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Hello friends

My name is Gopal Awasthi

And today I want to tell my first camping experience to you

So, let’s get started

Two years ago was my first ever camping experience within a

cabin. Before that, I relished staying at home and on occasion, I
would take a hike with my father. I did not feel as though the
outdoors was a place that truly captivated me. As a result of
these prior thoughts, I became anxious at the thought of
traveling to a campground nearby Raystown Lake. The week
leading up to it, I could only think about the trip. When I ate, I
thought camping. When I relaxed, or make the attempt to do so,
I thought camping. It also did not help that while I conducted
research on Raystown Lake, I discovered various cases of
people drowning there. The fact that my father was traveling
along did help to mollify my concerns to a small degree, but they
still remained …show more content…
We then ascended, grabbed some spare clothes, and traveled
down a path leading to the set of bathrooms. The path had sharp
thorn bushes everywhere, as every step I took, I became pricked
by something else. A few painful steps later, we finally reached
the set restrooms, took a shower, got ready, and headed down to
the kitchen area where everyone was expecting our arrival. After
getting out of the shower, the morning air felt so brisk on my
skin that I made sure to grab a hoodie before heading down. In
the kitchen area, I helped to cook some eggs and bacon using the
cold metal pots and pans that resulted in me rolling down my
sleeve in order to hold them comfortably. As I cooked, I noticed
the marvelous salty and buttery smell in the air and the soft
“sizzle” of the bacon and eggs in the …show more content…
My father and I constructed the fire with some of the leftover
firewood and some small branches in the woods. My father lets
me start the fire with a Firestarter kit that he removed from his
bag. It was a nice accomplishment for me and everyone around
seemed satisfied with the job done. The fire’s shear warmth and
ever glowing embers almost soothed me fully asleep. Then came
the noise. “Grrrrrr,” came from somewhere in the area
surrounding the fire. My heart began to race and pump quickly.
My father and Larry acted calmly and took a stick out of the fire
out, dumped water on the remaining fire, and we slowly returned
to our cabins safely. We had no idea what type of animal it was
that night, but it was alarming enough to have us leave the fire
for the safety of the cabin. We all talked for a bit, had a few
laughs and then felt that we should go to sleep. As I laid in bed, I
reflected on how my experience in Raystown had changed my
perspective on the outdoors. I felt that the outdoors gave me
thrills and adventures that I had never experienced before.
Without the trip, I would have been consumed by the indoors
and never realized how much the natural world helps to
revitalize and invigorate you as an individual. It also helps the
bonding of individuals as I experience much so with my father.
I also prefer to go for camping at least once in life
To enjoy
Bye Bye

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