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Artificial Intelligence in Civil Engineering. Proc.

2nd Joint
Workshop, March 2000, Cottbus, Germany. ISBN 3-934934-00-5

Predictive Data Mining: Practical Examples

Slavco Velickov and Dimitri Solomatine
International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic, and Environmental Engineering,
P.O. Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands, e-mail:,

Abstract: The paper addresses some theoretical and practical aspects of data mining, focusing on
predictive data mining, where two central types of prediction problems are discussed: classification and
regression. Further accent is made on predictive data mining, where the time-stamped data greatly increase the
dimensions and complexity of problem solving. The main goal is through processing of data (records from the
past) to describe the underlying dynamics of the complex systems and predict its future. Second part of the
paper briefly highlights the methodologies for predictive data mining used in this paper, namely: Bayesian
classifier, decision tree induction algorithm (C4.5) and 'local' modelling using chaos theory. Last part of the
paper presents application of the predictive data mining techniques to hydro-meteorological data.

1. Introduction
Solution of the problems concerning water resources and environment today depends on
large number of data sources and knowledge corpuses. Many relevant sources of data,
structured observations and scientific information related to water resources and
environmental processes currently exist, varying in both size and scope. The large potentials
in the existing data banks need to be explored in order to transform these data/observables
into valuable engineering information and knowledge. The key to these potentials can be
found in data mining as a new emergent filed in hydroinformatics.
Data mining as an interdisciplinary field draws from statistical analysis, database
systems, machine learning, pattern recognition, neural networks, fuzzy systems and other
'soft computing' techniques. Although data mining is young interdisciplinary filed, its
methods are quite developed and many of them are practically applicable. The question is:
how data mining techniques can help in engineering practice? There are many examples
where data mining techniques are successfully being used in data-driven modelling and
decision making (Berson and Smith, 1998), where large organisations and companies
(business, marketing, medical companies, telecommunications, banks, infrastructural
companies etc.) already benefit from data mining (Adriaans & Zantinge, 1996; Fayyad et al.,
However, we argue that applications of data mining to water and environment - related
problems are clearly lacking. Introducing these techniques to engineering working practices
and communities raises a number of important problems and questions that need to be
addressed, such as general data mining problem-solving framework and applicability and
suitability of particular data mining techniques and algorithms for various types of water-
related datasets. This work addresses some of the mentioned issues.

2. Data Mining – theoretical and practical aspects
This section reviews general theoretical aspects of Data Mining (DM) and Knowledge
Discovery in Databases (KDD), making a projection through their practical aspects for
possible engineering problem-solving tasks.

2.1 Background

Data mining and KDD are ‘hot’ topics in many research communities (Adriaan & Zantige,
1996), including water-related problem solving and decision-making. The sudden rise of
interest in data mining can partially be explained by the following factors:
q in the 1980s, with the development of database management technologies, many water-
related organizations and institutions built databases, containing data, information and
observations about different physical processes and events, which contains large amounts
of ‘hidden’ information that cannot be easily traced and extracted using traditional data
analysis. Data mining with its discovery-driven nature utilises learning algorithms that
can search and find clusters, patterns, associations and interesting regularities in these
databases. Their ability to represent the extracted information / knowledge in a human-
understandable form (such as decision trees, rules, data models and, concept and
knowledge maps) gives them useful descriptive and predictive capabilities.
q as the use of the communication networks (such as intranets, Internet and extranets)
continues to grow, it becomes increasingly easy to connect the existing databases. Thus,
for example, connecting the user/hydrologists with a database that contains information
about the agricultural, demographic and administrative use of the modelled catchment,
may lead do the discovery of unexpected patterns, associations and correlations. The
communication networks, as giant client/server architectures, give the individual users
and engineers access to central information systems, simulation modelling systems and
data-driven models in a new transparent way.
q the widespread use of Internet in the last few years and the emergent of the development
of network-based distributed decision support systems (DDSS) in water - and
environment related fields is constantly increasing the awareness of the sociotechnical
aspects of these processes (Yan et al., 1999; Abbott and Jonoski, 1998). This dual nature
of the problem-solving and decision-making processes in the water related fields demands
a new class of tools – distributed judgement engines, which are able to model the social
and technical impacts of the decisions taken. It is thus accepted that people, whether
coming from the side of hydraulics, hydrology, and water resources or from the side of
the social sciences, and who are directly influenced by any proposed changes in the
aquatic environment, must be provided with the means to access the data and to generate
relevant knowledge regarding their own qualities of life and economic interests. These
distributed judgement engines in most of the cases require on-line search through a large
amount of quantitative and qualitative data, on-line classification and clustering and on-
line generation of knowledge. The data mining algorithms can efficiently and effectively
perform such tasks.
q over the last decade, machine-learning techniques have expanded their use into practical
applications. Neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and other generally
applicable learning techniques often make it easier to find interesting patterns into
databases. These data mining and data-driven modelling techniques together with the
hydraulic simulation models, which were particularly developed for specific modelling

purposes, may give a new dimension in water-related problem solving and decision
q the so-called 4th generation of physically-based hydraulic simulation modelling software
(Abbott, 1996; Price, 1997) that are applied to solve different water and environmental
related problems, usually produce large amounts of simulated data that are difficult to
analyze using classical verification-driven techniques. Therefore, data mining offers the
means for automated analysis of the simulated results and generation of new knowledge
from these data.

Data mining can be defined as a process of discovering new, interesting knowledge, such as
patterns, associations, rules, changes, anomalies and significant structures from large amounts
of data stored in data banks and other information repositories. It is currently regarded as the
key element of a much more elaborate process called Knowledge Discovery in Databases
(KDD). In general, a knowledge discovery process consists of an iterative sequence of the
following steps (see Figure 1):
1. data selection, where data relevant to analysis task are retrieved from database;
2. data cleaning, which handles noisy, erogenous, missing or irrelevant data;
3. data integration (enrichment), where multiple heterogeneous data may be integrated
into one;
4. data transformation (coding), where data are transformed or consolidated into forms
appropriate for different mining algorithms;
5. data mining, which is an essential process where intelligent methods are applied in
order to extract hidden and valuable knowledge from data;
6. knowledge representation, where visualisation and knowledge representation
techniques are used to present the mined knowledge to the user.

Data Data Data mining

Enrichment Coding Reporting
selection cleaning

Information 100


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Operational External
data data


Figure 1. Position of Data Mining in the Knowledge Discovery process

Data mining is based on the results achieved in database systems, statistics, machine
learning, statistical learning theory, chaos theory, pattern recognition, neural networks,
probabilistic graph theory, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms. A large set of data analysis
methods have been developed in statistics over many years of studies. Machine learning and
statistical learning theory have contributed significantly to classification and induction
problems. Neural networks have shown their effectiveness in classification, prediction, and
clustering analysis tasks. One can say that there is no one specific technique that

characterizes data mining. Any technique that helps to extract more out of the data sets in an
autonomous and intelligent way may be classified as a data mining technique. Therefore data
mining techniques form a quite heterogeneous group.

2.2 Data mining goals, operations and techniques

In general, data mining tasks can be classified into two categories:

q Description: finding human-interpretable patterns, associations or correlations

describing the data.
q Prediction: constructing one or more sets of data models (rule set, decision tree,
neural nets, support vectors), performing inference on the available set of data, and
attempting to predict the behaviour of new data sets.

The distinction between description and prediction is not very sharp. Predictive models
can also be descriptive (to the degree that they are understandable), and descriptive models
can be used for prediction. To achieve these goals, the categories of prediction as well as
description are associated with the five basic operations, as presented in Figure 2.

Data mining goals

Prediction Description

Change and
Classification Regression Segmentation deviation

Data mining operations

Figure 2. The connection between data mining goals and operations

While there are only a couple of basic data mining operations there is a wide variety of
data mining techniques which make these operations possible. Data mining systems normally
do not include each of these techniques, but they often combine two or more different
techniques between which the user/engineer can choose – depending on the specific problem.
Therefore, potential users should survey the most common techniques, in order to decide
which one will fit their engineering needs best. Figure 3 presents some common techniques
assigned to the basic data mining operations, emphasising the classification and regression

Classification & Dependency Segmentation Change and
Data Mining Regression modelling/ deviation
operations Support Vector link analysis detection
Decision Association
Decision trees
Trees Rules
Neural Nets Clustering Statistical
Data Mining Neural Sequence approaches techniques
techniques Networks
Chaos theory Discovery (K-NN, SOFM, (ANOVA, trend,
neural gas, autoregression,
Rule fuzzy c-means)
Rule and dataInduction
models induction Fourie, wavelets)

Visualisation: semantic networks, graphs, decision trees,

concept and knowledge maps

Figure 3. Data mining operations and techniques

The two central types of engineering prediction problems are classification and
regression. Samples/observables of past experience with known attributes (features) are
examined and generalized to future cases. Classification is closely coupled with clustering
which is to identify clusters embedded in the multi-dimensional data space, where a cluster is
a collection of data objects (groups of data) that are "similar" to one another. Similarity
usually is expressed as different distance functions. Various approaches have been proposed
in the literature for developing classifiers by means of clustering, which can be summarised
as: (i) Iterative clustering, (ii) Agglomerative hierarchical clustering and (iii) Divisive
hierarchical clustering.

From a perspective of data mining, classification and clustering algorithms that employ
unsupervised learning receive greater attention, such as: self-organizing feature maps
(SOFM) (Kohonen, 1995), Bayesian classifiers (Stutz and Cheeseman, 1994), neural gas
(Fritzke, 1995) can be mentioned. The reason for this lies in the fact that in most of
engineering classification problems the set of possible classes is not known a priori. The goal
is to find the classes themselves from a given set of "unclassified" objects/observalbles which
may lead to discovery of previously unknown structure, because in natural systems (such as
water and environment-related systems) there are usually many relevant attributes describing
each object - large number of dimensions. However, we wish to emphasise that unsupervised
classification task should usually come together with the background knowledge provided
form the domain experts.

The problem of regression is very similar to the problem of classification. It is usually

described as a process of induction of the data model of the system (using some machine
learning algorithm) that will be capable of predicting responses of the system that have yet to
be observed. For regression the response of the system is usually a real value, while for
classification is the class label(s). Time series prediction is a specialized type of regression
(or occasionally classification) problem, where measurements/observables are taken over
time for the same features. From a predictive data-mining perspective, the time-stamped data
greatly increase the dimensions of problem solving in a completely different direction.
Instead of cases with one measured value for each feature, cases have the same feature
measured at different time. To overcome this problem, raw time-dependent data are usually

transformed for predictive data mining into lesser dimensional data space using
transformations such as Vector Quantization and state-space methods (Tsonis, 1992) or
simple averaging and re-sampling methods are applied.

The main goal of this work is to demonstrate the applicability of some predictive data
mining techniques for classification and regression engineering problems.

3. Methodology
In this section we briefly describe data mining algorithms used to carry out the
classification and regression case studies. More detailed inside of the employed algorithms
can be found in the literature referred in the text.

3.1 Bayesian classification

Bayesian classification is an approach to unsupervised classification based upon the

classical mixture model (Everitt & Hand, 1981), supplemented by a Bayesian method for
determining the optimal classes. In the Bayesian approach to unsupervised classification, the
goal is to find the most probable set of class description (a classifier) given the data and prior
expectations. The introduction of priors automatically enforces a trade-off between the fit to
the data and the complexity of the class descriptions. There is no generally accepted way to
rate the relative quality of alternate classifications. The methods of setting up models and
searching the sets of descriptive classes have been the subject of statistical research for many
years. Most of the Bayesian classifiers utilise model that gives the probability of the data
conditioned on the hypothesised model: P(X H, p ) , known as likelihood function. Maximum
Likelihood Estimation (MLE) deals with finding the set of models and parameters that
maximises this probability. However, MLE usually fails to provide convincing way to
compare alternate classifications that differ in class models and/or the number of classes.
MLE usually increases with both model complexity and number of classes (until the class
number equals the number of cases).
The alternative approach is to find out the probability of different hypothesised models
(probabilistic models) given the data, P(H X ) and then to compare the models, which in this
case have different number of classes. This strategy is employed in the AutoClass Bayesian
classification algorithm (Stutz and Cheeseman, 1994). Given a set of data X the algorithm
search for two things: for any classification probabilistic model T it searches for the
maximum posterior parameter values V , and irrespective of any V it seeks the most
probable T. Thus there are two levels of search: parameter level search and model level
search. For any fixed T specifying the number of classes and their class models, the algorithm
searches the real-valued space of allowed parameter values for the maximally probable V
using exhaustive search, which is computationally expensive process. The model level search
involves the number of classes J and alternate class models Tj . There are several levels of
complexity in the model level search. The basic level involves a single class model Tj
common to all classes, with search over the number of classes. The other search level allows
the individual Tj to vary from class to class. The result of the AutoClass Bayesian
classification algorithm is one or more of the best classifications found. A classification
consists of the class model(s) and a set of classes, each with the class probability and

parameters. Classifications are rated in terms of log of the relative marginal probability of the
hypothesised model given the data. Details about the AutoClass mathematical model and
implementation can be found in Stutz and Cheeseman (1994). Berger (1999) gives excellent
overview of the state-of-the-art in Bayesian analysis.

3.2 Inducting decision trees from data

Machine learning methods that represent their mined knowledge as decision trees and
classification rule sets form family of classifiers that can be effectively used in predictive data
mining for solving classification problems. In most of these algorithms the target of mining
(set of class labels) has to be pre-determined. There are basically three groups of algorithms
that derive decision trees, which differ in the feature selection criterion for partitioning the
training data set. The most well known algorithm of the first group is called ID3 (Interactive
Dichotomizer 3), while in the second group the CART (Classification and Regression Trees)
algorithm is the most prominent. The third group uses statistically based feature selection
criteria. In this work we used the enhanced version of the ID3 algorithm know as C4.5
(Quinlan 1992).
The learning algorithm is presented with a set of examples relevant to the classification
task. The aim of the learning method is to produce a tree that correctly classifies all examples
in a subset of the training set. All other examples in the training set are then classified using
the tree. If the tree gives the correct answer for all of these examples then it is correct for the
entire training set, and the iterative process terminates. If not, a selection of the incorrectly
classified examples is added to the initial subset and the process starts again. A divide-and-
conquer strategy is used to construct the decision tree (Quinlan, 1986). The choice of the test
to partition the training set is crucial for the complexity of the inducted tree. The test is to
select an attribute for the root tree and subsequent subtrees. The C4.5 algorithm adopts an
information-based method that relies on two assumptions. If set S represent the training set
and x,y and z are number of examples of classes X, Y and Z respectively, than the
assumptions are:
q any correct decision tree for S will classify examples in the same proportion as their
representation in S. Thus an arbitrary example belongs to class X, Y and Z with
x y z
, or respectively and (1)
( x + y + z) ( x + y + z) ( x + y + z)
q when a decision tree is used to classify an example, it returns a class. A decision tree
can thus be regarded as a source of a message X, Y, or Z, with the expected
information needed to generate this message given by:
x  x  y  x 
I(X, Y, Z) = − log 2   − log 2  
( x + y + z)  ( x + y + z)  ( x + y + z )  ( x + y + z) 
z  z 
− log 2  
(x + y + z )  ( x + y + z) 

From these assumptions, the expected information required for the tree with attribute A as
its root is given by:
x + yi + zi
E ( A) = ∑ i ⋅ I( x i + y i + z i ) (3)
x+ y+z

where x i , y i , and z i are number of examples of classes X, Y and Z respectively with value
A i of the attribute A. The summation gives the total expected information for attribute A.
The information gained by branching the tree on A is:

GAIN(A) = I(X, Y, Z) − E(A) (4)

At each non-leaf node of the decision tree, the gain of each untested attribute is determined.
This gain in turn depends on the value of x i , y i , and z i for each value A i of the attribute A.
Every example is examined to determine its class and its value of A. Thus, the total
computational requirement per iteration is proportional to the product of size of the training
set, the number of attributes, and the number of non-leaf nodes in the decision tree. The
training stage of the algorithm results is a classifier in a form of decision tree, which can be
used to classify an unseen set of testing samples. Furthermore a set of classification rules can
be extracted form the decision tree by tracing the path from the root to each leaf
(corresponding class). This set of rules can be consequently plugged into propitiate
knowledge-based system.

3.3 Local modelling based on chaos theory

The problem of time-series prediction is of high practical importance for engineering

practice. A traditional way to approach the problem is to estimate the underlying function
globally, that is for the whole range of possible inputs. In this kind of approach methods like
neural network became popular and have proven their practical applicability. In the last
decade, however, so-called local models (separately applied to certain range of input data)
have been a source of much interest because of their ability to simplify modelling of highly
dimensional and non-linear systems and in many cases ability to give better results than the
global models (Tsonis, 1992; Froyland, 1992; Singer et al, 1992; Kapitaniak, 1998). This is
especially proven if the function characteristics vary throughout the feature space, which is
present in almost all natural systems that are subject of modelling.

In this work we investigate the possibility to construct simple local models (linear at this
stage) that will be used for prediction of the chaotic dynamics of the system expressed trough
the time-series of observables. The embedding theorem, or method of delays (Takens, 1981)
will be used to reconstruct the phase space of the underlying non-linear dynamics of the
system based on monitored data - observables. The theorem states that the use of a single
measured variable x(t) and its time delays provides N-dimensional space that can
approximate the full multivariate state space for the observed system. The time-series is first
embedded in a state space using delay coordinates as:
x( t ) = [x (t ), x ( t − τ),..., x ( t − ( N − 1)τ)] (5)

where x(t) is the complete state vector, x(t) is a value of the time-series at time t, τ is a
suitable (optimal) time delay and N is the embedding dimension (degree of freedom). The
embedding theorem guaranties that the full knowledge of the behaviour of the dynamic
system is contained in the time series of any measured variable and that an approximation for
the full multivariate phase space can be constructed from a single time series. Several
methods for estimating time delay τ and embedding dimension N exist (Tsonis, 1992), which
can be summarised as follows:
§ Analytical methods for time delay estimation:

- auto-correlation and power spectrum functions;
- average mutual information (AMI) function;
- degree of separation function;
- Lyapunov exponents;
§ Analytical methods for embedded dimension estimation:
- false nearest neighbours;
- bad prediction method;
- fractal and correlation dimensions;
§ Empirical methods (for estimating both the time delay and dimensions):
- neural networks;
- genetic algorithms

Having the state space reconstructed, one can build the prediction model in a form of
multidimensional maps (discrete case is considered):
x( t + T) = f T (x( t ) ) (6)

where the vector x(t) is the current state of the system and x(t+T) is the state of the system
after a time interval T and fT is a mapping function. The problem is than to find a good
expression (local models) for the vector function fT. Usually this is a linear lest-squares
problem, which can be solved efficiently using standard linear algebra techniques. A
generalised scheme for constructing and testing the local models adopted in this work is
presented in Figure 4.
Time series data

Training data

Testing data


Evaluate prediction
Vector quantization
prediction horizon

Build local data sets

Predict next value

Calculate local models

based on local data sets
Local predictors

Figure 4. Scheme for constructing and testing local state space models

The input data (vectors in Rn) is divided into training and testing set. Based on the
training set, the embedded data space is quantized, using k-d tree technique (Bentley, 1975),
SOFM or some of other vector quantization algorithm. Local data sets are then constructed
for each of the state vectors: the local data set for a state vector is formed of those data
vectors to which it is closest (e.g. based on Euclidean distance). If the local data set of a state
vector is considered too small for building the local models, it can be augmented from the
data sets of similar, closely lying vectors. Finally, local data models (linear at this stage) are

constructed based on the local data sets which are then used to predict the dynamics of the
system (move the system from state x(t) into state x(t+T)). The performance of the model can
be evaluated against the testing set.

4. Applications: results and discussion

The described data mining algorithms were use to carry out two case studies: (i) classification
and (ii) regression, using hydro-meteorological data sets from Hoek van Holland station in
the Netherlands. In the classification problem the main goal is to discover and predict
particular classes of surge events for decision-making purposes. In addition, improving the
accuracy and reliability of the surge water levels prediction within the time horizon of 3 to 6
hours is of outmost importance for navigational purposes. The data sets comprise of
measured water levels, wind speed, wind direction and air-pressure for the period between
1990 - 1996 with the sampling time of 10 min. In order to remove the influence of the
relative motion of the earth, moon and sun, astronomical tidal oscillations were subtracted
from the measured water levels. The residual water level time-series in this text are referred
as a surge. The additional assumption is that the data is relatively 'clean' and validated.
For the classification experiment, Bayesian classifier implementing unsupervised learning
was used. In order to remove the high frequency fluctuations of the surge, wind speed and
direction, which are not essential while dealing with classification task, the hourly data were
generated by taking average of the 6 measurements with the time interval of 10 min. This
resulted in 45984 cases for the training data set (1990-1995) and 8784 cases for the validation
set (1996) in 4 dimensional feature space. Several runs were carried out using different
probabilistic models. The best result were achieved using log-normal probabilistic model
which resulted in 10 distinguishing classes of surge events. Statistical heuristic measures
were used to access the quality and the strength of the classes found, namely:
(i) the approximate geometric mean probability for instances belonging to each class,
computed from the class parameters and statistics. This approximates the contribution made,
by any one instance "belonging" to the class, to the log probability of the data set versus the
classification (considered as one big class). It thus provides a heuristic measure of how
strongly each class predicts "its" instances;
(ii) the class divergence, or cross entropy versus the single class classification, is a measure
of how strongly the class probability distribution function differs from that of the dataset as a
(iii) normalised attribute influence values summed over all classes, which gives a rough
heuristic measure of relative influence of each attribute in differentiating the classes from the
overall data set. Results from Bayesian classification analysis are summarised in Table 1 and
Table 2.
Table 1. Surge event classes found from the Bayesian classification analysis
Class No. Relative class Log of class Class cross Class weight Normalised
strength strength entropy class weight
0 1.00e+00 -3.91e+01 1.87 7571 0.165
1 8.77e-01 -3.92e+01 1.58 7067 0.154
2 5.08e-01 -3.98e+01 1.72 5403 0.117
3 2.63e-01 -4.04e+01 2.32 4895 0.106
4 5.19e-01 -3.98e+01 2.46 4617 0.100
5 3.04e-01 -4.03e+01 1.70 4408 0.096
6 1.68e-01 -4.09e+01 1.77 3721 0.081
7 1.42e-01 -4.11e+01 2.69 3609 0.078
8 5.24e-02 -4.21e+01 2.57 2481 0.054
9 1.65e-02 -4.32e+01 5.46 2212 0.048

Table 2. Normalised attribute influence values summed over all classes
Attribute (feature) influence value
Surge water level 1.000
Wind EW component 0.659
Wind NS component 0.625
Air pressure 0.404

The analysis of the surge event classes showed that all classes (except class 9) have relatively
same strength and class divergence. The comparison of the deviations of statistical
parameters for the attributes calculated for each class against the classical supervised K-
means classification (DM-DNZ, 1999) have confirmed the superiority of the Bayesian
classification for this particular data set. Furthermore, the results presented in Table 2, mined
by the algorithm, have realistic physical interpretation based on cross-correlation statistical
analysis done in our previous study (DM-DNZ, 1999).
The discovered surge event classes were then used to train and infer the decision tree
induction algorithm C4.5 using the same training data set. The output of the C4.5 algorithm
as a classifier in a form of decision trees was used to predict the classes of unseen test set
(8784 cases for 1996). Results from training and validation of the decision tree classifier are
presented in Table 3 and Table 4.
Table 3. Result from the training of the C4.5 decision tree classifier - absolute error = 1.5 %
class 0 class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 class 6 class 7 class 8 class 9 predicted / original
7945 22 17 0 17 16 35 7 0 0 class 0
45 7606 31 32 5 21 16 0 7 0 class 1
35 35 5337 0 15 13 0 12 8 0 class 2
7 39 4899 0 13 15 0 0 17 class 3
29 11 5 0 4393 0 3 16 0 0 class 4
19 22 9 13 0 4242 1 1 30 0 class 5
36 21 0 10 8 3 3401 0 0 2 class 6
21 0 5 0 42 1 3 3182 2 0 class 7
0 10 17 15 0 31 0 1 2155 1 class 8
1 2 0 23 0 3 19 0 0 1908 class 9

Table 3. Result from the validation of the classifier - absolute error = 4.4 %
class 0 class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5 class 6 class 7 class 8 class 0 predicted / original
2444 18 27 0 24 13 36 13 0 0 class 0
16 1183 13 10 0 12 14 0 0 0 class 1
16 15 793 0 15 3 0 5 9 0 class 2
3 12 0 299 0 1 10 0 0 1 class 3
10 4 4 0 675 0 0 19 0 0 class 4
10 12 4 3 0 667 2 3 5 0 class 5
14 11 0 12 1 2 820 0 0 8 class 6
15 0 4 0 23 6 0 1116 1 0 class 7
0 1 8 1 0 15 0 2 184 0 class 8
0 0 0 3 0 2 9 0 1 102 class 9

The evaluation of the training and testing data sets, with misclassification errors of 1.5 % and
4.4 %, showed very good performance of this induction data mining algorithm for building
accurate classifier of the surge events. In principle, this predictive data mining classification
technique can be reliably used in the engineering practice to predict the classes of surge
events for decision-making purposes once when meaningful classes are found.

For the regression experiment, surge time series (10min data observations for the
hydrological year 1994/95) were used to reconstruct the state space of the system, based on
methodology described in section 3.3. The shape of the atrractor of the system projected in
2D is presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Attractor of the state space of the system

The estimation of the time delay and embedding dimension was done using the invariant
characteristics and techniques based on the chaotic dynamics (Tsonis, 1992). The optimal
time delay for the reconstructed state space was determined using the average mutial
information function (AMI), presented in Figure 6. The dime delay found is 90 minutes or
1,5 hours. The embedding dimension, estimated using the false nearest neighbours technique,
was found to be 4 (see Figure 7), which provides the evidence that there is low dimensional
system that characterises the complex natural system. The presence of chaotic dynamic
behaviour of the system was proven by computing the global and local Lyapunov exponents,
which give an indication of the evolution of phase space of the system as a function of time.
Positive Lyapunov exponents suggested presence of chaos. The largest Lyapunov exponent is
estimated to be 0.25, which gives indication that reliable prediction can be made for
maximum 3 hours ahead.

Figure 6. AMI function for the surge time series

Figure 7. False nearest neighbours for the surge time series. Shows sharp drop close
to zero at D=4

Several local data models were built in order to predict the surge water level for different
time horizons. The predicted surge water level for 20 minutes in advance using local linear
models is presented in Figure 8. The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) for the testing set
(2000 samples from 50 001 to 52 000) with the prediction time horizon of 20 minutes is
estimated to be 2.3 cm.

Figure 8. Local linear models for surge time-series prediction

Embedding dimension = 4, Time delay τ=9 time steps. Prediction=2 time steps (20 minutes). RMSE=2.3 cm

Further tests were done for different prediction horizons and different local models. The
predicted surge water level for 1 and 2 hours in advance using local linear models are
presented in Figure 9 and Figure 10 respectively. The computed errors (Mean Squared Error-
MSE, Root Mean Squared Error – RMSE and Mean Absolute Error- MAE) are presented in
the Table 4.

Table 4. Result from the local linear model prediction of the surge water level
Error Horizon 2 Horizon 6 Horizon 9 Horizon12 Horizon15 Horizon18
(20 min) (1 hour) (1.5 hours) (2 hours) (2.5 hours) (3 hours)
MSE 5.187 13.061 22.562 30.045 35.141 37.411
RMSE 2.277 3.614 4.75 5.481 5.928 6.116
MAE 1.707 2.656 3.437 4.005 4.32 4.451

The testing set (2000 samples in total) was chosen to contain two types of dynamic behaviour
of the system. First part is characterised by small amplitude and variance of the surge (cases
50000-51400), second part is characterised by large variations both in variance and the surge
amplitude (values between –47 cm and 79 cm). Such a selection of the testing set was done in
order to test the predicting capabilities of the trained local linear models for contrasting
dynamic states of the system.
Results from the prediction of the surge water level using time horizon between 20 min
and 1 hour (short prediction) show that local linear modelling of the phase-space state of the
system give very encouraging results (expressed in RMSE between 2.23 – 3.6 cm). Extension
of the prediction horizon to 2 hours has showed that there is still enough local predictive
information embedded into the attractor of the system (which resulted in a RMSE around 5.5

Figure 9. Local linear models for surge time-series prediction

Embedded dimension = 4, Time delay τ=9 time steps. Prediction=6 time steps (1 hour). RMSE=3.6 cm

Figure 10. Local linear models for surge time-series prediction
Embedded dimension = 4, Time delay τ=9 time steps. Prediction=12 time steps (2 hours). RMSE=5.5 cm

The predictive performances of the local linear models for 1 hour ahead were further
compared with two other data-driven modelling techniques: Artificial Neural Network
(ANN) and Support Vector Machines (Vapnik, 1998; Dibike et al., 2000), using the same
data set. The results are summarised in Table 5.
Table 5. Result from the 1 hour ahead prediction of the surge water level using
local linear models, ANN and SVM
Local linear models ANN Support Vector Machines
ANOVA full polynomial radial basis
kernel kernel function
RMS error 3.61 6.53 12.90 13.79 12.89

The results showed that for short-term prediction of the surge water level (1-2 hours), local
linear models have outperformed ANNs and SVMs. ANNs perform well for longer prediction
horizon (>12 hours) because of their generalisation capabilities. SMVs have shown excellent
training performances, but still poor prediction capabilities in regression problems.
Finally, prediction of the surge water level using the maximum prediction horizon of 3
hours, as identified using the invariant characteristics, has shown that the local linear models
are able to correctly predict the amplitudes of the surge, in “stormy” situations (RMSE is
estimated to be 6.1 cm) as well. However, a phase error can be seen. The reason for the
presence of this kind of error might be from a systematic nature due to the subtraction of the
astronomical tide from the measured water levels as well as from the low-frequency periodic
components present in the time series govern by the global oceanographic system.
Identification, decomposition and removal of these components can be done using
transformation from “amplitude-time” domain into the “frequency-time” domain using
techniques such as wavelet analysis. Furthermore, building non-linear local models (such as
polynomials and radial-basis functions) of the phase-space of the system may also further
improve the predictive capabilities. Our research using the above-mentioned techniques is
continuing along these lines.

5. Conclusions
In this work we discussed and demonstrated some of the predictive data mining techniques
focusing on two types of engineering problem solving: classification and regression.
Unsupervised Bayesion classification is a useful approach when dealing with large amount of
data and when classes have to be discovered. Its simple nature and the probability theory
background makes this approach powerful data mining tool, especially when combined with
the domain knowledge. Machine learning decision tree induction technique C4.5 has shown
its ability of building accurate classifiers with strong predictive capabilities for the future
surge class events. Finally, we demonstrated that local linear modelling of the state space of
the studied complex nonlinear dynamic system could accurately predict the surge water level
within its prediction time horizon.

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