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1.0 Design Loadings

2.0 Reference Drawings

3.0 Wind Load Analysis

Analysis for Curtain wall Aluminum Profile 
Staad pro software

5.0 Glass Analysis

6.0 APPENDIX:  Technical References

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This report is the preliminary structural calculation for the proposed curtain wall system for KAMC, BAHRAIN. Calculation 
includes main aluminum frames mullion, transom and steel bracket.

ASCE 7‐05 "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures”
Aluminum Design Manual 2005 “Specifications and Guidelines for Aluminum Structures”
AAMA TIR‐A11‐04 “Maximum Allowable Deflection of Framing Systems for Building Cladding Components”
ASTM E‐1330‐02

Mullion and Transom Suspension Profile


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As per Code and Standard
MULLION / TRANSOM (Perpendicular to Wall Plane / Wind Load)
L/175 of the clear span up to L = 4.1 m or 19mm whichever is lesser
TRANSOM (Parallel to Wall Plane / Dead Load)
 L/175 of the clear span 
For Aluminum framing members of span for L > 4.1m
L/240 + 6.35mm 


Where permitted by code: 1/3 increase in allowable stresses for loads in combinations with wind or seismic loads, with the 
following exceptions:

‐ Glass
‐ Fasteners in drilled holes in concrete and masonry

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* Standard unit weights:
:  Density of Steel = 78 kN/M3
:  Density of Aluminum = 27 kN/M3
:  Density of Glass = 25 kN/M3

a. Self Weight of structure are automatically generated in STAAD PRO

:  Consider Live Load of 0.24 kN/m2 on Curtain Wall

:  Reference Saudi Building Code (SBC‐301) ‐ Wind Design

Wind Load on Curtain Wall  =   1.60 kN/m
(Full Pressure applied on Curtain Wall)

UBC 1985
Zone 1  Z ‐ 0.075
Horizontal Force Factor K ‐ 0.67 (Ductile moment existing space frame)
Importance Factor I ‐ 1.25 Essential facilities
Site Characteristic period TS ‐ 0.862
T = 0.02(hn) 0.862
hn = height in feet = 151 (46 m)
S = 1

1.5.5  LOAD COMBINATION (Auto Generated in Staad)
1DL + 0.7EQX
1DL + 0.7EQZ
1DL + 1WL
1DL + 0.75LL + 0.75WL

1.5.6 Stresses of Steel 
A36 Steel  ‐  fy = 36 ksi

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: p = q(GCp) ‐ qi(Gcpi)  (Kn/m2) : equation 7.2‐14

q = velocity pressure, Kn/M2
qi = velocity pressure for internal pressure determination
G = Gust effect factor
= external pressure coefficient to be used in determination of wind loads for building
= Product of internal pressure coefficient and gust effect factor to be used in 
determination of wind loads for building

: Consider  q = qi = qz
Determine 'qz' : 
qz  =0.0473x10⁻3 KzKztKdV2I      (Kn/m2) (eq. 7.2‐12)

=  43.6 m

‐ by using Table 7.2‐2 ; Exposure C, Case 1&2, @ H = 50 m
Determine value of Kz 

The value of Kz from table @ 50 m ht. is equal to  1.4

Kz = 1.40 ‐ Table 7.2‐2 ; Exposure C, Case 1&2, @ H = 50 m
Kzt = 1.0  ‐ Ref. ; item no. 5
Kd = 0.85 ‐ Table 6.4‐1
V = 162 km/hr ‐ Fig. 6.4‐1 ;  BAHRAIN (45m/sec)
I = 1.15 ‐ Table 6.5‐1 For Category IV

qz  = 0.0000473(1.4)(1.0)(0.85)(162)2(1.15)
qz  1.6988 Kn/m2

Determine 'p' : 
: p = q(GCp) ‐ qi(Gcpi)  (Kn/m2)

G = 0.85  ‐ section 7.2.7
Cp = 0.80 ‐ Figure 7.2‐2 ,  
Gcpi  =  +0.18 ‐ Figure 7.2‐1
Gcpi  =  ‐0.18 ‐ Figure 7.2‐1

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Substitute the given value above
p = 1.6988(0.85)(0.80)‐1.6988(0.18)
= 1.155 ‐ 0.306
0.849 Kn/m2

p = 1.6988(0.85)(0.80)‐1.6988(‐0.18)
= 1.155 + 0.306
1.461 Kn/m2 : Design pressure to govern
Max. Wind pressure to apply into Curtain 

note: 1.60 kN/m2 used in staad calculation.

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Am 2
= 1,212.30 mm
Ixm 4
= 4,030,000.00 mm
Iym 4
= 460,390.00 mm
Sxm min. 3
= 43,456.00 mm
Sym  3
= 18,415.00 mm
rx = 25.00 mm
ry = 92.74 mm
= 1,372,494.07 mm

Dead Load Analysis:
μA = 2710  kg/m2 ‐ unit weight of Aluminum
μG = 2600  kg/m2 ‐ unit weight of Glass
μS = 7850  kg/m2 ‐ unit weight of Steel

Curtain Wall Weight
Mullion (150mm depth)
Am = 1,212.30 mm2 Lm = 4910 mm
WM = μA * (Am * Lm) = 2710 * (1212.3 * 4910) = 16.131 kg
1000^3 1000^3

Transom (150mm depth)
AT = 1,028.60 mm2 LT = 2240 mm
WT = μA * (AT * LT)*3 = 2710 * (1028.6 * 2240)*4 = 24.976 kg
1000^3 1000^3

Glass (6mm + 16mm + 6mm)
Hg = 4,910.00 mm Wg = 1645 mm
Tg = 12.00 mm
WT = μg*(Hg*Wg*Tg) = 2600*(4910*1645*12) = 252.001 kg
1000^3 1000^3

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Dead Load
‐ assumed 15% add'l. due 
DL = (WM+WT+WG)*1.15 = 337.07 kg
to accessories
Total DL = 3.307 kN (Ry)

A. Check Mullion for Tensile Stress due to Dead Load:

actual ft = Pdl
Pdl = Axial Tensile Load
Pdl = 3306.70 N
Area = 1212.30 mm2
actual ft = 3306.70

actual ft = 2.728 Mpa

Check Allowable Tensile Stress: refer to AAMA Design Manual ‐ Part VII, Table 2‐24:

FT = 15 ksi
= 103.43 Mpa > Actual
therefore OK!
STAAD analysis results

Maximum Moment Support Reactions

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Maximum Moment at Support:

Ms Typ = 4502.0 ‐ maximum moment at support location for typical 

= 4502000.0 zone

Maximum Moment Between Lateral Restraint: Typ = 2725.0 ‐ maximum moment between max. transom 

= 2725000.0 location

B.  Check Mullion for Maximum Moment at Support:

Actual Stress  due to Maximum Bending Moment at Support:

actual fbx sHC Ms TYP
Sx min
= 103.60 Mpa < 15 (1.33) ksi
< 137.90 Mpa
therefore OK!
Mullion section satisfies criteria for max. Flexural Stress at support…

C. Check Mullion for Maximum Moment bet. Transoms:

Check Allowable Lateral Torsional Buckling Stress: refer to AAMA Design Manual ‐ Part VII, Table 2‐24:

Lb = 1225 mm ‐ maximum transom to transom distance
Sxmin = 43,456.00 mm
Iym = 460,390.00 mm
JTM = 1,372,494.07 mm

Slenderness Parameters
S = 2LbSx/(IyJ)1/2 = 133.9 ‐ slenderness ratio

S1 = 130 ‐ slenderness limits
S2 = 2400
Sa = (S)1/2
= 11.57

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Allowable Stress  (ksi)
S < S1  15
S1 < S < S2 16.7‐0.140(Sa)
S > S2 23600/(S)

Fbx = 16.7 ‐0.140(Sa)
= 15.0802 x 1.33 1/3 allowable Stress increase is based on ADM and ASCE 
= 20.06 ksi Manual
= 138.31 Mpa

Actual Stress due to Maximum Bending Moment

actual fbx = 
Sx min

= 62.71 Mpa < 138.31 Mpa

therefore OK!

Mullion satisfies criteria for lateral torsional buckling stress…

D. Check for Deflection:

Actual Deflection between supports:
d ACT = 19.713 mm ‐ Maximum deflection between support along 
critical distance

Maximum Allowable Deflection: d ALLOW
Criteria = L / 240 + 6.35mm of the clear span 
L = 4910 mm
d ALLOW = (L/240) + 6.35
d ALLOW = (4910/240) + 6.35
d ALLOW = 26.81 mm


therefore OK!

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4.2  Structural Check for Continuous Span CW Reference Transom:

This analysis is for the transom for max. span = 2240 mm loaded with insulated 6mm (outside) + 
6mm (inside) glass with height =  1225 mm. The design wind pressure is 1.6 Kpa

AT 2
= 1,028.60 mm
IxT 4
= 454,710.00 mm
IyT 4
= 2,974,600.00 mm
SxT  3
= 18,196.00 mm
SyT 3
= 36,553.00 mm
rx = 81.12 mm
ry = 25.00 mm
JT 4
= 1,335,306.77 mm

A. Due to Windload:

a1. Check maximum bending stress: (see page Mid Transom ‐ 3)
fby = 42.86 Mpa ‐ Actual Bending Stress due to Wind Load

Allowable Lateral Buckling Stress: refer to AAMA Table 2‐24:

Lb = 2190 mm
Sy = 36,553.00 mm3
Ix = 454,710.00 mm4
JT = 1,335,306.77 mm4
Mid Transom ‐ 1

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Slenderness Parameters
S = LbSy/0.5(IxJ) = 205.47 ‐ slenderness ratio

S1 = 130 ‐ slenderness limits
S2 = 2400
Sa = (S)1/2
= 14.33

Allowable Stress  (ksi)
S < S1  15
S1 < S < S2 16.7‐0.140(Sa)
S > S2 23600/(S)

Fby = 16.7 ‐0.140(Sa)
= 14.6938 x 1.33 1/3 allowable Stress increase is based on ADM and ASCE 
= 19.54 ksi Manual
= 134.73 Mpa

Fballow > fbmax therefore OK!

F.S. = 3.14

a2. Check maximum deflection:
L = length 2190 mm
a = width panel a 1225 mm
b = width panel b 1225 mm
design wind pressure 1.6 kPa
E = modulus of elasticity 69600 Mpa
Wind Loadings:
area 1 1341375 mm2
area 2 1341375 mm2
wind load 1 2146.20 N
wind load 2 2146.20 N

Reactions at supports:
Ra = Rb = (W1 + W2)/2 2146.20 N

Maximum deflection (dmax) occurs @ mid‐span:
dmax = W1L3/60EI + W2L3/60EI
I supplied 2,974,600.00 mm4
dmax 3.6295 mm

dmax = 3.629 mm ‐ Actual Deflection due to Wind Load

dallow = L / 175 mm
= 2190/175 mm
= 12.51 mm

dallow > dmax therefore OK!

Mid Transom ‐ 2

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Maximum bending moment (Mmax) occurs @ mid‐span:
Mmax = W1L/6 + W2L/6 1566726

Maximum bending stress (fby):
fbY = Mmax/ZY
Zsupplied 36,553.00 mm3
fbY = 42.86 Mpa

B. Due to Deadload:

note:  mid‐transom were analyzed considering two‐point loading at L/4 from end.

b1. Check maximum bending stress: (see page Mid Transom ‐ 5)
fbx = 14.20 Mpa ‐ Actual Bending Stress due to DL

Allowable Lateral Buckling Stress: refer to AAMA Table 2‐24:

Lb = 2190 mm
Sx = 18,196.00 mm3
Iy = 2,974,600.00 mm4
JT = 1,335,306.77 mm4

Mid Transom ‐ 3

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Slenderness Parameters
S = LbSx/0.5(IyJ) = 39.99 ‐ slenderness ratio

S1 = 130 ‐ slenderness limits
S2 = 2400
Sa = (S)1/2
= 6.32

Allowable Stress  (ksi)
S < S1  15
S1 < S < S2 16.7‐0.140(Sa)
S > S2 23600/(S)

Fbx = 15
= 15 x 1.33 1/3 allowable Stress increase is based on ADM and 
= 19.95 ksi ASCE Manual
= 137.56 Mpa

Fballow > fbmax

F.S. = 9.69
therefore OK!

b2. Check maximum deflection:

L = length 2190 mm
H = Height of glass 1225 mm
t = thickness of Glass 12 mm
c = distance of load from support 547.5 mm
unit weight of Glass 25.51 kN/m3
E = modulus of elasticity 69600 Mpa

Wg = uniform distributed load (glass) 0.38 N/mm

WA = uniform distributed load (transom) 0.028 N/mm
W = 882.57 N

Reactions at supports:
R1 = R2 = P = W/2 441.285 N

Maximum deflection (dmax) occurs @ mid‐span:

I supplied ‐ Transom Section 454,710.00 mm4

dmax = Pc(3L2 ‐ 4c2)/24EI + 5WAL4/384EI 4.460 mm

dmax = 4.460 mm ‐ Actual Deflection due to Dead Load

dallow = L / 175 mm
= 2190/175 mm
= 12.51 mm

dallow > dmax therefore OK! Mid Transom ‐ 4

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Maximum bending moment (Mmax) occurs @ mid‐span:
Mmax = Pc + WAL2/8 258389.8875

Maximum bending stress (fby):
fbX = Mmax/ZX
Zsupplied 18,196.00 mm3
fbX = 14.20 Mpa

b2. Check for Combined Stress Ratio:

(fby/Fby)2 + (fbx/Fbx)2 = 0.112 < 1.0

therefore OK!

Mid Transom ‐ 5

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Support Reaction due to Dead Load (from Staad analysis)
Maximum Shear force ‐ X, Rx = ‐0.001 kN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Y, Ry = 1.815 kN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Z, Rz = 14.530 kN
Ry  =   [(Fx)²+(Fy)²+(Fz)²]½
Ry  =   [(‐0.001)²+(1.815)²+(14.530)²]½
Ry  =   14.643 kN

Ry  =   3,307 N (note: see Dead Load calculation)

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Check Bracket at Section A ‐ A
Properties of bracket at section A‐A:
Depth of extended leg d = 175 mm
Thicknesss of extended leg t = 5 mm
length of extended leg up to bracket location Lb = 49.5 mm

Due to Dead Load
My= Ry/2*Lb =         81,848.25 N‐mm
Actual Bending Stress fby = 6*My/t*d = 3.21 Mpa

Allowable Stress:
S = (d/t)  *  (Lb/d)1/2
S = 18.61 ‐ slenderness ratio
S1 = 14 ‐ slenderness limits S1
S2 = 29 ‐ slenderness limits S2
‐  S1 < S < S2
Fby = 40.5 ksi ‐ (0.927 ksi * S) ‐ specs 13 of part VII‐69 Aluminum 
Design Manual
= 23.24
= 160.3 Mpa (Allowable Bending Stress)
Fby allow > fby max
therefore OK!

Support Reaction due to Windload (from Staad analysis)
Maximum Shear force ‐ X, Rx = ‐0.001 kN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Y, Ry = 1.815 kN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Z, Rz = 14.530 kN
Rz  =   [(Fx)²+(Fy)²+(Fz)²]½
Rz  =   [(‐0.001)²+(1.815)²+(14.530)²]½
Rz  =   14.643 kN LOAD FACTOR

Rz  =   14,643 N

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Check Bracket at Section B ‐ B
Properties of bracket at section B‐B:
base width of bracket d = 175 mm
thickness of bracket at base t base = 8 mm
distance from center extended leg to center  x = 26 mm
anchor bolt

Due to Wind Load
Mz= Rz/2*Lb = 190357.97 N‐mm
Actual Bending Stress fby = 6*Mz/d*t = 101.98 Mpa

Allowable Stress:
S = (d/t)  *  (Lb/d)1/2
S = 8.432 ‐ slenderness ratio
S1 = 14 ‐ slenderness limits S1
S2 = 29 ‐ slenderness limits S2
‐  S < S1
Fby = 28 ksi ‐ specs 13 of part VII‐69 Aluminum Design Manual
(Allowable Bending Stress)
= 193.1 Mpa

Fby allow > fby max

therefore OK!

Check on Bolt Connecting Mullion to Extruded Bracket

Forces on bolt
‐maximum wind load & dead load reaction from mullion 
R  =   14.643 kN

R = 14,643 N ‐ resultant force on bolt

Check using M10 Bolt
fv  = R/2
fv  = 7321.46 N

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Allowable Stress of M10 Bolt (using s/s bolt ‐ ally group 1,2&3 condition CW):
Fv allow =     14,369 N ‐ allowable shear load for M10 bolt
Fv allow   >  fv
therefore OK!

Check for Bearing on Mullion:
fv/2 ‐ design bearing stress
Pb  =
tm * db
tm  = 2 mm ‐ thickness of mullion
db  = 10 mm ‐ diameter of bolt
Pb  = 183.04 Mpa ‐ actual bearing stress for mullion

Fbr allow = 31 ksi
Fbr allow = 213.75 Mpa ‐ allowable bearing stress for mullion

Fbr allow   >  Pb
therefore OK!

Therefore the Aluminum Bracket is structurally adequate for sizes ; 
156x175x8mm with extended leg of 72x175x5mm
Used 10mm dia. SST Bolt Connecting Mullion to Extruded Bracket

Check on Expansion Bolt Connecting Bracket to Concrete:

Support Reaction (from Staad analysis)
Maximum Shear force ‐ X, Fx = ‐0.001 kN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Y, Fy = 1.815 kN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Z, Fz = 14.530 kN
FT  =   [(Fx)²+(Fy)²+(Fz)²]½
FT  =  [(‐0.001)²+(1.815)²+(14.530)²]½
FT  =   14.643 kN LOAD FACTOR

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USING 10mm dia. Hilti HST (M10) EXP. ANCHOR BOLT 
TENSILE / BOLT = 9.00 kN (4 bolt /bracket  4 * 9 = 36 kN)
SHEAR / BOLT = 23.50 kN (4 bolt /bracket  4 * 23.5 = 94 kN)

TENSILE / Support = 36.00 kN > LOAD FACTOR OK

SHEAR / Support = 94.00 kN > LOAD FACTOR OK

Therefore use ( Ø10mm ) Hilti HST exp. anchor bolts.
or approved equal

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Maximum Base Reaction

Support Reaction (from Staad analysis)
Maximum Shear force ‐ X, Fx = ‐0.011 kN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Y, Fy = 0.837 kN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Z, Fz = 3.529 kN
FT  =   [(Fx)²+(Fy)²+(Fz)²]½
FT  =  [(‐0.011)²+(0.837)²+(3.529)²]½
FT  =   3.627 kN LOAD FACTOR

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Fy due to Dead Load =  3.627 kN

Properties of bracket:
Eccentricity of loadings  e = 100 mm
Bending moment about x‐axis Mx = (FT/2) * e = 181345.88 N‐mm
Thicknesss of base plate,    t = 8 mm
Depth of base plate d = 200 mm

Design bending stress fb = M * c
Section modulus about major axis for  I 2
b * t
bracket c 6

Allowable Bending Stress for A36 steel Fb = 148.93 Mpa

treqd. = 6 * Mx
Fb * bpl

treqd. = 6.04

Therefore the Steel Stiffener base is; 250 x 200 x 8mm thick base

Maximum Shear force ‐ X, Fx = ‐0.011 KN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Y, Fy = 0.837 KN
Maximum Shear force ‐ Z, Fz = 3.529 KN

FT  =   [(Fx)²+(Fy)²+(Fz)²]½
FT  =   [(‐0.011)²+(0.837)²+(3.529)²]½
FT  =   3.627 Kn LOAD FACTOR

25 of 31

TENSILE / BOLT = 9.00 kN (2 bolt /baseplate  2 * 9.0 = 18 kN)
SHEAR / BOLT = 23.50 kN (2 bolt /baseplate  2 * 23.5 = 47 kN)

TENSILE / Support = 18.00 kN > LOAD FACTOR OK

SHEAR / Support = 47.00 kN > LOAD FACTOR OK

Therefore use ( ØM10mm) HST HILTI anchor bolts.
or approved equal

Material Thickness of  Minimum Size of Fillet 
Thicker Part Joined     (mm) Weld   (mm)
To 6 inclusive 3
Over 6 to 13 5
Over 13 to 19 6
Over 19 8

For Bended STIFFENER with 4 mm thk. Welded to 8 mm thk. Base plate
t  = 4.0 mm min. weld size 3mm


Let Length of weld all around L = 352 mm

*Direct Shear Stress fv1 = F
= 3.627
fv1 = 10.30 N/mm

*Actual Stress due to bending Moment fv2 = M
M =  181345.9 Sw
Sw = L2
= 41301.33 mm

fv2 = 181345.88
= 4.39 N/mm

26 of 31

2 2
*Actual Design Stress for Weld Fv = √(fv1  + fv2 )
2 2
= √(10.3  + 4.39 )
Fv = 11.200 N/mm

(Using E60xx Electrode, Fu = 60ksi) Fu = 413.7 Mpa

Fwweld = 0.707 x Tweld x 0.3 x Fu
11.200 = 87.75 x Tweld
Tweld = 11.200
Tweld = 0.128 mm

Therefore use min. size of fillet weld = 3.0mm 

27 of 31

MAXIMUM PANEL SIZE :  2240 x 1225
Maximum wind suction pressure w = 1.6 Kpa
Maximum Glass size (Longer side) a = 2240 mm
Maximum Glass size (Shorter side) b = 1225 mm

28 of 31

From Above Table 2
Glass Type Factor GTF = 1.8

From Above Table 5
Load Share Factor LS = 2.0

29 of 31
From above figure (ASTM E‐1300‐02, fig. 1.6 upper chart)
Non factored load NFL = 1.5 Kpa
So load capacity of double glass P = NFL*LS*GTF = 5.4 Kpa
Load acting on the Glass W = 1.6 Kpa
The load acting on the glass is less than the capacity of glass.

Deflection Check
Aspect Ratio AR = a/b = 1.83
Area of Glass Panel A = a * b = 2.744 m2
Maximum wind load in single glass w = W / LS = 0.8 Kpa
2 2
Load * Area w * A = 6.02 KN.m2

30 of 31
As per above chart (ASTM E1300‐2 Fig. A1.6 lower chart)
Deflection on the glass d = 12 mm
Deflection limit of four side supported 
dm = b/60 = 20.42 mm

Ratio of deflection to limit d / dm = 0.59 < 1.0

Hence the glass is safe against Deflection


31 of 31
Analysis for Curtain Wall Aluminum 
Profile by Staad Pro software

1 of 31
Job No Sheet No Rev


Job Title Ref

By Date09-Feb-21 Chd

Client File 2. KAMC-b.std Date/Time 19-Feb-2021 16:29

Max: 4.502 kN-m

Max: -2.725 kN-m

Max: -2.647 kN-m

Max: -1.761 kN-m


Mullion Bending Mmax

Print Time/Date: 19/02/2021 17:46 STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Print Run 1 of 3
Job No Sheet No Rev


Job Title Ref

By Date09-Feb-21 Chd

Client File 2. KAMC-b.std Date/Time 19-Feb-2021 16:29

Max: 0.136 mm

Max: 8.214 mm

Max: 19.713 mm

Max: 18.812 mm

Max: 11.740 mm

Mullion Max. Displacement

Print Time/Date: 19/02/2021 17:46 STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Print Run 2 of 3
Job No Sheet No Rev


Job Title Ref

By Date09-Feb-21 Chd

Client File 2. KAMC-b.std Date/Time 19-Feb-2021 16:29

X = -0.001 kN
Y = 1.815 kN
Z = 14.530 kN

X = -0.011 kN
Y = 0.837 kN
Z = 3.529 kN


Max Reaction

Print Time/Date: 19/02/2021 17:46 STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Print Run 3 of 3
Job No Sheet No Rev


Job Title Ref

By Date09-Feb-21 Chd

Client File 2. KAMC-b.std Date/Time 19-Feb-2021 16:29

Job Information
Engineer Checked Approved

Date: 09-Feb-21

Project ID
Project Name

Structure Type SPACE FRAME

Number of Nodes 506 Highest Node 558

Number of Elements 874 Highest Beam 969
Number of Plates 369 Highest Plate 1338

Number of Basic Load Cases 5

Number of Combination Load Cases 9

Included in this printout are data for:

Nodes 3,13,22,31,41,471,51
Beams 3,12,21,41,461

Included in this printout are results for load cases:

Type L/C Name

Primary 1 EQ X
Primary 2 EQ Z
Primary 3 DL
Primary 4 LL
Combination 7 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 2
Combination 10 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 5
Combination 11 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 6
Combination 12 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 7
Combination 13 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 8
Combination 14 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 9
Combination 16 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 1
Combination 18 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 1

Section Properties
Prop Section Area Iyy Izz J Material
(cm2) (cm4) (cm4) (cm4)
3 MULLION 12.123 46.039 403.000 137.249 ALUMINUM
4 TRANSOM 10.286 297.460 45.471 133.531 ALUMINUM

Plate Thickness
Prop Node A Node B Node C Node D Material
(cm) (cm) (cm) (cm)
1 1.400 1.400 1.400 1.400 GLASS
2 0.460 0.460 0.460 0.460 ALUMINUM

Print Time/Date: 19/02/2021 17:36 STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Print Run 1 of 3
Job No Sheet No Rev


Job Title Ref

By Date09-Feb-21 Chd

Client File 2. KAMC-b.std Date/Time 19-Feb-2021 16:29

Mat Name E  Density 
(kN/mm2) (kg/m3) (/°C)
1 CONCRETE 21.718 0.170 2.4E+3 10E -6
2 ALUMINUM 68.948 0.330 2.71E+3 23E -6
3 STAINLESSSTEEL 197.930 0.300 7.83E+3 18E -6
4 GLASS 71.700 0.250 2.55E+3 0.000
5 STEEL 205.000 0.300 7.83E+3 12E -6

Node X Y Z rX rY rZ
(kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN/mm) (kN-m/deg) (kN-m/deg) (kN-m/deg)
3 Fixed Fixed Fixed - - -
471 Fixed Fixed Fixed - - -

Primary Load Cases

Number Name Type

1 EQ X Seismic
2 EQ Z Seismic
3 DL Dead
4 LL Live
5 WL Wind

Combination Load Cases

Comb. Combination L/C Name Primary Primary L/C Name Factor

7 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 2 3 DL 1.00

4 LL 1.00
9 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 4 3 DL 1.00
5 WL 1.00
10 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 5 3 DL 1.00
1 EQ X 0.70
11 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 6 3 DL 1.00
2 EQ Z 0.70
12 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 7 3 DL 1.00
1 EQ X -0.70
13 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 8 3 DL 1.00
2 EQ Z -0.70
14 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 9 3 DL 1.00
4 LL 0.75
5 WL 0.75
16 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 1 3 DL 1.00
4 LL 0.75
2 EQ Z 0.52
18 GENERATED AISC:360-2010 GENERAL 1 3 DL 1.00
4 LL 0.75

Print Time/Date: 19/02/2021 17:36 STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Print Run 2 of 3
Job No Sheet No Rev


Job Title Ref

By Date09-Feb-21 Chd

Client File 2. KAMC-b.std Date/Time 19-Feb-2021 16:29

Combination Load Cases Cont...

Comb. Combination L/C Name Primary Primary L/C Name Factor

2 EQ Z -0.52

Node Displacement Summary

Node L/C X Y Z Resultant rX rY rZ
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (rad) (rad) (rad)
Max X 51 1:EQ X 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.060 0.000 0.000 -0.000
Min X 51 12:GENERATE -0.042 -0.004 0.000 0.043 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max Y 22 1:EQ X 0.028 0.001 0.000 0.028 0.000 0.000 -0.000
Min Y 41 7:GENERATED -0.000 -0.008 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.000 -0.000
Max Z 22 13:GENERATE -0.000 -0.003 2.167 2.167 0.000 0.000 -0.000
Min Z 22 14:GENERATE -0.000 -0.005 -18.812 18.812 -0.004 -0.001 -0.000
Max rX 41 14:GENERATE -0.000 -0.007 -8.214 8.214 0.011 -0.001 -0.000
Min rX 3 14:GENERATE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.014 0.000 -0.000
Max rY 31 13:GENERATE 0.000 -0.004 2.155 2.155 -0.001 0.000 0.000
Min rY 31 14:GENERATE 0.000 -0.006 -18.698 18.698 0.004 -0.002 0.000
Max rZ 471 12:GENERATE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min rZ 471 1:EQ X 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.000
Max Rst 22 14:GENERATE -0.000 -0.005 -18.812 18.812 -0.004 -0.001 -0.000

Beam Displacement Detail Summary

Displacements shown in italic indicate the presence of an offset
Beam L/C d X Y Z Resultant
(m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Max X 461 1:EQ X 0.210 0.060 0.000 0.000 0.060
Min X 461 12:GENERATE 0.210 -0.042 -0.003 0.000 0.043
Max Y 12 1:EQ X 0.888 0.028 0.001 0.000 0.028
Min Y 41 7:GENERATED 0.000 -0.000 -0.008 0.000 0.008
Max Z 21 13:GENERATE 0.444 0.000 -0.003 2.275 2.275
Min Z 21 14:GENERATE 0.444 0.000 -0.005 -19.713 19.713
Max Rst 21 14:GENERATE 0.444 0.000 -0.005 -19.713 19.713

Print Time/Date: 19/02/2021 17:36 STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Print Run 3 of 3
Job No Sheet No Rev


Job Title Ref

By Date09-Feb-21 Chd

Client File 2. KAMC-b.std Date/Time 19-Feb-2021 16:29

Beam Force Detail Summary

Sign convention as diagrams:- positive above line, negative below line except Fx where positive is compression. Distance d is given from
beam end A.
Axial Shear Torsion Bending
Beam L/C d Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
(m) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m)
Max Fx 461 7:GENERATED 0.000 2.561 0.000 -0.001 0.000 -0.000 0.000
Min Fx 41 7:GENERATED 1.015 -0.666 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000 -0.000
Max Fy 461 14:GENERATE 0.000 2.280 6.400 -0.001 0.012 -0.000 4.502
Min Fy 41 14:GENERATE 0.000 -0.561 -4.498 -0.000 0.012 0.000 -0.063
Max Fz 461 12:GENERATE 0.000 1.442 0.000 0.548 0.000 -0.032 0.000
Min Fz 461 1:EQ X 0.000 -0.008 0.000 -0.784 0.000 0.045 0.000
Max Mx 21 14:GENERATE 0.000 0.182 0.057 -0.000 0.063 0.000 -2.675
Min Mx 21 13:GENERATE 0.000 0.127 -0.045 -0.000 -0.009 0.000 0.305
Max My 461 12:GENERATE 0.210 1.436 -0.000 0.543 -0.000 0.083 -0.000
Min My 461 1:EQ X 0.210 -0.008 -0.000 -0.777 -0.000 -0.119 -0.000
Max Mz 41 14:GENERATE 1.015 -0.594 -4.498 -0.000 0.012 -0.000 4.502
Min Mz 21 14:GENERATE 0.888 0.153 0.057 -0.000 0.063 -0.000 -2.725

Print Time/Date: 19/02/2021 17:41 STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Print Run 1 of 1
Job No Sheet No Rev


Job Title Ref

By Date09-Feb-21 Chd

Client File 2. KAMC-b.std Date/Time 19-Feb-2021 16:29

Reaction Summary
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Moment
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kN-m) (kN-m) (kN-m)
Max FX 3 12:GENERATE 1.385 1.224 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min FX 3 1:EQ X -1.995 -0.552 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max FY 471 7:GENERATED -0.000 3.228 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min FY 3 1:EQ X -1.995 -0.552 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max FZ 471 9:GENERATED -0.001 1.815 14.530 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min FZ 471 13:GENERATE -0.001 1.815 -1.839 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max MX 3 1:EQ X -1.995 -0.552 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min MX 3 1:EQ X -1.995 -0.552 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max MY 3 1:EQ X -1.995 -0.552 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min MY 3 1:EQ X -1.995 -0.552 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Max MZ 3 1:EQ X -1.995 -0.552 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Min MZ 3 1:EQ X -1.995 -0.552 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Print Time/Date: 19/02/2021 17:43 STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition Print Run 1 of 1

2 of 31

Type of Stress Type of Member or Element

Allowable Stress
Table 2-24
gross section 15
TENSION, axial Any tension member
net section
Flat elements in uniform tension 2 15 4.8
TENSION 6063-T6 Extrusions and Pipe
IN BEAMS, Round or oval tubes 3 18 5.5
extreme fiber,
net section Flat elements in bending in their own plane,
4 20 6.5 White bars apply to unwelded metal
symmetric shapes
On rivets and bolts 5 31 17 Shaded bars apply to weld-affected material
BEARING For tubes with circumferential welds, Sections 3.4.10, 3.4.12, and
On flat surfaces and pins and on bolts in slotted holes 6 21 11.5 apply for Rb / t < 20
Sec. Allowable Stress, Allowable Stress,
Type of Stress Type of Member or Element Stress, S1 S2
3.4. S1 < S < S2 S > S2
S < S1
COMPRESSION – 0 14.2 – 0.074 kL/r 78 51100 /(kL/r)2
IN COLUMNS, All columns 7
axial – 0 4.5 – 0.016 kL/r 185 51100 /(kL/r)2

15 2.1 16.1 – 0.458 b/t 12 129 /(b/t)

Flat elements supported on one edge –
columns buckling about a symmetry axis
4.8 3.3 5.2 – 0.102 b/t 25 66 /(b/t)

Flat elements supported on one edge – 15 2.1 16.1 – 0.458 b/t 14 1970 /(b/t)2
columns not buckling about a symmetry axis 4.8 3.3 5.2 – 0.102 b/t 34 1970 /(b/t)2

15 6.7 16.1 – 0.144 b/t 39 410 /(b/t)

Flat elements supported on both edges 9
COMPRESSION 4.8 10 5.2 – 0.032 b/t 81 209 /(b/t)
Flat elements supported
gross section 9.1 see Part IA Section
on one edge and with
stiffener on other edge

Flat elements supported on both edges

9.2 see Part IA Section
and with an intermediate stiffener
January 2005


( )( 1 + _____ 35 )
√R /t
____ R 2
15 0.9 15.6 – 0.502 √Rb/t 189 3190 / ___b b
Curved elements supported on both edges 10 ____
/( ___ )( 1 + _____ )
____ R √R /t 2
4.8 5.4 5.2 – 0.140 √Rb/t 800 3190 b b
t 35
January 2005

15 22 16.7 – 0.073 Lb/ry 94 87000 /(Lb/ry)2

Single web shapes 11
4.8 27 5.3 – 0.016 Lb/ry 222 87000 /(Lb/ry)2
18 35 27.7 – 1.70 √Rb/t 102 Same as
Round or oval tubes 12 ____
5.5 81 9.2 – 0.389 √Rb/t 260 Section 3.4.10
extreme fiber, 13
20 15 √
d __
27.9 – 0.531 __
t d
35 ( )
t d
d 2 __
11400 / __
Solid rectangular and round sections
gross section 6.5 22 8.1 – 0.083 __ √
d __
t d
65 ( )
11400 / __
t d
d 2 __

Tubular shapes 14
15 130 16.7 – 0.140
23600 /_____
4.8 203 5.3 – 0.030
23600 /_____
15 7.2 19.0 – 0.541 b/t 12 152 /(b/t)
Flat elements supported on one edge 15
4.8 11 6.1 – 0.121 b/t 25 77 /(b/t)

15 23 19.0 – 0.170 b/t 39 484 /(b/t)

Flat elements supported on both edges 16
4.8 34 6.1 – 0.038 b/t 81 247 /(b/t)

( )( √Rb/t
____ R 2
18 1.6 18.5 – 0.593 189 3780 / ___b 1 + _____
Curved elements supported on both edges 16.1 ____
/( ___ )( 1 + _____ )
(element in ____ R √R /t 2
uniform 5.5 7.2 6.1 – 0.165 √Rb/t 800 3780 b b
t 35
gross section Flat elements supported on
one edge and with stiffener 16.2 see Part IA Section
on other edge

Flat elements supported on both

edges and with an 16.3 see Part IA Section
intermediate stiffener

Flat elements supported on tension edge, 20 10 27.9 – 0.808 b/t 23 4930 /(b/t)2
COMPRESSION compression edge free 6.5 14 8.1 – 0.126 b/t 43 4930 /(b/t)2
ELEMENTS, 20 53 27.9 – 0.155 h/t 90 1260 /(h/t)
Flat elements supported on both edges 18
(element in
6.5 74 8.1 – 0.024 h/t 167 678 /(h/t)
bending in own
plane), gross 20 123 27.9 – 0.067 h/t 208 2910 /(h/t)
section Flat elements supported on both edges
and with a longitudinal stiffener
6.5 172 8.1 – 0.010 h/t 390 1570 /(h/t)
Unstiffened flat elements supported 8.5 39 11.0 – 0.059 h/t 77 38700 /(h/t)2
on both edges 2.8 57 3.6 – 0.013 h/t 181 38700 /(h/t)2

Stiffened flat elements supported 8.5 – 8.5 78 53200 /(ae/t)2
gross section 21
on both edges 2.8 116 4.9 – 0.018 ae/t 181 53200 /(ae/t)2
E1300 − 12a´1
TABLE 1 Glass Type Factors (GTF) for a Single Lite of Monolithic (1) Add the minimum thicknesses of the individual glass
or Laminated Glass (LG) plies and the nominal interlayer thickness. If the sum of all
GTF interlayer thicknesses is greater than 1.52 mm (0.060 in.) use
Glass Type Short Duration Load (3 s)
Long Duration Load (30 1.52 mm (0.060 in.) in the calculation.
(2) Select the nominal thickness or designation in Table 4
AN 1.0 0.43
HS 2.0 1.3
having the closest minimum thickness that is equal to or less
FT 4.0 3.0 than the value obtained in (1).
(3) Exceptions—The construction of two 6-mm (1⁄4-in.)
glass plies plus 0.38-mm (0.015-in) or 0.76-mm (0.030-in.)
TABLE 2 Glass Type Factors (GTF) for Double Glazed Insulating interlayer shall be defined as 12 mm (1⁄2 in.). The construction
Glass (IG), Short Duration Load of two 2.5-mm (3⁄32-in.) glass plies plus 1.52-mm (0.060-in.)
Lite No. 1 Lite No. 2 interlayer shall be defined as 5 mm (3⁄16 in.). The construction
Monolithic Glass or Monolithic Glass or Laminated Glass Type
of two 4-mm (5⁄32-in.) glass plies plus any thickness interlayer
Laminated Glass AN HS FT
Type shall be defined as 8 mm (5⁄16 in.).
3.2.5 Glass Types:
AN 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.9 1.0 3.8
HS 1.9 1.0 1.8 1.8 1.9 3.8 annealed (AN) glass, n—a flat, monolithic, glass lite
FT 3.8 1.0 3.8 1.9 3.6 3.6 of uniform thickness where the residual surface stresses are
nearly zero as defined in Specification C1036. fully tempered (FT) glass, n—a flat, monolithic,
TABLE 3 Glass Type Factors (GTF) for Double Glazed Insulating
Glass (IG), Long Duration Load (30 day)
glass lite of uniform thickness that has been subjected to a
special heat treatment process where the residual surface
Lite No. 1 Lite No. 2
Monolithic Glass or Laminated Glass Type compression is not less than 69 MPa (10 000 psi) or the edge
Monolithic Glass or
Laminated Glass AN HS FT compression not less than 67 MPa (9700 psi) as defined in
Type GTF1 GTF2 GTF1 GTF2 GTF1 GTF2 Specification C1048.
AN 0.39 0.39 0.43 1.25 0.43 2.85 heat strengthened (HS) glass, n—a flat, monolithic,
HS 1.25 0.43 1.25 1.25 1.25 2.85 glass lite of uniform thickness that has been subjected to a
FT 2.85 0.43 2.85 1.25 2.85 2.85
special heat treatment process where the residual surface
compression is not less than 24 MPa (3500 psi) or greater than
52 MPa (7500 psi) as defined in Specification C1048.
3.2.2 etched glass, n—glass surface that has been attacked insulating glass (IG) unit, n—any combination of
with hydrofluoric acid or other agent, generally for marking or two or three glass lites that enclose one or two sealed spaces
decoration. respectively, filled with air or other gas.
3.2.3 glass breakage, n—the fracture of any lite or ply in laminated glass (LG), n—a flat lite of uniform
monolithic, laminated, or insulating glass. thickness consisting of two or more monolithic glass plies
bonded together with an interlayer material as defined in
3.2.4 Glass Thickness:
Specification C1172. thickness designation for monolithic glass, n—a
(1) Discussion—Many different interlayer materials are
term that defines a designated thickness for monolithic glass as
used in LG. The information in this practice applies only to
specified in Table 4 and Specification C1036.
polyvinyl butyral (PVB) interlayer or those interlayers that thickness designation for laminated glass (LG), n—a
demonstrate equivalency according to Appendix X8.
term used to specify a LG construction based on the combined
3.2.6 glass type factor (GTF), n—a multiplying factor for
thicknesses of component plies.
adjusting the LR of different glass types, that is, AN, HS, or FT
in monolithic glass, LG, or IG constructions.
TABLE 4 Nominal and Minimum Glass Thicknesses 3.2.7 lateral, adj—perpendicular to the glass surface.
Minimum 3.2.8 load, n—a uniformly distributed lateral pressure.
Thickness or
Designation, specified design load, n—the magnitude in kPa (psf),
mm (in.)
mm (in.)
type (for example, wind or snow) and duration of the load
2.5 (3⁄32) 2.16 (0.085)
2.7 (lami) 2.59 (0.102) given by the specifying authority.
3.0 (1⁄8) 2.92 ( 0.115) load resistance (LR), n—the uniform lateral load that
4.0 (5⁄32) 3.78 ( 0.149)
5.0 (3⁄16) 4.57 (0.180)
a glass construction can sustain based upon a given probability
6.0 (1⁄4) 5.56 (0.219) of breakage and load duration.
8.0 (5⁄16) 7.42 (0.292) (1) Discussion—Multiplying the non-factored load (NFL)
10.0 (3⁄8 ) 9.02 (0.355)
12.0 (1⁄2 ) 11.91 (0.469)
from figures in Annex A1 by the relevant GTF and load share
16.0 (5⁄8 ) 15.09 (0.595) (LS) factors gives the LR associated with a breakage probabil-
19.0 (3⁄4 ) 18.26 (0.719) ity less than or equal to 8 lites per 1000.
22.0 (7⁄8 ) 21.44 (0.844)
25.0 (1) 24.61 (0.969) long duration load, n—any load lasting approxi-
mately 30 days.

E1300 − 12a´1
TABLE 5 Load Share (LS) Factors for Double Glazed Insulating Glass (IG) Units
NOTE 1—Lite No. 1 Monolithic glass, Lite No. 2 Monolithic glass, short or long duration load, or Lite No. 1 Monolithic glass, Lite No. 2 Laminated
glass, short duration load only, or Lite No. 1 Laminated Glass, Lite No. 2 Laminated Glass, short or long duration load.
NOTE 2—Values are approximated. Use Vallabhan and Chou (1) for alternate method. See Appendix X3 for basis of these values.
Lite No. 1 Lite No. 2

Monolithic Glass Monolithic Glass, Short or Long Duration Load or Laminated Glass, Short Duration Load Only
Nominal 2.5 2.7 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 19
Thickness (3⁄32) (lami) ( 1⁄ 8) (5⁄32) (3⁄16) ( 1⁄ 4) (5⁄16) ( 3⁄ 8) ( 1⁄2 ) ( 5⁄8 ) ( 3⁄ 4 )
mm ( in.) LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2 LS1 LS2

2.5 (3⁄32 ) 2.00 2.00 2.73 1.58 3.48 1.40 6.39 1.19 10.5 1.11 18.1 1.06 41.5 1.02 73.8 1.01 169. 1.01 344. 1.00 606. 1.00
2.7 (lami) 1.58 2.73 2.00 2.00 2.43 1.70 4.12 1.32 6.50 1.18 10.9 1.10 24.5 1.04 43.2 1.02 98.2 1.01 199. 1.01 351. 1.00
3 (1 ⁄ 8 ) 1.40 3.48 1.70 2.43 2.00 2.00 3.18 1.46 4.83 1.26 7.91 1.14 17.4 1.06 30.4 1.03 68.8 1.01 140. 1.01 245. 1.00
4 (5⁄32 ) 1.19 6.39 1.32 4.12 1.46 3.18 2.00 2.00 2.76 1.57 4.18 1.31 8.53 1.13 14.5 1.07 32.2 1.03 64.7 1.02 113. 1.01
5 (3⁄16 ) 1.11 10.5 1.18 6.50 1.26 4.83 1.57 2.76 2.00 2.00 2.80 1.56 5.27 1.23 8.67 1.13 18.7 1.06 37.1 1.03 64.7 1.02
6 (1 ⁄ 4 ) 1.06 18.1 1.10 10.9 1.14 7.91 1.31 4.18 1.56 2.80 2.00 2.00 3.37 1.42 5.26 1.23 10.8 1.10 21.1 1.05 36.4 1.03
8 (5⁄16 ) 1.02 41.5 1.04 24.5 1.06 17.4 1.13 8.53 1.23 5.27 1.42 3.37 2.00 2.00 2.80 1.56 5.14 1.24 9.46 1.12 15.9 1.07
10 (3 ⁄ 8 ) 1.01 73.8 1.02 43.2 1.03 30.4 1.07 14.5 1.13 8.67 1.23 5.26 1.56 2.80 2.00 2.00 3.31 1.43 5.71 1.21 9.31 1.12
12 ( 1⁄ 2 ) 1.01 169. 1.01 98.2 1.01 68.8 1.03 32.2 1.06 18.7 1.10 10.8 1.24 5.14 1.43 3.31 2.00 2.00 3.04 1.49 4.60 1.28
16 ( 5⁄ 8 ) 1.00 344. 1.01 199. 1.01 140. 1.02 64.7 1.03 37.1 1.05 21.1 1.12 9.46 1.21 5.71 1.49 3.04 2.00 2.00 2.76 1.57
19 ( 3⁄ 4 ) 1.00 606. 1.00 351. 1.00 245. 1.01 113. 1.02 64.7 1.03 36.4 1.07 15.9 1.12 9.31 1.28 4.60 1.57 2.76 2.00 2.00

6.11.1 Determine the NFL for each lite from the upper LR than under the layered behavior of long duration loads.
charts of Figs. A1.1–A1.13 and A1.28–A1.34. 6.13.2 Determine the values for the NFL1 for Lite No. 1 and
6.11.2 Determine the GTF1 for Lite No. 1 and GTF2 for NFL2 for Lite No. 2 from Figs A1.1–A1.13.
Lite No. 2 from Table 2.
6.13.3 Determine the value for NFL2 for Lite No. 2 from
6.11.3 Determine LS1 for Lite No. 1 and LS2 for Lite No.
(see Annex A2 for examples).
2, from Table 5.
6.11.4 Multiply NFL by GTF and by LS for each lite to 6.13.4 Determine GTF1 for Lite No. 1 and GTF2 for Lite
determine LR1 for Lite No. 1 and LR2 for Lite No. 2 of the IG No. 2) from Table 3 for the relevant glass type.
unit as follows: 6.13.5 Determine LS1 for Lite No. 1 and LS2 for Lite No.
2 from Table 6 for the relevant lite thickness.
LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1 3 LS1 and LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2 3 LS2
6.13.6 Multiply NFL by GTF and by LS for each lite to
6.11.5 The LR of the IG unit is the lower of the two determine LR1 for Lite No. 1 and LR2 for Lite No. 2 of the IG
calculated LR values. unit, based on the long duration LR of each lite, as follows:
6.12 For Double Glazed Insulating Glass with Laminated LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1 3 LS1 and LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2 3 LS2
Glass (LG) over Laminated Glass (LG) Under Short Duration
Load Simply Supported Continuously Along Four Sides: 6.13.7 The LR of the IG unit is the lowest of the four
6.12.1 Determine the NFL1 for Lite No. 1 and NFL2 for calculated LR values LR1 and LR2 for short duration loads
Lite No. 2 from the upper charts of Figs. A1.28–A1.34 (see from 6.11.4 and LR1 and LR2 for long duration loads from
Annex A2 for examples). 6.13.6.
6.12.2 For each lite, determine GTF1 for Lite No. 1 and 6.14 For Double Glazed Insulating Glass with Laminated
GTF2 for Lite No. 2 from Table 2. Glass (LG) over Laminated Glass (LG) Under Long Duration
6.12.3 For each lite, determine the LSF1 for Lite No. 1 and Load:
LSF2 for Lite No. 2 from Table 5.
6.14.1 The LR of each lite must first be calculated for that
6.12.4 Multiply NFL by GTF and by LS for each lite to
load acting for a short duration as in 6.12, and then for the same
determine LR1 for Lite No. 1 and LR2 for Lite No. 2 of the IG
load acting for a long duration as given in 6.14.2 – 6.14.5.
unit as follows:
6.14.2 Determine NFL1 for Lite No. 1 and NFL2 for Lite
LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1 3 LS1 and LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2 3 LS2 No. 2 from the upper charts of Figs A1.1–A1.13 and
6.12.5 The LR of the IG unit is the lower of the two A1.28–A1.34 (see Annex A2 for examples).
calculated LR values. 6.14.3 Determine the GTF1 for Lite No. 1 and GTF2 for
6.13 For Double Glazed Insulating Glass (IG) with One Lite No. 2 from Table 3.
Monolithic Lite and One Laminated Lite, Under Long Dura- 6.14.4 Determine LS1 for Lite No. 1 and LS2 for Lite No.
tion Load Simply Supported Continuously Along Four Sides: 2 from Table 5.
6.13.1 The LR of each lite must first be calculated for that 6.14.5 Multiply NFL by GTF and by LS for each lite to
load acting for a short duration as in 6.11, and then for the same determine the LRs (LR1 and LR2 for Lites No. 1 and No. 2) of
load acting for a long duration as given in 6.13.2 – 6.13.6. the IG unit, based on the long duration LR of each lite, as
NOTE 3—There are some combinations of IG with LG where its
monolithic-like behavior under a short duration load gives the IG a lesser LR1 5 NFL1 3 GTF1 3 LS1 and LR2 5 NFL2 3 GTF2 3 LS2

E1300 − 12a´1

FIG. A1.6 (upper chart) Non-Factored Load Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported
(lower chart) Deflection Chart for 6.0 mm (1⁄4 in.) Glass with Four Sides Simply Supported


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