the stage B) Path between the seats

C) Palh behind Cyclorama D) Walkway near the roof of the stage

38. "Hamlet Machine" is a plal by _

A) Samuel Beckett B) Bertold Brecht

C) Dario Fo D) Heiner Mueller

39. The play "Disappearing Numbei' based on the life ofmathematician S Ramanujan was
directed by

A) Peter Cook B) Simon McBumey

C) Andrew Cook D) Pete. Hall

40. The Spanish poeVplaywdght, who \\?s killed by Fascists during the world war II

A) Mario Vergas Llosa B) Jorge Louis Borgess ,

C) Federico Garcia Lorca D) Gael Garcia Bemal

4I. Shin Tel Shui Ta is a character from the play

- A) Red Flower over Shanghai Hills B) Good Woman ofSchezuan

C) Caucasian Chalk Circie - D) Resistible Rise ofArturo Ui

42. Which ofrhe following is not a language spoken in India.

A) Dogri B) Garo

C) Pushto D) Savara

43. The awad winning collection of sto es "The Adivasi will not Danc€" was Nritten by

A) Hansda So\a'vendra Shekiar B) Arutrdhati Roy

C) Aravind Adiga D) Vikam Seth

44. The films "Ashadh ka Ek Din", "Uski Roti" and "Duvidha" were directed by

A) Satyajit Ray B) Shyarn Benegal

' C) Mani Kaul D) Mira Nair -

45. The author ofthe plays "Vie\l from the Bridge" and "The Crucible" is l

A) Albert Camus B) Eugene O'Neil

C) Arthur Miller D) Tennessee Williams

46. "Jhadipatti" theatre is popular in the region of r. '

A) Malwa B) Vidarbha

C) Avadh D) Konkan

47. Author ofthe play "Danton's Death" is

A) George Buklmer B) Peter Weiss

C) Frederic Durenmott D) Maeterlinck

48. Theatre de Soleil is a French company founded by

A) Robert Lepage B) Arianne Mnouchkine

C) Jacques Copeau D) Jean Cocteau

49. The film "Kalpana" on lndian dances was directed by the noted dancer'

A) Bidu Maharaj B) Keluchran Mahapata

C) Ravi Shankar D) U<iaY Shankar

50. The play "4.48 Psychosis" was written by

A) RobertWilson B) Emile Bronte

C) Mary ShellY D) Sarah Kan€


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