Assignment 1 Green

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1. Solar power is energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. Solar energy
is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available.

2. Solar panels are not the only way to add solar energy to home. This sustainable
energy source can be used in water heaters and lighting also.
- Solar Water Heaters : Solar water heaters can be a reasonable alternative to
conventional gas- or electric-powered models. Solar panels heat water which is
then delivered to a storage tank.

- Outdoor Solar Lights : Outdoor solar lights such as solar security lights or solar
flood lights use solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity. Outdoor solar
lights store this electricity in special batteries. At night, these batteries power
the lights. Both self-contained units, such as solar security lights and flood
lights, and separate solar cell panel units need to be placed in sunny locations.

- Solar Cookers : Like an electric-powered crockpot, a solar oven is essentially a

slow cooker. Using angled reflectors that direct solar energy into a special
chamber, a solar oven heats food to relatively low temperatures over the
course of many hours. The fuel source is freely available in the form of

3. - Solar Energy Is Applicable Everywhere : As long as there is sunshine, solar energy

can be deployed anywhere. This is particularly useful for remote regions with no
access to any other source of electricity.

- Impact on the Environment : Solar energy has the least negative impact on the
environment compared to any other energy source. It does not produce
greenhouse gases and does not pollute the water. It also requires very little water
for its maintenance. Solar energy production does not create any noise, which is
major benefit, since a lot of solar installations are in urban areas, such as
domestic solar panels.
- Reduce Energy Bill : Generating own electricity means that will be using less from
the utility supplier. This will immediately translate to savings on energy bill. Plus,
can also make money by selling the unused electricity, which have generated,
back to the grid. Through solar panel grants offered, can make green investment
even more beneficial. The more energy produce, the less will need from the
supplier which will increase energy self reliance.

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