Carbon Offsets vs. Rooftop Solar

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anisg2019 Carbon Offsets vs. Solar Panels | EnergySage Smarter energy decisions 088.838.4698, Signin ‘et Competing Solr Quotes Online Enter zip code Find out what solar costs in your area in 2019 D> §@ Why EnergySage ResearchSolar_ Solar Calculator ShopLoans Energy Upgrades Enter your ip code Enter your zip code See Solar Prices Other Clean Options | Carbon Offsets | Carbon Offsets vs. Roettop Solar Carbon offsets vs. rooftop solar Last updated 6/7/2019 Carbon offsets can help decrease your net greenhouse gas emissions. That being said, f your primary goals to benefit the environment, you should start by looking into actions thot you can toke to decrease yaur emissions directh, Mary ofthese actions wil not only benefit the environment, but ‘also save you money. Environmental benefits of carbon offsets and rooftop solar ee ee en ee eet eee tym gate bung gen he enrages tooo cal oe parking carafe th e eee eee ee eee eee cy All ofthe electricity produced by salor ponel systems is GHG emissions-fre: solar power is clean, renewable energy. A 5 kilowatt system, which I round the average residential installation size inthe United Stotes, will produce roughly 150,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of emissions-free electricty ins ifetime, That’ equivalent to 103 metric tonnes of CO {.0r purchasing 103 carbon offsets) This number will continue to increase a efficiency of solar panel systems increase, and will be even higher f you instal @ larger solar panel system. Solar panels can help you save thousands oneelectricty bis @} (Compare your options today Economic benefits of carbon offsets and rooftop solar A solar panel system ist free—just as with carbon offsets, you have to pay for your environmental benefits. However, solar is also form of investment. When you install soar, you receive financial benefits {in the form of lower electricity costs) for 25 to 30 yeors tps slwwn-energysage.comiother-clean-optonsicarbon-offsets/carbon-offsets-vs-rootop-solar! 18 anisg2019 Carbon Offsets vs. Solar Panels | EnergySage Purchasing carbon offsets simply won't save you money lke solar can, While the overall cast of @ solor panel system is going ta be higher up ‘ront compared to carbon offsets, you'll see savings over the Ifetime of the system becouse of the avoided costs of paying for your electicity bill rom the grid 68 ~~ you buy « solar panel system outright, your typical break even" point (also known as your payback period in the US. is probably between six ond eight years. That being said, depending on how you Finance your purchase, you could start seeing savings from day one - $0-down solar loans and solar leases ore widely availaple for solar-interested homeowners SKW system SP $20,000 ‘Your overall savings from purchasing ond instaling 0 5 KW system after 20 years can range from | $7,000 ta $30,000 (depending on your geography, the cost ofthe system and how much you pay for electricity). This number willbe even higher if ‘you installa larger system. The homeowners and businesses that benefit the most fram solar electricity are those with the highest electric bills Depending on your geography, there may be additional financial beneftto installing salar depending on incentives in your area, Some states have solar renewable energy certificate (SREC) markets that will provide additional income to homeowners who are producing solar electricity on their home, In many areas, there are also cash rebates or sate tox credits available to help you install salar. Property owners across the U.S. are also eligible to claim the federal slar tax credit ITC), worth 30 percent of the cost ofthe system if you own your system, regardless of the state you live Sclor Corben offsets Cost Higher Lower Dependent on a number of factors, but thousands of dollars over the Savings oper oe No personal economic benefit to purchasing carbon offsets Environmental Clean energy, citectly offsetting tonnes of CO, throughout the fetime One offee is equivalent to ofsetting one tonne of carbon Denefts of the system sioxide equivalent Criteria Considered aditionel, permanent, and direct Can meet this criteria, if certiied by on industry portner Renewoble Ya Sometimes, but not always energy It your home is net eutable for solar because of shade or lack of space, orf you dont own your property's @ goed idea to explore your community solar options. With communty soar, you Purehare sla electiety rom on oft sloreneray system. As aresul you can eneft fom soar Perels at a remete ecation end sill save money on your elect expenses. Your savings witha ww & {eran sla epon can vary depending cre pe of erangenent wheter tc sbsren Imad tamed ie a power purchase ogrercnt PPA) or eae, or whether youre actualy purchosng thepancotavemoteocobon a ‘Another option to consider before purchasing offsets to lower your carbon footprint isto schedule an tenergy auclt and see if you can take steps to decrease your electricity and gas usage through eneray efficiency. Recommended measures may include instaling new windows, insulating your atc, and replacing your light bulbs with LED lights Even etter instaling @ solar panel system and implementing energy efficiency measures in your home, youlikely stil have a positive carbon footprint Carnon offsets can be o good way to toke care of those addtional emissions in an effort to being more caraon neutral, you've already token ‘measures to neutralize your carbon emissions, purchasing offets wil stil pesitvely contribute to combating global cimate change, Solarpanelscan help you save thousandsoneelectrcity bills @) Compare your options today How much will it cost you to install solar? Download our TRUE COST OF SOLAR GUIDE for your state! Select yourstate Emil address hitpsstwwnonergysage.comiother-clean-optonsicarbon-ofeetsicarvon-offsets-vs-roetap-sola! 218 snisg2019 Carbon Offsets vs. Solar Panels | EnergySage energysage (}) Enter your zip code to see solar quotes near you Your zipcode Connect with us Get Start EnergySage Solar Resources Howl: Works Solar Caleulator ‘About Us Learn About Solar Press Solar News careers Al Rights Reserved, Copyright © 2009- 2018 Terms of Use + Privacy Poly hitps! ‘Work With Us Solar Companies ‘Share Solar Tools ‘Market Research ss

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