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Name: Sarah Khan

Assignment topic: Developing learning strategy at choc co.

Class: MHRM (final year)
Subject: Training and Development
Submitted to: Sir Scheraz Rafiq


Here we will apply and write complete T&D Process on Choc Company.

Training and HRD Process

1. Training Need Analysis (TNA)

Before planning any training (TNA) is the foremost and important process.
As in the case study the main problem and reason for training is to cut
down the cost and improve the performance of staff, and it must fulfill
strategic needs of the firm. As the current situation does not properly
match the main goal of an organization because senior manager is also
seems dissatisfied with levels of productivity and performance of stuff. We
also need to keep an eye on budget as it is restricted.
Here is a short SWOT to clarify more things before design training.

Strengths: Here the main strength of the company is there experience and
existing in market for so long with good sales figures.
Weaknesses: There is the lack of budget that trainings were pretty
expensive and not even producing enough improvement.
Opportunities: It is world's largest confectionery businesses with large
market share in many of the world's biggest confectionery markets,
including many emerging markets.
Threat: The senior management find decrease in performance of
employees. And tha lack in adaptability of change. And employees find
trainings boring and waste of time.
Now we know everything about Choco Company, we can design training.

2. Training Design
Now we will decide on what of training we are going to provide our
employees, keeping in mind the needs of our staff.
We will work on Online-learning method for training for Choc Company as
they want to cut the cost and make training more effective.
In this design we will create training videos and online courses according to
the needs of employees. We will also place and conduct quizzes in this
online training program to make it more interesting and successful. Will
work on micro learning, and provide employees with micro lessons that
causes easiness for staff to absorb the information as it is in small amounts.
The time duration of online courses and videos will be 15-30 minutes. Make
sure to add those information or skills knowledge from which employees
are not well aware so that they can learn new things in short period of

3. Critical review and Validation

In this step we will look into things more carefully and raise questions on
our data then answer it with evidence.

How it will help in employee performance?

As in this case study employees seems boring and not being provided with
much useful information. With help of this training program they will get
some useful and new information in small amount of time and whenever
they feel like to know something there will always be data/information
available in the form of videos online.
Is it cost effective?
It will definitely cut down some amount of cost as the organization don’t
need to arrange conferences and it will also minimize the travelling
expense for choc company.

After doing everything now this is step where the training program will be
implemented. Access to the training videos and online courses will be given
to employees.


To see how much effective the training was, we will do some following steps:

 Ask employees to send brief summary via email mentioning 3 things they
learnt from this training program
 Will take an online quiz related to training’s content; appreciate who give
best answers by giving some prize.
 Ask them to try and inculcate at least 3 new skills in their daily work life
they have learnt.
 Inform seniors about the response and improvement of staff.

As we all know that training and learning is a continuous process which

could not stop and must not be stop for better development of employees
and success of an organizational goals.

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