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Proposal is the crux of the research. It charts the road map of the research explaining in detail
what it is the researcher sets out to do. It is the proposal that eventually becomes the
introductory chapter 1 of the research project. For LL. B level, the research proposal should
contain the following

i. Introduction
ii. Background of the Study
iii. Statement of the problem
iv. Justification of Study
v. Theoretical Framework
vi. Literature Review
vii. Objectives of the research
viii. Research Questions
ix. Assumptions or Hypotheses
x. Research methodology
xi. Scope of the Study
xii. Chapter breakdown

This is briefly explained below:

i. Introduction

This lays out the broad parameters of the proposal. It briefly explains what the proposal
will cover.

ii. Background of the Study

The background explains the context within the study is carried out.

iii. Statement of the Problem

This is the crux/heart of the proposal. It comprises of a succinct statement of the problem
to be investigated.

iv. Justification of the Study/significance of the study

/Project Coordinator
Here the researcher explains why the study is important.

v. Theoretical Framework

This is the jurisprudential or theoretical basis of the research.

vi. Empirical Literature Review

This looks at the work of other researchers that relate to the area of research with a view
of curving out a niche for the researcher. The researcher is unlikely to be the first person to
look at the issue the he is researching on and his work needs to be informed by others. The
aim of reviewing literature is to identify gaps in that literature that the work seeks to fill.

In doing literature review, the researcher needs to identify the literature relied on, point
out their relevance and thereafter the gaps in the work that necessitates his research.

vii. Objectives of the Research

This is the itemization of the objectives/aims of the research.

viii. Research Questions

What are the questions that will be answered by the research? These provide a basis for
laying out the study.

ix. Assumptions or Hypotheses

What are the assumptions or hypotheses in carrying out the research?

x. Research Methodology

Which methods will be used in collecting data for the study? At this level the research
undertaken is doctrinal research. The student is not allowed to undertake non-doctrinal
research i.e. carry out interviews

xi. Scope of the Study

Here the researcher explains the extent of the researcher or what is to be included or
excluded from the research

xii. Chapter Breakdown

Here you the researcher lays out the sequence in which the chapters will run. It ordinarily
starts with an introduction (which will be adopted from the proposal) and build up the
work to a conclusion and recommendations.
/Project Coordinator
It provides the context in which the study is set. It provides the basis and the structure of the
study by outlining the following: Introduction, Background of the Study, Statement of the
problem, Justification of Study, Theoretical Framework, Literature Review, Objectives of the
research, Research Questions, Assumptions or Hypotheses, Research methodology, Scope of
the Study and the Chapter breakdown

It determines the extent to which the doctrine/policy/canon/principle/ guideline affects the
relations between judiciary executive in terms of the precept/principle under investigation. It
will analyse and tackle the strains that are there between the two organs.

It Wii explore the doctrine/policy/canon/principle/ guideline effects in relation to reviewing
legislature enactments and how it has been successfully applied.

This chapter discusses the effectives of the doctrine/policy/canon/principle/ guideline in a
modern society and how the concept is important to resolving new constitutional matters

It will contain a synopsis of research findings, put forth proposals, recommendations and
conclusions based of the developed jurisdiction on the jurisprudence of
doctrine/policy/canon/principle/ guideline


Popular doctrines in Kenya

1. Doctrine of equity. .
2. The doctrine of judicial precedent (stare decisis):
3. Doctrine of the separation of powers
4. Doctrine of best interests of the child

I. The legal instruments on the doctrine of judicial supremacy in the Kenyan context
II. The international legal instruments in international protection of refuges status a case
of Kenya
III. The decision of Harrison v Gibson on the law on the certainty of intention in Kenyan
IV. The doctrine of cy-pres on justice to the intentions of the deceased in Kenyan

/Project Coordinator
V. The courts’ consideration of financial benefit in the context of trustee powers of
investment in Kenyan
VI. The doctrine of judicial precedent (Stare Decisis): a critical appraisal of recent
decisions made by the High Court and the Court of Appeal of Kenya
VIII. Parental administration of reasonable and moderate chastisement to
children is unconstitutional for infringing the doctrine of best interests of
the child
IX. Examination of case law decisions and statutory provisions in a bid to determine the
approach of the courts to trusts espousing political purposes in Kenya.
X. The forensic legal instruments on admissibility of forensic legal evidence in Kenya
XI. Critical analysis on the Doctrine of the Separation of Powers based on the Response
to Court Orders in Kenya

/Project Coordinator

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