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JPI, Vol. x No.

x, MonthYear
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: DOI Number

Developing an Interactive Digital Handout for Momentum and

Impulse Material Physics in High Schools
RidhoPahlawan1*, Ismet2, Syarifuddin, 3
Magister of Educational Technology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
Magister of Educational Technology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
Magister of Educational Technology, Sriwijaya University, Indonesia


Developing an Interactive Digital Handout for Momentum and Impulse Material Physics in High
Schools. Objective: to develop an interactive digital handout of momentum and impulse physics
material in high schools. Methods: this study was conducted by giving students a pretest-posttest on
momentum and impulse material. Findings: The average learning outcomes before being given the
interactive digital handout display of the material physics material momentum and impulse is 48.93.
Then the educator gave teaching using an interactive digital physics handout device using the
articulate storyline application to increase the average score of cognitive learning outcomes of
students to 81.27. The increase in the mean value of students was measured using the N-gain Score
and the results were 0.70 in the medium category. Conclusion: e-learning tools have been tested
effective to improve student learning outcomes seen from the N-gain of 0.70 which is included in the
moderate category.

Keywords: Interactive digital handouts, articulate storylines, Momentum and Impulses, Learning

1. Introduction
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 era experienced rapid and competitive development marked
by increased connectivity, interaction and development of digital systems, artificial and virtual
intelligence. The use of industrial development 4.0 is increasingly complex with the presence
of information technology in various sectors of life, one of which is the education system in
Indonesia (Keriso, 2019; Sunarno, 2018).
Revolutionary Education 4.0 is a program to support the realization of smart education
through increasing and equalizing the quality of education, expanding access and the
relevance of utilizing technology in realizing world-class education to produce students who
have at least 4 21st century skills, namely collaboration, communication, critical and creative
thinking, referring to on global competency standards in preparing the younger generation to
enter global work realities, (Kusmiarti and Hamzah, 2019; Muhali, 2018 & Yulia and Ramli,
2019). Optimizing the use of information technology as a tool for education is expected to
create effective and efficient learning so that learning objectives can be achieved so as to
improve the quality of education properly.
Utilization of the development of information technology has become a necessity in the
world of education, this can be seen from the paradigm shift of using print learning resources
to become digital learning sources. The systems used in education include interactive-based
teaching materials, electronic books, e-learning, and a Computer Based Test (CBT) based
examination system. According to (Ghofur, 2015; & Wiyono and Zakiyah, 2016) the use of
information technology as a teaching material aims to motivate students to learn so that
learning becomes more active and enjoyable. In addition, the integration of information
technology can increase understanding of concepts so that learning is more effective and
efficient for students (Bakri, Siahaan, and Permana, 2016).
The use of information technology in education will be easily accepted by students if they
pay attention to the analysis of needs according to the characteristics of students. The
development of the learning characteristics of high school students in the era of 4.0 refers to

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JPI, Vol. x No. x, MonthYear
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: DOI Number

generation Z which is synonymous with the term i-generation, net generation, or internet
generation. In this generation, students live in a digital era that has the convenience of
accessing everything using sophisticated technology (Subandowo, 2017; Rastati, 2018). In
connection with the above, generation Z has unique characteristics in which students live in
line with the growing digital-based media and increasingly sophisticated technology with the
ease of accessing the internet without limits. Thus it can be said that generation Z grew up
and grew up with a variety of internet-based applications that could support their lives,
especially in the learning process. This affects the development of behavior, personality,
even education and learning outcomes for students (Purnomo, Ratnawati, and Aristin 2016).
Therefore, the use of technology in the learning process must be used appropriately in order
to improve the quality of learning experienced by students so that learning objectives can be
achieved (Diani, Hartati, & Email, 2018).
Physics learning is a field of science that discusses natural phenomena and symptoms in
everyday life. Physics is important to master in the learning process, although most students
consider physics still difficult to learn, (Fathurohman 2014; P, Sunaryo, and Iswanto 2012; &
Sari, Surantoro, and Ekawati 2013). The assumption that learning physics is difficult for
students to understand because it talks a lot about abstract theories and equations (Lubis, S.
A., 2016; Surosos, 2016). Abstract physical phenomena or symptoms require media to
visualize concepts in physics learning material. The difficulty in understanding physics
lessons is generally caused by the lack of innovative teaching materials used by educators in
the learning process (Purnamasari, and Annur, 2016; Rahayu, Prihandono, and Gani 2017;
Wiyono, Zulkardi, and Yoto 2015).
Teaching materials are all forms of materials used to assist educators in carrying out the
learning process in the classroom (Praswoto, 2014). Teaching materials are a set of
materials arranged systematically so as to create an environment and an atmosphere that
allows students to learn (National, 2008). So teaching materials are all forms of materials that
can support learning. One form of teaching material is handouts.
Handouts are teaching materials made by educators that aim to enrich the knowledge of
students. Handouts are divided into two categories, namely printed handouts and digital
handouts (Tania & wibowo, 2017). Handouts that are digital in nature have the advantage of
displaying some material using interactive learning (Aprilliyah and Wahjudi, 2014; Putri, P.,
Susanti, L.R.R., & Rachman 2019; & Suwindra, Sujanem, and Suswandi, 2012).
The relationship between the articulate storyline software and the momentum and
impulse material can be seen from the competency demands and indicators of momentum
and impulse material which have a relatively high difficulty level, are mathematical in nature
and there are natural phenomena that are abstract in everyday life. Therefore, visualization is
needed in the learning process using articulate storyline software that has interactive content
that is easy and fast to learn and makes the learning process more active and productive and
can be accessed using the web (htlm5) can be used on various devices such as computers,
laptops, tablets and smartphones. This supports learning in the education era 4.0, which can
be accessed anytime, anywhere and in any situation.
The development of physics interactive digital handouts cannot be separated from
learning theory. Learning theory studies how students learn that determines their learning
outcomes. For this reason, before developing an interactive digital physics handout product,
you must pay attention to learning theories that can be used as a guide for its development.
So that the products are made right on target and in accordance with the thinking patterns of
students. The theories that support developing interactive digital handouts of physics include
cognitive learning theory which focuses on the thinking processes and behavior of students
such as logic and memory. According to this theory, knowledge is built in students through a
continuous process of interaction with the environment. Learning is seen as an attempt to
understand something. This effort was carried out by active learners, Robert M. Gagne
(1977). The development of teaching materials according to the material to be presented is
adjusted to the stages of formal operational development, such as in the form of explanations
both text and video, giving examples, and using other supporting content in order to facilitate
students' understanding of concepts. Furthermore, constructivist learning theory says it is a

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JPI, Vol. x No. x, MonthYear
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: DOI Number

process of independent learning. This learning theory has the view that students can build
their own learning knowledge, because each student has a different view of the material
being studied, Mudjiman (2007: 28). In addition, constructivist theory is suitable when used in
high school students. In this case, high school students are at the formal operational stage
where students can think abstractly, critically, and logically. This thinking ability can
determine how students are able to understand a concept. Interactive teaching materials as
learning support teaching materials for senior high school students in grade X need to apply
constructivist learning theory and be equipped with text, images, animation and video
content. Students can construct their own knowledge and be able to visualize both the
material presented in the form of images and animations, making it easier for students to
understand the concepts in momentum and impulse material.
Based on the results of a preliminary study in the form of an interview at SMA Negeri
5 Talang Ubi with the vice principal in the field of curriculum and physics subject teachers, it
was found that there was a school policy that allowed students to bring smartphones to
support the learning process. In addition, there are wifi facilities that are used by the school
in the learning process, but policies and learning support facilities are not very used in
learning resources, especially in learning physics, this can be seen from the explanation of
the physics subject teacher who explained that it is very rare to use teaching-based
materials. information technology in the learning process.
Based on the results of a preliminary study in the form of observations on students using
google form, it was found that the use of interactive digital handouts in learning was not
optimal, supported by observations with 30 respondents of class X SMA Negeri 5 Talang ubi.
It is known that 73.33% of students stated that it was difficult to learn and understand the
concepts of physics. And 86.66% of students said they needed solutions in the form of digital
teaching materials instead of printed teaching materials, 93.30% of students needed physics
interactive digital handouts to enrich their knowledge in understanding explanations from
Based on these observations, students need interesting, innovative and easy-to-use
teaching materials to convey messages well as appropriate visualizations to provide
understanding to students (Asyhari, Sunarno, and Sarwanto 2014). For this reason, it is
necessary to develop teaching materials such as interactive digital handouts whose contents
will be more focused on discussing the concepts of physics subject matter in their application
in technology. In the current era of globalization, interactive digital handout presentation can
be in digital form as a form of technological progress.
Research on the development of teaching materials in the form of interactive digital
handouts on physics lessons refers to several journals including teaching materials based on
articulate storylines, (Irwandani et al. 2017). Developing an interactive digital module based
on articulate studios' 13 in physics subject matter circular motion can be used as a valid and
practical learning module. Then (Yasin and Ducha, 2017) conducted a theoretical feasibility
study of interactive multimedia based on the articulate storyline material of the human
reproductive system in grade XI SMA to produce interactive multimedia based on the
articulate storyline on material for the human reproductive system in class XI SMA that is
theoretically feasible based on media validity. (Rafmana and Chotimah, 2018) develop
interactive multimedia based on articulate storylines that are valid, practical and have a
potential effect on improving student motivation at Srijaya Negara Palembang High School.
Based on the previously written background, the researchers tried to develop teaching
materials in the form of interactive digital handouts on physics subjects by conducting
research on "Development of Physics interactive digital handouts on Momentum and Impulse
Materials for Senior High Schools".

2. Method
From the results of the problems and objectives that have been determined, the
method of research and development carried out using this type of research is Allesi and
Trollip, (2001). Research and development methods are research used to produce certain
products and test their effectiveness (Emzir 2015; Sugiyono 2017). The purpose of this

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JPI, Vol. x No. x, MonthYear
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: DOI Number

development research is to develop an interactive digital physics handout that is used online,
therefore the choice of research methodology is the research and development of Alessi and
Trollip, (2001). The research and development procedure used is to adapt the Alessi and
Trollip development models, namely planning, design and development.
This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 5 Talang Ubi. The object of this research
was 30 students of class X. This research was conducted in the 2020/2021 academic year.
The product of research and development that will be produced is an interactive digital
handout of physics material for momentum and impulse for class X students to improve
learning outcomes. The data collection techniques are interviews, questionnaires,
observations and tests. Alpha test is done by distributing questionnaires to experts to test the
validity of the physics interactive digital handout product. Data from interviews and
observations carried out needs analysis to determine the right solution for a physics learning
problem. Practicality tests at the development and implementation stages were also carried
out through interviews and distributing questionnaires to students. Students are given the
opportunity to use physics interactive digital handout products that have been made for the
learning process, then students are asked to provide suggestions and opinions about online
learning using interactive physics digital handout products. The results of the interviews and
questionnaires were used as a reference for improving the physics interactive digital
3. Results and Discussion
Research on the Development of a Physics Interactive Digital Handout is Conducted
Based on a Model Development Model and Trollip Alessi, namely the Planning Stage,
Identifying Scope, Identifying Characteristics of Students, Preparing Planning Documents,
Conducting Brainstorming, Determining and Collecting Resources. At the Design Stage,
Researchers Begin to Develop Learning Concepts, Make Flowcarts and Storyboards, and
Prepare Prototypes of Physics Interactive Digital Handout Products. Furthermore, in the
Development Stage, Researchers Prepare Support Materials, Make Relevant Images, Make
Video and Audio, Combine All Media in One Prototype Interaactive Digital Handout for
Physics, Until Alpha Test (Validation Expert) To Determine the Validity of Media Developed,
Revise Products , Conducting Beta Testing To See The Practicality Of The Media, Revising
Products, And Doing Trials To Know The Effectiveness Of Student Learning Outcomes.
Preliminary Study Results Through Interviews and Observations Using Googleform Against
Deputy Principals for Curriculum, Physics Subject Teachers, and Class X MIPA Students at
SMAN 5 Talang Ubi, Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir Regency. The results obtained show that
students still have difficulty understanding physics concepts and the achievement of
minimum completeness criteria is still low, learning methods still dominate in one direction,
and teachers rarely use learning media and supporting facilities for the learning process.
From the results of interviews and observations, researchers are interested in developing
interactive digital physics handouts which are expected to improve students' competencies in
the physics learning process. On the front page of the interactive handouts there is a
combination of pictures, audio, and navigation buttons. In the Learning Menu, there are
Navigation Keys and Audio Instructions for Use in the Momentum and Impulse Materials, in
the Material and Sample Questions section, there are physical concepts that are identical to
the application of everyday life. In this part of the competency test, students can write names
and know the results of the competency test used to measure students' understanding in
understanding the material of momentum and impulses. The Physics Interactive Digital
Handout Product Was Developed Using Articulate Storyline 3 Software, The Output Result In
The Form Of A Link That Can Be Opened Online On Smartphones, Tablets, And Computers.
Interactive Digital Handout Development Developed Online And Adapted To The Needs And
Characteristics Of Students In Generation Z Who Are Identical To Their Proficiency In Using
The Internet, Hence From That Physics Interactive Digital Handout Can Be Accessed
Anytime And Anywhere. Research development aims to produce interactive digital handout
products that are valid, practical, and effective in learning physics at SMA Negeri 5 Talang
Ubi. The Developed Physics Interative Digital Handout can be seen in Figures below

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JPI, Vol. x No. x, MonthYear
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: DOI Number

Figure 1. Cover display and list of contents of physics interactive handout digital handout

This development research succeeded in developing a physics interactive digital

handout product that has been tested valid. Validation is carried out on 3 validators who
validate 3 aspects, namely: material, design, and media. Material validation is done by
validators who are experts in the field of physics. The assessment of the material includes
aspects according to purpose, content structure, language, style, grammar, readability,
language culture bias, reference culture bias, technical terms, spelling, grammar, and
punctuation, glossary, important words, preface, directions. The results of the data analysis
of the material expert's assessment on all aspects resulted in 9 valid question items from 11
items so that it got a value of 81.81% for the physics interactive digital handout product with
very valid categories. the material validator suggested fixing the equations that were too
small and adding competency questions to achieve learning objectives. Design validation is
carried out with validators who are experts in the field of educational technology. Material
assessment includes aspects of learning objectives, cognitive capacity, learning approaches,
interactivity, presentation of material, questions / questions, answering questions, quality of
feedback, and level of mastery. The results of data analysis design expert judgment in all
aspects resulted in 10 valid items from the 11 question items with a value of 90.90% with a
very valid category. However, the validator suggested to improve the spelling and language
used in the physics interactive digital handout product. And media validation is done with
validators who are experts in the field of learning media. Material assessment includes
aspects of display, percentage mode, text quality, images, audio, video, input, distance,
navigation aids, consistency, restart, interactive, usage control, normal use actions, normal
use actions, and computers / smartphones. The results of the design expert assessment
data analysis in all aspects resulted in 10 valid items from the 12 question items with a value
of 87.50% with a very valid category. However, the media validator suggested that the cover
of the physics interactive digital handout product should not be white to make it more
attractive. After fixing the device according to the suggestions given by the validator, the
researcher proceeded to the next stage.
In this development study, the practicality of the physics interactive digital handout
was carried out on the beta test. Beta test is conducted to test the usefulness of e-learning
tools for circular motion material. Beta exams are conducted by 3 students with high, medium
and low learning knowledge and abilities. Beta testing is carried out online using student
smartphone devices. In the Beta Test, students will be given instruments to measure and
evaluate the physics interactive digital handout products used in learning. There are 14
question items, namely display, presentation mode, text, images, audio, video, input, space,
language style, grammar, introduction, guide, and assistance. An overview of the beta testing
can be seen below.

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JPI, Vol. x No. x, MonthYear
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: DOI Number

Table 1 Recapitulation of Beta Test for physics interactive digital handout products

Inisial Peserta Persentas

Nilai Maksimal Kepraktisan
didik e
Peserta didik 1 14 13 92.85%
Peserta didik 2 14 12 85.71%
Peserta didik 3 14 10 71.42%
Total 42 35 83.33%

Furthermore, the researcher conducted a field test (field test) carried out with the aim
of knowing the effectiveness of the physics interactive digital handout product that had been
developed. The results of the field test were carried out on 30 students at SMA Negeri 5
Talang Ubi. Effectiveness can be determined by giving students pretest and posttest
questions during field trials. Based on the results of the field test, the pretest mean value was
45.33 with the very poor category. After that the participants were given interactive physics
digital handout products so that there was an increase in the posttest mean score of 80.66 in
the good category. This increase proved that there was an increase in learning outcomes
before and after learning using physics interactive digital handouts. The improvement of
learning outcomes after the physics interactive digital handout proved effective for improving
student learning outcomes with an N-Gain value of 0.65. The N-gain results are then
categorized based on Hake (2002), namely there are three categories, if the N-gain> 0.7 is
high category; if 0.3 ≤ N-gain ≤ 0.7 moderate category; if N-gain <0.3 category is low. Then
the N-gain result is in the medium category. Assessment of effectiveness is measured using
N-gain based on the average pretest and posttest values as shown in the following table .2
Table 2 Recapitulation of Pretest, Posttest, N-gain Mean
Average Average N-gain
Pretest Posttest
45,33 80,66 0,65
Category Moderate

Digital teaching materials can trigger students' interest in learning and effectively
improve listening and speaking skills. Learning with digital teaching materials is more
effective than learning with conventional methods (Guo & Jia, 2016: 39). Digital technology is
believed to increase learning retention and persistence in students (Information Resource
Management Association, 2012) and can also provide rich content and is more suitable for
application in the 21st century learning model. the use of interactive teaching materials using
the articulate stroline can foster innovativeness in designing learning, improve the quality of
learning, as an alternative to limited learning resources, and help increase student motivation
and learning outcomes. Ryan Angga Pratama, (2018). specifically the development of
interactive learning media has a positive influence such as research on interactive digital
media in physics class which makes students happy to learn physics and can increase
students' learning motivation (Tomita, 2017). the use of interactive technology in learning
states that the results of learning research through interactive multimedia technology facilities
are more efficient and effective in the education system (Maran, Selvaraj & Ravikumar (2011,
pp. 88-92). understand the material and increase student interest in learning

4. Conclusion and suggestions

Based on the results of research and discussion regarding the development of interactive
digital handouts of physics material momentum and physics impulses for high schools in

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JPI, Vol. x No. x, MonthYear
p-ISSN: 2303-288X, e-ISSN: 2541-7207 DOI: DOI Number

terms of the development process, it can be concluded, first, the interactive digital physics
handout has been tested for validity after being tested through 3 aspects, namely material
(81.81%) , media (87.50%), and learning design (90.90%). Based on these three categories,
it can be seen that this interactive digital handout is valid and worthy of being tested with
revisions according to the suggestions. second, interactive digital physics handouts have
been tested for practicality. This can be seen from the practicality test on 3 students through
filling out a questionnaire, obtained a very practical assessment (83.33%) for each individual
assessment, by getting a very practical assessment, this physics interactive digital handout
can be used for learning physics material momentum and impulses. The third interactive
digital physics handout has an effectiveness in increasing the competence of students as
seen from the learning outcomes between the pretest and posttest scores. In the pretest the
value was dominated in the very poor category, while in the posttest the value was
dominated by the good category, this was considered to be very effective, which was
reflected in Ngain's score which was in the high category, namely 0.70. Effectiveness is also
measured based on the completeness of learning outcomes with an average of 81.27.

Based on the results of research and discussion of the development of interactive digital
handouts on the momentum and impulse physics material at SMAN 5 Talang Ubi in terms of
the development process, it can be concluded, first, interactive digital physics handouts have
been tested for their validity after being tested through 3 aspects, namely material (81.81%),
media. (87.50%), and learning design (90.90%). Based on these three categories, it can be
seen that this interactive digital handout is very valid and worthy of use. second, interactive
digital physics handouts have been tested for practicality. This can be seen from the
practicality test on 3 students through filling out a questionnaire obtained by a very practical
assessment (83.33%) for each individual assessment, by getting an assessment in the very
practical category. Interactive digital physics handouts have an effect on improving student
competence seen from the learning outcomes between the pretest and posttest scores with
Ngain's score which is in the high category, namely 0.70. Effectiveness is also measured
based on the completeness of learning outcomes with an average of 81.27.

First, thanks are conveyed to the first supervisor Dr. Ismet, M.Si. Second, to the first
supervisor Dr. Syarifuddin, M.Pd. and third to the Head of the Department of Magister
Technology, Sriwijaya University, Dr. Rahmi Susanti, M.Si..

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Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia (JPI) | 9

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